There is a
game. It is called
Magic: The Gathering.
This game was invented in 1994 by Dr. Robert Garfield, an hilariously fat cat with an honorary degree in tormenting mice. His understanding of nature’s unforgiving savagery lent him unique insights he fashioned into the initial design of the game. Like many cats, though, he soon grew bored and wandered off to do other things.
Since then, the game has come under the direction of the MaRo, a hideous beast that delights in torturing people after they give him money, and its erstwhile "owners", Sorcerers by the Sea. However, their perch is precarious. At the age of eighteen the game is now legal, but in the intervening time it has become a self-aware monster, its tentacles spreading to all corners of the globe, and now rather than the other way around it is busy fucking
us to get at that sweet, sweet cash. They tend it carefully, lest they become its next victims.
But what is the game about, you may ask?
In this game, you are a
wizard person, dear reader. Fantastical! And you cast spells at other wizard people to burn their heathen bodies to ash.
"He thinks I'm gay?"
You summon creatures to attack other wizard people and trample their infidel bodies into the mud.
Definitely-not-the-Hulk-sue-us-not-Disney-or-face-the-wrath-of-Hasbro smash
You play with toys that make other wizard people jealous of your parents' largesse and gnash their teeth in heretical rage.
It's all fun and games until someone loses their soul as food for a horrific demon.
And you can call in a gang of other wizard people to beat up on an opposing wizard person who has blasphemed against your greatness.
You might not believe it, but for a while this little piece of cardboard was fetching $100. More, if he was shiny, but you'd probably believe at least that much.
In order to facilitate addiction, the Sorcerers have enacted a policy of regular releases, so just when one is shaking the cardboard monkey off the cardboard back, another leaps on and sinks its fangs deep.
Every summer, a core set of cards is released. The core set is seen as boring but necessary as a foundation to the game, like the four of clubs in poker, or rules in mixed martial arts. The most recent of these is Magic 2013, despite it being released in July of 2012.
It is a set from the future. Author's note: not really from the future. In a desperate grab for coolness, the nerdlinger Sorcerers have decided to do the car dating thing, because card dating/car dating. Ahahaha.
Every autumn, as players’ thoughts turn into staying indoors because it’s getting fucking cold out there, a new large expansion set is released, which contain all the cards players actually care about. In fall of 2011, this was Innistrad, a spooooky set about vampires that are not sparkly and werewolves that
do take their shirts off and have sixpacks but will as soon rip your throat out as kiss you passionately to make the vampire boyfriend jealous. It met with
unanimous praise.
Mr. Obama the socialist approves of the new red Vampires. Mr. Romney refused to release his deck list, but it is believed he favors the two-sided Werewolf cards.
The next of these sets is called Return to Ravnica. Ravnica is the Coruscant of Magic, yet it is much cooler. (Sorry, Mr. Zahn.) Players have been there before--the cards are in fact interdimensional teleporters--and many enjoyed their stay, so Return to Ravnica is being named so that they can prepare, and not so many players die in the other world this time. If they can bring the player deaths per set down to only 1% they will be perpetually gaining new players!
With denizens like these, it may be difficult.
In previous years, on the cusp of winter, when darkness runs over the land and players are desperate for something to help them not think about the horrors of the coming deep freeze, a premium deck, consisting entirely of shiny cards centered around a theme, was released. However, in summer of this year, they declared they would cease this secondary project.
This was perhaps not the best release to take peoples' minds off the thought of poor grandma's frozen corpse just in the other room and the empty, empty pantry...
In the depths of winter, follow-up expansions to the autumnal large expansions are released. These are typically used as kindling, which is the primary reason the $100 card above was so desperately valuable--many were burned in a last futile attempt to keep their owners alive.
Upon seeing the title alone, many players who had struggled mightily throughout the cold gave into despair outright and ate grandma. The Sorcerers are cruel masters.
Throughout the year, Duel Decks are released, featuring two prebuilt decks of cards which are mostly terrible but are at least thematically appropriate to fight each other.
Red vs. Blue: The CCG
In the runup to summer, as a way to keep the masses soporifically entranced enough to buy the worthless core sets and wait around for the next major expansion, a multiplayer format is released. These are designed to simultaneously destroy multiple bonds of friendship at once
and render one psychologically unfit to have any other friends, resulting in one playing more and more games with only the company of hated enemies to stave off depression.
The name doesn't help.
There are people who play this game for money, more cards, or money and more cards. They are called
gamblers, and their filthy perversion of a fun game into a moneymaking criminal cartel goes unpunished, for reasons unknown. Truly, the end times are upon us.
