Damage taken 430? lol? For reals? I mean goddamn you should be taking more on autoattacks alone from, well, *anyone*.
Just was rollin' bombs at max range, and Lux wouldn't dodge and take them right in the face. Sometimes over walls from safety. (Like, say, from the bottom river bush into the bot-tower area. Or over the dragon wall at people at dragon.) And they would take damage, and then die. Never would let them get close.
4v5. we lost but we took a Inhib and all their towers. Malz didn't connect, I went mid with my cow and beat their kat; yey CC, I killed her twice under towers . Draven had to solo bot vs jayce and karma.. and won. We killed their team more then they killed us.
That was the most fun I have had losing in the longest time. (Yes I out CS'd kat in mid, yes I out CS'd their entire team as Alistar.)
Miniwolf on
League Of Legends: Ulven
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
You can run him mid as a champ specific counterpick, yes. If someone can't interrupt his drain they can't kill him. However, his pushing power is crap without leveling Dark Wind, which means his 1v1 and sustain isn't that great, he's innately very squishy, he's fairly short ranged, and his mana costs aren't spectacular.
You probably can't take his tower since he can facetank creeps with drain, but you can shove and gank another lane pretty much with impunity.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
What level are you? Its a long way to 30. You will find characters you like along the way. I would say its more important to find a role you're comfortable with than a champion. If you find a role you're comfortable with you can play most champions in that role and do well.
At the end of the day, pretty much any character can be very strong if played the right way, and hard counters aren't always so hard.
So I ran into the weirdest bug just now in a game where it forced a DC on everyone on both teams and the players had to keep trying to reconnect over and over, even when it would let you in, sometimes you wouldn't be allowed to move.
The game chose to favor us over the enemy as far as being about to get about the map first, we dominated them until the surrendered at twenty, but I was five levels behind all game.
... @interrobang Source on your sig? It looks like an awesome Lulu.
Man, I am seeing some really bad Eves at the moment. Yeah sure, you go ahead and tower dive Morgana at level 1, Eve. I'm sure she won't enjoy first blood at all.
AegisFear My DanceOvershot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered Userregular
Whoa, speaking of it, there's a brand new Tribunal interface O_o
Is one of the upgrades that I only get cut and dry cases? (Seriously - the person reported was invariably cussing out half the players in the game)
Yea I'm seeing a whole lot of really easy cases now too. Also seems they've pushed full anonymity for player names in chat. The only time you find out a person's name is if they've been reported for Name Violation, in which case the report system will display it.
I do like the indicator for how many total report cases someone has on file too. Like, is the system showing me only 2 relatively mild reports but shows that you're on your 15th or so reported case? Yea, that's an easy Punish.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
So I ran into the weirdest bug just now in a game where it forced a DC on everyone on both teams and the players had to keep trying to reconnect over and over, even when it would let you in, sometimes you wouldn't be allowed to move.
The game chose to favor us over the enemy as far as being about to get about the map first, we dominated them until the surrendered at twenty, but I was five levels behind all game.
... @interrobang Source on your sig? It looks like an awesome Lulu.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
If you're looking for AP mids that are always good, check out Karthus, Ahri, Ryze, Morgana, Kennen, Cassiopeia, Vladimir, and Swain. They're all good picks, and it's not to say they don't each have their potential counters, but they're picks where if you're good with them you're typically not going to be beaten hard, and they have different playstyles so you can find one you like. I also like Annie, Xerath, Ziggs, Viktor, and Malzahar.
I have a buddy who plays Malz as his favorite AP mid, and now that they gave him those sweet QoL buffs I tried him out, and I must say he's pretty badass. He suffers from theorycraft negativity syndrome, wherein people will always say "QSS hard counters him" and use that as a reason not to play him, but in reality, in the laning phase he's an amazing pusher with good mana sustain, and at level 6 you really should get a kill on your lane opponent easily, and if they're playing too passively, you just shove the lane and roam for an easy kill.
By late game, their AP and AD carry will have to build a QSS against you, but it still doesn't make Malz have a weak team fight IMO, because with his %max health W and full burst power he can destroy a bruiser with his ult and make it almost an instant 5v4, and still have his DoT, still have his silence, and aoe % max health per second with W. He's definitely not as "safe" a pick as other more popular mids, but he's pretty awesome IMO. I like hard pushing good roamers, and he definitely can fit that bill.
