Guys, I dont know how to eat a float. I've never had a root beer float in my life. Yesterday I tried making a beer float using a nice dark stout and some ice cream. Everyone assured me this would be fucking delicious. Well, it wasn't.
It just tasted like the beer, but ice cream kept hitting me in the fucking nose. I tried like, attempting to bite some ice cream off and then drink the beer, but that didn't work too well. This shit was hard. I didnt get it. Eventually I just flipped out and threw it all in the sink.
Hours later I noticed I had ice cream on my nose, my god damned wife didnt say a thing! She's probably laughing at me all day today about my ice cream nose.
Point is, how the hell does one consume a float of sorts? Do I like mix it up, isn't that just making a shake? Is that was this shit is, a shake? If so, call it a fucking shake. Am I supposed to like spoon a little ice cream, then spoon in a little beer and shove that shit in my mouth? I dont know. I should have tried that, but all my spoons were in the dish washer. I had like a baby spoon to feed my daughter, but she doesn't like me using her shit.
I blame my parents, what kind of dickholes let their kid grow up to be a 28 year old man, but never once had a root beer float in their lives?
This was a disaster, maybe I'm just not cut out for it. But if someone could explain to me what the proper way of eating a root beer float is, I can go ahead and try the same techniques with a beer float. I need to learn this shit so my daughter doesn't turn out to be some sort of weirdo who has ice cream on her nose cause she cant fucking drink a god damned root beer float.
In all seriousness, I really am not sure how to eat one. How are you supposed to?
Now that that's out of the way:
A spoon is definitely key. You don't want it 100% mixed because, as you say, that would be a shake, but you do want it partially mixed so that even when you're just slurping beer it's sweet and creamy. A spoon can be used to pick out the ingredients, but you can also use it to hold back the ice cream so that you can take a big drink without getting ice cream on your nose.
I'd also recommend seeing an ENT. You should be able to tell when you have ice cream on your nose; you may have some dead nerves or something, possibly as a result of diabetes.
Once the ice cream has been consumed, then I drink the ice cream enhanced root beer.
Here's a quick wikihow for you:
But the more serious issue is what are you going to do to your parents for never giving you a root beer float?
Is it gunna be worth all that effort? I better enjoy this if I try it again. Fail to eat a Float once, shame on me, fail to eat a float twice...shame on...floats.
You can eat it however you want though. i eat all the ice cream before i drink the root beer personally.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'd turn down a float of any kind, but if given the option, orange floats are the way to go.
I don't have time to get drunk AND eat ice cream, I work all day. Then I have to go home and take care of a baby. I need to find a way to combine the two, so coke, or orange doesn't help me. Unless I did some sort of rum and coke float...
Jesus christ...
I need to practice how to eat a float so I can try a rum and coke float!
you can use it to jab at the ice cream a little bit to get it mixed in too if you like it that way.
If so, how the fuck does that work? I wouldnt even know where to begin eating/drinking that. I can't even handle a normal float, remember? Would I just pour bacon bits into the thing and call it a day?
Do you like Chocolate?
Do you Like Mint?
Do you Like them Together?
Scoop some vanilla ice cream into a pint sized mug or glass, to about 2/3 of the way up, don't pack it in.
Pick a shotglass size of your choice, add ~3 of the chocolate ones, and ~1 of the mint. (more chocolate, less mint)
Add Milk.
However, that Rum/Coke float thing... that sounds good. Really good.
Even from a person who doesn't drink alcohol often.
I just want to thank you for giving me this idea. I've got some Kraken rum and some Mexican Coke and this shit is happening.
I feel like a charlatan reading other people's experiences in this thread, but I always mix my shit. You end up with something that is not quite a rootbeer freeze, but I like it best if the rootbeer has permeated the ice cream and you get this thick rootbeer infused vanilla ice cream slurry.
I've never tried a float with a stout, even though they are one of my favorite beers!
I have had this more than a few times though, and it is the greatest achievement of man, short of the booze slurpees they have in Vegas.
So, I tried the float again. This time I let it melt a bit, and then I sort of spooned in a mixture of ice cream and beer. It was actually really good. The end, I had about a 5th glass of beer left that just tasted like beer, but up until that point it was pretty delicious! I didnt like the beer I used though... which was Young's Double Chocolate Stout. I'm not a big stout guy, I suppose.
I think this weekend I am going to try again with a coke and rum float. I seem to have gotten the actual eating of the float down pretty well, so, I just have to find the booze that works best for me.
If you're using a straw, a good expert maneuver that'll make you not look like such a newb is to stick the straw *through* the ice-cream and out the other side, giving you a bit of vanilla and then the (root) beer.
Yep, this is pretty much what I always do (with root beer anyway). Works quite well.
