Welp, it's that time again, where I start thinking about what I want to wear on that special day. HALLOWEEN! Come on, who doesn't love this day, the ability to dress up and not be labelled a freak. Free candy, given to you by complete strangers (in contrast to the other 364 days of the year). Knocking on Jehovah Witness's doors repeatedly, for the sake of irony. Sure, I may be too old to go out and do the whole trick or treat thing, but at least I can dress up!
Which brings me to my conundrum. Every year without fail, I can't seem to come up with an idea, until the last moment. By that time, I'm forced to choose from a rack of costumes, all with the prefix of 'Sexy'. (seriously, mass produced women's costumes seem to be all about titillation, but that's a story for a different topic). So this year, I'm starting early, and I need your help.
Paramaters are:
1) While I am a chick, I feel quite comfortable in wearing a 'male' character's outfit. (For example, one year I dressed as Indiana Jones.)
2) Geeky costumes are highly accepted. I'm quite the fan of most of the main 'geekdoms', as well as a few of the minor ones.
3) If the costume can be made with 'regular' clothes (at least some from a thrift shop) the better. Although, custom costumes are fine as well.
Restrictions are:
1) Due to workplace restrictions, the costume must be...modest. So no strapless, no midriffs, and nothing shorter than some longer daisy dukes. Also, no helmets.
2) Due to my ineptness with a sewing machine, no 'sew it yourself' costumes. Also, costumes with Hollywood complexity make up are highly discouraged.
3) Preferably, no gore.
4) No Nuns, Egyptian Princesses, Hippies, or Pirates (Already been done) I also want to steer away from the 'usual' costumes, like witches, vampires, etc.
Alright guys other than that, everything's free game. Help me out where my limited imagination fails me.
It's really easy and I get compliments every year
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Maybe put a scary <img></img> on your torso to make it Halloweeny.
An idea I had for a Star Wars party I eventually didn't go to was Hans Solo in carbonite. Grey clothing consisting of trousers, shirt and waistcoat, some grey facepaint, and a large piece of grey chipboard or card attached to your back with braces. Might get a bit cumbersome, though.
This is the female version, there is also a male version. I've seen it going for $55, this place seems on the high side but it is an example.
Blue coveralls (or shirt and pants), white shoes, green wig, and some variety of tools or other things.
You can also check Project Rooftop (tencentticker.com/projectrooftop/) for some alternate super hero designs, some of which are pretty close to your plainclothes ideas.
My wife went as Carmen Sandiego one year. I dressed up as Waldo.
Our children were invisible.
That's....awesome! I was thinking of going as Waldo, but Carmen would be even better. Now to find a trench coat and a hat....
Also, to the others who offered suggestions, all of them were cool, I'll store them in my head for future Haloweens.
Dear Satan.....
As soon as I saw the episode she was in last year, I knew I had to dress up as her. The only downside was that the backpack had to be stitched together and I had my sister in-law to help with that
The hard part is finding them in Red. Though if they're cheep enough, a little bit of dye can fix that.
My Little pony.
Do a google search for cosplay images. (Just dont look on diviant art).
EDIT: Just saw that one of the requirements was "no helmet". GAAAAH IT'S SUCH A COOL COSTUME THOUGH!
She actually found pretty much everything she needed for the costume ready-to-go in a couple of hours. I think Filene's Basement had the hat and coat?