AuralynxDarkness is a perspectiveWatching the ego workRegistered Userregular
I have a buddy who plays Malz as his favorite AP mid, and now that they gave him those sweet QoL buffs I tried him out, and I must say he's pretty badass. He suffers from theorycraft negativity syndrome, wherein people will always say "QSS hard counters him" and use that as a reason not to play him, but in reality, in the laning phase he's an amazing pusher with good mana sustain, and at level 6 you really should get a kill on your lane opponent easily, and if they're playing too passively, you just shove the lane and roam for an easy kill.
By late game, their AP and AD carry will have to build a QSS against you, but it still doesn't make Malz have a weak team fight IMO, because with his %max health W and full burst power he can destroy a bruiser with his ult and make it almost an instant 5v4, and still have his DoT, still have his silence, and aoe % max health per second with W. He's definitely not as "safe" a pick as other more popular mids, but he's pretty awesome IMO. I like hard pushing good roamers, and he definitely can fit that bill.
Yeah, Malz's other "downside," besides the QSS thing is the notion that people not regularly playing mid tend to pick up that pushing is always, forever, bad... and it's what he's tuned to do. I played him way back when, before they dialed back his ratios and before Fizz and Ahri, who will both give you heart palpitations - though probably less bad ones with the wind-up on his W removed - were released. His current incarnation still has the very good Q and the new W has to be a great thing to throw behind you while your initiator's doing his job. He is much better than people generally believe.
Man, I am seeing some really bad Eves at the moment. Yeah sure, you go ahead and tower dive Morgana at level 1, Eve. I'm sure she won't enjoy first blood at all.
I love it when people tower dive me and I have a good stun/root ready. Especially when they try to dive Anivia. It's hilarious when I stun them, egg, and then they die as they realize how completely they've failed. (FULL HEAL!)
Man, I am seeing some really bad Eves at the moment. Yeah sure, you go ahead and tower dive Morgana at level 1, Eve. I'm sure she won't enjoy first blood at all.
I love it when people tower dive me and I have a good stun/root ready. Especially when they try to dive Anivia. It's hilarious when I stun them, egg, and then they die as they realize how completely they've failed. (FULL HEAL!)
Yeah. Between misunderstanding the stealth change to her and thinking they have MASSIVE DAMAGE when what they really have is pretty good sustained damage after okay burst, you see some hilariously badly thought-out stuff.
AegisFear My DanceOvershot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered Userregular
edited July 2012
They could always be former DoTA 2 players, where tower damage is much less of threat. LoL's towers are night and day.
JEEZE Talith, what the hell did you say to Nome that got Urgot nerfed so hard? I don't play him, but I would be pretty mad if I did...
I kind of want to play Twitch from that spotlight, although I feel it would be hypocritical considering all of my complaining about invisible champions.
Yea, i've been just starting to play DotA 2 again, and the tower changes are one of the things I've had the most difficulty with getting into muscle memory, since it really is one of those things you gotta just 'know' to do it without losing some edge... At least I've been jungling Nunu mostly lately, so his tower dives are still pretty strong. It's also not until the 3rd shot that LoL towers really start to sting.
Man, I am seeing some really bad Eves at the moment. Yeah sure, you go ahead and tower dive Morgana at level 1, Eve. I'm sure she won't enjoy first blood at all.
I love it when people tower dive me and I have a good stun/root ready. Especially when they try to dive Anivia. It's hilarious when I stun them, egg, and then they die as they realize how completely they've failed. (FULL HEAL!)
Yeah. Between misunderstanding the stealth change to her and thinking they have MASSIVE DAMAGE when what they really have is pretty good sustained damage after okay burst, you see some hilariously badly thought-out stuff.
It's worse on the Scar. Every Eve player thinks they should be attempting to "ninja cap" fifteen times in a row.
It's not ninja when they know you're coming, guys!
JEEZE Talith, what the hell did you say to Nome that got Urgot nerfed so hard? I don't play him, but I would be pretty mad if I did...
I kind of want to play Twitch from that spotlight, although I feel it would be hypocritical considering all of my complaining about invisible champions.
They over did it. They are going to revert the damage change to his Q.
