edit: I meant you wang wang but I guess it goes for the servers too, at least for the last couple of days
too busy trying to find a job to spend much time playing video games :[
Wasn't that best online technical thing somehow a USER VOTE?
yeah but riot said "hey if you vote for us in this competition thing we'll give you all free shit"
so people voted for them and they won and i think that's how we all got that free rune page a while back
I knew the League community had somehow voted them in for it in some competition or other. I did not know we got bribed with a rune page. Neat.
eeSanGI slice like a goddamn hammer.Registered Userregular
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
In teamfights, Malphite shits on the enemy carry's DPS harder, but that's about it.
Anyone else having the client shit itself when you load an actual game? It keeps putting the game in the top left like it can't figure out the actual monitor dimensions.
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
I hope not because I just picked him up and dear lord was that fun.
I don't really think Naut is in for nerfs. He's very good but is entirely reliant on his team to be following up. He is a really good and I love him to death but his inital clear is very weak and his base stats are kinda awful. His Attack speed in particular is atrocious, and his movement speed is also lackluster. He has also been popular for quite a while now, so this isn't something new. I think they're fine with where he is.
Jax vs Irelia is an odd match since they both have a similar way of trading. The biggest thing I can tell you as Jax is that all of Irelia's damage comes from her W. If you can use E to dodge her true damage/sustain in the trade you will always come out ahead. It does get really mana intensive to do so frequently though so you'll have to watch that. Also, picking up an early vamp scepter really helps put you even with her in health regen.
Also, provided the servers are stable enough, what's the topic of the painhouse tonight?
So anybody have any opinion on Malphite jungle? I have been playing tons of jungle lately, and trying out as many champs as possible that are good there. I've found I don't like playing the Rivens, Lee Sins, and Jaxes of league in the jungle, and really more prefer champs that have kits designed around ganking. Nautilus, Nocturne, and Maokai are my go to guys. If I'm feeling crazy aggressive and the other team jungles somebody I know I can kill, I'll go Olaf and try to kill the enemy jungler in his jungle, but it's the 3 I mentioned that I play most.
I like Malph as a champ, and I'd really just like to know how others feel about his jungle. I'll probably try him top sometime, but I don't play there too often. I feel like his kit is up my alley in terms of team fighting, with the AS debuff and the ult.
The funny thing is that Riven, Lee Sin, and Jax actually all gank really well. Riven often does a 2 gank with red and kills if the person isn't ready for it.
Malph is a really safe jungler and relatively fast. It sort of pigeonholes him into a certain build, though, so he's not nearly as versatile. I also feel that if you don't go at least some AD, then his clear times start getting slower and slower and more mana reliant as the game goes on.
Malph is a good jungle, just not as good as some of the others your mentioned that you like to play.
He clears fast, lasts a long time, and can gank fairly well, so he's really good all around and his ult, when done right, is amazing in team fights so his usefulness never tapers off, but I have defaulted to picking Maokai over him every time. This is partially because I am better as Maokai, but I think Mao is just a better pick, in general, unless you need to huge tank, which malph fills much better than Mao.
Thanks to both of you for the input. I didn't mean to say Riven and those others can't gank well. Obviously they can and they have the damage to help secure kills. The more accurate thing for me to say is I like playing junglers that scale well into mid and late game even if the other team plays passively, wards well, and I don't get successful ganks, which happens time to time. With Nautilus, Maokai, or Nocturne, the things about their kits that make them valuable to me(CC, Naut/Mao ults, Nocturne carry dive/fear) are not shut down at all, whereas IMO Riven, Lee Sin, and Jax are not very scary at all without quite a bit of gold.
I'll have to give Malph a shot and see how it goes.
Blitz's grab is deceptively hard to land. I am GOOD at threading Sivir's Q between minions, but I think the grab has a much smaller hitbox or something. Couldn't get a grab off to save my life, literally.
I'm starting to hate everyone with a passion in ranked solo queue, but my normal elo is like 3 so blind pick is a nightmare.
What is amazing to me is how much more toxic the community is on EU West versus NA. In NA games I can count on one hand in my 19 levels how many complete jerks I've put on ignore. Every single game I play on EU West that isn't co-op v. ai is full of flaming douchetards. It is truly amazing.
Also I've noticed when I get a south american in a game they are almost always the first person to start raging at everyone if things go bad. One game this guy kept speaking spanish and no one could understand him. Finally after we started losing he completely crawled out of his mind and suddenly learned enough english to start chewing everyone out for being such noobs. lol
Played Jax solo top the other day and got wrecked by an Irelia (what did I do wrong?)
started dorans shield
leveled q-e-w-q-w-r
Your first problem was starting Dorans Shield. Start cloth/5 or boots/pots
E-W-Q then R>W>E>Q
Double Dorans into Triforce is a pretty standard Jax build now. Play passive until 6 then go full aggressive assuming you aren't way down.
