[League of Legends] It's not punny how much of a thorn in my side Zyra will be.



  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Chalice regenerates mana in a larger mana pool faster because it works based on the % of mana you have left, not the numerical value.

    Other way around. Smaller pool means you're lower on mana more often means you're getting more regen since its based on %. Only the assist part of pimp cup works better the more mana you have.

    Chalice stacks well with tear because tear has MP5 on it and that is magnified by Chalice's passive.

    In addition Anivia likes max mana and MP5 since regen helps her sustain in lane/roam/be valuable when she gets from one fight to the next, while max mana helps her not go OOM in fights.

  • PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Chalice regenerates mana in a larger mana pool faster because it works based on the % of mana you have left, not the numerical value.

    Other way around. Smaller pool means you're lower on mana more often means you're getting more regen since its based on %. Only the assist part of pimp cup works better the more mana you have.

    Chalice stacks well with tear because tear has MP5 on it and that is magnified by Chalice's passive.

    In addition Anivia likes max mana and MP5 since regen helps her sustain in lane/roam/be valuable when she gets from one fight to the next, while max mana helps her not go OOM in fights.

    With a Chalice, a larger mana pool means you can be low in % terms but still have enough to cast - it does work out to be more sustaining, to a degree, just because you can safely be at a lower %, and thus get more effectiveness from it.

    Hell, with enough mana, Chalice+Blue lets you maintain Glacial Storm forever. (That said, you need a LOT of mana)

    Polaritie on
    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
  • TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    So what would you guys say is an optimal build on anivia? Tear(or chalice), boots 2, whatever you didn't get (tear/chalice), death cap (or death cap before not tear/chalice) , pimp cup,?

    Thinking I'm gonna play some normals with her and then move into ranked with her as my mid instead of brand / karthus.

  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    Tommatt wrote: »
    So what would you guys say is an optimal build on anivia? Tear(or chalice), boots 2, whatever you didn't get (tear/chalice), death cap (or death cap before not tear/chalice) , pimp cup,?

    Thinking I'm gonna play some normals with her and then move into ranked with her as my mid instead of brand / karthus.
    If you did Chalice first, I would say Tear before Boots2. If you did Tear first, you could possibly do Boots2 before Chalice, it depends on the lane matchup.

  • TommattTommatt Registered User regular
    Played my first pvp as anivia and did ok. Shut down opposing mid and beat him by 30 cs , 1 kill and 2 assists. Lost tower though. Was facing heim which is supposedly a counter?

    Went boots/pots, backed bought chalice and wards/pots, mana crystal, tear, big rod, boots 2, death cap, surrender.

    Got used to the AA animation and once I got r it was easy to clear waves. The bird seemed powerful

  • Joe KJoe K Registered User regular
    start watching here for the worst trolling feeding griefing annie that i've ever seen in a farking ranked game.

    dunno why twitch is breaking shit up into different parts now, but watch thru

    she ended up 2/24/1

  • Gnome-InterruptusGnome-Interruptus Registered User regular
    Polaritie wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Chalice regenerates mana in a larger mana pool faster because it works based on the % of mana you have left, not the numerical value.

    Other way around. Smaller pool means you're lower on mana more often means you're getting more regen since its based on %. Only the assist part of pimp cup works better the more mana you have.

    Chalice stacks well with tear because tear has MP5 on it and that is magnified by Chalice's passive.

    In addition Anivia likes max mana and MP5 since regen helps her sustain in lane/roam/be valuable when she gets from one fight to the next, while max mana helps her not go OOM in fights.

    With a Chalice, a larger mana pool means you can be low in % terms but still have enough to cast - it does work out to be more sustaining, to a degree, just because you can safely be at a lower %, and thus get more effectiveness from it.

    Hell, with enough mana, Chalice+Blue lets you maintain Glacial Storm forever. (That said, you need a LOT of mana)

    reminds me of a pubbie Viegar I had on my team, he was always OOM in teamfights, but when I told him to build mana regen, he said thats what the passive was for... the passive amplifys regen, it doesnt really create it out of the blue.