I have a buddy who plays Malz as his favorite AP mid, and now that they gave him those sweet QoL buffs I tried him out, and I must say he's pretty badass. He suffers from theorycraft negativity syndrome, wherein people will always say "QSS hard counters him" and use that as a reason not to play him, but in reality, in the laning phase he's an amazing pusher with good mana sustain, and at level 6 you really should get a kill on your lane opponent easily, and if they're playing too passively, you just shove the lane and roam for an easy kill.
By late game, their AP and AD carry will have to build a QSS against you, but it still doesn't make Malz have a weak team fight IMO, because with his %max health W and full burst power he can destroy a bruiser with his ult and make it almost an instant 5v4, and still have his DoT, still have his silence, and aoe % max health per second with W. He's definitely not as "safe" a pick as other more popular mids, but he's pretty awesome IMO. I like hard pushing good roamers, and he definitely can fit that bill.
Yeah, Malz's other "downside," besides the QSS thing is the notion that people not regularly playing mid tend to pick up that pushing is always, forever, bad... and it's what he's tuned to do. I played him way back when, before they dialed back his ratios and before Fizz and Ahri, who will both give you heart palpitations - though probably less bad ones with the wind-up on his W removed - were released. His current incarnation still has the very good Q and the new W has to be a great thing to throw behind you while your initiator's doing his job. He is much better than people generally believe.
Yeah, pushing mid lane is actually a great thing to do because the lane is so short, at least once you've gotten some levels. Obviously you want to just focus on last hitting in the early levels. If you're a champ capable of pushing, it's almost always beneficial to do so. Clear a wave instantly, hide in the fog of war so your opponent has to call mia on you constantly. Then they realize you were just waiting there for the next wave of easy CS or getting your/their wraiths. Then when you finally do roam it might be the time their top/bot didn't take the mia seriously enough and bam, dead.
What you don't want to do is push mid, then hover over their tower trying to harass your enemy under tower, unless you have good ward coverage or just spotted their jungler elsewhere. It's just not worth it making the other guy miss a bit of CS if you're doing it dangerously and get ganked and killed for it.
Joshmvii on
AuralynxDarkness is a perspectiveWatching the ego workRegistered Userregular
I have a buddy who plays Malz as his favorite AP mid, and now that they gave him those sweet QoL buffs I tried him out, and I must say he's pretty badass. He suffers from theorycraft negativity syndrome, wherein people will always say "QSS hard counters him" and use that as a reason not to play him, but in reality, in the laning phase he's an amazing pusher with good mana sustain, and at level 6 you really should get a kill on your lane opponent easily, and if they're playing too passively, you just shove the lane and roam for an easy kill.
By late game, their AP and AD carry will have to build a QSS against you, but it still doesn't make Malz have a weak team fight IMO, because with his %max health W and full burst power he can destroy a bruiser with his ult and make it almost an instant 5v4, and still have his DoT, still have his silence, and aoe % max health per second with W. He's definitely not as "safe" a pick as other more popular mids, but he's pretty awesome IMO. I like hard pushing good roamers, and he definitely can fit that bill.
Yeah, Malz's other "downside," besides the QSS thing is the notion that people not regularly playing mid tend to pick up that pushing is always, forever, bad... and it's what he's tuned to do. I played him way back when, before they dialed back his ratios and before Fizz and Ahri, who will both give you heart palpitations - though probably less bad ones with the wind-up on his W removed - were released. His current incarnation still has the very good Q and the new W has to be a great thing to throw behind you while your initiator's doing his job. He is much better than people generally believe.
Yeah, pushing mid lane is actually a great thing to do because the lane is so short, at least once you've gotten some levels. Obviously you want to just focus on last hitting in the early levels. If you're a champ capable of pushing, it's almost always beneficial to do so. Clear a wave instantly, hide in the fog of war so your opponent has to call mia on you constantly. Then they realize you were just waiting there for the next wave of easy CS or getting your/their wraiths. Then when you finally do roam it might be the time their top/bot didn't take the mia seriously enough and bam, dead.
What you don't want to do is push mid, then hover over their tower trying to harass your enemy under tower, unless you have good ward coverage or just spotted their jungler elsewhere. It's just not worth it making the other guy miss a bit of CS if you're doing it dangerously and get ganked and killed for it.
