Alright, my 18th is coming up, and I'm looking to at least get enough money to "start" saving towards a new game system.
Since I'm going off to college, and already own a laptop, I've decided that I'm not going to build a gaming rig, as I simply will not be able to afford the price of upgrades, nor have the space to deal with an additional system. Alongside the fact that you can't have a 4 player Madden or Halo tournament with a PC either.
Anyways, for me, the choice has narrowed down to the Xbox 360, or PS3. While I know the 360 has the stronger game library, I also know the PS3 has strengths too. especially now that both systems have revealed their online abilities (Playstation Home vs live) and so forth. The Wii is out of the question, mainly because I want next-gen graphics and such. Since I know the posters here tend to be more calm, rational and intelligent than say IGN or gamespot posters, I was wondering what everyones advice would be?
As far as finances go, I plan to simply save and make enough money from working to afford the better SKU's of the system i go with ($400 Xbox 360 or $600 PS3), so I have no issues financially. I'll just wait till I can afford the better deal.
I see. However, what about Playstation online? Is it a valid competitor?
And does anyone know how PS3 Linux works? Can I use my ps3 to browse the internet and chat via AIM and such?
Get whatever one will have the games you want the most. X360 has more games now and is cheaper. PS3 has a BR player and uh.. MGS4, I guess.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
Then buy Crackdown.
Or GRAW 2.
Then enjoy and thank God you didn't buy a PS3.
T-Nation blog
I wouldn't go that far. But I forgot that I'm talking to a Nintendo fanboy.
The only thing I would miss on PS3 is Kingdom Hearts.
Actually, it's the font from the first Xbox, and before that it was the font from a Smashing Pumpkins single.
Seriously though, do your own research in what games are going to be exclusive to which systems. Do you significantly enjoy Final Fantasy? Then you've answered your own question. Do you enjoy Halo? Likewise. A good way to get a concept of the exclusives is to browse each wikipedia entry.
I will say this though: I own a PS3, and I love the damned thing. Don't let anybody dissuade you from owning a PS3 if you're really interested in one.
M... my God. How dare my Playstation 3 do this to me and not tell me. Our relationship is damaged. That whore!
To be completely fair, on the PS3 the font is italicized, and slightly bolded.
This should be Sony's analogy for everything.
Do you like Final Fantasy? Metal Gear? Gears of War? Mass Effect? Bio Shock? What types of games are you interested in?
If you don't much care for any of the exclusives or can live without them for a while, I'd go with the 360 as it has a bigger library right now and it's bound to get every multiplatform game that the PS3 will get, and since they're multiplatform graphics ought to be about the same.
Seeing as you're going to college though, I've got to throw in a vote for the Wii. Smash Bros. Brawl (and Melee while you're waiting for it) are the best party games you could hope for. Leave your dorm room door open and watch all your new friends come introduce themselves to you.
You can't knock the PS3's selection of Vietnamese games.
Amen to that
same with Wii Sports
the Wii is a friend-maker, it is
If you believe that I would be inclined to tell you to buy a PS3.
Personally I own a 360 and would tell someone to buy that, but you seem like you think the PS3 is a better machine so I would tell you to buy that since it's what you want.
Satans..... hints.....
You so crazy.
I would never get a wii in the dorms. Not enough space.
My advice would be to completely scrap arguments about the consoles themselves and focus on the games that are out and are reportedly coming out sometime this year. Yes, the 360 and the PS3 have very large differences (Blu-Ray, Xbox Live, PS Home, the Live Arcade, etc.), but the core of your decision should be the games themselves.
My personal opinion is that I buy a system when I can match the MSRP of the console with the total MSRP of games and accessories that I consider must-haves. So if I were in your shoes, $400 worth of 360 things or $500 worth of PS3 things. (This is also why I own neither console right now. :P) Your values should be different, but just focus on the games.
I'd also make your decision, write it on a piece of paper and then stash it somewhere for two weeks. If you still like your decision after that, go hog wild. Oh, and while you're doing all of this, start putting away money (I say do 10 bucks a week or something). That way when you've officially made a decision, you're already on your way toward either one.
Watch quality videos of high level Sonic & the Secret Rings play and tell me that the WIi doesn't have next-gen graphics. Yeah, it doesn't do 720p, but unless you have a good sized HDTV, 480p is fine (and I doubt your TV is very big if you're about to go off to college).
I own a 360 and a Wii & enjoy both. I'm glad that I own both, but if I had to pick, I'd go with the Wii. It's cheaper, comes with a nice pack-in game (love bowling on Wii Sports), offers new and enjoyable experiences (Warioware on the Wii rocks!), and from all the signs so far, looks like it'll be the market leader this generation which means it'll get good software support. The Virtual Console is a blast as well - it's great fun being able to spend $5-$10 to buy all sorts of classic games like Mario 64 & Zelda: Link to the Past on a nice modern system hooked up via a composite cable and controlled by a Gamecube controller.
The 360 is very nice: I love XBox Live Arcade (Heavy Weapon & Lumines Live being my favorite), Gears of War was fun, Dead Rising was a blast for the couple of days it took me to beat it, and I'm really looking forward to some of the games coming out later this year (Guitar Hero II 360, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, and Lost Odyssey).
Really, I can understand asking for opinions about whether or not to buy a specific game, but buying a console is a big decision. Do your research & find out what games are coming out for each system and make your decision based on that.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Man, dude has already made it clear he doesn't want a Wii, although you do have a point about the VC.
Anyway, personally, I'd go for the Xbox360, you can't go wrong with Live right now, something that the PS3 is still currently sorely lacking in.
Cause I did that and it's a good thing to meet people with. We had a big signup sheet on first day so you could put your gamertag on there and just friend list a hundred people in the first year.
Depends on how long until you go to college though, but it is definetly something cool. I know for one Halo 3 LAN tournies are going to be epic at this uni, as Im sure they will everywhere else.
I'm serious. I've just bought an Xbox and 10 or so "AAA" games for £106. By the time I've played through those, the 360/PS3 race will have matured, they'll be a much better (and cheaper) catalogue, and the price (at least of the PS3) will have dropped about £100 anyhow.
Just an idea.
Scholar and a Gentleman? Critical of bad science and religion? Skeptobot - Is for you!!
Or a PS3, its still to early to tell which will be the best system by then, but at the moment the 360 has the clear and justified lead.