I've had quite a bit of success going for gunblade into phage into triforce.
why e over q? i just got jax, and have been going w>q>e, and its been working really well. e just never seemed like it scaled anywhere near as well as q did.
I would always go w>q>e because i'd rather have the lower CD on my leap to get away from ganks. Just personal preference I guess. gunblade before triforce is fine, though triforce first is probably the strongest way to go.
You'll find that the majority of South Americans that play this game on the NA server know enough English that you will not actually distinguish them from any other player. They will communicate as any other player would, speaking the language of ping and simple short statements that are relevant to the game. You'll also find that a lot of the "raging Brazilians" etc are actually NA players that want that extra level of troll when they go nuts.
Of course you'll have genuine cases of awful south Americans that are also awful people, but that isn't anywhere near as often as the community would have you think.
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
Uh. Honestly. I've had a much more pleasant experience on EU:West than any game I've played on NA. Meaning solo queue, of course.
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
Unlikely; that's mostly ignorance of what he can do on the part of the guys at top. Once you realize his shield cooldown is enormous he's not too bad to deal with in a duel situation, though he's probably not at all a bad pick against Riven or Darius. His jungle is unremarkable, but not bad, etc. He's a good champion but not terribly strong on his own merits past the early game.
You'll find that the majority of South Americans that play this game on the NA server know enough English that you will not actually distinguish them from any other player. They will communicate as any other player would, speaking the language of ping and simple short statements that are relevant to the game. You'll also find that a lot of the "raging Brazilians" etc are actually NA players that want that extra level of troll when they go nuts.
Of course you'll have genuine cases of awful south Americans that are also awful people, but that isn't anywhere near as often as the community would have you think.
CSB: Ran into two guys speaking Spanish to each other in a game a couple weeks ago. It took us a while to even figure that out, because one of them spelled Spanish in a way pretty comparable to the "no u," crowd of English speakers. My buddy elected to mention that he'd had a delicious chimichanga earlier; they spent a while discussing what those even were, and concluded that Deadpool and Pinkie Pie liked them, so they must be all right. The whole thing was surreal, and one of the more pleasant encounters I've had with "foreigners," in a long history with video games.
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
Unlikely; that's mostly ignorance of what he can do on the part of the guys at top. Once you realize his shield cooldown is enormous he's not too bad to deal with in a duel situation, though he's probably not at all a bad pick against Riven or Darius. His jungle is unremarkable, but not bad, etc. He's a good champion but not terribly strong on his own merits past the early game.
Nautilus has already been nerfed. I don't like him as a top, but I had to reply to this, because you said his jungle is unremarkable. This couldn't be less true. Literally the only way Nautilus doesn't outclass the enemy jungler is if they aggressively counter jungle, and by that I don't mean steal camps, I mean pick a jungler that can invade his jungle and kill him before he can get away or before his lanes can react.
Very few junglers have ganks better than him. Even without his ult his hook and the move speed slow on E are amazing, and with his ult, nothing but a flash is going to save an enemy. Plus you build him tanky, so it's so easy to use his ult to gank people even under towers. There's a reason he's played or banned in basically 100% of tournament games.
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
Unlikely; that's mostly ignorance of what he can do on the part of the guys at top. Once you realize his shield cooldown is enormous he's not too bad to deal with in a duel situation, though he's probably not at all a bad pick against Riven or Darius. His jungle is unremarkable, but not bad, etc. He's a good champion but not terribly strong on his own merits past the early game.
Nautilus has already been nerfed. I don't like him as a top, but I had to reply to this, because you said his jungle is unremarkable. This couldn't be less true. Literally the only way Nautilus doesn't outclass the enemy jungler is if they aggressively counter jungle, and by that I don't mean steal camps, I mean pick a jungler that can invade his jungle and kill him before he can get away or before his lanes can react.
Very few junglers have ganks better than him. Even without his ult his hook and the move speed slow on E are amazing, and with his ult, nothing but a flash is going to save an enemy. Plus you build him tanky, so it's so easy to use his ult to gank people even under towers. There's a reason he's played or banned in basically 100% of tournament games.
The ganks are fantastic; I'm talking about his so-so clear rate and dependence on blue, which are both pretty notable downsides in a world with Shyvana and Mundo. Don't get me wrong: Nautilus is a pretty darn strong champion. I like him a lot, and would not have stuck with this game for several months after reinstalling a while ago if I hadn't seen him immediately. Jungle-wise, though, he's in the middle of the pack, he's a great conservative top but can't carry with all that farm (not that you expect him to, if you're sensible), and he's a hugely entertaining kill-lane / zoning support.
I'm starting to hate everyone with a passion in ranked solo queue, but my normal elo is like 3 so blind pick is a nightmare.
