Let me start by saying I have a prescription.
during the interview process, I didn't mention I take adderall. (My bad I really should have)
I'm taking a drug test tomorrow and I plan on bringing my prescription with me, but basically my question is this: how screwed am I?
Should I call them and inform them, or at least e-mail them? Or am I over reacting?
The job is driving a truck btw.
I am a 28 y/o male. Currently, Jobless.
I started taking adderall about 2 months ago. Before this I had never taken it. I underdose, as suggested by my psychiatrist, he wanted me to find the lowest possible dose that would work for me.
At most I will end up using about 20 mg in one day (one pill), most days I'll use half that. Regardless, I started noticing an immediate improvement,I started sending out 4 job applications a
day instead of my usual 1 per week. I don't sleep during the day anymore. Of course now I see what a double-edged sword Adderall is. I wouldn't have gotten the interview if not for Adderall, and I
won't get the job because of it. Funny really. I guess I ditch the meds and try again?
No employer needs this information. They just don't, so don't offer it.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
This. You're taking medicine for a medical condition. That's not your employer's business unless it affects your ability to do the job.
Personally, unless you feel like it does impair your driving, I wouldn't recommend that you not apply for driving positions.