Production Title: Where No Man Has Gone Before, Episode 1, “Pilot”
Experience: Roleplaying experience/Experience with system not required. Familiarity with Star Trek tropes, plot, and style encouraged.
Production Type: Microlite20 Star Trek Hijinks
Project Length: Variable; pilot episode, possibly followed by additional episodes, depending on cast availability and interest
Project Format: Play-By-Post
Production Location: Penny Arcade Critical Failures forum
Production System: Where No Man Has Gone Before
System Website:
Here, or as part of the Microlite20 collection
GM: Dex Dynamo
Audition Location: This thread!
Shooting Location: TBA, probably also this thread
Compensation: You're actors, of course not.
Auditions (Signups): From now until we have 6 PCs.
Posting Schedule: Flexible, ideally, once a day from each PC, but don't sweat it.
To quote the rulebook: "This is a game about a five year mission, a world where special effects never progressed beyond painted Styrofoam blocks and cheap double-exposures. The 70's were still The Future and Klingons had smooth foreheads. The idea of a Star Trek movie was a laughable proposition and nobody thought twice about planets full of Nazis and space hippies.
Adventures take place in Episodes, over the course of a Season. If you're comfortable with the Shatnerian school of acting, can spontaneously hum snippets of the original soundtrack during appropriate scenes and have no problem with outrageous accents, this is the place for you."
Specifically, "Pilot" tells the tale of a group of wet-behind-the-ears Starfleet officers who get caught up in a dangerous rescue mission during their first away stint on the Constitution-Class USS Odysseus.
Please fill out the following information and submit it to the above listed Audition Location (this thread), marked with
!Signup. Feel free to refer the
core rulebook,
player quickstart guide,
Controlled Implosion expansion, or optional
Lifepath generator for assistance.
SPECIES: All species allowed. Feel free to create your own if there's a species from somewhere else in Trek history you'd like to play
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
TALENTS: Per the rules, choose three--two at first level, and one for reaching third level.
1. Dongs Galore as Buck "Good ol' Buck Steele" Steele, Human Engineer
2. jdarksun as Kalelothran, Vulcan Pilot
3. Matev as Karen "Featherweight" Featherwell
4. Cayrus as Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre
5. Solar as Julius Claymore
6. SammyF as Bathren Sv'ral
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Blue Shirt: Science, Medicine.
Red Shirt: Security, Engineering, Communications
Yellow Shirts: Command (as an Ensign, this would be diplomacy or apprenticeship), Pilot, or Gunner.
Basically, it doesn't seem to do anything, just gives you a better idea of what talents and skills to choose.
NAME: Buck "Good ol' Buck Steele" Steele
SPECIES: Human (1/16th Cherokee Indian)
CLASS: Red Shirt
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
HP: 25 ( + strength)
AC: 11
Char Gen: 4#4d6 17 13 17 10
STR: 16
DEX: 9
INT: 16
CHA: 12
TALENTS: Stiff Upper Lip, Miracle Worker, Brawler(2)
BACKGROUND!: Since his days as a young farm lad watching the stars over his great home state of Wyoming, Gideon "Buck" Steele has had but two loves: fusion reactor mechanics and fighting. And muttonchops. He is the owner of a truly luxuriant pair of thick golden muttonchops, framing a heroically broad, jutting chin.
Against the wishes of his Vulcan-hating father, Buck ran away from home as soon as he was a man grown, with nothing to his name but the stubble on his (naturally chiseled) jawline. Chasing a dream, Buck enlisted in Starfleet, narrowly qualifying for the Academy. Despite graduating close to the bottom of his class on account of a vehement mistrust of "book-learning," along with several demerits for fisticuffs, Buck's natural aptitude for machines and recklessly can-do attitude has finally earned him the chance to get off Spacedock maintenance detail and into a coveted posting aboard a capital ship.
