Couldn't agree more about E3. Back in the days when I used to do journalism (of a sort), I went to E3 a few times (this was around 2003-5) and although it does have all the glitzy stuff, loud music, booth babes etc, people forget that it's a show for trade not consumers. If gamers want a show for them, then got to PAX.
For starting with Ok looking dancers, a Farcry 3 trailer with Boobies in 'warpaint' and ending with both Watch Dogs trailers (one with an extra bit of content you can't get on their website) AND doing all the industry stuff too Ubi won IMHO. They did appeal to industry, media, AND us gamers. That is what an E3 presentation should be.
Runner up was Juliet Starling/Jessica Nigri promoting Lollipop Chainsaw... her interviews either because people wanted to know about the game or because she is a beautiful "booth babe" were all lighthearted, entertaining and on point. Her energy was so contagious I couldn't help but look up who she was and more about the game.
One of the funniest things I saw was her spotting Philip DeFranco coming to her both and jumping down and ambushing him with a hug as he stood almost slack-jawed.
You are right to say it is not for us, but I think it is more nostalgia for a time when E3 was trying to appeal to all three because it is where allot of the media would get indepth info and entertaining content to show to the gaming public at large, something it has been falling behind in for years.
E3 2012 may have sucked but I'm going to keep on rapping. Also, the sequelitis at this year's E3 might have a lot to do with the fact that the most exciting things in video games happen to be independent developments like kick-starters (and the rise of games on mobile devices).
From my admittedly shallow knowledge about the event, the use of TotalBiscuit and the huge booths of gaming rigs set up at the SOE booth for Planetside 2 seems to indicate that they won E3 from a gamer perspective. THe streams allowed many many more people to actually see the footage of the games, TotalBiscuit's chatter throughout made it quite entertaining, and the developers who sat in with him answered quite a few of the questions I had about the game engine and how the whole thing operated.
Been a Fan of LRR since the Unskippable series premiered over on the Escapist but I think that they are treating the Snoop Dogg Tekken story like its weirder than it is. Discounting however many games have used his music Snoop has appeared in Def Jam Fight for NY, True Crime LA and has done commercials for FaceBreaker so him being in Tekken isn't off wall if you've been paying attention. Don't mean to come off sounding like butt hurt fanboy but it seriously irritates me when gaming acts like Black people Don't play any videogame outside of Madden, COD and GTA. Oh and whoever decided Florida (i refuse to intentionally misspell a states name for that idiot) is a good representation for your company automatically loses in my mind.
FramlingFaceHeadGeebs has bad ideas.Registered Userregular
But his name isn't Florida. It's Flo Rida. You're not refusing to misspell a state's name, you're insisting on misspelling a person's name.
you're = you are
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
This is the pettiest gripe I've ever posted to a forum but could you guys get your filename episode number in line with the real episode number? You had two "CheckpointSeason2Episode03"s and since then the filename's episode number has been one less than the listed episode number and it bugs the crap out of me. Because I'm weird like that.
citizen059hello my name is citizenI'm from the InternetRegistered Userregular
edited June 2012
Danica Patrick is not a NASCAR "champion". She is a rookie with a best single-race finish of 4th place in the Nationwide series, which is the level just BELOW the top level of NASCAR.
This is not to say that she cannot eventually find success in NASCAR - just that she hasn't, as of yet. Well, she has...but only as the dream girl for marketing departments everywhere.
And to get this out of the way so the rest of you don't have to: NASCAR REDNECKS TURN LEFT SOUTH PARK TROLOLOLOL
E3 is a trade show for people in the industry, MAINLY investors. It's not there to please gamers, it's there to put on a show for investors. You want a show for gamers? Go see PAX. That one is gamer-focused.
I didn't hate the show, I was just extraordinarily bored by the total lack of any interesting games at all. The Last of Us was the only intriguing title, and even that is going to be Uncharted with a different background and (hopefully) an intriguing plot.
It may have sucked a bit... but the ammount of flaming was completely innecesary, specially coming from PA contributors/staff, who host a similar event. I like how this show doesnt mind tearing appart obtuse companies and ugly games, but this report sounded exagerated and full of ulterior motives.
Yes, with a quick verbal "boom." You take a man's peko, you deny him his dab, all that is left is to rise up and tear down the walls of Jericho with a ".....not!" -TexiKen
Danica Patrick is not a NASCAR "champion". She is a rookie with a best single-race finish of 4th place in the Nationwide series, which is the level just BELOW the top level of NASCAR.
She's won one race, we looked into it
Yeah, we know that doesn't really make one a "champion" but it was more funny to us.
It may have sucked a bit... but the ammount of flaming was completely innecesary, specially coming from PA contributors/staff, who host a similar event. I like how this show doesnt mind tearing appart obtuse companies and ugly games, but this report sounded exagerated and full of ulterior motives.
Flaming? What flaming was there?
We never actually said E3 was shitty, we were rallying against the gamer perception that E3 sucks because it doesn't speak to them. We said that E3 isn't what gamers are looking for, not that it sucked.
For the record, we may be PA contributors, but Penny Arcade has zero editorial control over our show and have never asked us to say (or not say) anything specific.
The implication that we have some kind of ulterior motives is laughable and kind of offensive. Also, what would those motives even be?
