No, there are some bases that come with pre-built but destroyed facilities that you can quickly repair. They can't be upgraded and just sit there hogging a spot. It's pretty annoying.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
Apparently you cannot upgrade pre-existing facilities that come with a home (i.e. the ones actually in the building - the bedroom and kitchen in the church).
I am hoping (but disappointed because I'm pretty sure it's not in the game) for:
The ability to call in artillery like the one military mission for destroying hordes. However many influence for a "Hey, bomb this area for me, would you" would be great. It'd be nice if that mission/ability had let you target special zombies too (I had a feral right at the bottom of the ladder I couldn't shoot because I couldn't aim down far enough, so I had to switch my survivor and hope Maya would return home on her own (which she did; apparently returning home after switching is basically teleporting back).
My sort of gripe with the survivor system they've developed is that is sort of expects you to keep a bank of survivors you like. You can't have just one because you'll get tired and may need to heal. But you can't reliably use whichever person you want because the game randomly sends them off places sometimes (like scavenging with Maya and having Marcus be the summoned scavenger guy).
I'm probably going to need to move my base. I have 15 survivors, can play as just about all of them and my supplies are abundant and will just be wasted. lol...
if you tap b or x you can also drop off of a ladder, should you need to.
“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
Apparently you cannot upgrade pre-existing facilities that come with a home (i.e. the ones actually in the building - the bedroom and kitchen in the church).
I am hoping (but disappointed because I'm pretty sure it's not in the game) for:
The ability to call in artillery like the one military mission for destroying hordes. However many influence for a "Hey, bomb this area for me, would you" would be great. It'd be nice if that mission/ability had let you target special zombies too (I had a feral right at the bottom of the ladder I couldn't shoot because I couldn't aim down far enough, so I had to switch my survivor and hope Maya would return home on her own (which she did; apparently returning home after switching is basically teleporting back).
My sort of gripe with the survivor system they've developed is that is sort of expects you to keep a bank of survivors you like. You can't have just one because you'll get tired and may need to heal. But you can't reliably use whichever person you want because the game randomly sends them off places sometimes (like scavenging with Maya and having Marcus be the summoned scavenger guy).
I've got the artillery ability. It's from the mission Insubordination. I also have SWAT teams and an insta build button. They cost 50 influence and have long timers
yea, I have that ability too, but it requires a day to recharge, and I'm assuming that's realtime.
It says a day, but if I save and reload a lot of other timer stuff is off cd or advanced. Rented out my library for ammo. 24 hours they said, 3 hours and a reload I said. So they have a goofy timer.
I'm starting to feel the real stress of the apocalypse.
Where were you?! Your father and I sat up all night long thinking you'd been eaten by zombies or something. Do you know we called every hospital and morgue around, even though our phones aren't actually working, so we just had to pretend we couldn't find you at any of them? I hope you have a good excuse mister, and I don't want to hear that you were on a scavenging run unless you have oodles of supplies hidden somewhere I can't see! Well?!
yea, I have that ability too, but it requires a day to recharge, and I'm assuming that's realtime.
It says a day, but if I save and reload a lot of other timer stuff is off cd or advanced. Rented out my library for ammo. 24 hours they said, 3 hours and a reload I said. So they have a goofy timer.
Yea, I'm starting to realize that just exiting the game and coming back in is like a fast forward...
It's also the best fast travel option. Flip your truck on a rock and now you're stranded in the middle of a field and don't feel like trekking back to civilization because there's no other cars around? QUIT+Reload! Problem solved. :P
edit: also finally got around to advancing the plot and got to that fight and it was pretty lame. like pushover lame. Could have been because coming into it my Marcus was 7/7 fighting and powerhouse though... since I've done nothing but dick around but, yeah. lol.
tastydonuts on
“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
firewaterwordSatchitanandaPais Vasco to San FranciscoRegistered Userregular
This game is fucking incredible.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
GnomeTankWhat the what?Portland, OregonRegistered Userregular
So my first impressions (yes, I broke down and bought it even though I hate them for not releasing to PC...don't judge me):
* People were not joking with the graphics, egads. I get it, small team, low budget...but that is no excuse for the circa 2004 shadows and horrible jaggies. Those are technical issues that the 360's hardware can easily overcome, not asset production issues. As others have pointed out, you mostly forget about it as the game content is good...but every so often you'll be running through the woods going "Jesus those shadows look horrendous".