Buck's callused, ham-sized mitts are not well-suited for delicate operations, which has only encouraged his enthusiastic, unaccountably effective brute-force approach to engineering. His devastating right hook belies a heart as large as his fists, but Buck rarely thinks before acting, a brash sort of recklessness easily confused for insensitivity. Although Buck rejected the hideously backwards 21st-century views of his father (a disagreeable survivalist, who has a place on several federal Federation watchlists for his inveterate speciesism), he retains some reflexive suspicion of non-humans, particularly races outside of the Federation. He also inherited a deferential-yet-protective attitude towards women which can come across as condescension when one is talking to trained military officers. Buck often fantasizes about the chance to meet a Klingon in hand-to-hand combat, enamored as he is with their savage warrior image, fondly imagining that they might be truly worthy and honorable foes.
oh, shit, I thought I did that, sorry
CLASS: Yellow Shirt
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
HP: 26 (13 + Hit Points: 3#1d6 6 6 1)
AC: 13 (10 + 3/2 + 2)
Character Creation: 4#4d6: 4 # 17 [4d6=3, 5, 6, 3] 14 [4d6=2, 5, 1, 6] 14 [4d6=2, 4, 2, 6] 16 [4d6=2, 6, 5, 3] -> 14 (+2), 13 (+1), 12 (+1), 14 (+2)
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
INT: 16 (+3)
CHA: 10 (+0)
TRAINED SKILLS: Physical, Knowledge (Trained Skill)
TALENTS: Psychic (bonus), Trained Skill (Knowledge), Plan, Unorthodox Maneuver
Fairly average by Vulcan standards, Kalelothran opted to pursue a career in Starfleet instead of potentially dooming himself to obscurity by attending the Vulcan Science Academy. Though his science instructors' urged him towards chiefly academic pursuits, Kalelothran ignored them to spend more time in flight simulators in the belief that it would be a faster path to command. That it would also set him farther apart from Vulcan stereotypes didn't hurt, either.
Kalelothran's drive to subvert expectations has had a clear mark on his first tour of duty, and his officers have taken note of his tendency to carefully analyze a situation and their effective (if frequently bizarre) results.
Edit: You should mention this in the General Roleplaying thread or the Game Signup thread, I would have missed it if I wasn't idly browsing CF.
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
CLASS: Red Shirt
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
HP: 35 (+3 from Durable)
AC: 11
Stat Rolls
STR: 18 (+4)
DEX: 11 (0)
INT: 11 (0)
CHA: 14 (+2)
TRAINED SKILLS: Physical (+6), all others (+2)
TALENTS: Life of Riley, Ripped Shirt, Intuition, Durable
BACKGROUND : Karen Featherwell was born and raised in England. Her mother was a physicist, while her father was a military man. The family moved a lot due to his work, until finally Mrs. Featherwell could take no more and divorced from him when Karen was 7. She soon remarried to a politician trying to raise his own children, hoping to bring some semblance of stability to Karen and her sibling's lives. Karen grew restless with the simple home life however and enrolled in Starfleet Academy to find a place to shine among the stars. While her aptitude tests were average, her physical capabilities wowed her instructors. It was during this time when she had an early brush with greatness got the opportunity to participate in a fencing bout with Enterprise helmsman Hikaru Sulu. Though she was beaten, he admired her spirit and gave her a few pointers, which have been helpful in more than just swordplay for her. Her slight frame earned her the humiliating nickname "Featherweight" which she worked hard on to live down, spending many a day after classes at the gym to improve her already excellent physique. After long hard nights of study, Karen finally passed her final exams and earned her commission as an ensign, specializing in ship security. While she is not inclined towards the science end of Starfleet pursuits, she has a definite penchant for being at the right place at the right time and saving her team members from sticky situations; the sort of "Right Stuff" Starfleet values in some of it's officers.
gotta come up with a character though...
I'm thinking some sort of suave as fuck Ryker/Kirk style operator
all charm and manliness
Do eet. We need to have massive sexual tension up in this thing.
CLASS: Blue Shirt
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
HP: 16 HPs: 3d6 8
AC: 11
STR: 8 : 4d6 9
DEX: 11 : 4d6 13
INT: 16 : 4d6 21
CHA: 13 : 4d6 14
TALENTS: Heroic, Field Medic, “He's Dead, Jim", Recollection
Before he joined Starfleet, Henri liked to joke that he was born in Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris and hadn't left since. His parents were both preeminent surgeons; his father performed the first trans-species heart transplant. Henri spent his youth reading the latest medical journals and assisting his parents at the hospital. As he grew older, however, he discovered that his passion was to actually cure the sick and heal the wounded, not to expand the bounds of medical science. His parents were disappointed that he chose to enter Starfleet medical school instead of a more prestigious civilian school.