Shuffle 'em if ya got 'em! want a real primer? Fine. Stolen shamelessly from multiple MtG OPs and edited:
The basics of the game are (very) broadly as described above. If you want to get a closer look at the rules, check out
this link and click on “New to Magic”.
There is also a game called Duels of the Planeswalkers (there are three games right now: the original, 2012, and 2013), and you can get the demo for any of the three versions for free on X-Box Live, Playstation Network, or Steam. They have tutorials built in! Isn’t that thoughtful?’re having trouble finding players? Fair enough. You know the store where you got those cards? Ask them if they have any events. Typically they will have a thing called Friday Night Magic. There’s meet and greets, mini-tourneys, casual play, trades, anonymous group sex (but they will deny it if asked), the works.
Also, don’t worry about the lore. Do you need to care about the story in Risk? No, you just conquer all the other motherfuckers. If you want, you can look into it, but it doesn't need to distract you from enjoying the game.
The Colors
There are five colors of magic and over niiiiiiiiiiine thousaaaaaaaaaaaand individual cards between them, but basically they have the following style. (Some cards step out of these for various reasons, but this is a good rule of thumb.)
White: Small efficient armies of creatures. Healing. Permanent status effects. “Good guy” magic.
Blue: Countermagic. Locking down the board. Mind control. Card advantage through drawing more cards than an opponent. “Dick” magic.
Black: Creature killing. Creature punishment. Player punishment (and not just opponents). Card advantage through forcing an opponent to discard. “Sociopath” magic.
Red: Direct damage hitting creatures and players. Fast creatures with drawbacks. Dragons. “Psychopath” magic.
Green: Enormous creatures, hard to kill creatures, magical energy generated by creatures, and anti-air that would make an SR-71 nervous. “Forest path” magic.
Stolen even more blatantly from the last OP, here’s some awesome stuff to help you once you're past babby's first Human Soldier deck. - This is the Magic mothership! You can find all sorts of goodies here, including article series that cover the many facets of magic from both a player and designer perspective. I'm pretty partial to Making Magic, Building on a Budget, and Limited Information!
Gatherer, the Magic Card Database - This is Wizards' official database. You search for cards using some different parameters (color, cost, artist, to name a few). Good for building theme decks or finding a particular wording.
Star City Games - This is probably the next biggest Magic site next to the mothership; it has its own database alongside its own daily columns. As an added bonus, Starcity is a very reputable Magic retailer, and is a good place to look if you want a price reference for certain cards.
The Magic Academy - This is a series at the magic web site that was written purely as a tool for new players to get themselves familiar with the game. While it doesn't talk about the BASIC BASICS, it does explain to beginner players the philosophies behind certain cards, when to play them, when to attack, how to block correctly, and other helpful topics. - This is another very helpful magic site that allows you to construct decks and post them online for critique. It also has a comprehensive list of formats and what sets are legal in each of them.
Five Rules for Avoiding Manascrew - From Star City Games, this is an article I think is indispensable for any player as it teaches how to devise a solid mana base for any deck in a few easy steps.
Deckbuilding 101: Five Tips for Better Deckbuilding - This is another article I consider to be a must-read for any Magic player. It doesn't really discuss specific strategy, but certain fundamentals that every Magic player should absorb right into his bone marrow. Yes it is that important.
The Magic Rules page - This is where you can find the comprehensive rules alongside a list of every keyword in magic.
MTGSalvation - This is another great website dedicated to Magic. Their forums are extremely helpful in terms of pretty much anything Magic related (trading, deckbuilding, spoiling cards, news, etc.).
Off you go!
Magic: The Gathering Online? Oh, yes. That is a fing, isn't it. ...I don't play it. But here's some things held down and bloodily ripped off from the G&T thread.
A Guide for the New and Returning Player
As it goes with most things, players enter and exit the game with some regularity. Similarly, the game changes with the introduction of every new set and the costs to play are always in flux due to the various economic conditions and overall popularity of the game. So how you gonna stay on top of a thing?
To start:
Rules Primer for New and Returning Players
If, after reading that primer, you feel the urge to make a post complaining about how [insert card of your choice] is terrible now — don't. No one cares anymore.