Also infuriating: Blowing up entire waves as Ziggs / Viktor, going to try to help another lane, and having them not react at all. Especially as Ziggs, given the reach on the bomb.
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
No, it's pretty easy.
All 4 of my best mids (Gragas, Morgana, Ahri, and Leblanc) will beat Ryze handily.
You may never try and trade with your opponents, but they certainly will with you.
AuralynxDarkness is a perspectiveWatching the ego workRegistered Userregular
edited July 2012
Tank Kennen is extra-rewarding, apparently. Great job, Enzo III. Dunno who you are on the boards, though. Claim your kill!
Related note: Kennen makes one hell of a Ball delivery system.
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
No, it's pretty easy.
All 4 of my best mids (Gragas, Morgana, Ahri, and Leblanc) will beat Ryze handily.
You may never try and trade with your opponents, but they certainly will with you.
You need to play better Ryzes if you're beating up on them with Gragas, Morg, or Ahri. Not saying he easily beats them, but those aren't matchups he just auto loses. Not hard to trade when somebody forces it on you either, you just play passive until 6 with Ryze unless they force your hand, in which case you pummel them with spells still. Ahri is one of Ryze's best matchups, and given equal skill, Ryze will crush her.
Tank Kennen is extra-rewarding, apparently. Great job, Enzo III. Dunno who you are on the boards, though. Claim your kill!
Related note: Kennen makes one hell of a Ball delivery system.
Jesus - is there anything Kennen can't do?
Show mercy.
Edit: I've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure attack speed kennen could jungle with some alacrity though perhaps not much safety. His ganks would be fast and brutal, too...
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
No, it's pretty easy.
All 4 of my best mids (Gragas, Morgana, Ahri, and Leblanc) will beat Ryze handily.
You may never try and trade with your opponents, but they certainly will with you.
You need to play better Ryzes if you're beating up on them with Gragas, Morg, or Ahri. Not saying he easily beats them, but those aren't matchups he just auto loses. Not hard to trade when somebody forces it on you either, you just play passive until 6 with Ryze unless they force your hand, in which case you pummel them with spells still. Ahri is one of Ryze's best matchups, and given equal skill, Ryze will crush her.
I dunno about Morgana... Not sure if Ryze can do much without entering Soul Shackles range. Epic mindgames between Black Shield and Rune Prison though.
The early game is where ryze will do better against morg. but as she puts ranks into her shield and after lvl 6 she can screw ryze over. baseline ryze build doesn't have alot of MR, so I always buy a negaton after tear against annie/vlad/morg. Don't fight too many gragas so I don't know. IF the cass/anivia is any good just roll over.
Tank Kennen is extra-rewarding, apparently. Great job, Enzo III. Dunno who you are on the boards, though. Claim your kill!
Related note: Kennen makes one hell of a Ball delivery system.
Jesus - is there anything Kennen can't do?
Show mercy.
Edit: I've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure attack speed kennen could jungle with some alacrity though perhaps not much safety. His ganks would be fast and brutal, too...
His clear speed is incredibly slow, you need a fudgeton of ap to clear a wave with e+w.
Just made an attempt and cleared at 4:23 without falling below 70% HP. Cloth armor/5 pot starting at wraiths.
I don't really jungle so I have no idea if that's good or whatever, but I'm sure it could be dramatically improved by someone with more jungling experience.
Edit: 2nd attempt starting at blue with no leash, finished by 3:56 without falling below 50%.
Seems pretty workable, IMO.
Sokpuppet on
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
Ah, all good points. I'm just trying to find 2-3 characters to get comfortable/skilled with so that im not screwed if it isnt viable in a game.
For example, Fiddles could probably do all right against Ryze. Ryze's early pushing power sucks, his range got nerfed a month or so ago, and Rune Prison isn't an interrupt. But, well, beating Ryze up isn't really that spectacular an accomplishment.
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
No, it's pretty easy.
All 4 of my best mids (Gragas, Morgana, Ahri, and Leblanc) will beat Ryze handily.
You may never try and trade with your opponents, but they certainly will with you.
You need to play better Ryzes if you're beating up on them with Gragas, Morg, or Ahri. Not saying he easily beats them, but those aren't matchups he just auto loses. Not hard to trade when somebody forces it on you either, you just play passive until 6 with Ryze unless they force your hand, in which case you pummel them with spells still. Ahri is one of Ryze's best matchups, and given equal skill, Ryze will crush her.
