So, the other job thread capped at 100 and I needed to bitch about my jerb.
Basically I work as a Video Store clerk, and we have four or five stores in the area, all of which have terribly neglected lawns and adjoining properties. My store manager asks if I wanna pick up some extra hours mowing, edging, and whatnot with given supplies, and stupidly I agree to do it. Turns out to be a huge pain in the ass, I have to drive all about town, pick up a mower, store it in my trunk, take it to my store's location, get halfway done and the mower quits. So we (read I) take the mower to a local maintenance shop and get it fixed (comp'd by the company, of course) but it was still time driving and arranging and a pain in the ass that I'm getting 8.50 an hour to take care of. Not to mention the fact that none of this was scheduled, and is eating into my free time, being a full-time student, which is fairly precious to me. Long story short, I get the lawnwork done, and it's a shitfit the entire time. The lawn's waay too long to be mowed adequately because it's been neglected for so long, and I constantly have to stop and clean the mower's blades out to get the job done. So the next day, no less than three other stores, of which there are five in the area, all call me and ask me to come do their lawns. Dafaq? Sure I did an okay job, but I was stupid enough to help out a store which is getting audited in about 10 hours.
Now all the other stores expect me to mow them, too. Shit I should have just said, "no." but I feel like I can't now because I already said yes.
I did draft up an agreement for supplemental pay and whatnot, take a gander and see if it sucks, and if I should change it or if that's even the right thing to do. I kinda am asking for a rediculous sum of money because I really don't want to do this, and if I do continue to do it, I want to be payed well. The lots are much larger than one would think, taking 2-3 hours to mow well.
lemme know if you know any angel investors. i could use an angel.
I'm using the "Shotgun" method of applying for jobs. Literally anything that I could be qualified for I'm sending an application for. And I'm meeting with anyone who works in the industry.
I always have my fallback of back to ships, but I reeeeeally don't want to do that. For like 50 reasons. It was good, but I'm moving on.
Also since money isn't important my girlfriend is going to school to get her teaching license so she can teach French for elementary schools. So we have even less money.
Pay is better and you don't have to deal with customers constantly, so that is a plus, but it's still Best Buy.
3DS: 2981-5304-3227
Its not even a job I particularly want - assistant manager at a pub so really lame work hours which is the reason I want to get out of pubs. But it would be decent pay and its a big company so I could get good training and for the first time ever have a pension. It would mean I could move to Bristol and get my own place and that basically means freedom to me.
I know. If those curry munchers are going to come over here the least they can do is learn how to speak American.
this is, uh
this is certainly an opinion to have
tumblr | instagram | twitter | steam
Not that I would prefer working with real muricans who speak real good. I would have as difficult a time with some American dialects as well, not to mention those of England or other English speaking countries.
I like most of my coworkers, and most days I don't notice it. But sometimes, oh man.
If the lady had other responsibilities other than calling job applicants, and did them well I would not judge anybody on that. But I would judge the company making anybody with a thick non-standard accent their main phone person.
I thought the ship thing was going well for you. Everything alright?
kill my job
also strong accents can be extremely challenging in certain fields
I used to work with dozens of Indian contractors and many a time I would have to pretend like I understood what they said, send them back to their desk, and then send them an e-mail telling them I forgot so they could just type out what the hell they wanted to tell me. One of them had a very very very quiet voice and that was the hardest. Schools in India to teach citizens complete English accents is a cottage industry.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
I do have trouble with strongly accented german, but I figure that's really my problem.
Also you haven't lived until you've heard a frenchman say "Willy-willy".
You don't actually need A+ to work in IT
Most of the people I ran into working in IT in Milwaukee had absolutely no education related to IT whatsoever, and I just got a job as a Unix Administrator entirely on the grounds that I knew nothing about Unix and they desperately wanted someone who understood computing, server technology, and thoroughly could handle command lines but who wasn't already a self described Unix Guru (because the last four they hired were nothing of the sort)
I mean maybe it varies around the country, my inbox is still full of job offers since I put up a resume on Monster saying how great I was and/or got an associates degree in computer support (hard to say which one of these was more important, but I'd imagine I'd have gotten many of them with no education on that resume at all, I got fancy business cards and a number of businesses I've done minor IT work for as references that speak volumes more), but I aint got no A+
I will RUIN your SHIT
Sassori please stop being me
I am in no mood for an existential crisis
I mean it sound stupid and it probably is but that got me more job offers in six months than the previous six years. This isn't to say don't go get A+ or schooling or whatever, but there's no reason to not look in the interim, just repeat over and over to yourself that you're fucking awesome and make sure your resume reads like that of someone who is
What color underwear are we wearing right now?
well, I could go for the creep answer and say "trick question we're not wearing any"
but I won't because I'd like to think I am Better
so... black, with grey squares on the front and back
I was feeling fancy so I went with...sapphire. Aw yeah.
