[EAST] Nukezilla needs your help

hanshans Registered User regular
edited April 2012 in PAX Archive
I realize this is super last minute, but Nukezilla, a small, independent gaming blog, could use your help.

Due to financial/religious obligations, none of our usual staff can make it to PAX East this year. Sad, I know, but that's where you come in. I know from past shows, both just as some guy, and as some guy with a press pass that they spelled the name of our site wrong, that there is usually a pretty good crowd at "So you want to break into game journalism...ing" type panels. So, to some of you interested in getting a shot writing for a gaming site, this is your chance.

This late we can't get you special passes, but the press passes by themselves really don't get you that much. We're just asking that a few people (or even one if they're the only one interested) go around the show, see panels, go to concerts, play demos, and generally have a great time. Then whenever you have time in the next week or two, write up what you saw, heard, played, or experienced in general at the show and send it to us. You don't even have to cover the whole show if you don't want to. Maybe you just want to write a review of one night's concerts, or a preview or two of some of the cooler games you saw on the show floor. We're really at the mercy of what you're interested in, and we're fine with that.

Also, don't worry if you don't think you're the greatest writer in the world. We have editors who will do their best to make you look your best.

If you're interested in being a corespondent for Nukezilla, or just have any more questions, email me at hans [dot] wuerflein [at] gmail.com or I'll also be checking replies to this post.

hans on
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