I gotta say, I love Cyanide studios, it takes some balls to rip off Blood Bowl so obviously then walk away from the ensuing lawsuit with the rights to develop a video game based on it and a deal to make another one (See Chaos League leading into Blood Bowl).
But seriously, they do a certain type of game well and don't seem to have the chops when it comes to doing a whole lot else. What a Game of Thrones game needed to be was not something they could deliver. What they've been putting out for the license is good only if you compare it to the rest of it's genre, which is "Movie Games". That said, this isn't a terrible game, it's not an amazing one, but it's a bit meh to me.
But seriously, they do a certain type of game well and don't seem to have the chops when it comes to doing a whole lot else. What a Game of Thrones game needed to be was not something they could deliver. What they've been putting out for the license is good only if you compare it to the rest of it's genre, which is "Movie Games". That said, this isn't a terrible game, it's not an amazing one, but it's a bit meh to me.