My dog was more or less housebroken (as far as i could tell). she had a few occasional accidents, which did concern me b/c she is about 3 years old. Lately, she has been pooping and peeing in my basement 2-3 times a week. The other night she pooped while the GF and i were out at dinner, and then again while we were sleeping! She gets a walk in the morning, a walk around lunchtime, a walk when i get home, and then another before bed.
The only thing i can think of, is that she is reacting to the condition of the basement. It was flooded several times, and the carpet is pretty much ruined (i am working on getting that pulled up). i also had a rat problem in the crawlspace, and that needs to be dealt with as well (haven't heard any scratching lately, and killed 2 with traps recently).
Does that make sense? she is currently uncaged, as she would go a little apeshit in her cage. she ripped up the pan, the carpet, and then the linoleum that was under the cage. I am going to try blocking the basement, and see if that helps. I'm not sure how to go about training her again, as when we go out she pees right away. the dogwalker says she poops everytime with her, but she does not with me. usually she will pee, then sniff everything in sight, then sit down. that's my cue that she does not need to poo.
Blocking access is a good first step. If she continues in other areas of the house, the vet should be your next move.
I think my GF and I are going to rip up the carpet next weekend, and i'm getting an exterminator to clean up the crawlspace and make sure no more rats can get in. Hopefully this will make things better! if not, to the vet!