Maybe I'm making a statement.
It says "Someone make me a new sig."
Fingers crossed
Well that's the thing, I don't have any formal education in IT outside of a few comp sci courses I took a year ago or so. That's why I wanted the certification just so I have something to show experience in the field besides ripping apart computers and putting them back together at home. That is a rather good idea about just doing work for myself and building up some references. Thanks for advice.
Hands up anyone who learned fucking token ring networks in 200X, worked on Intel 486 computers, didn't have any courses about how PHP and MyQSL integrate, did the same exercises in VisualBasic, java and PHP and never anything unique to any of those languages.
I did learn a very little bit about webdesign from the one good teacher in that school, also some flash, neither of which really helps me at the moment. At least I've kinda heard that the school is improving now but that don't help me.
i literally went to school for web development and I cannot ever remember a class about specifically linking PHP or ASP to a database
databases classes yes
programming classes yet
merging the two no
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Seems like you guys went to the wrong school. I did Web Development (Internet Computing) at university and we had a pretty major project at the end of the second year that covered some pretty hefty data-mining of a MYSQL db, so for the semester leading up to that project we started off with command line database work to get a ground for it, then moved into how PHP uses it, then learned data security through PDO, etc.
Things were pretty much great on the ship, and then the corporate side was consistently insulting and awful to me. Last contract started to seal it too. Also my girlfriend is moving to land anyways, so I'm not too inclined to be away, but they really sealed it most recently:
I then had one contract from hell, where the ship itself was just god awful, nobody was happy, I gained 30 pounds, the stress levels were through the roof, etc. During this time, because I had filled in in a couple of other musical positions around the ship(Piano bar, Jazz trio) and gotten really good feedback, I decided to inquire about those other positions to see if they were available. I also pretty much demanded that if they weren't available, I wanted the promotion from earlier to be a permanent one. I had enough time with the company, enough recommendations to merit it, and I'd been told several times that the company was in desperate need of Piano/Band leaders.
The response from corporate was a flat no on everything. I was then told that the last time i had the promotion "People had problems", and corporate refused to tell me who or what their problems were. Basically I was told there were problems and I needed to fix them, but they got incredibly dodgy and didn't give me any information other than that. So I drew a line in the sand, and said that after a year and change of playing the crappy part, I would not take a contract on it again. I was then told that "Oh corporate doesn't assign that, it's just up to the band leader". I talked to a bunch of band leaders. Absolutely none of them knew this, they thought that it was decided by corporate. They were absolutely never told that it was their decision. I'm also told that if I continue to get recommendations for the Band Leader position, I will see the promotion soon, as they really need Piano playing band leaders.
And so after positive feedback from on the ship with different positions, and recommendations for different positions, still I was pretty much reduced to asking for 2 things: 8 months on the same ship, as that was the length of the contract my girlfriend was taking, and never Keys2 again or I quit. I was then offered a 3 month contract with a note that "You probably will be playing piano". I responded that I asked for 2 things and one of them I was maybe getting, one of them I wasn't getting at all. They responded that if I wanted a longer contract I would just need to play Keys2 because the Band leaders are going to be pianists for the remainder of the time.
Since I also play bass, I asked them what would be required for that, and they asked me to fill in for a set and get a recommendation(I still believed that this would work, despite them throwing all other recommendations I'd ever gotten out). So I did that, got a glowing recommendation from a few people in the band, and then suddenly heard nothing for 2 months. Then they came back saying "That's not enough anymore, you have to submit an audition". So I'm in limbo right now. My girlfriend accepted her contract, so I was stuck on the ship for 8 months no matter what. I go home, submit the audition video, and hear nothing back.