Home Inspection and Wind Mitigation
Took the words right out of my mouth.
When sodas were first served, they were often served with cream (like orange creamsicles), and rootbeer is known for its vanilla flavor, so it's a natural combination. Cola also has a vanilla component, in general, so it's not so bad, but most sodas are less naturally foamy compared to root beer. Note that Barqs root beer is artificially foamy -- they just add extra carbonation -- so it's not as good of a choice for a float.
You then drink the remaining soda which is creamy and sweeter than usual.
You can do this with alcohol, as you've found, but you should generally stick with sweeter beers. It may work OK with some ciders, like Woodpecker. It should also work OK with an alcoholic soda like rum & coke, but keep in mind that the more alcohol involved, the less foamy it will be.
I suggest you try a deepfried mars bar wrapped in bacon next time instead of a spoon, so you can push your calorie intake with the float into the realm of 5 digits.
Soaked in butter and maple syrup, while you're at it. Throw some Nerds Candy on there too. Actually, just make it into a psudo-Diary Queen Blizzard.
I recently had my first experience with a beer float. I have had many a root beer float in my day, but the beer float seemed a new and interesting direction for the old favorite.
It was decidedly meh. I will take my root beer float over this any day of the week.
I could see this going well with some sweeter tasting beers as well though. Perhaps a Matilda or Sofia from goose island? They have a nice, sweetness to them that could be fun, but not too fruity where it will dominate.
Or Im just gunna dump a shit load of rum into a coke or root beer float.
But to be honest, I just was on a diet and lost a nice 30 pounds and with the monopoly game from mcdonalds coming back, perhaps I cant afford the calories involved in infusing booze into my ice cream. Nah its cool, ill just use a coke zero.
You simply don't understand how important properly enjoying a float is, good sir. If one cannot enjoy their float after having made one, is life really worth living?
it's a bit daunting at first, having multiple implements that can stab at your eyes, although I never worried about this much since i wear glasses.
but you stab the straw through the ice cream and then you use the spoon to casually eat the ice cream and stir it up together slowly. But there is a correct, optimal I guess would be a better word, proportion to this. Personally, i don't want to eat all the ice cream at once, I kinda eat about half throughout the drinking and then i wait until the liquid is gone to eat up the rest.
best of luck on your float adventures!
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With enough patience, what you'd end up with is sort of this perfect, carbonated chocolate shake-soda. I'd drink it straight from the bowl, like soup. It was ohmygodsogood, because it essentially concentrates the best part of an ice cream float into an actual, manageable drink. No fuzz-fizz everywhere, no flat super sweet soda-syrup-cream mix, no lumps of ice cream. Just smooth, bubbly awesome.
Oh man, I'm gonna go make me one...
This is what I was talking about when I described how I do Root Beer Floats.
You should find a place that does Freezes man, it is the same thing only through a blender.
The ingredients in a carbonated soft drink react with the ice cream to create a big, poofy cream froth, which you can consume with a spoon or straw without making much of a mess. That's more or less the best part of the desert.
Once the froth is gone, you just eat the remaining lump of ice cream / drink the soft drink like normal.
If you want beer & ice cream, you're better off either making a shake or using the beer as a light topping.
I used to do that with milk. So good.
As far as floats, I'm not a huge fan of them (my wife is), but when I have the occasional one, I use a spoon and just kinda eat a little, drink a little, using the spoon to hold the ice cream at bay while I drink.
Now that you've embarked on a journey to float island, I recommend getting some orange sherbet and some sort of clear soda (Sprite, 7up, Sierra Mist, whatever). Those are my personal favorite. Though IBC root beer and Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla is a close second.
I should try one with the IBC black cherry soda. I think an experiment is in order.
- Orange ice cream + cream soda
- Vanilla ice cream + orange soda (though in this case, the soda was "homemade" using the Soda Stream machine, so I carbonated it more -- regular orange soda is less carbonated than other sodas.)
- Vanilla ice cream + any soda flavor, really
How I prepare a float (this is probably not how most people do it) : I drop a scoop of ice cream into my glass (helps to use one of those "Big Gulp" cups -- I had a bunch of reusable ones from a theater that gave them out when you bought a large drink) and *then* I pour my fizzy drink on top, slowly, letting it froth up as much as possible. If the froth threatens to overflow, I stop pouring, and later pour it on when most of the liquid and froth is gone and all that's left is ice cream.
As for how to eat a float: I'm partial to using a straw to drink the froth and liquid. If I used more ice cream, I'll use a spoon to eat some of it. If I used less ice cream, I just pour on more fizzy stuff on any leftover ice cream, dissolving all of it into a creamy froth.
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Speaking of ice cream and odd things, Cream of Balsamic on top of vanilla is totes delicious.