You want Dragons? You want Dogma? Well step up Lucy cause we're going to a fantasy land with a ludicrous name and getting our fill of both!
Dragon's Dogma is Capcom's attempt to usurp Skyrim. They are doing so by making combat enjoyable and making giant monsters a threat. So mission complete I guess.
Basically the story is a Dragon stole your heart. Now you have to find out why . I assume the Dragon sounds like Sean Connery.
Things to know.
The Class system is sorta like Blue Dragon meets Devil may cry
Basically you level up skills in battle independent of your actual stats. most skills require a specific weapon but in general that's a pretty lax restriction overall. Your class does restrict your weapon choices though so it's basically a trying a little bit of everything( at least two advanced classes let you use magic items and normal weapons) to see what you like. You can only use six skills at any given time and you need to switch them at an inn.
Pawns are useful.
It's shocking I know but Capcom made a good AI buddy.
Pawns if designed well compliment your character, they can tank for a mage or cast spells to support you.
You can buy more Pawns which is the games primary online component. Other players Pawns can know things yours don't including how to complete entire quest lines or weak spots for monsters . Your pawn does not level up while out but it does remember encounters and quests and it can bring back loot.
The combat is awesome.
Long story short you're a slower Dante in most classes. Except you can divebomb a flaming griffon into a cliff
The world is designed to kill you.
A nice walk through the woods can be interrupted by anything from goblins to boss level threats. Going out at night is not recommended and should always have a lantern on hand because things do in fact creep in the shadows and they have knives.
Equipment is rare and/or expensive
You have to think about each purchase because money and loot are hard won. There is a crafting system but it requires you kill things and early on that's not as easy as it seems.
You can forge items and revive NPCs you've killed.
Yeah this is fucking awesome. Basically you can give a guy a booc of seplls instead of the book of spells he wanted. It may piss him off later though. In the same way you can use your revival items on NPCs thus allowing you to finish their quest lines if you have to murder them for someone else.
OXM did a bunch of youtube previews. they're pretty informative I'll post em all here.
Persistent Online Boss - Ur Dragon. or as I call it Azula.
The official site is
For now it's 360/PS3 only. There's no hard release for PC but I'm sure it's coming.
Oh if you get this game new you get the Demo for Resident Evil 6. I'm not sure how excited anyone should be for that but it's out there.
The Demo is out NOW. It's kind of small. It does showcase the nicely though
While playing the Demo do the following:
Turn off ALL the options you can relating to the HUD or slow motion attacks. This will make the entire thing enjoyable.
The Game she is out NOW
You do not need a gold account to use the online features one 360.
King Riptor- Jacklupus
Kuribo's Shoe - anishoe
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it
Pc is apparently coming.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Similar except enemies have this stuff called HP and require varying strategies past mash attack.
or videos
or an official website
You guys are so demanding.
There's few streams up as well they're all like 2 hours long though any interest in those?
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
I know I put that in there.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Its like fifteen minutes or so .
Or if you tool around with the character creator an hour.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
Agreed. I basically had no idea what was going on.
Still fun though, hopefully the pc port won't be too crappy.
Probably going to pick it up.
You can turn off every aspect of the HUD
that's not really a solution, though
Oh okay I misunderstood.
Having only recently upgraded to HD I feel your pain.
There isn't a PC port scheduled yet, though if the game does well enough the devs are open to porting it over.
I am so fucking down.
Someone give me 80 dollars.
will this game have multiplayer co-op, or will it just have item trading and miscellaneous other stuff?
everyone does this.
the online part is other people can hire your Home Boy Pawn, and you can hire theirs.
There are also game made pawns for people without internet and such.
Outside pawns do not level up with you. and you have no real control over them but they know things about quests they have done and enemies they have fought. yours also has this information, and when hired out will learn things, but not gain normal experience.
you can also give pawns items to give to the person who made them when you dismiss them.