Editing my post again, since the moderator is still not happy with me. (I'm trying to comply, really!)
Internet connections via cell phone service at PAX has been pretty bad in past years, so this year I'm bringing my "TARDIS Box"; a portable wifi hotspot that hosts a messageboard, chat, and filesharing service. All of this is anonymous and non-Internet connected.
I figure I'll seed it with some useful PAX-related files, but also it'll be a fun experience to see what other stuff people post and share.
Here's what it looks like:

(More pictures
This is essentially a wifi hotspot that you can connect to openly (it shows up as "TARDISBox - Share Freely!"), so if you see me walking around with it, or spot the SSID in your wifi connection list, feel free to connect, chat and browse! It gets about 6 hours of run time off the battery, and I'll extend that by plugging it in where I can. It's got a pretty darn good wi-fi range too.
I've got some freely licensed content on there now, but for PAX I've also put a copy of the map, schedule, and a couple different versions of the "foodie locations" list in the fileshare area. What else would be useful? I'd love to see folks post random pictures taken at PAX, or maybe videos they took.
Sure, but chatting with multiple random PAX folks? It's one thing to call up a specific person on the cell phone, another to jump on a mobile messageboard/chat server in range to see who else is participating.
I don't know if this will get used at all; folks might not be interested. It's more of an experiment than anything else. It could also be a lot of fun if folks actively participate.
No can, do. That's not licensed.
However, a good example of music that CAN be shared is some of Jonathan Coulton's stuff. He licenses his music Creative Commons by-nc (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/). JoCo is awesome like that, so if you like his music, you should hop over to his site and donate.
That's what I'm hoping. I'm not expecting that many folks will be lugging laptops around (though certainly some will) but the chat, message board and fileshare are all accessible by smartphones over wifi, so photos and videos will hopefully work well, and the messageboard & chat should be fun.