* I don't seem to have the issue with down ladders that others do. I just scoot up to them and it hitches me on and down I go. Yeah, you can't go careening off and just hope it catches...but it takes an extra second or two to get attached. Sure, a button would be nice, but I think it's fine.
* Melee weapons break too easy, and are too rare. In a game where melee is your life blood, melee weapons shouldn't break in a matter of minutes...especially things like a michette. Michettes work when they are rusted and bent, yet mine broke after 50 swings at zombies?
Overall the game is a lot of fun, but it has a few glaring flaws in design (I'm disregarding bugs assuming those will be patched out, at least the critical ones). It's a great first effort, and totally worth 1600 MS points. I'm looking forward to seeing what else Undead Labs is able to produce. Hopefully they put a little more focus on polished visuals. Not cutting edge super wow, just polished. Things like the shadows and jaggies are low hanging fruit that a small team could easily tackle.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
edited June 2013
Melee weapons may seem a bit rare at first, but there are two ways to combat that. First, use non-weapon melee attacks a LOT; if you use Y, you kick zombies instead of wearing down your weapon and can knock them down. Once zombies are on their knees or laying on the ground, you can one-hit kill them by using LB+Y, which also reduces wear and tear on melee weapons. RB+A is also highly useful, as you do a flying leap kick that knocks them on their ass, at which point you can kill a zombie with a single RB+Y blow.
Second is that different container types hold different item potential. Sure, you can find something decent in a house, but sheds with searchable toolboxes, shelves, or boxes tend to always have a machete or two, if not something better like crowbars or wrenches. A bit of dedicated scavenging will leave you with as many melee weapons as you can use, and make sure to de-equip damaged melee weapons and put them in the stash once you get a workshop. They'll eventually get repaired, so you can build a stockpile of better, more durable weapons.
And yeah, the edges to this game are EXTREMELY rough, especially since I've been playing PC games almost exclusively for so many months now, but the PC version would likely instantly kick a lot of the visual problems in the ass thanks to vastly higher-rez textures, powerful anti-aliasing, and enough horsepower in general to completely beat the crap out of the poor optimization. Even so, the layout of the towns reminds a lot of Deadly Premonition, in that it feels like the devs more or less lifted layouts from actual towns and put them closer together for the sake of gameplay. Rough visuals, but they still put a lot of work into the art assets here for a 20 dollar game. There are loads of places I keep driving by that I haven't checked out yet, but the game is keeping me too busy to stop and check them out.
Really hope that since Microsoft is the publisher on this, we don't have to wait for the usual bullshit certification procedures for patches. The "all infestations count as being near base" bug has me spending way too much time recovering friends, especially since I'm virtually always at max morale.
Oh, and one last thing. I think that if you have a coward at base and you start leveling them up, it might stop them from spamming the "fear" morale problem which requires you to take them out on a mission to fix. I had two cowards doing that, took one out and got her leveled up a bit, and now the only who has been having that issue is the guy I haven't used at all. It's worth a shot; worst thing that happens is that you get them in over their head and they die, freeing up a survivor space for somebody who isn't a dumbass who constantly wastes your time.
So, if someone doesn't want to send you on a mission because it's too dangerous, then it's probably too dangerous. Also, you game will not auto-save in missions, and there are missions that will not cancel once you begin them. Also, you can't swap characters to cancel. Onwards to victory, or the sweet release of death!
I've officially hit the point where whenever I see the "saving" at the bottom of the screen, I start to wonder who's dead.
Also, go figure - if someone needs a Doctor, and you don't get them a doctor, your "friends" will pop him in the head the second you leave to protect themselves.
Can't say I blame them, though...
PSN: mxmarks - WiiU: mxmarks - twitter: @ MikesPS4 - - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow
I like this game but they keep sending me to so many places at once all the time. Fix this, fix that, never any time for just survival and random exploration.
I like this game but they keep sending me to so many places at once all the time. Fix this, fix that, never any time for just survival and random exploration.