    MWO: Adamski
  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Caenem wrote: »
    I just gotta vent for hilarity's sake. I pick Cassi for mid, and get counterpicked as Talon. Immediately my entire team (including me) is all "Oh crap we're scewed." I manage to out cs talon and never die to him once. Bot decides to put on a buffet which Talon decides to visit a few times, and that's now my fault. The Alistair @ bot decides to freak out on me, then ignores everyone on the team when someone else backs me up that I've held my ground against a pretty good counterpick and am doing my job. Damn I love people!

    I mean I guess it depends. Were you calling MIA when Talon was gone? Assuming proper warding, did you follow Talon but when he headed down there from your lane (as opposed to from anywhere else where you may not have seen him leave)?

    The latter is something I'm trying to get better at personally.

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Joe K wrote: »
    start watching here for the worst trolling feeding griefing annie that i've ever seen in a farking ranked game.

    dunno why twitch is breaking shit up into different parts now, but watch thru

    she ended up 2/24/1
    That. That is a lot of dudes with clarity. Whut.

    Edit: Also. That looks like poor play all round from everyone I saw. You didn't move to support Darius when you saw Nidalee leave lane, Nidalee was constantly auto-attacking creeps, you didn't really have last-hitting with Resolute Smite down... man. I wish I saw people play like that in my games. :p

    Kay on
    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Caenem wrote: »
    I just gotta vent for hilarity's sake. I pick Cassi for mid, and get counterpicked as Talon. Immediately my entire team (including me) is all "Oh crap we're scewed." I manage to out cs talon and never die to him once. Bot decides to put on a buffet which Talon decides to visit a few times, and that's now my fault. The Alistair @ bot decides to freak out on me, then ignores everyone on the team when someone else backs me up that I've held my ground against a pretty good counterpick and am doing my job. Damn I love people!

    I mean I guess it depends. Were you calling MIA when Talon was gone? Assuming proper warding, did you follow Talon but when he headed down there from your lane (as opposed to from anywhere else where you may not have seen him leave)?

    The latter is something I'm trying to get better at personally.

    Following a Talon in that situation, and the other guy in general, can be a really bad idea if your jungle is inattentive. I got cut off several times in a game the other day trying to get into bombing range as Ziggs because our Malphite was paying no attention to where people he wasn't currently focused on were. It was a real bummer.

    In @Caenem's particular case I'd probably have gone the opposite route: trying to get bottom to bail and heading to damage the tower, gank top, or steal the enemy jungle, in that order of preference. Cass should have no problem singling out and fanging a big creep to death just to screw with the bad guys if she gets 30 seconds or so to get it done in. Definitely make the mia call.

    On the third hand, beating Talon on CS with one of the game's better farming champions doesn't necessarily mean you're winning the lane, either. Absolute parity of farming ability is not a thing that happens, even in a matchup between, like, Ziggs and Morgana, who can both be reasonably expected to start picking up entire waves around level 5. There's more to winning a lane than cs, though I'm not claiming Caenem was secretly losing and not noticing it.

    The real answer is probably that you did a pretty good job in adverse circumstances while that Alistar had issues with tunnel-vision and not wanting to change his playstyle, because that's usually a safe bet. Doesn't hurt to think around the problem though.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    If the bot lane was already losing, which it sounds like they were, a quick mia call and proper warding should've led to the bot lane backing to their tower and just farming the waves to prevent a dive. There are times when you need to follow the guy to counter gank, but if their bot lane is already ahead, you may just feed more kills if you go down and try to counter gank and make a 3v3.

    In those situations unless I think a dive is surely imminent bot, I will just instantly shove it to tower mid and put damage on the mid tower to force their mid to waste his time and get him to head back mid.