You need to play better Gragas, Morg, or Ahri. Not saying he can't pull even with them, but those aren't favorable matchups. Not easy to trade when all three can chip him from out of range while pushing the wave at the same time and all three are hard to gank. Ryze's 6 is really shitty compared to the 6 of all 3 of those champs, so saying play passive until 6 means nothing. All three will in fact kill him at 6 if given a chance.
The absolute worst those three can do against Ryze is shove lane against him and gank another lane and there is pretty much fuck all Ryze can do to stop that.
edit: In fact, as Kruite mentions, pre-6 is the only time Ryze has to take advantage of Morg and he still needs to not play too aggressive as to get caught in Bindings.
Spectrum on
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
Huh. Ryze is normally one of my go-tos against Ahri. You know. Stop her in her tracks while she's ulting and wander back to the tower.
What are some popular Fiora builds? I keep going wriggles>boots>phage and then my damage drops off significantly and I don't know what to do since it takes a while to get a BT farmed at that point.
Just was rollin' bombs at max range, and Lux wouldn't dodge and take them right in the face. Sometimes over walls from safety. (Like, say, from the bottom river bush into the bot-tower area. Or over the dragon wall at people at dragon.) And they would take damage, and then die. Never would let them get close.
Here's the replay, if you wanna watch.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
4v5. we lost but we took a Inhib and all their towers. Malz didn't connect, I went mid with my cow and beat their kat; yey CC, I killed her twice under towers . Draven had to solo bot vs jayce and karma.. and won. We killed their team more then they killed us.
That was the most fun I have had losing in the longest time. (Yes I out CS'd kat in mid, yes I out CS'd their entire team as Alistar.)
You probably can't take his tower since he can facetank creeps with drain, but you can shove and gank another lane pretty much with impunity.
fiddles is also vladimir's worst nightmare
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What level are you? Its a long way to 30. You will find characters you like along the way. I would say its more important to find a role you're comfortable with than a champion. If you find a role you're comfortable with you can play most champions in that role and do well.
At the end of the day, pretty much any character can be very strong if played the right way, and hard counters aren't always so hard.
The game chose to favor us over the enemy as far as being about to get about the map first, we dominated them until the surrendered at twenty, but I was five levels behind all game.
@interrobang Source on your sig? It looks like an awesome Lulu.
Yea I'm seeing a whole lot of really easy cases now too. Also seems they've pushed full anonymity for player names in chat. The only time you find out a person's name is if they've been reported for Name Violation, in which case the report system will display it.
I do like the indicator for how many total report cases someone has on file too. Like, is the system showing me only 2 relatively mild reports but shows that you're on your 15th or so reported case? Yea, that's an easy Punish.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Beating Ryze up isn't as easy as you make it sound, unless you're Cassiopeia. =P It's true he can't push hard until he gets his ult, but all Ryze has to do is play passive and get his farm and he's full on hyper carry status mid-late game. When I play Ryze I never try to trade hard with my opponent, just get my CS. Generally they want to push the lane to the tower, but once you have tear and blue buff you can easily farm under tower, and if they over extend it's quite easy to get a kill with a jungle gank. MS Quints are great on Ryze to minimize the problem of his range.
http://wongkaoru.deviantart.com/#/d4zjyzv <-- the lulu in her sig.
If you're looking for AP mids that are always good, check out Karthus, Ahri, Ryze, Morgana, Kennen, Cassiopeia, Vladimir, and Swain. They're all good picks, and it's not to say they don't each have their potential counters, but they're picks where if you're good with them you're typically not going to be beaten hard, and they have different playstyles so you can find one you like. I also like Annie, Xerath, Ziggs, Viktor, and Malzahar.
I have a buddy who plays Malz as his favorite AP mid, and now that they gave him those sweet QoL buffs I tried him out, and I must say he's pretty badass. He suffers from theorycraft negativity syndrome, wherein people will always say "QSS hard counters him" and use that as a reason not to play him, but in reality, in the laning phase he's an amazing pusher with good mana sustain, and at level 6 you really should get a kill on your lane opponent easily, and if they're playing too passively, you just shove the lane and roam for an easy kill.