Been a Fan of LRR since the Unskippable series premiered over on the Escapist but I think that they are treating the Snoop Dogg Tekken story like its weirder than it is. Discounting however many games have used his music Snoop has appeared in Def Jam Fight for NY, True Crime LA and has done commercials for FaceBreaker so him being in Tekken isn't off wall if you've been paying attention.
That's totally fair, we just thought that putting him such a clear fantasy world seemed extra bizzarre. Def Jam and True Crime are at least grounded somewhat in reality.
In Tekken, a velociraptor boxes with a kangaroo and that's normal.
Checkpoint is all a front to sell more PAX tickets. Think about it, last year PAX tickets took a month to sell out but this year--after a full year of Checkpoint--PAX tickets sold out within days. Coincidence? I think not.
Runner up was Juliet Starling/Jessica Nigri promoting Lollipop Chainsaw... her interviews either because people wanted to know about the game or because she is a beautiful "booth babe" were all lighthearted, entertaining and on point. Her energy was so contagious I couldn't help but look up who she was and more about the game.
I hope Graham doesn't mind if I go ON POINT here.
I don't know about this Lollipop business. All the promotion for that game kind of offends me as a male. It's like they really, really expect me to be a perv about it. There's a video where they have a bunch of neckbeards literally controlling her live self via remote and, of course, it becomes an "ANYTHING!?!" scenario.
Danica Patrick is not a NASCAR "champion". She is a rookie with a best single-race finish of 4th place in the Nationwide series, which is the level just BELOW the top level of NASCAR.
She's won one race, we looked into it
Yeah, we know that doesn't really make one a "champion" but it was more funny to us.
Her one race in came in the Indycar series. She has yet to win in NASCAR.
HOWEVER...she may hold one world record: according to her sponsor,, she has been in more Superbowl commercials than any other person. That has to count for something.
Checkpoint is all a front to sell more PAX tickets. Think about it, last year PAX tickets took a month to sell out but this year--after a full year of Checkpoint--PAX tickets sold out within days. Coincidence? I think not.
I love PA, but oh man, if we had that kind of power, we'd use it for our own ends
Been a Fan of LRR since the Unskippable series premiered over on the Escapist but I think that they are treating the Snoop Dogg Tekken story like its weirder than it is. Discounting however many games have used his music Snoop has appeared in Def Jam Fight for NY, True Crime LA and has done commercials for FaceBreaker so him being in Tekken isn't off wall if you've been paying attention. Don't mean to come off sounding like butt hurt fanboy but it seriously irritates me when gaming acts like Black people Don't play any videogame outside of Madden, COD and GTA. Oh and whoever decided Florida (i refuse to intentionally misspell a states name for that idiot) is a good representation for your company automatically loses in my mind.
It really has nothing to do with race. It's just the kind of stupid celeb tie in that always causes people to face-palm. Doesn't matter if it's a fight game or a product.
Runner up was Juliet Starling/Jessica Nigri promoting Lollipop Chainsaw... her interviews either because people wanted to know about the game or because she is a beautiful "booth babe" were all lighthearted, entertaining and on point. Her energy was so contagious I couldn't help but look up who she was and more about the game.
One of the funniest things I saw was her spotting Philip DeFranco coming to her both and jumping down and ambushing him with a hug as he stood almost slack-jawed.
You are right to say it is not for us, but I think it is more nostalgia for a time when E3 was trying to appeal to all three because it is where allot of the media would get indepth info and entertaining content to show to the gaming public at large, something it has been falling behind in for years.
Team Fortress 2 Backpack: Someone you love
Never noticed this.
I pretty sure they said Flo Rida, who is a rapper.
Removed that space there. He is from Florida so it is apparently intentional.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
ha ha what
oh man is that real
That is...something
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
This is not to say that she cannot eventually find success in NASCAR - just that she hasn't, as of yet. Well, she has...but only as the dream girl for marketing departments everywhere.
And to get this out of the way so the rest of you don't have to: NASCAR REDNECKS TURN LEFT SOUTH PARK TROLOLOLOL
Massive Crystal Cavern!
Yeah, we know that doesn't really make one a "champion" but it was more funny to us.
Flaming? What flaming was there?
We never actually said E3 was shitty, we were rallying against the gamer perception that E3 sucks because it doesn't speak to them. We said that E3 isn't what gamers are looking for, not that it sucked.
For the record, we may be PA contributors, but Penny Arcade has zero editorial control over our show and have never asked us to say (or not say) anything specific.
The implication that we have some kind of ulterior motives is laughable and kind of offensive. Also, what would those motives even be?
In Tekken, a velociraptor boxes with a kangaroo and that's normal.
I hope Graham doesn't mind if I go ON POINT here.
I don't know about this Lollipop business. All the promotion for that game kind of offends me as a male. It's like they really, really expect me to be a perv about it. There's a video where they have a bunch of neckbeards literally controlling her live self via remote and, of course, it becomes an "ANYTHING!?!" scenario.
It would be like if you made a game with shopping and really shoved it into girls' faces saying, "We know you ladies love this shit!" Oh, wait...
Anyway I do love strong women on a rampage, but they can be sexy and keep their dignity in the process.
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
Her one race in came in the Indycar series. She has yet to win in NASCAR.
HOWEVER...she may hold one world record: according to her sponsor,, she has been in more Superbowl commercials than any other person. That has to count for something.
I love PA, but oh man, if we had that kind of power, we'd use it for our own ends
It really has nothing to do with race. It's just the kind of stupid celeb tie in that always causes people to face-palm. Doesn't matter if it's a fight game or a product.