Just wanted to voice my dissatisfaction with the blanket ban on Kickstarter linking. I understand where the rule is coming from but it seems extreme and unnecessary. I, personally, am interested in supporting the Kickstarters of other members of the forums, or Kickstarters that come under discussion and that members want to share with others. The fact that there's a risk of some members whoring their Kickstarter in an annoying manner isn't enough, I feel, to justify banning the linking of Kickstarters whatsoever. I think home-grown forum projects are really great (and our forums have spawned some winners) and allowing forumers to support each other's projects through Kickstarters is worthwhile.
I don't know if this rule is just tentative or if it's even negotiable at all, but I figured I would at least voice my opinion and Tube can come in here and rip me a new one if he's so inclined.
NOTE: I accidentally posted this originally in the Vanilla Issues forum and I can't seem to edit it or delete it, sorry.
Plus sometimes controversial kickstarters are the subject of discussion, like with Anita Sarkeesian, and it seems silly to have to forego posting a link to the topic of debate.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
that's my thought, anyway. thanks to that dozens-of-pages-long thread with people whining unendingly about the PA kickstarter, i'd be happy never seeing that word on the forums again. it doesn't take a lot of imagination to consider people finding a way to route every tangential convo back to how much they hate mike and jerry and robert.
That still seems a bit unfair to people like Squirm or potentially 21stCentury who have legitimately cool projects that they're Kickstarting that a lot of people on the forums would be interested in contributing to.
It's weird not being able to show a common internet site to internet people.
The rule states thusly:
So based on that it seems like you can post the link in your sig even without mod permission. Though if I wanted to do that I'd probably still ask out of paranoia.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
You can post a link to your kickstarter in your sig given the same common sense restrictions that apply to any sig links (IE nothing utterly obscene or horrible). The only people likely to have the hammer dropped on them for linking a kickstarter in their signature are people who clearly signed up just to whore it out. I don't think anyone in this thread falls into this category.
As far as this rule goes, I'm afraid it's going to be staying around for the foreseeable future. Sorry about that.
Clarification question: if there were a controversial kickstarter we wanted to discuss, would that be something we could request permission to link to from a mod?
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Am I to kind of assume that this is going to be one of those "only enforced when necessary" rules ala the Glorious Edict? Like if we are talking about a Kickstarter in [chat] thread and I post a link to it I am unlikely to be penalized, but if I make a new thread without moderator permission going "HEY GUYZ KICKSTARTER OLOL" I will be?
In which case, my qualms are pretty much dealt with.
Discuss it, don't link it.
(just want to be super clear sorry)
So to be abosolutely clear, can we discuss newsworthy kickstarters if we don't link to them while they're in progress? Or do we have to wait for them to be completed to post about them (still without a link)