Then a month later, when I'm 2 weeks from leaving for the ship, I get a response that the Bass position has been filled, so if I want to stay on the ship for more than 3 months, I have to take keys2. Since my girlfriend had to take the contract in this time, and it had to be 8 months because her company was being awesome and giving her the promotion she asked for, I pretty much either could take the contract as keys2 or go 5 months without seeing each other or having any easy contact. So I take the contract and don't say anything about if I would want a future contract.
Fast forward 2 and a half months. It had now been about 6-7 months since I was told that the Band leaders were piano players and already contracted, and that I "wasn't ready yet". We get word about a month and a half before the guy was coming that they now have a band leader coming, and that he's doing 1 month on another ship to learn a bit about the company and ship life, but other than that he hadn't been on a ship in his life, nor had he worked with the company at all in any respect. I obviously have problems with this and ask corporate what the shit's up. They basically tell me that I should've thought of that when I took the keys2 contract, completely ignoring that I have evidence that they flat out lied to me in about every respect just to get me on the ship. The guy comes on board and has a couple rough edges because he's new, and we're willing to cut him a little slack because, hey... he's new. He's pretty laid back, but whatever. Then things start slipping. He'll show up 15 minutes into a 60 minute set because he didn't set an alarm, or 30 minutes into a 90 minute set because he had gotten drunk in port. And because there's no direction at all and he doesn't know the charts, every song ends with the band basically falling apart.
Then at one point, the Jazz trio pianist got sick, and the Band leader, Event manager, and Cruise director decided that our BL would play in his place, completely leaving the band until the guy was healthy. I was not asked to take on the extra responsibility and work of BL, no I was told that I'd be doing it, with absolutely no extra pay or any compensation. When I talked to the guy in charge of this, he said "Well that's something you'd have to personally work out with the Band leader... that's not my call". So hey I got the promotion! Except I didn't, and I was being treated like total shit by the onboard management, and when I told them I was absolutely not ok with their decision and corporate would be getting an email they told me that that wasn't necessary, but they still weren't going to do anything else. I wrote to corporate and their response was "Well gee... you should be happy they are having you fill the spot! That's exactly what you were asking for!" With again, nothing about how if I was doing the extra work and taking the extra responsibility, maybe I should get something out of it.
Then to really drive the point home, there's a shuffle with who is coming to replace the BL, and it isn't decided until about 5 days before. So about 10 months after I was told that it was all set in stone and there was no wiggle room. This band leader sends in another recommendation, and sends one in for me as a piano bar entertainer and a singer/pianist with the band(They're adding bands with male vocalists to some ships now)
So because I apparently don't get the pattern, I send an email off to corporate saying that they should've received the recommendation, and that I would be open for a position as piano/singer or piano bar, assuming that if I was piano/singer I got some extra pay compensation for the fact that I was doing two jobs, and one of them would get paid more anyways. I also sent in a message saying that even with the drama over the bullshit way it was approached, the time spent as Band Leader again was fun, I did enjoy it, and I would in fact be interested in another contract as Band Leader. I get once again a strong no on everything, and now their excuse is that because I've send in messages that I would be interested in positions that I've gotten recommendations for, that they don't think I'm qualified for, it shows that I'm just not qualified to be Band Leader. Also, they're not on the ships and don't see what's happening, so how would they know that I can do it?(I mentioned I thought this was what recommendations were for. They said "Well but that's not the whole story, is it?") Now this is one year after they said "Definitely within a year", 3 recommendations after they said "Just get another couple recommendations", and the second time I drew a clear line in the sand and they decided to test it by completely stepping over it. Also, as a note since it does all seem fast, most people last maybe a year on ships in general, maaaybe 2.
So after all of that, I actually stood up and said that the 5th time they screwed me over was too much. I didn't send in a scathing resignation yet, because I don't have income on land yet, but going back there is absolutely only a worst-case option.
So yeah.... On ship I was still having a blast for the most part. Maybe a couple bad months, one bad contract, but in general it was still pretty positive. But to have everything go great in the actual environment only to be told that everything was terrible and I was stupid for thinking it wasn't by the people who not only weren't there, but have never worked on a ship got really old. So it's time for me to close that chapter and move on, heading to land.
Damn that list is making me depressed.
Also, you see some stupid shit. Like for real stupid. Someone spilled an entire pot of coffee on their machine, someone tried to put theirs in the dishwasher, someone's PET MONKEY (I shit you not) pulled all the keys off of the keyboard, etc. Lots of people forget computers on the roof of the car before getting on the interstate.