Presumably the other thing on your mind, as a new and/or returning player, is "how large my debt grow?" This is understandable and largely why I'm writing this. As a service to you, and the thread, an outline of the fundamental costs associated with the most popular formats on Magic Online:
Limited (Booster Draft / Sealed) - As these formats are wholly dependent on you acquiring unopened product, the cost is nigh indeterminable but can be astronomical for the beginner or bad player. Be very cautious about entering into the game and heading straight to the draft queues. Expenditures of $13 will quickly multiply and you will be broke as fuck.
Standard - Arguably the most popular constructed format, comprised of the two most recent "blocks" + the most recent core set (though there is a brief interval where multiple core sets are legal). As with most constructed formats, Standard has a high cost of entry that is partially exacerbated by the fact that the format rotates frequently and players have to "re-up". This cost can be diminished through quick market decisions and much praying that the core components of your deck are reprinted.
Beyond Limited and Standard, you'll find Block Constructed, Extended, Modern, Legacy, Pauper, and Classic. Besides Pauper, which is exclusively commons (albeit some very expensive commons), the other formats all have similar costs to Standard. Also note that Extended is effectively a dead format that has been supplanted by Modern, and Classic is analogous to Vintage except even fewer people play it.
Q: Where can I procure this game?
Right here, at the official Wizards site.
Q: This ish is hells of oogly. What gives?
A: At least it runs well!
Q: No, it doesn't.
A: Oh, right, I forgot.
Q: What is there to do in the game?
A: Everything you can do in Paper Magic but taken to the next level. Except, I guess it's more like a sequel where they've fucked up continuity but things are still so awesome that you don't care that they've forgotten to explain how the main character lost his right arm AND changed gender. Currently, you'll have access to about 90% of every card ever printed. Almost everything worthwhile that's Pre-Mirage has been compiled into four Master's Edition sets, alongside a whole lot of jank no one cares about, while everything Mirage - Current is available, though only Standard-legal sets are purchasable from the official store.
All the major formats are played online, with a constant stream of tournaments in all your favorite flavors: Draft, Sealed, Block Constructed, Standard, Extended, Modern, Legacy, and 100 Card Singleton. The multiplayer room is home to 4-6 player games of 2 and 3-Headed Giant, Emperor, Commander/EDH, FFA, and possibly some other niche game types.
Q: Where's Masques block?
A: It arrived! ...but no one is playing it because it sucks.
Q: How much is this going to cost me?
A: After you get sick of the demo, a new account costs 10 dollars. Every new account comes with a set of gold-bordered cards taken from the Duels of the Planeswalkers game, as well as a mish-mash of cards from the most recent core set (M12) and a booster from that same set. It's suggested that you don't "open" the Planeswalker pack, as the cards can't be used outside of a single specific format and they will clutter your collection.
Q: Where are good places to buy singles?
A: I use the classifieds to find a good deal, but ChaosHat recommends
CardHoarder and
MTGO Traders. He claims they are "consistently cheap" and "pretty nice".
Q: How could anyone pay that much for fake cards?
A: Stop trollin', brah.
Q: I don't trust you. Is there an official explanation of all this?
A: Peep dat
WotC site.
Q: How do I join the PA clan?
A: Add metaghost to your buddies list once you sign up. Then, if you see him online, PM him and ask for a clan invite. He claims to usually be on evenings, EST/EDT.
Q: How come I can't play things at the appropriate time? I'd really appreciate being able to drop a Qasali Ambusher on dat azz.
A: Check your stops. Go into your Gameplay Settings and you'll see a grid of boxes structured according the various timing steps. If the game isn't letting you cast a spell when you want/should be able to, check the appropriate box. Beware of too many stops though, as it can slow your play to a crawl and result in undeserved losses. As a related aside, to respond to your own spell-casting, primarily for the use of a card like Twincast, you must hold the CTL key as you cast the initial spell.
Q: When I'm online, how do I link cards in the chat windows like a pro?
A: Just put the card name in curly brackets. Like this: {Terror}
Go. Play.
Even when you're playing against it?
i always liked playing against control, tbh
playing against aggro/burn irritates me the most
i hate red so, so much
i'm really not sold on it, myself.
there are some decent counters, but they're all really situational.
i guess it doesn't ever get as good as counterspell/mana leak/remand again.
wizards is pushing blue into not being the best color :<
mainly by not making universal-target counterspells at 2cmc, and pushing them into 3cmc.
i mean, syncopate is force spike for the price of mana leak, and pretty much mana leak for the price of cancel.
are you going to run anything in this set over dissipate, when it comes to counters?
Control v. control is like those scenes in old chop socky films where the guys stay in one pose for like ten hours before anyone makes their first attack.