They've said they wanted to give you too much to do at once. You are supposed to have to pick and choose what you do.
I didn't play at all yesterday, except for a few minutes because I was trying to see if you could upgrade the walls around the church. I guess you can't?
Anyway, not only were all my cars and trucks repaired but all my melee weapons were too. And my supply stash was crammed with tons of melee weapons that wern't there before! Bunch of survivors are still missing, did manage to find Jacob cowering in a supply shed not too far from the church, and brought him home. Marcus is still missing though... also, when I logged on last night, a bunch of names flashed by saying "xxxx has died". It went by too fast to read em all... hope it was nobody important.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
•Workshop now repairs weapons and vehicles at game dawn rather than the next real-world day.
•Reduced cooldown times of commands in the Radio Menu, notably Words of Encouragement, Words of Inspiration, and Medical Advice.
•NPCs no longer get stuck behind the counter or on the stairs at the gun shop in Spencer's Mill.
•The "Too many infestations!" event will now only occur when there are too many infestations within 500m of your Home, rather than anywhere in the world.
•The "Too many infestations" to-do item is now cleared when there are fewer than three infestations within 500m of your Home, rather than anywhere in the world.
•You must now be close to the ranger station for the Memento mission scene to play. Previously you would be teleported to the station if you left before the end of the mission.
•Community members will properly interact with Facilities in your home. Previously they would stop after a period of time.
•Feral zombie now properly dodges vehicles approaching at an angle.
•NPCs will now reliably reach warehouse between Mt. Tanner and Spencer's Mill when called to gather supplies.
•You can now punch out through the windshield of a vehicle if both doors are blocked.
•Zombies and NPCs no longer get stuck behind the grocery store in Marshall.
•NPCs now properly move to the proper location during cinematic scenes.
•Zombies no longer fall through floor in the Marshall courthouse.
•Zombies can no longer get under porch or floor at the Wilkerson's farmhouse.
•Fixed a few rare crash bugs.
•Fixed various translations bugs.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
jefe414"My Other Drill Hole is a Teleporter"Mechagodzilla is Best GodzillaRegistered Userregular
Those bolded fixes are awesome (as is the infestation one).
Radio Menu, notably Words of Encouragement, Words of Inspiration, and Medical Advice
I guess I need to use the radio menu more? Do you have to talk to the radio operator or can these be accessed by clicking down on the D-pad?
Powerhouse characters are just melee masters in this game. Give them a heavy weapon (sledgehammer, wood axe, etc) and they will just be splitting skulls open with regular attacks. Grab the frontal AOE move and LB+X mows down an entire horde for you to finish with LB+Y or just regular stomps. The Suplex is a one-hit kill on anything up to and including armored zombies (haven't tried it on a Feral yet since they're pretty rare, thank god).
You're also immune to damage during the LB+Y and Suplex animations. Maybe more, I haven't noticed. But if you AOE trip a bunch you can spam your finisher on each one and never get hit by the rest. I'm not fond of the Spartan kick, it punts zombies too far. May as well suplex them and get the instant kill.
So far I've found it easiest to hold off on leveling shooting skills until my survivors have a good base of melee attacks. That way they can practice headshotting 3-4 incoming zombies while still confident that any that get in close will be finished off quickly. Plus ammo goes FAST once you start shooting, so it's best to build up a good stockpile. Any caliber will one-shot a skull, even .22s. Remember to clean out the stashes in your neighbors' enclaves for extra rounds.
If you're saving those homemade silencers, don't. I have something like 72 of them in the stash, can't use them quickly enough.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
So are the survivors randomly generated, or are there a pool of static ones that you come across? I've been using Maya who has become my goto girl for surviving the apocalypse - the first person you encounter after the Ranger station. Has anyone worked at just leveling certain stats? Her cardio is pretty terrible.
Also, this game gives me a boner. Just throwin' that out there.
So are the survivors randomly generated, or are there a pool of static ones that you come across? I've been using Maya who has become my goto girl for surviving the apocalypse - the first person you encounter after the Ranger station. Has anyone worked at just leveling certain stats? Her cardio is pretty terrible.
Also, this game gives me a boner. Just throwin' that out there.
