Good games come only once and a while. Therefore, most good games are spread out over a long period of time. As a result, I find myself playing games that are over 10 years old. Just because so much good stuff has already been made. If no new games ever came out, I would still have a lifetime of gaming to get through with what's already been made. I'm not necessarily saying all new games are bad, just that it's like sifting through piles of shit to find the gems. As a game tester, pretty much no XBox 360 games I have played I really liked. I'm just perplexed as to why so many people even bother with playing only new games exclusively. They're way more expensive and most of the time are just re-hash and going through the motions. You know what's better than Oblivion? Ultima VII. Bioshock? Go play System Shock. FFXIII? FFVI-IX.
Oh, and if you know of any new games that aren't crap, feel free to list them.
But to be honest, I'd say there are far more awesome games coming out these days than there were when I was a kid. There are few classics from my youth that I don't feel have been superseded by some later iteration on the concept, whether it's owing to better implementation of mechanics, better UI, or even simply a more involving visual implementation (it looks shinier, SHINIER! ).
I don't go back and re-play games as much as I used to when I was younger. And I feel that's largely because there's more cool stuff coming out now and to look forward to still.
I don't play as many blockbuster titles as most however, I tend to play a lot of the more indie stuff, since that's also where I find the guys willing to take on the more niche and cool concepts. I'd never expect a high budget rendition of Frozen Synapse, or Gemini Rue, but that doesn't matter to me because those games are awesome to me anyway, even without the massive budgets of major publisher titles.
flipping through some of them, did I find old gems? Sure.
there was also a ton of junk
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I do have a hard time sometimes getting into most 80s games. Some are just too basic for me. But 90s was an awesome decade full of awesome games and I'm always willing to try something new from it.
Now, it's true that some of their earlier games were better, but good luck getting a room of nerds to agree on which games those were.
Branching out to just JRPGs, there are games coming out now that kick the ass of many old games. Persona 4 (2008) has, by far, the most well-developed cast of any JRPG I have played, and that is a huge portion of what people play the games for. The World Ends With You (2008) is crazy-innovative, and an aesthetic wonderland. That game obsessively throws out the old, and as a result is one of the greatest JRPGs ever made. It's certainly my favorite.
You have to think of it like classic rock. There is a lot of good classic rock, but that's because people still listen to the stuff that's good. It's not that modern rock has lost its way (arguably, but there is still good stuff coming out)- it's that modern music doesn't have the advantage of a filter.
Yeah, there's a ton of old games that I still play and love. There was also tons and tons of shit. Also, games were just as expensive back then as they are now.
Now, there's also a lot of really good games that come out. There's also a lot of shit. Games are still just as expensive. This post just reads as weird video game elitism where someone makes reference to as many old games as possible to try to discredit new ones.
Hey don't blame the 90s for your past bad taste in games.
I don't know if you were a kid back then but I know I missed out on some awesome SNES games the first time through because of my stupid kid self. Sure I played some of the good stuff, but I also missed out on games like Chrono Trigger the first time around, one of my favorite games, because I was busy playing Michael Jordan Chaos in the Windy City.
The problem with this is that the idea of what games are good and what are crap is completely based on your own personal preference.
New games that aren't crap? Looking at my library of Xbox 360 games...My opinion of course
Alan Wake
Battlefield 3
Dead Space 1 & 2
Mass Effect 2 & 3
Portal 2
Orange Box
Game reviews AND much more importantly, good word of mouth(PA is great for this) is how I get through the majority of trash to find the games I know i'll enjoy.
Put it another way, when I was forced to read through "classic" titles during English lit, which were inexpertly analysed by a bunch of 14 year olds for every fragging sentence and every minor and incredibly obvious plot element. And then essays written on those insipidly mundane plot elements that the original author would have probably despised you paying so much direct attention to for no good reason at the cost of the actual flow of the narrative. I wasn't able to enjoy jack all of what I read in that flipping class, only after it was all over could I come back years later and actually appreciate them. Or not, because sod Shakespeare and sod Hamlet.