Unfortunately for us I'm betting that happens sometime next year:
The Academy
loves shit like this, and so do I.
Laura Linney plays
Margaret Suckley, FDR's "confidant" and "close friend" and "sixth cousin". One of those shouldn't actually be in sarcasm-quotes.
Olivia Williams, who you probably know either as the Hot Teacher from Rushmore or the Dead Guy's Wife from that movie that pushed everyone's expectations of M. Knight Shyamalan as a director
way too high will be playing
Elanor Roosevelt, FDR's "wife" and "first lady" and "fifth-cousin once removed". None of those should actually be in quotes.
Olivia Colman, who is apparently breaking out of weird British comedy television to play supporting roles in serious biographies of historical figures, will be playing a pre-coronation
Queen Elizabeth.
Some weird British guy is playing King George VI. I dunno, he was in Van Helsing I guess, whatever, he's below "Aunt" and "Missy" in the billing on
the IMDB page for the movie.
Let's talk about the man who personally beat Hitler to death with his walking cane and dragged America out of the Great Recession without the use of his legs and how everyone in this movie is involved in some sort of distant-cousin-fucking tryst or marriage of some sort.
Guess I'll see this
I read a really interesting book about FDR and/or Eleanor a while back and now I seem to have completely forgotten what it was.
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
Pushing on a tenner for a single over here
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
this movie looks good too
And yes Hot Fuzz is better than Shaun of the Dead by many orders of magnitude
I almost choked
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
No no, Doris was the female police officer.
Bill Murray is without a doubt my favourite dude to see on the big screen. He's not the best actor out there, but he's my favourite.
Bill Murray
GoFund The Portland Trans Pride March, or Show It To People, or Else!
My sister, her husband, and I went to The Dictator on Friday.
3 tickets plus a small popcorn and drink:
Coran Attack!
President is the new retard.
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
Philip Seymour Hoffman.
and probably also get a million King's Speech comparisons maybe?
ugh my shame
I had to rewrite it to get it under 90 characters
No arguments there. I just think PTA as a director is much more accomplished at getting an Oscar worthy performance from actors than Spielberg. If anything, I'd say that Spielberg is actually not a very good actor's director.
Which is why Day-Lewis is doomed.
He went full President.
I could agree with that. But I think DDL will transcend Spielberg's directing.
hey lookit this guy
being the worst
Anthony Hopkins is portraying Alfred Hitchcock this year.
I wouldn't be surprised if he got a nomination.
I wonder but not enough to actually look into it
Not to stereotype but I thought Clinton would fit that bill considering where he's from and his general personality.
And everyone must live their life with such temptation.