
Onslaught! Arena

TubeTube Registered User admin
edited September 2012 in Indie Games
Onslaught! Arena is a free, browser-based medieval fantasy arcade shoot 'em up. Fend off hordes of goblins, minotaurs, owlbears, dragons, and more with swords, axes, fireballs, and other fun weapons!

Link to play

Download for Mac

Download the souped-up version on iPad with virtual analog stick madness!!

A bunch of images about the game and its development

Made by
Geoff Blair - design & programming
Matt Hackett - design & art
Joshua Morse - music & sound effects

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    richtaurrichtaur Mountain View, CARegistered User new member
    I'm the developer and this space is reserved for my updates!

    Fulltime independent game developer at <a href="http://www.lostdecadegames.com/">Lost Decade Games</a>.
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    MarkandRogerMarkandRoger Registered User regular
    Solid game. My son and I enjoyed it quite a bit. We missed the phases of picking up different weapons in the final level, despite the one weapon being great. It ran great on the ipad3, and will remain there for many years. Thanks.

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    kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    This looks cool. I'll try it out on my iPad sometime this week.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
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    MorblitzMorblitz Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Solid game. My son and I enjoyed it quite a bit. We missed the phases of picking up different weapons in the final level, despite the one weapon being great. It ran great on the ipad3, and will remain there for many years. Thanks.

    Likewise. But at the start. I saw all the weapons laid out, and since it was a shooting game, I tried to select them by shooting my swords at them, and then they went away. Oops. Maybe I missed it, but perhaps make it a little clearer what you have to do at the start? I might also just be tired.

    I'm curious as to why the game is completely free. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's pretty rad, but was it made and released as a hobbie or something?

    Pretty fun game though, gave it a whirl. I might grab it for my ipad. Thanks!

    Morblitz on
    3DS Pokemon Y Friend Code: 0645 5780 8920
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    mustcodemustcode Registered User new member
    Great stuff. More variety of enemies, bosses and items will make this even more awesome.

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    PrimePrime UKRegistered User regular
    Played it over lunch, nice little game. Could do with more variety for any lasting appeal.

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    DrakhadesDrakhades Registered User regular
    yeah, basically seems to be a war of attrition with a difficulty curve that needs balancing. waves 1 to 12 seemed too easy, 13 and 14 i started getting hit, wave 15 i died.

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    theSoupSmiththeSoupSmith OregonRegistered User new member
    I wasn't planning on doing more than checking out the graphics/music for a few seconds and got completely sucked in.

    Its a great game! Now I just need to learn to stop killing monsters on spikes so I can collect their loots without hurting my feet.

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