You start with all the same ones but everyone after that is supposed to be random or at least that's what the old developer interviews said.
* I don't seem to have the issue with down ladders that others do. I just scoot up to them and it hitches me on and down I go. Yeah, you can't go careening off and just hope it catches...but it takes an extra second or two to get attached. Sure, a button would be nice, but I think it's fine.
I do the scootchy dance for a good five seconds + at the top of every ladder and I rarely, RARELY connect with the damn thing. It's so bad, in fact, I've given up using the surveying stations. Might just be my controller but I have zero problems with this controller on any other game.
the random people have made this game even more amazing when discussing it with a buddy at work who bought it.
"Oh. My Ed is dead. This guy Ashton though has quickly jumped up in the ranks and I use him more than Marcus now."
"Ashton. Old balding dude?"
"I don't know him. I use Maya and this other girl, Maria. she has the cornrows."
"Oh you mean Sam?"
and continue until we realized it's awesomely random.
PSN: mxmarks - WiiU: mxmarks - twitter: @ MikesPS4 - - "Yes, mxmarks is the King of Queens" - Unbreakable Vow
I don't know if because having a maxed out fighting skill leads to less melee weapon damage, but Marcus' monkey wrench lasted the longest of any weapon I've used. Pretty sure he was putting notches in it and named that bitch.
MalReynoldsThe Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicinesRegistered Userregular
keep in mind i may be being punished by The Jesus for rampant sinnin'.
Then you should join The Ladder Day Saints.
Should fix your problem right there.
"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
I don't know if because having a maxed out fighting skill leads to less melee weapon damage, but Marcus' monkey wrench lasted the longest of any weapon I've used. Pretty sure he was putting notches in it and named that bitch.
No, wrenches are beasts in this game for some reason. They're the most expensive weapon I have in my locker right now.
jefe414"My Other Drill Hole is a Teleporter"Mechagodzilla is Best GodzillaRegistered Userregular
So what facilities are people building ? I'm still in the church and I made a bunkhouse (upgraded from sleeping area) and an improved workshop (the one that also repairs cars). I was looking through my options and there are others that sound cool (like the library or garden) but I don't have the space. I mean, to build what I'd want I'd need a bunch of open spaces.
So what facilities are people building ? I'm still in the church and I made a bunkhouse (upgraded from sleeping area) and an improved workshop (the one that also repairs cars). I was looking through my options and there are others that sound cool (like the library or garden) but I don't have the space. I mean, to build what I'd want I'd need a bunch of open spaces.
You can tear down stuff too. The place with the most open spaces:
is apprently a farm somewhere. I didn't read more into the location because I want to find it myself but it's relatively near the hub area around the church.
I don't know if because having a maxed out fighting skill leads to less melee weapon damage, but Marcus' monkey wrench lasted the longest of any weapon I've used. Pretty sure he was putting notches in it and named that bitch.
No, wrenches are beasts in this game for some reason. They're the most expensive weapon I have in my locker right now.
Are they better than crowbars? Thing's worth 90 influence. Or whatever that number means.
Huh? I was able to upgrade the medical tent that came with the Church. Isn't that a pre-existing one or do you mean something else?
I am hoping (but disappointed because I'm pretty sure it's not in the game) for:
My sort of gripe with the survivor system they've developed is that is sort of expects you to keep a bank of survivors you like. You can't have just one because you'll get tired and may need to heal. But you can't reliably use whichever person you want because the game randomly sends them off places sometimes (like scavenging with Maya and having Marcus be the summoned scavenger guy).
if you tap b or x you can also drop off of a ladder, should you need to.
I've got the artillery ability. It's from the mission Insubordination. I also have SWAT teams and an insta build button. They cost 50 influence and have long timers
It says a day, but if I save and reload a lot of other timer stuff is off cd or advanced. Rented out my library for ammo. 24 hours they said, 3 hours and a reload I said. So they have a goofy timer.
I'm starting to feel the real stress of the apocalypse.
I know I took the other skill on one character but I can't even remember what it was because SUUUUUPLEXXXXX
Where were you?! Your father and I sat up all night long thinking you'd been eaten by zombies or something. Do you know we called every hospital and morgue around, even though our phones aren't actually working, so we just had to pretend we couldn't find you at any of them? I hope you have a good excuse mister, and I don't want to hear that you were on a scavenging run unless you have oodles of supplies hidden somewhere I can't see! Well?!