...which is admittedly kind of neat.
Spoken as someone who was never a judge at an Extended PTQ featuring seven Faeries decks in the Top 8.
Counter wars are the best.
I'm going to miss them.
Anyway, I ordered a play set of Temporal Mastery, Terminus, Entreat the Angels and Tamiyo. I have a suspicion the format will slow down now that Delver won't be the menace it used to be post rotation and RtR has all these expensive cards. Zombies will be a force I reckon, which is why I think Terminus will be better most of the time than Supreme Verdict. I figure I might as well get Entreat the Angels for $13 a piece before they have a chance to get to Bonfire levels. Tamiyo at $16 is a bargain too I think. Hallowed Fountains still going strong at $23. Oddly, the RtR version is going for $15.
Also shut your face on Duel Decks, they're fun! Also cheap ways to get access to really good and often expensive cards (Izzet vs Golgari has several cards worth $5-10 in it)
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
Last two cards got spoiled:
Rakdos Ringleader 4BR uncommon
Skeleton Warrior
3/1 with First strike and B: regenerate
Whenever it deals combat damage to a player that player discards a card at random.
Conjured Currency 5U Rare Enchantment
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may exchange control of Conjured Currency and target permanent you neither own or control.
So you can't get back things other people steal from you with it.
MaRo et. al. have acknowledged many times that one of the most disappointing things in Magic is not getting to cast your cards, whether it's because of counters or discard or mana denial. So it wouldn't surprise me if we're seeing a conscious attempt by design & development to push a control archetype that de-emphasizes counterspells in favor of on-board control.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
It concerns me, however, because for years blue has been "balanced" around the fact that it has counterspells. Blue is the weakest of all the colors at permanently getting rid of something that's hit the field.
I'm betting that Syncopate will be better than most people think. But if they really are pushing blue away from counterspells, I hope it's given something to compensate. I'd love to see Pongify in a Core Set, for example.
So the casual room on MTGO has influenced design! No counters, discard, LD, indeed.
Well, I dunno for sure. I'm just hypothesizing.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I love stuff like Pongify.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I'm ok with it.
You mean Swords to Monkeyshares.
Path of Exile: snowcrash7
MTG Arena: Snow_Crash#34179 Snowcrash#1873
Path to Ape-zile.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Armada Wurm 2GGWW
Creature - Wurm (Mythic Rare)
When Armada Wurm enters the battlefield, put a 5/5 Wurm token with trample onto the battlefield.
A list of things, should you be of the gifting persuasion
I remain somewhat concerned that not having Snapcasters is going to make the deck unplayable, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
There are seriously a great amount of board wiping effects in this Standard, many of them highly playable.
Restoration Angel's new best friend. Well... second-best, after Thragtusk.
oh mannnnn.
now i've gotta play with a card that looks like a wang.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
28 mono-colored cards of each color
- White has 3 Azorius and 4 Selesnya cards
- Blue has 4 Izzet and 4 Azorius cards
- Black has 4 Rakdos and 3 Golgari cards
- Red has 4 Rakdos and 6 Izzet
- Green has 4 Golgari and 2 Selesnya
14 gold cards of each guild, with the exception of Selesnya, who has a land with a gold activate ability.
15 hybrid mana cards, 3 for each guild, 1 at each rarity.
12 artifacts, with 1 cycle of guild artifacts (Keystones)
13 lands, with 2 cycles of guild lands (Gates and shocklands). The 13th land is, as mentioned above, basically a gold spell for Selesnya.
25 basic lands
Not sure about the mono-colored cards not having the same amount of guild cards per color. Seems like clumsy design, especially since they love love love cycles (who doesn't?).
Ape-or Snag
Love that flavor text: "Some spellcrafting mistakes go on to become spells of their own."
Arguably some of the mono-colored cards could be reasonably be considered to belong to a guild that they don't have the watermark for, as the watermark only shows up on cards that are multi-colored in the guild's colors or have the guild's keyword on them.
Probably due to cards being designed (or included, in the case of reprints) specifically for a guild but not actually being labeled as such (Arrest = Azorius comes to mind). Sometimes that design might just be flavorful as well.
What is more odd to me is the imbalance between total cards per guild, although that probably has the same solution.
Mono-colored cards with an off color activation cost also get watermarks, I believe. There's only one card of those in each color, anyway, which strikes me as odd, since they could have reversed the colors as well (i.e. White card with a Green ability and vice versa, when only the former exists).
Unstable Mut-ape-shun
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.