I get what you're saying, but I just thought this was funny to point out!
There's only one slight problem. Realistically, there is no way it can work to the extent suggested, and no way it can provide a gaming experience as good as the one you already have without inherent compromises.
That article is more or less right on the money. Does OnLive provide 60 FPS 720P video, as advertised during the pre-launch hype? No, it doesn't, and the reason it doesn't is outlined in that article: it's not technically feasible.
OnLive is great, if you are working offsite somewhere at a national lab with comedic levels of bandwidth and near zero latency. However, trying to play at home on a connection which is fast for anything else just leads to dissapointment. So much artifacting and lag. It's a great idea, but it's not ready for home use yet. Still, if you ever find yourself on a work trip to a university and can get on the main network then it's awesome
Though I don't know what Onlive's patents entail, I can foresee Microsoft buying Onlive and trying to sue the pants off of Sony. Microsoft does have a good relationship with Perlman after all.
If that happens and Gaikai doesn't have patents to defend itself, I can see this ending badly for Sony.
You really think Gaikai launched their service and Sony bought them before looking up that kind of info? Come on. OnLive and Gaikai use two different implementations of the idea anyway.
That article is more or less right on the money. Does OnLive provide 60 FPS 720P video, as advertised during the pre-launch hype? No, it doesn't, and the reason it doesn't is outlined in that article: it's not technically feasible.
You really think Gaikai launched their service and Sony bought them before looking up that kind of info? Come on. OnLive and Gaikai use two different implementations of the idea anyway.