What is amazing to me is how much more toxic the community is on EU West versus NA. In NA games I can count on one hand in my 19 levels how many complete jerks I've put on ignore. Every single game I play on EU West that isn't co-op v. ai is full of flaming douchetards. It is truly amazing.
Also I've noticed when I get a south american in a game they are almost always the first person to start raging at everyone if things go bad. One game this guy kept speaking spanish and no one could understand him. Finally after we started losing he completely crawled out of his mind and suddenly learned enough english to start chewing everyone out for being such noobs. lol
IF EU-W is your alt account, there's a 90% chance you're in the smurf zone because Riot recognized you are not an actual noob. And most of those people are complete trash as human beings.
That said, if they tell you they took the elevator down to hell to fuck your dead mother, you know they are American because a British troll would have said "lift." :P
I think Naut does everything Malph does in jungle, but better. Malph gets nearly impossible to kill when you're against a team where stacking 100% armor is a good idea though.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
Unlikely; that's mostly ignorance of what he can do on the part of the guys at top. Once you realize his shield cooldown is enormous he's not too bad to deal with in a duel situation, though he's probably not at all a bad pick against Riven or Darius. His jungle is unremarkable, but not bad, etc. He's a good champion but not terribly strong on his own merits past the early game.
Nautilus has already been nerfed. I don't like him as a top, but I had to reply to this, because you said his jungle is unremarkable. This couldn't be less true. Literally the only way Nautilus doesn't outclass the enemy jungler is if they aggressively counter jungle, and by that I don't mean steal camps, I mean pick a jungler that can invade his jungle and kill him before he can get away or before his lanes can react.
Very few junglers have ganks better than him. Even without his ult his hook and the move speed slow on E are amazing, and with his ult, nothing but a flash is going to save an enemy. Plus you build him tanky, so it's so easy to use his ult to gank people even under towers. There's a reason he's played or banned in basically 100% of tournament games.
The ganks are fantastic; I'm talking about his so-so clear rate and dependence on blue, which are both pretty notable downsides in a world with Shyvana and Mundo. Don't get me wrong: Nautilus is a pretty darn strong champion. I like him a lot, and would not have stuck with this game for several months after reinstalling a while ago if I hadn't seen him immediately. Jungle-wise, though, he's in the middle of the pack, he's a great conservative top but can't carry with all that farm (not that you expect him to, if you're sensible), and he's a hugely entertaining kill-lane / zoning support.
He's not middle of the pack as a jungler. He's top tier. His clear is not as fast as Shyvana, Mundo, or Udyr, but people don't play a super aggressive counter jungle where they try to come kill you for the most part, so it doesn't matter. There's a reason Nautilus, Nocturne, Maokai, and the like are the most played junglers in tourneys. In the current jungle it doesn't matter if their clear is as fast, because they can still clear it plenty fast, and their ganks are strong. Also, Nautilus is not even remotely blue dependent past the first blue, which is the same as any other mana using jungler. You build philo/hog into tanky items and you will never have a single mana problem after taking only the first blue.
Honestly, the way people play league, a jungler with great ganks and a good team fight presence(Nautilus) is almost always the best way to go. The only real counter to him is an Olaf, Shyvana, Mundo, etc. who actually invade his jungle with the intent to kill him, which nobody does in regular games because they don't know if their lanes will react as quickly as the other team's, and it could just get them killed.
Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!
I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
Me too!
PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
Wasn't that best online technical thing somehow a USER VOTE?
yeah but riot said "hey if you vote for us in this competition thing we'll give you all free shit"
so people voted for them and they won and i think that's how we all got that free rune page a while back
tumblr | instagram | twitter | steam
I knew the League community had somehow voted them in for it in some competition or other. I did not know we got bribed with a rune page. Neat.
Been playing him top and like him there more. Can shut down the more dangerous tops and I've been stomping on Riven, Darius, and Irelia.
Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
I am 95% certain that Naut is going to be seeing some hardcore nerfs soon, he's exploded in popularity very quickly.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Your first problem was starting Dorans Shield. Start cloth/5 or boots/pots
E-W-Q then R>W>E>Q
Double Dorans into Triforce is a pretty standard Jax build now. Play passive until 6 then go full aggressive assuming you aren't way down.
Using two screens if that's relevant.
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
Talon tears shit up.
dat tribunal
Haha...I want to see more of these. People need to take a little time in normal draft to just have fun making a story in-game.
Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!
I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
I hope not because I just picked him up and dear lord was that fun.
Jax vs Irelia is an odd match since they both have a similar way of trading. The biggest thing I can tell you as Jax is that all of Irelia's damage comes from her W. If you can use E to dodge her true damage/sustain in the trade you will always come out ahead. It does get really mana intensive to do so frequently though so you'll have to watch that. Also, picking up an early vamp scepter really helps put you even with her in health regen.