    RE: Anivia, there are many different early games for Anivia. Tear, Catalyst, and Chalice are all fine first buys after your boots. Catalyst into a 14ish minute RoA is probably the way you'd go if you were a crazy good Anivia player, but for most people, you're going to want to either go Tear or Chalice first for mana sustain.

    When I play Aniv, I usually go Chalice, Catalyst, RoA, Deathcap, Void Staff, and then from there. I don't usually finish the unholy grail unless it's late game and still going, but there's really no one right answer on her. It depends on the game and your style.

    Joshmvii on
  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    If the bot lane was already losing, which it sounds like they were, a quick mia call and proper warding should've led to the bot lane backing to their tower and just farming the waves to prevent a dive. There are times when you need to follow the guy to counter gank, but if their bot lane is already ahead, you may just feed more kills if you go down and try to counter gank and make a 3v3.

    In those situations unless I think a dive is surely imminent bot, I will just instantly shove it to tower mid and put damage on the mid tower to force their mid to waste his time and get him to head back mid.

    Yeah, I guess I oversimplified. What I was getting at was that there was more to doing your job in a lane than simply not losing that lane. In that situation following Talon might not be the best idea, depending on where your jungler was and the path you took to follow.

    On that note, I will say that it's infuriating in bot lane when the enemy mid shows up and our mid is just derping around last hitting at our mid tower. To your point above, at least shove the goddamn lane into their tower to take some pressure off bot :?

    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Oh, absolutely. Though in all honesty, if you're an AP mid and you out CS Talon and don't feed him, you pretty much did win that lane unless he gets fed roaming, but part of that is on your other lanes if they aren't warded properly and let him get kills.

    Yeah, if the enemy mid roams and your mid doesn't either follow or shove it to turret, they're definitely doing it wrong. You can't just let your mid opponent roam without losing anything at all. It's one of the reasons I like playing heavy farming mids like Karthus, because if my opponent roams at all they're guaranteed to lose waves, and I already usually hit 200 CS by ~22 minutes on Karthus, so they're going to be in trouble if they get too far behind. I also run teleport on Karth for counter ganking, but that's a different thing.

    Again, it's all about communication and knowing whether or not your bot is going to get tower dived if you don't counter gank, because if that's the case, you really need to follow(and your jungler) to prevent them getting dived and then losing their tower early for no good reason.

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Joe K wrote: »
    start watching here for the worst trolling feeding griefing annie that i've ever seen in a farking ranked game.

    dunno why twitch is breaking shit up into different parts now, but watch thru

    she ended up 2/24/1
    That. That is a lot of dudes with clarity. Whut.

    Edit: Also. That looks like poor play all round from everyone I saw. You didn't move to support Darius when you saw Nidalee leave lane, Nidalee was constantly auto-attacking creeps, you didn't really have last-hitting with Resolute Smite down... man. I wish I saw people play like that in my games. :p

    Well yeah there was lots of poor play all around, however Annie was literally running from nexus to turret every time she spawned :).

    Also Joe you need to lead your target more with your ranged harass, you'll land a lot more of them if you try to predict their movements, you tended to toss them where they used to be. Watch the enemy for patterns of movement and try to get your skillshots ahead of where you think they will move to.

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Yeah, I was more commenting on the other people playing, as we could all see Annie just running to the tower. :p

    I still have no idea why people do that. I mean. Surely it gets boring?

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Yeah, I was more commenting on the other people playing, as we could all see Annie just running to the tower. :p

    I still have no idea why people do that. I mean. Surely it gets boring?

    Some people find it incredibly entertaining to piss off complete strangers. I think Riot should send these people referrals for therapy sessions.

    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Yeah, I was more commenting on the other people playing, as we could all see Annie just running to the tower. :p

    I still have no idea why people do that. I mean. Surely it gets boring?

    Some people find it incredibly entertaining to piss off complete strangers. I think Riot should send these people referrals for therapy sessions.

    Meh, i'm content with them just getting banned the fuck out of the game through the tribunal system.