By late game, their AP and AD carry will have to build a QSS against you, but it still doesn't make Malz have a weak team fight IMO, because with his %max health W and full burst power he can destroy a bruiser with his ult and make it almost an instant 5v4, and still have his DoT, still have his silence, and aoe % max health per second with W. He's definitely not as "safe" a pick as other more popular mids, but he's pretty awesome IMO. I like hard pushing good roamers, and he definitely can fit that bill.
Yeah, Malz's other "downside," besides the QSS thing is the notion that people not regularly playing mid tend to pick up that pushing is always, forever, bad... and it's what he's tuned to do. I played him way back when, before they dialed back his ratios and before Fizz and Ahri, who will both give you heart palpitations - though probably less bad ones with the wind-up on his W removed - were released. His current incarnation still has the very good Q and the new W has to be a great thing to throw behind you while your initiator's doing his job. He is much better than people generally believe.
I love it when people tower dive me and I have a good stun/root ready. Especially when they try to dive Anivia. It's hilarious when I stun them, egg, and then they die as they realize how completely they've failed. (FULL HEAL!)
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
Yeah. Between misunderstanding the stealth change to her and thinking they have MASSIVE DAMAGE when what they really have is pretty good sustained damage after okay burst, you see some hilariously badly thought-out stuff.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
I kind of want to play Twitch from that spotlight, although I feel it would be hypocritical considering all of my complaining about invisible champions.
It's worse on the Scar. Every Eve player thinks they should be attempting to "ninja cap" fifteen times in a row.
It's not ninja when they know you're coming, guys!
They over did it. They are going to revert the damage change to his Q.
Yeah, pushing mid lane is actually a great thing to do because the lane is so short, at least once you've gotten some levels. Obviously you want to just focus on last hitting in the early levels. If you're a champ capable of pushing, it's almost always beneficial to do so. Clear a wave instantly, hide in the fog of war so your opponent has to call mia on you constantly. Then they realize you were just waiting there for the next wave of easy CS or getting your/their wraiths. Then when you finally do roam it might be the time their top/bot didn't take the mia seriously enough and bam, dead.
What you don't want to do is push mid, then hover over their tower trying to harass your enemy under tower, unless you have good ward coverage or just spotted their jungler elsewhere. It's just not worth it making the other guy miss a bit of CS if you're doing it dangerously and get ganked and killed for it.
Also infuriating: Blowing up entire waves as Ziggs / Viktor, going to try to help another lane, and having them not react at all. Especially as Ziggs, given the reach on the bomb.
All 4 of my best mids (Gragas, Morgana, Ahri, and Leblanc) will beat Ryze handily.
You may never try and trade with your opponents, but they certainly will with you.
Related note: Kennen makes one hell of a Ball delivery system.
Jesus - is there anything Kennen can't do?
Also, /wantwantwant Zyra.
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
You need to play better Ryzes if you're beating up on them with Gragas, Morg, or Ahri. Not saying he easily beats them, but those aren't matchups he just auto loses. Not hard to trade when somebody forces it on you either, you just play passive until 6 with Ryze unless they force your hand, in which case you pummel them with spells still. Ahri is one of Ryze's best matchups, and given equal skill, Ryze will crush her.
He doesn't quite fill as many roles as Gangplank does.
Show mercy.
Edit: I've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure attack speed kennen could jungle with some alacrity though perhaps not much safety. His ganks would be fast and brutal, too...
I dunno about Morgana... Not sure if Ryze can do much without entering Soul Shackles range. Epic mindgames between Black Shield and Rune Prison though.
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
His clear speed is incredibly slow, you need a fudgeton of ap to clear a wave with e+w.
I don't really jungle so I have no idea if that's good or whatever, but I'm sure it could be dramatically improved by someone with more jungling experience.
Edit: 2nd attempt starting at blue with no leash, finished by 3:56 without falling below 50%.
Seems pretty workable, IMO.
The absolute worst those three can do against Ryze is shove lane against him and gank another lane and there is pretty much fuck all Ryze can do to stop that.
edit: In fact, as Kruite mentions, pre-6 is the only time Ryze has to take advantage of Morg and he still needs to not play too aggressive as to get caught in Bindings.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Now, if she had opened with the REST of her kit, she might have had more success.
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy