So my house is a piece of crap, that's been well documented. The roof was shit, but i had it fixed, and now my place is as weatherproof as the next house.
However, apparently the house underneath the drywall is shit as well. Where the brick stops, the guy just added plywood boards, and then covered it in Stucco. Take away that stucco, and i don't technically have a solid wall which keeps the elements out. Rain would hit the outside of the plywood, and drain down into the inside of my house, basically.
If someone were to physically remove some of that stucco (conveniently, right where the break from brick/plywood is, and leave that open to the elements, whose fault would the resulting damage be? my fault for the shit construction? or his fault for ripping away the stucco, and just leaving it.
here's an extremely crude (and not to scale) diagram of what i'm talking about.
The red line is basically where my neighbor opened up the shared wall.
My thinking is that my house was protected from rain before you started working, it should be kept that way. if it's a matter of me getting my own contractor to do work, fine, but i need to be informed so i can do it. he was still negligent. i don't know if my thinking is correct though... hence the thread.
I would think that he would be responsible for restoring the wall to its original condition, your local laws may vary.
Basically he should be responsible to fix the damage to its previous state (with the shit construction) any repairs beyond that to make it non-shit would be up to you.
The next time something goes wrong with my house, i'm calling my insurance company right away. The first time i tried, they browbeat me into not making a claim (huge mistake) i'm now with another carrier who hopefully wont be so shitty.
If yes file a claim.
You should hound their ass as much as you can Dr.F