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    Zyra needs to hurry up and get released already. I wonder if they've changed any of her skills after the CDR addition to her W, or if they're just bug-fixing.

  • corin7corin7 San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    So I have about 150 games played now and I have yet to see someone intentionally feeding. Worst offenses have been verbal for which I use ignore or someone afk at base. Guess I have been lucky so far.

  • surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    corin7 wrote: »
    So I have about 150 games played now and I have yet to see someone intentionally feeding. Worst offenses have been verbal for which I use ignore or someone afk at base. Guess I have been lucky so far.

    Intentional feeding is pretty rare in most ELO, I think it's been months since I've seen it happen personally. Granted that's entirely anecdotal

    *edit* Actually I just realized I very rarely even play without a full group of 5 people I know so that's probably why I don't see it.

    Delphinidaes on
    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    Eh? Since when does autoattacking also include running after your targets?

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I think the volibear would've stopped chasing if Blitz had ever gotten out of his melee range, but Ashe slow kept him in it.

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    AFK Volibear too strong.

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    I thought a lot of misinformation is going around here so I ran a test.

    Sona at level 1:

    Base mana - 310
    Base mana regen - 7.65mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 100% - 15mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (310 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (510 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (710 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 355 mana) - 25mp5, level 2
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 400 mana) - 25mp5, level 3
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 445 mana) - 26mp5, level 4
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 490 mana) - 27mp5, level 5

    Cutfang on
    Dancing Bagel
  • RedThornRedThorn Registered User regular
    Does Chalice's mana regen interact with the regen from blue buff?

    League of Legends: Drokmir
    Steam: Drokmir
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    Not able to test that fully as minions overran the base. Buying a mana crystal increased blue regen by 9mp5.

    Dancing Bagel
  • FrosteeyFrosteey Elaise 1521-2945-8940Registered User regular
    Blue buff mana regen is a flat amount plus like 1% of max mana. Chalice is straight percentage modifier of your mana regeneration number.

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Polaritie wrote: »
    Hell, with enough mana, Chalice+Blue lets you maintain Glacial Storm forever. (That said, you need a LOT of mana)

    You never have that much mana. You can get around 200 MP5 with Pimp Cup/RoA/Blue and low mana. Glacial Storm will run you 300 MP5. You would have to have a stacked tear, pimp cup, and RoA AND have no mana to get close.
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    If the bot lane was already losing, which it sounds like they were, a quick mia call and proper warding should've led to the bot lane backing to their tower and just farming the waves to prevent a dive. There are times when you need to follow the guy to counter gank, but if their bot lane is already ahead, you may just feed more kills if you go down and try to counter gank and make a 3v3.

    Eh. Its not anyone else's job to watch the minimap. If the AD is too focused on CSing the support needs to keep track of people. MIA's are nice, but its not mids job.
    RedThorn wrote: »
    Does Chalice's mana regen interact with the regen from blue buff?

    Yes. Chalice's regen buff interacts with everything.

    Goumindong on
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Any lane should always call mia and retreat ping down the river if they see their opponent leave their lane and head to another. It's not their job, but if they don't do it they're just needlessly putting their other lanes at risk. Mid should also ward for the same reason, not just to protect themselves from ganks, but to help their other lanes see the mid roaming up river. Sometimes they leave from fog of war and you don't see them, though when you notice you should still call mia then.

    It's not the mid's fault if another lane dies to their mid roaming, but that doesn't change the fact that calling mia and warding are standard procedure and should be done for the sake of communication. I always call mia, let my teammates know when mid backs so they can know they're not at risk for a short time but could be if the mid ganks before coming back to lane, etc. Good communication only helps you in this game, and there's no reason not to do it, ever.

  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    Chalice interacts with nothing except base mana.

    Dancing Bagel
  • StrikaStrika Registered User regular
    "But with volibear lacking a human soul he just doesn't care"
    That made me laugh.