While at Starfleet Academy, Henri was a model student, but also shy and lacking friends. When his classes proved to theoretical for his tastes, Henri took a semester off and traveled to several worlds and outposts near the Federation frontier. On one such visit to Earth Outpost 6 along the Romulan Neutral Zone, he encountered the aftermath of a deadly attack on the colony. Sixty civilians were killed and hundreds more wounded. Henri helped as much as he could, but the attackers had used some unorthodox weapon that proved to be beyond his capability to overcome. A woman and her baby son died in his arms and there was nothing he could do.
Although it was never definitively proven, rumours swirled that the attack was a Romulan incursion to test the Federation's capabilities and resolve. The senselessness and viciousness of the attack haunt Henri to this day and also contribute to his distrust and hatred of the Romulans.
After the attack, Henri returned to Earth and graduated from Starfleet Academy as an Ensign and field medic. He looks forward to his chance to help the sick and wounded and perhaps exact a little revenge on the Romulans at the same time.
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
On the one hand, I really, really would love to try a good old fashioned rpg about good old fashioned Star Trek.
On the other hand, I have no time.
On the other other hand, I already have a catch phrase picked out for my character's first talent.
On the other other other hand, I'm sure I'm not the only one who realized that the perfect catch phrase for this particular game is:
Fuck it, I'll just do what they did with Nichelle Nichols and roll a token bit character who is primarily responsible for opening hailing frequencies and participating in the first interracial kiss on network television. And then if you don't think I contribute anything you can rewrite 50% of those responsibilities over to the tactical officer when you reboot the series.
Buck Steele's gonna have a Manly Chest to go with his Manly Muttonchops
Edit: what optional rules are in?
I'll leave A Being On Every Planet up to whoever ends up with the highest charisma.
also @Cayrus I think you got 2 extra d6 worth of HP to roll
SPECIES: Andorian Female
CLASS: Red Shirt
SHIP POSITION: Communications Officer
RANK: Green Ensign
XP: 0
HP: 32 (includes 13 strength + 3 hp for level species trait)
AC: 10 [10 + (3/2) - 1 for being a fumbling prat]
Stats Roll
STR: 13 (+1 Skill Bonus)
DEX: 8 (-1 Skill Bonus)
INT: 12 (+1 Skill Bonus)
CHA: 12 (+1 Skill Bonus) (14-2 species trait)
TRAINED SKILLS: Communications
TALENTS: Catch Phrase ("You don't need a universal translator to figure that one out!"), Long Legs/Short Skirt, Stiff Upper Lip)
BACKGROUND -- The second daughter of a small independent merchant who shipped wares between between the Andorian capital city and the small orbital outposts and shipyard that ringed her homeworld, Ensign Sv'ral learned loss and hardship at a young age after an engine failure aboard her father's shuttlecraft caused 10-year-old Bathren and her father, Gartha'an, to crash in the Edrasican highlands. Rescue attempts where initially hampered by the cold of the perpetual blizzards in that region, which could freeze even the most hardy of Andorians. After two days, a search party finally located father and child sheltered in a fissure in an ice shelf. Bathren suffered from severe frostbite in her upper extremities and required extensive medical treatment over the following five years; doctors concluded that Gartha'an must have succumbed to his wounds at some point during the first evening after the crash.
Andorian society is generally regarded as unkind towards the infirm, and as the injuries to Bathren's hands and forearms made her temporarily defenseless, she quickly learned that she would be the subject of torment from her peers unless she learned how to compensate for her physical difficulties. By the time she was 13, though trouble had a way of finding her, she had also found a knack for talking herself out of it. By the age of 16, as the regimen of her treatment finally drew to a close, her quick wit and sharp tongue were accentuated by the stunning beauty of her blossoming womanhood. During her years at Starfleet Academy, where she majored in xenolinguistics and wrote her thesis on subspace theory, her unique popularity among her human classmates earned her both the nickname "the silver vixen" as well as the ire of Andorian cadets. But those who were closest to her will readily attest that when she thinks no one is watching, one can still see something of the distant, ruthless cold of an Edrasican blizzard lingering behind her icy blue eyes.
Origin ID: Discgolfer27
Untappd ID: Discgolfer1981
SPECIES: Human Male
CLASS: Yellow Shirt
Strength: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 18 (+4)
HP: 17
Trained Skills:
Communication (+4)
Engineering (+1)
Knowledge (+1)
Medicine (+1)
Physical (+1)
Subterfuge (+1)
Inspiring Speech
Manly Chest
Julius Claymore was born to a wealthy family on the Eastern Seaboard of what used to be the United States of America. The youngest child of four, his elder sisters and brother all went down the same intellectual routes of their mother, who was a highly regarded doctor of genetics, and father, who was a constitutional lawyer working for the Federation. Unlike the rest of his family, however, Julius did not feel the same calling. Though by no means stupid, he simply did not have the aptitude for such things. What he did have, however, was a charismatic and likable personality, a talent for command, and a desire to explore and succeed. After leading his school football team to victory a few times, a friend of the family informed him that starfleet was always on the lookout for young, charismatic and hard working individuals and that he might do very well in their ranks.