Yea, I'm starting to realize that just exiting the game and coming back in is like a fast forward...
It's also the best fast travel option. Flip your truck on a rock and now you're stranded in the middle of a field and don't feel like trekking back to civilization because there's no other cars around? QUIT+Reload! Problem solved. :P
edit: also finally got around to advancing the plot and got to that fight and it was pretty lame. like pushover lame. Could have been because coming into it my Marcus was 7/7 fighting and powerhouse though... since I've done nothing but dick around but, yeah. lol.
Great combat tips.
* People were not joking with the graphics, egads. I get it, small team, low budget...but that is no excuse for the circa 2004 shadows and horrible jaggies. Those are technical issues that the 360's hardware can easily overcome, not asset production issues. As others have pointed out, you mostly forget about it as the game content is good...but every so often you'll be running through the woods going "Jesus those shadows look horrendous".
* I don't seem to have the issue with down ladders that others do. I just scoot up to them and it hitches me on and down I go. Yeah, you can't go careening off and just hope it catches...but it takes an extra second or two to get attached. Sure, a button would be nice, but I think it's fine.
* Melee weapons break too easy, and are too rare. In a game where melee is your life blood, melee weapons shouldn't break in a matter of minutes...especially things like a michette. Michettes work when they are rusted and bent, yet mine broke after 50 swings at zombies?
Overall the game is a lot of fun, but it has a few glaring flaws in design (I'm disregarding bugs assuming those will be patched out, at least the critical ones). It's a great first effort, and totally worth 1600 MS points. I'm looking forward to seeing what else Undead Labs is able to produce. Hopefully they put a little more focus on polished visuals. Not cutting edge super wow, just polished. Things like the shadows and jaggies are low hanging fruit that a small team could easily tackle.
Second is that different container types hold different item potential. Sure, you can find something decent in a house, but sheds with searchable toolboxes, shelves, or boxes tend to always have a machete or two, if not something better like crowbars or wrenches. A bit of dedicated scavenging will leave you with as many melee weapons as you can use, and make sure to de-equip damaged melee weapons and put them in the stash once you get a workshop. They'll eventually get repaired, so you can build a stockpile of better, more durable weapons.
And yeah, the edges to this game are EXTREMELY rough, especially since I've been playing PC games almost exclusively for so many months now, but the PC version would likely instantly kick a lot of the visual problems in the ass thanks to vastly higher-rez textures, powerful anti-aliasing, and enough horsepower in general to completely beat the crap out of the poor optimization. Even so, the layout of the towns reminds a lot of Deadly Premonition, in that it feels like the devs more or less lifted layouts from actual towns and put them closer together for the sake of gameplay. Rough visuals, but they still put a lot of work into the art assets here for a 20 dollar game. There are loads of places I keep driving by that I haven't checked out yet, but the game is keeping me too busy to stop and check them out.
Really hope that since Microsoft is the publisher on this, we don't have to wait for the usual bullshit certification procedures for patches. The "all infestations count as being near base" bug has me spending way too much time recovering friends, especially since I'm virtually always at max morale.
Oh, and one last thing. I think that if you have a coward at base and you start leveling them up, it might stop them from spamming the "fear" morale problem which requires you to take them out on a mission to fix. I had two cowards doing that, took one out and got her leveled up a bit, and now the only who has been having that issue is the guy I haven't used at all. It's worth a shot; worst thing that happens is that you get them in over their head and they die, freeing up a survivor space for somebody who isn't a dumbass who constantly wastes your time.
Also, go figure - if someone needs a Doctor, and you don't get them a doctor, your "friends" will pop him in the head the second you leave to protect themselves.
Can't say I blame them, though...
They've said they wanted to give you too much to do at once. You are supposed to have to pick and choose what you do.
Yea, that's a pretty neat post!
Although it confirms what I've observed with the big guys: better to simply avoid fighting them since there's no low-cost way to kill them.
Fire means trust loss and using a car consumes like 90% of its durability and if you don't hit them right then the car is crippled too.