  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Cutfang wrote: »
    Chalice interacts with nothing except base mana.

    Well no, it interacts with bonus mana and mana regen as far as I'm aware.

    Specifically, it increases your mana regen (base mana regen plus any modifiers) by the percent mana you're missing (total).

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Cutfang wrote: »
    Not able to test that fully as minions overran the base. Buying a mana crystal increased blue regen by 9mp5.

    Point is I was correct. Larger mana pool makes you regen more mana :(



    Pacificstar on
  • Enigma435Enigma435 Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I thought a lot of misinformation is going around here so I ran a test.

    Sona at level 1:

    Base mana - 310
    Base mana regen - 7.65mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 100% - 15mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (310 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (510 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (710 mana max) - 23mp5
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 355 mana) - 25mp5, level 2
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 400 mana) - 25mp5, level 3
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 445 mana) - 26mp5, level 4
    Mana regen with Chalice at 50% (base 490 mana) - 27mp5, level 5

    Edit: My brain is exploding and I am in fact reading wrong. My testing matches yours. Enough meds will put one under. I can confirm that chalice does multiply blue's regen.

    Enigma435 on
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    Cutfang wrote: »
    Chalice interacts with nothing except base mana.

    Well no, it interacts with bonus mana and mana regen as far as I'm aware.

    Specifically, it increases your mana regen (base mana regen plus any modifiers) by the percent mana you're missing (total).

    No it doesn't. That's what my post above shows. Buying 3 mana crystals does not increase mana regen when you have a Chalice.

    Dancing Bagel
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited July 2012

    Watching somebody with that level of skill play Lee Sin makes me want to jungle him instead of just not and feeling like he falls off too much late game and doesn't bring enough to team fights. Problem is, I am probably never making that play. I had to watch it twice to see that he max range Qed into follow up Q into ward->W, and then kicked the Gragas into his team all in like 2 seconds. Just too good.

    Joshmvii on
  • GrundlestiltskinGrundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Cutfang wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    Chalice interacts with nothing except base mana.

    Well no, it interacts with bonus mana and mana regen as far as I'm aware.

    Specifically, it increases your mana regen (base mana regen plus any modifiers) by the percent mana you're missing (total).

    No it doesn't. That's what my post above shows. Buying 3 mana crystals does not increase mana regen when you have a Chalice.

    No, your test shows that 50% mana missing is the same whether it's 50% of 310 mana or 50% of 490 mana. It's giving you a 50% increase to your 15.15 mp5, which is why you're seeing the same mp5 no matter how much mana you're missing 50% of.

    To clarify, we were talking about what it *interacted* with, I should have specified. Your mana regen increases by the percentage of total mana missing.

    Edit: Though I can't say I'm sure what the original argument was, at this point, or whose side I'm on.

    Nevermind, found it.
    Chalice regenerates mana in a larger mana pool faster because it works based on the % of mana you have left, not the numerical value.

    Yeah, this was the part that was wrong. It doesn't scale based on total mana (at least not in a positive direction).

    Grundlestiltskin on
    3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy
  • Mr.SunshineMr.Sunshine Registered User regular
    And another Amumu skin probably coming in the future.
    Bahmumu. Sheep Warwick would be neat too.576009_420203448018968_1934143044_n.jpg

  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »

    Watching somebody with that level of skill play Lee Sin makes me want to jungle him instead of just not and feeling like he falls off too much late game and doesn't bring enough to team fights. Problem is, I am probably never making that play. I had to watch it twice to see that he max range Qed into follow up Q into ward->W, and then kicked the Gragas into his team all in like 2 seconds. Just too good.

    Attention, entire thread: Do not purchase Lee Sin. He is much too cool for mere mortals, and if you buy him, you will be forced to keep playing him, because he is cool. Really, really cool. I warn you of this because it is too late for me, I am trying to get as cool as that guy, and I cannot stop myself. Don't fall into the Lee Sin trap.

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