Since joining, Ensign Claymore has earned the respect of his tutors. Though he did not store highly in intellectual studies while at the academy, the instructors there noted that Claymore was well aware of this shortcoming, worked hard to ensure that he did not fall behind, and also had a healthy respect for those with the skills he didn't. In simulations where he was in command, there was a marked increase in the efficiency of those underneath him, spurred on by Claymore's enthusiasm and knack for getting a group to work together. A handsome and very personable fellow, he was liked by the majority of his classmates and spent much of his spare time working towards extra-curricular activities at the academy, such as on the sports teams and debate groups.
Julius is a true believer in the Federation's philosophy, standing firmly with it's ideals of freedom and peace for all. He knows that it will not be citizens like him that create the technologies and pass the laws which govern the bright future of the Federation, but is proud to serve nonetheless. In this, Julius is perhaps a little too hard on himself, for there are always places in the history books for great leaders and captains with the nerve and drive to take to the stars, and fight out what lies beyond...
you'll be able to cut it with a Bandorian Plasma-Knife
Apparently our show is a Star Trek/Love Boat crossover spinoff.
I'm really digging some of the general themes in the crew's background. Also feeling like mine is a little anemic when compared to the rest, may have to expound upon it a bit.
also yeah now I feel like I have to expound on my backstory more too
maybe describe Buck's muttonchops in more detail
also there is no competition for the same roles, which is great! Everyone has gone for a different thing.
Does Julius Claymore have "A Being On Every Planet?"
though he's not a dick about it and doesn't play them along
The Federation needs morally upstanding officers to represent it!
You're certainly more parsimonious with your background but I don't think I'd call it anemic. Here's something I noticed when I was deciding what species to roll: it is incredibly hard to think up an interesting character background for a Vulcan. What does he desire? Nothing, because desire is an emotion. What does he fear? Nothing, because fear is an emotion. What does he hate? Nothing, because hate is an emotion.
I totally dig the concept of a Vulcan who was only scored in the 97th percentile on his Starfleet Academy entrance exams and was thus only suited for a career as a janitor or a frycook if he'd stayed on his homeworld. And the idea of this guy running away to join Starfleet because he couldn't reconcile himself to an ignominious life on Vulcan tacitly suggests that he hasn't quite mastered the emotion of pride just yet. It's a really interesting character idea.
EDIT: Also just noticed that we have three redshirts and only one blue shirt with no science officer. While part of me thinks that Gene Roddenbery might be sad about that, another part of me thinks that he'd appreciate that while me may not be interested in exploring strange new worlds, some of us are definitely going to be exploring our sexuality. :winky:
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
In the meantime, @webguy20, if you want to throw together a character, I'm sure we could fit you in somehow--if nothing else, the crew could split up at a dramatically appropriate moment.
Buck Steele also has something of a glass jaw! He has overcompensated for this embarrassing inadequacy by developing fists of steel
Also: Does the USS Odysseus have any ship quirks?
Let's. Find. Out!
Ship Quirks - Reputation: 1d10 9
Unusual History: 1d8 4
Formerly known as the Cosmopolitan, its daring feint maneuvers in the Battle of Balthazar Prime led to the entrapment and destruction of two Capital-class Romulan destroyers, earning it the name of Odysseus, the great tactician.
Features: 1d10 8
Unusual Feature: 1d8 8
In the wake of Balthazar Prime, the Odysseus became one of the jewels of the federation, and subsequently the testing ground for A.S.S.I.S.T., the Automated Sustenance, Support, and Information Service Technology platform--which has proven to be remarkably helpful at clerical, administrative, and hospitality services.
Crew Culture: 1d10 9
The Odysseus is now a learning vessel for up-and-coming gifted Ensigns, providing them the unique opportunities to participate in real Starfleet missions and experience what it's really like to live on a vessel for extended periods.
In other words, your college dorm, except now it's at sea. Or, to put it another way... exactly what you've been saying in the thread so far.