My first boradband internet connection was NTL/Virgin's NEW ULTRAMAAAAX SUPER ONE MEG CONNECTION OF POWER.
My Mobile Phone is now faster than this.
That's what really gets me when it comes to the whole, "Are We In Teh Future?"
(Not to mention the processor in the phone is many time faster than that PC was)
(And my current connection is only 5 meg but hey ho, you can get two orders of magnitude faster, just not in my flat. Across the road, yes, but now here. Maybe not so WORLD OF TOMORROW after all)
RoboJ1M on
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
D'aww. I love this one. I imagine it's gonna get some scorn, but yeah.
My first boradband internet connection was NTL/Virgin's NEW ULTRAMAAAAX SUPER ONE MEG CONNECTION OF POWER.
My Mobile Phone is now faster than this.
That's what really gets me when it comes to the whole, "Are We In Teh Future?"
(Not to mention the processor in the phone is many time faster than that PC was)
(And my current connection is only 5 meg but hey ho, you can get two orders of magnitude faster, just not in my flat. Across the road, yes, but now here. Maybe not so WORLD OF TOMORROW after all)
There's a lot of places where being a mile or two outside a city limit will suddenly just cut off all broadband access. Like where I fucking live.
Mmmm, kind of a lazy comic, just goes from A to B. Does anyone else think Tycho looks odd in the last panel? His arms and posture look like they are from a different character compared to in the first panel.
Gabe and Tycho only seem to do ordinary things when casually discussing games now. They should do more shit like emerging from alien cocoons and climbing on a big fat guy.
I remember my old HP Pavilion with the Athlon Thunderbird processor in it, and how cool I thought it was back around 2000ish (cut me some slack; I was ten years old). I also had a Creative Zen Jukebox with a 6-gig HDD for an MP3 player, and I thought it was amazing.
Now, I have a 4th-gen 64 GB iPod Touch that grinds both of those into dust and pisses on their graves. It has a freakin' gyroscope and accelerometer in it. With the right app, you can actually use it as a level. And a pocket reference guide. And a map. And an Ebook reader. And a handheld game platform. And a web browser. And a 720p HD Camcorder. And a barcode scanner. And a stopwatch/alarm. And as a digital audio workstation. And to control your desktop machine remotely with Splashtop. Oh, and it also plays music. All your music. Hours, days, even weeks of it.
We already have tricorders, and we didn't even notice.
Just the other day, I heard about scientists using the principle of optogenetics to change the behavior of animals by sending pulses of light through fiber-optic probes embedded in their brains after modifying their cells to respond to stimulation by photons.
We don't need no hoverboards or jetpacks. We are living in the future already.
Did anyone else immediately pre-purchase the new Baldur?
Lord_AsmodeusgoeticSobriquet:Here is your magical cryptic riddle-tumour: I AM A TIME MACHINERegistered Userregular
I'll probably be pre-ordering it later today or tomorrow but...
what the fuck is Beamdog? O_o
Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln
admanbunionize your workplaceSeattle, WARegistered Userregular
I'll probably be pre-ordering it later today or tomorrow but...
what the fuck is Beamdog? O_o
Game industry vets, some former Bioware/Black Isle, that happened to have the connections and competence it takes to re-release an old game on tablets. :P
We may have to wait a few more years for hoverboards. But when we DO get them they'll have wireless internet.
Then they'll be banned because people died looking at cats instead of where they were going.
FramlingFaceHeadGeebs has bad ideas.Registered Userregular
I have maintained for a while now that there's an alternate universe out there with flying cars and space colonies, and they're all bitching about how their phones still have cords and computers are still huge.
you're = you are
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Gabe and Tycho only seem to do ordinary things when casually discussing games now. They should do more shit like emerging from alien cocoons and climbing on a big fat guy.
This. If the artwork is just going to be meaningless fluff there to justify calling a monologue a comic, at least make it amusing fluff.
but I'm pretty sure Gabe and Tycho doing some good old normal grilling is an intentional contrast to the crazy future tech they are talking about
DVGNo. 1 Honor StudentNether Institute, Evil AcademyRegistered Userregular
I remember when I was a kid I was convinced I could invent the hoverboard because I realized my legos with magnets on them would repel when they were faced away from each other.
Transportation is a giant enabler for other stuff. Movement of goods and people shrinks the world. Think about what the invention of the steam engine, the railroad, or the airplane did for the world. Heck, just think of the US highway system when it was built in the 50s. Now, project such revolutionary changes to future tech.
Basically a lot of future gazing from the past was people extrapolating a recent jump in technology and then continuing that slope into the future and it's transportation focused because that's where a lot focus went in the middle of the century. The space race, interstate highways, jumbo jets, advances in car technology, etc. Things like television and telephony moved forward at a glacial pace comparitively.
I wish other industries were allowed the same growth potential.
However he raises a good point. The future is awesome.
My Mobile Phone is now faster than this.
That's what really gets me when it comes to the whole, "Are We In Teh Future?"
(Not to mention the processor in the phone is many time faster than that PC was)
(And my current connection is only 5 meg but hey ho, you can get two orders of magnitude faster, just not in my flat. Across the road, yes, but now here. Maybe not so WORLD OF TOMORROW after all)
There's a lot of places where being a mile or two outside a city limit will suddenly just cut off all broadband access. Like where I fucking live.
Get to it, science people.
Now, I have a 4th-gen 64 GB iPod Touch that grinds both of those into dust and pisses on their graves. It has a freakin' gyroscope and accelerometer in it. With the right app, you can actually use it as a level. And a pocket reference guide. And a map. And an Ebook reader. And a handheld game platform. And a web browser. And a 720p HD Camcorder. And a barcode scanner. And a stopwatch/alarm. And as a digital audio workstation. And to control your desktop machine remotely with Splashtop. Oh, and it also plays music. All your music. Hours, days, even weeks of it.
We already have tricorders, and we didn't even notice.
Just the other day, I heard about scientists using the principle of optogenetics to change the behavior of animals by sending pulses of light through fiber-optic probes embedded in their brains after modifying their cells to respond to stimulation by photons.
We don't need no hoverboards or jetpacks. We are living in the future already.
What platform is getting Baldur's Gate again, assumedly in wireless form? Is it a tablet?
what the fuck is Beamdog? O_o
Game industry vets, some former Bioware/Black Isle, that happened to have the connections and competence it takes to re-release an old game on tablets. :P
Then they'll be banned because people died looking at cats instead of where they were going.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
that's pretty cool, where is that? I'd assume a big city probably.
This. If the artwork is just going to be meaningless fluff there to justify calling a monologue a comic, at least make it amusing fluff.
but I'm pretty sure Gabe and Tycho doing some good old normal grilling is an intentional contrast to the crazy future tech they are talking about
hoverboards, flying cars, spaceships, teleportation
BFE Southern Maryland actually. They're actually all over the place now. (well, I can think of 5 in a 15 mile radius anyway)