Anyway, not only were all my cars and trucks repaired but all my melee weapons were too. And my supply stash was crammed with tons of melee weapons that wern't there before! Bunch of survivors are still missing, did manage to find Jacob cowering in a supply shed not too far from the church, and brought him home. Marcus is still missing though... also, when I logged on last night, a bunch of names flashed by saying "xxxx has died". It went by too fast to read em all... hope it was nobody important.
Bug fixes:
•Workshop now repairs weapons and vehicles at game dawn rather than the next real-world day.
•Reduced cooldown times of commands in the Radio Menu, notably Words of Encouragement, Words of Inspiration, and Medical Advice.
•NPCs no longer get stuck behind the counter or on the stairs at the gun shop in Spencer's Mill.
•The "Too many infestations!" event will now only occur when there are too many infestations within 500m of your Home, rather than anywhere in the world.
•The "Too many infestations" to-do item is now cleared when there are fewer than three infestations within 500m of your Home, rather than anywhere in the world.
•You must now be close to the ranger station for the Memento mission scene to play. Previously you would be teleported to the station if you left before the end of the mission.
•Community members will properly interact with Facilities in your home. Previously they would stop after a period of time.
•Feral zombie now properly dodges vehicles approaching at an angle.
•NPCs will now reliably reach warehouse between Mt. Tanner and Spencer's Mill when called to gather supplies.
•You can now punch out through the windshield of a vehicle if both doors are blocked.
•Zombies and NPCs no longer get stuck behind the grocery store in Marshall.
•NPCs now properly move to the proper location during cinematic scenes.
•Zombies no longer fall through floor in the Marshall courthouse.
•Zombies can no longer get under porch or floor at the Wilkerson's farmhouse.
•Fixed a few rare crash bugs.
•Fixed various translations bugs.
I guess I need to use the radio menu more? Do you have to talk to the radio operator or can these be accessed by clicking down on the D-pad?
You're also immune to damage during the LB+Y and Suplex animations. Maybe more, I haven't noticed. But if you AOE trip a bunch you can spam your finisher on each one and never get hit by the rest. I'm not fond of the Spartan kick, it punts zombies too far. May as well suplex them and get the instant kill.
So far I've found it easiest to hold off on leveling shooting skills until my survivors have a good base of melee attacks. That way they can practice headshotting 3-4 incoming zombies while still confident that any that get in close will be finished off quickly. Plus ammo goes FAST once you start shooting, so it's best to build up a good stockpile. Any caliber will one-shot a skull, even .22s. Remember to clean out the stashes in your neighbors' enclaves for extra rounds.
If you're saving those homemade silencers, don't. I have something like 72 of them in the stash, can't use them quickly enough.
I believe these are options when certain people get friendly with you? Not THAT WAY, jeeze.
Gonna dump my current game and wait for the patch to come out.
So are the survivors randomly generated, or are there a pool of static ones that you come across? I've been using Maya who has become my goto girl for surviving the apocalypse - the first person you encounter after the Ranger station. Has anyone worked at just leveling certain stats? Her cardio is pretty terrible.
Also, this game gives me a boner. Just throwin' that out there.
You start with all the same ones but everyone after that is supposed to be random or at least that's what the old developer interviews said.
I do the scootchy dance for a good five seconds + at the top of every ladder and I rarely, RARELY connect with the damn thing. It's so bad, in fact, I've given up using the surveying stations. Might just be my controller but I have zero problems with this controller on any other game.
Odd, ladders have been painless for me.
"Oh. My Ed is dead. This guy Ashton though has quickly jumped up in the ranks and I use him more than Marcus now."
"Ashton. Old balding dude?"
"I don't know him. I use Maya and this other girl, Maria. she has the cornrows."
"Oh you mean Sam?"
and continue until we realized it's awesomely random.
keep in mind i may be being punished by The Jesus for rampant sinnin'.
Then you should join The Ladder Day Saints.
Should fix your problem right there.
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor
My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
No, wrenches are beasts in this game for some reason. They're the most expensive weapon I have in my locker right now.
where my wifes at
You can tear down stuff too. The place with the most open spaces:
Are they better than crowbars? Thing's worth 90 influence. Or whatever that number means.