Hey guys, I have a computer problem that has really been bugging me. I have Dell Latitude E6400 laptop which has been serving me well for around three years now, but lately from time to time the processor will start running at 100% and stay there. Doing some google searching leads to tons of people saying "virus, spyware, etc" but I know I have a pretty clean setup, plus this occurs when I boot to Win7 or Ubuntu on my computer. When this happens the machine inevitably over heats and just grinds to a halt. This happens when the machine is on a flat surface, and even elevated sometimes to help ventilation, so I don't think its heat causing it.
Some other points,
It seems to happen whenever I use Skype. This didn't always happen, but now if I video chat on Skype it seems like it will eventually run at 100%. Closing Skype does not fix the problem. Rebooting does not fix it, and even rebooting into Ubuntu doesn't help. Note, even when I switch to Ubuntu, and look at the the running processes right after logging in, there is nothing but the bare bones processes running, and nothing taking a significant chunk of CPU percentage, but still the graphs show the processor at 100%.
I have installed all the updated drivers I can find on the Dell site.
I have installed a new hard drive somewhat recently, and this didn't happen with the old drive. Though it also didn't start immediately with the new drive so I'm hesitant to blame it. Also I for the time being I can't locate my old drive (I have no idea how I misplaced a laptop hdd!) so I can't test one against the other.
As for fixing it, I normally just shut it off for a while and normally it will work after some time, as long as I don't use Skype video chat. But again, I don't want to blame Skype, because rebooting it immediately (even into another OS) doesn't always fix it.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? I tried to post any info I thought would be relevant but please ask if I left any key points out. Thanks!
So it'd probably be helpful to say which process is taking using (I'm guessing) ~95% CPU when it spikes.
IRT Djeet, thanks, I'll take a look at that, maybe it will show some stuff that I'm not seeing in Window's task manager or Ubuntu's system monitor. I'll let you know what I find!
To top it off, yesterday it started hitting 100% while watching HD youtube, so I put my laptop on my air condition and turned it on full blast, and it did go back to normal. So I guess that really seals it . I'll see if it's dusty or anything but maybe I have a bad fan or something because this didn't always happen, and I use my laptop on a flat surface, so it shouldn't be reguarly happening.
Thanks a lot for the pointers and advice guys!