My girlfriend is interested in the professor layton series of games. I have zero experience with them so would like to hear some input. She likes puzzle type games but not if they are too easy so the main concern is if the puzzles are too easy/childish.
Also it would be good to know what games in the series are best of if there are any that she should start with.
Curious Village
Diabolical Box
Unwound Future
Last Spectre
If your girlfriend is experienced with puzzles, she'll probably find around half easy and around 1 in 10 a bit of a stumper. It's hard to really quantify ease, though; a few of the puzzles only have 3 or so possible solutions, so trial and error will get you there in no time even if you don't immediately see the logic behind the answer. I found overall the games took between 8 and 13 hours to complete, and, despite the ease of some of the puzzles, I still found all the games to be an overall fun experience. I'd definitely recommend at least testing one out!