If I had to have sex with Dane Cook I would repeatedly donkey punch him and then murder him and get some freak to mung his asshole while I beat his face in with a sledgehammer.
Borfase on
duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
FortyTwostrongest man in the world The Land of Pleasant Living Registered Userregular
If I had to have sex with Dane Cook I would repeatedly donkey punch him and then murder him and get some freak to mung his asshole while I beat his face in with a sledgehammer.
Wow, I'm actually surprised the people that hate Dane Cook are caring this much about a comedian they don't even like.
Grats, guys.
You know who else people care about and don't like?
Think about it.
I thought about it and I don't get it. Adolf was a fine leader, just that whole Holocaust thing, initiated by his colleagues is what everyone thinks about, anymore.
Wow, I'm actually surprised the people that hate Dane Cook are caring this much about a comedian they don't even like.
Grats, guys.
You know who else people care about and don't like?
Think about it.
I thought about it and I don't get it. Adolf was a fine leader, just that whole Holocaust thing, initiated by his colleagues is what everyone thinks about, anymore.
haha, what?
Lord Dave on
PiptheFairFrequently not in boats.Registered Userregular
If I had to have sex with Dane Cook I would repeatedly donkey punch him and then murder him and get some freak to mung his asshole while I beat his face in with a sledgehammer.
Wow, I'm actually surprised the people that hate Dane Cook are caring this much about a comedian they don't even like.
Grats, guys.
You know who else people care about and don't like?
Think about it.
I thought about it and I don't get it. Adolf was a fine leader, just that whole Holocaust thing, initiated by his colleagues is what everyone thinks about, anymore.
how does v8 get away with putting the words 100% vegetable juice followed by in smaller text "from concentrate with added ingredients" right on the can?
wheres seinfeld, he'd know what to do about this.
Drano on
Lord DaveGrief CauserBitch Free ZoneRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
I wish I could make vegetable juice just by concentrating.
how does v8 get away with putting the words 100% vegetable juice followed by in smaller text "from concentrate with added ingredients" right on the can?
wheres seinfeld, he'd know what to do about this.
Fortytwo's blog about fatherhood, life, and everything.
I thought about it and I don't get it. Adolf was a fine leader, just that whole Holocaust thing, initiated by his colleagues is what everyone thinks about, anymore.
Tweeters: radixius | Blargh: Wordpress | Sounds: Embol | Castpods: Ragecast | Steam | XBL
haha, what?
That whole Gestapo thing was a-ok.
I meant to say Barr.
I just don't really give a shit, and she's certainly round enough.
He left us too soon.
wheres seinfeld, he'd know what to do about this.