Also, provided the servers are stable enough, what's the topic of the painhouse tonight?
Thanks to both of you for the input. I didn't mean to say Riven and those others can't gank well. Obviously they can and they have the damage to help secure kills. The more accurate thing for me to say is I like playing junglers that scale well into mid and late game even if the other team plays passively, wards well, and I don't get successful ganks, which happens time to time. With Nautilus, Maokai, or Nocturne, the things about their kits that make them valuable to me(CC, Naut/Mao ults, Nocturne carry dive/fear) are not shut down at all, whereas IMO Riven, Lee Sin, and Jax are not very scary at all without quite a bit of gold.
I'll have to give Malph a shot and see how it goes.
What is amazing to me is how much more toxic the community is on EU West versus NA. In NA games I can count on one hand in my 19 levels how many complete jerks I've put on ignore. Every single game I play on EU West that isn't co-op v. ai is full of flaming douchetards. It is truly amazing.
Also I've noticed when I get a south american in a game they are almost always the first person to start raging at everyone if things go bad. One game this guy kept speaking spanish and no one could understand him. Finally after we started losing he completely crawled out of his mind and suddenly learned enough english to start chewing everyone out for being such noobs. lol
I've had quite a bit of success going for gunblade into phage into triforce.
why e over q? i just got jax, and have been going w>q>e, and its been working really well. e just never seemed like it scaled anywhere near as well as q did.
Of course you'll have genuine cases of awful south Americans that are also awful people, but that isn't anywhere near as often as the community would have you think.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Unlikely; that's mostly ignorance of what he can do on the part of the guys at top. Once you realize his shield cooldown is enormous he's not too bad to deal with in a duel situation, though he's probably not at all a bad pick against Riven or Darius. His jungle is unremarkable, but not bad, etc. He's a good champion but not terribly strong on his own merits past the early game.
CSB: Ran into two guys speaking Spanish to each other in a game a couple weeks ago. It took us a while to even figure that out, because one of them spelled Spanish in a way pretty comparable to the "no u," crowd of English speakers. My buddy elected to mention that he'd had a delicious chimichanga earlier; they spent a while discussing what those even were, and concluded that Deadpool and Pinkie Pie liked them, so they must be all right. The whole thing was surreal, and one of the more pleasant encounters I've had with "foreigners," in a long history with video games.
Nautilus has already been nerfed. I don't like him as a top, but I had to reply to this, because you said his jungle is unremarkable. This couldn't be less true. Literally the only way Nautilus doesn't outclass the enemy jungler is if they aggressively counter jungle, and by that I don't mean steal camps, I mean pick a jungler that can invade his jungle and kill him before he can get away or before his lanes can react.
Very few junglers have ganks better than him. Even without his ult his hook and the move speed slow on E are amazing, and with his ult, nothing but a flash is going to save an enemy. Plus you build him tanky, so it's so easy to use his ult to gank people even under towers. There's a reason he's played or banned in basically 100% of tournament games.
Duo. >:[
The ganks are fantastic; I'm talking about his so-so clear rate and dependence on blue, which are both pretty notable downsides in a world with Shyvana and Mundo. Don't get me wrong: Nautilus is a pretty darn strong champion. I like him a lot, and would not have stuck with this game for several months after reinstalling a while ago if I hadn't seen him immediately. Jungle-wise, though, he's in the middle of the pack, he's a great conservative top but can't carry with all that farm (not that you expect him to, if you're sensible), and he's a hugely entertaining kill-lane / zoning support.
IF EU-W is your alt account, there's a 90% chance you're in the smurf zone because Riot recognized you are not an actual noob. And most of those people are complete trash as human beings.
That said, if they tell you they took the elevator down to hell to fuck your dead mother, you know they are American because a British troll would have said "lift." :P
He's not middle of the pack as a jungler. He's top tier. His clear is not as fast as Shyvana, Mundo, or Udyr, but people don't play a super aggressive counter jungle where they try to come kill you for the most part, so it doesn't matter. There's a reason Nautilus, Nocturne, Maokai, and the like are the most played junglers in tourneys. In the current jungle it doesn't matter if their clear is as fast, because they can still clear it plenty fast, and their ganks are strong. Also, Nautilus is not even remotely blue dependent past the first blue, which is the same as any other mana using jungler. You build philo/hog into tanky items and you will never have a single mana problem after taking only the first blue.
Honestly, the way people play league, a jungler with great ganks and a good team fight presence(Nautilus) is almost always the best way to go. The only real counter to him is an Olaf, Shyvana, Mundo, etc. who actually invade his jungle with the intent to kill him, which nobody does in regular games because they don't know if their lanes will react as quickly as the other team's, and it could just get them killed.