I really hadn't planned to go to PAX--mainly because an entire country separates me and the expo--but this little bit of information may have just pushed me over the edge. Is everyone excited to get your hands on Halo 2 three months earlier than everyone else? The problem will be that the line for this one will be torture.
I still haven't seen anything related to Halo 2 that justifies that "Ninjas on fire" statement from them a year back. Looks like Halo with a few minor changes. Maybe this demo will manage to impress folks who didn't find the original to be anything great.
I'm just excited to hear that the promo booths will have things in them. I hadn't heard about any of the groups that would be promoing there as of yet, so I was a bit worried that it'd end up being like 2 people showing off a homemade Atari 2600 game. Not that it'd be a bad thing, but I'd want to see some more modern stuff too, you know?
I really hadn't planned to go to PAX--mainly because an entire country separates me and the expo--but this little bit of information may have just pushed me over the edge. Is everyone excited to get your hands on Halo 2 three months earlier than everyone else? The problem will be that the line for this one will be torture.
I really hadn't planned to go to PAX--mainly because an entire country separates me and the expo--but this little bit of information may have just pushed me over the edge. Is everyone excited to get your hands on Halo 2 three months earlier than everyone else? The problem will be that the line for this one will be torture.
there should be 10-12 boxes set up.
Will they be sys-linked?
And will there be rules against ctf games, since ctf takes for-goddamned-ever?
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited July 2004
While I am happy about this...they should've kept it a secret, IMO. But whatever. I guess they want as many people there as they can get, even if they don't like PA or anything. Because something like that is only going to drive a shitload of people there JUST for it...
But whatever. It'll be fun to sit in line for an hour to play some of it.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I'm not that excited about it. It'd be neat to play Halo 2, but there will be a line as long as uh, something really long to play it. It will detract from more exciting activities, like drinking lots of alcohol and gambling.
I still haven't seen anything related to Halo 2 that justifies that "Ninjas on fire" statement from them a year back. Looks like Halo with a few minor changes. Maybe this demo will manage to impress folks who didn't find the original to be anything great.
Minor changes? An entirely new graphics engine, dual wielding weapons, hijacking vehicles, fully destructable (part by part) vehicles, destructable enviorments, melee combos, play as elites in multiplayer, full Xbox live support, high level of marine interactivity, a slew of new enemies, weapons and vehicles... What more could you really want?
In all seriousness, what do you think it needs that it doesn't have? I really can't see how it is just "Halo with a few minor changes". If you think those are a few minor changes, then boy.... I wonder whar a major change would be.. big heads and cell shading?
Halo 2 looks awesome, this is another reason for me to envy you Americans, damn Australia and its lack of anything interesting :x
They should get Half-life 2, that would certainly not be meh, that would be WOO.
Strangely enough... the games media (with the exception of GameSpy) wern't very "WOO" about Half-Life 2 at all... Indeed Halo 2 was getting the most WOOs. I can not believe how unappriciative some people are...
They should get Half-life 2, that would certainly not be meh, that would be WOO.
Strangely enough... the games media (with the exception of GameSpy) wern't very "WOO" about Half-Life 2 at all... Indeed Halo 2 was getting the most WOOs. I can not believe how unappriciative some people are...
They should get Half-life 2, that would certainly not be meh, that would be WOO.
Strangely enough... the games media (with the exception of GameSpy) wern't very "WOO" about Half-Life 2 at all... Indeed Halo 2 was getting the most WOOs. I can not believe how unappriciative some people are...
They should get Half-life 2, that would certainly not be meh, that would be WOO.
Strangely enough... the games media (with the exception of GameSpy) wern't very "WOO" about Half-Life 2 at all... Indeed Halo 2 was getting the most WOOs. I can not believe how unappriciative some people are...
That's because Microsoft has the big bucks.
Valve... ehhh... notsomuch.
I heard Jon Stewart saying that last sentence.
Then my work here is done. I must leave you now, and go where I am needed.
screw halo, they should make the tournament halo2 4v4 slayer, that would be total The Wizard style. Make sure nobody gets to play it before the tournament. now that would rock
screw halo, they should make the tournament halo2 4v4 slayer, that would be total The Wizard style. Make sure nobody gets to play it before the tournament. now that would rock
As posted on the schedule, Halo 2 will be on 10-12 boxes on Sunday between 2 and 5 PM in the console room. I'm not sure if it will be in the booth itself or not, as that is up to Microsoft.
Yeah PAX is just too far to travel for such an event. It's a shame that they didn't decide to gather some supporters on the East coast and try some sort of dual event type thing, because that is the only way I am sure a lot of people would be able to attend.
Aaaaaah, August 28th can't come fast enough.
Taramoor on Youtube
there should be 10-12 boxes set up.
Will they be sys-linked?
And will there be rules against ctf games, since ctf takes for-goddamned-ever?
Oddball > Slayer > All.
Taramoor on Youtube
But whatever. It'll be fun to sit in line for an hour to play some of it.
Yes, from what i understand they will all be system linked. Short timed slayer games i'd imagine to get people in and out.
I'm not that excited about it. It'd be neat to play Halo 2, but there will be a line as long as uh, something really long to play it. It will detract from more exciting activities, like drinking lots of alcohol and gambling.
Gabe's post.
Get me some SWG Jump to Lightspeed Demos and then I will be impressed.
sorry that's my fault- they'll be on the front pax page in a few minutes.
Oh well. It's still there. And that's all I was going for.
Minor changes? An entirely new graphics engine, dual wielding weapons, hijacking vehicles, fully destructable (part by part) vehicles, destructable enviorments, melee combos, play as elites in multiplayer, full Xbox live support, high level of marine interactivity, a slew of new enemies, weapons and vehicles... What more could you really want?
In all seriousness, what do you think it needs that it doesn't have? I really can't see how it is just "Halo with a few minor changes". If you think those are a few minor changes, then boy.... I wonder whar a major change would be.. big heads and cell shading?
Halo 2 looks awesome, this is another reason for me to envy you Americans, damn Australia and its lack of anything interesting :x
Strangely enough... the games media (with the exception of GameSpy) wern't very "WOO" about Half-Life 2 at all... Indeed Halo 2 was getting the most WOOs. I can not believe how unappriciative some people are...
That's because Microsoft has the big bucks.
Valve... ehhh... notsomuch.
Taramoor on Youtube
I heard Jon Stewart saying that last sentence.
Then my work here is done. I must leave you now, and go where I am needed.
Taramoor on Youtube
u r dum
As posted on the schedule, Halo 2 will be on 10-12 boxes on Sunday between 2 and 5 PM in the console room. I'm not sure if it will be in the booth itself or not, as that is up to Microsoft.
Ive looked everywhere on the site and this thread is the only thing I have heard about it.
Tiny magic pixies.
drooll i want glar so glar bad glar..... english languace failing how disipointed i am
dieing slowly BRING IT OT CANADA