provided the following way to skip much of the introduction for the PC version of ME2:
A lot of people don't like the opening 10 minute intro movie, but there is a way to get rid of it. Go to:
C:....mass effect 2\BioGameMovies
Change the extension of the following files to .bak:
This will not get rid of everything, you still have to watch the non-CGI cutscenes and Save Joker. But it does cut down quite a bit. If you want those movies back just rename them to .bik again. If you're worried your renaming the wrong thing, you can download a BIK palyer and confirm the files.
3. For those who hate planet scanning and hacking, there is an easy ini file edit floating around. This is just a colaseced editor that you guys have already been playing with but this one seemed pretty idiot proof to me. This again needs an external program but is non-excutable.
This has all kinds of stuff like god mode, extra weapons, infinite ammo etc., but if you just want the money, just use it to get your resources, save, then exit the game and revert to the non-hacked state.
From the other thread, enter your info here:
then create or link an existing EA classic account. Origin should figure out what's up without you doing anything more at that point.
*If buying ME somewhere other than Origin and it doesn't contain BDTS or PS, contact Origin CS and they can get it fixed for you.
Massive. End. Spoilers. DO NOT CLICK.
Where official announcements about pending Multiplayer weekend events are made.
For a list of your obtained equipment and their respective levels, check your Bioware Social account. Go to "My Games" and click Mass Effect 3 in the pop-up box and then choose Multiplayer Manifest.
If someone, also, has a nice good roundup, preferably in link or image form for the new DLC info, I can throw it in there. The OP has been handed down since ages of yore; it could do with a makeover.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Farming headshots is so delicious.
Anyone have advice for packs I should buy/difficulty I should play at for optimal gear acquisition?
after that, premium spectre packs offer the best return on credits, but if you're not doing golds regularly you might want to just stay with regular spectre packs
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I don't think recruit packs are a bad investment at all when you're first starting out either, so that you level up your basics pretty quickly
just sprinkle some vets in there to make sure you pick up some characters
Mass Effect 3 Guardian DLC: 800 MS/BioWare Points
The truth is close.Discover the mysteries and secrets hidden in the heart of every civilization.
^Citadel DLC
DLC release date:November 2012
Mass Effect 3 Retaliation DLC: Multi DLC and last.
Mass Effect 3 Assassin DLC pack:{DLC name may change}:
Weapon DLC pack:DLC release date:November 2012
Mass Effect 3 War Assets Cinematics DLC: free DLC
DLC release date:not yet known
Mass Effect 3 Take Earth back DLC: free DLC
Expand your experience in the battle for Earth
DLC release date:probably December 2012
Mass Effect 3 Light DLC{DLC name may change}:800 MS/BioWare Points:
Activate mass relay and discover uncharted corners of the Milky Way.
Mass Effect 3 Rebirth DLC:free DLC{required all DLC}
DLC release date:February 2013 This is the last DLC
note there is no omega on that list so.. i dunno, the rest sound interesting if true.
i so want this to be true that i will hate myself if it isnt.
and what is interesting the most is Chris Priestly denying the whole list, saying everything on the list is fake. (he also apparently called the last few dlcs fake too)
retaliation is on that list.
Isn't that what they've done with every MP DLC so far?
From their end it makes a lot easier, I'm sure, to not deal with compatibility nonsense, and when they're free, why not?
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
I knew jet packs and volguards were too good to be true ;-)
He also fiercely denied Kasumi's existence prior to her release.
Not that his denying anything makes it credible.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Don't we already have an Earth DLC? Or is that meant to be a SP one? If so how would that fit into the story at all?
I'm cornfused.
These leaks are being pretty damn reliable so I don't see any reason to not really buy it, but I'm also not gonna get too worked up over it either way.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
Well, agreed, if it's "all previous MP DLC", which it's not in that quote. It's just "All previous DLC", which is weird, and is the only one in the list to call out a requirement in that fashion.
Eh, we'll see. If they manage Leviathan-quality on all of them, I'll be pretty happy regardless.
Ending ME3 will not change.I learned about this yesterday sorry.
DLC focuses on a secret project of Illusive Man and his past.
But I know that scene at the Red Ending {breathe} will be slightly expanded.
The planet on which crashed into Normandy will be the beginning of an adventure for Mass Effect: Expansion {at this stage of the scenario}.
Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC release date: October 16
1.Mass Effect 3 Guardian DLC: 800 MS/BioWare Points
The truth is close.Discover the mysteries and secrets hidden
in the heart of every civilization.
This DLC focuses on the keepers and the Citadel
DLC release date:November 2012{DLC completed at 70%-at this point}
2.Mass Effect 3 Retaliation DLC: Multi DLC and last.
3.Mass Effect 3 Weapon DLC pack::{weapons from Earth DLC and Retaliation DLC new armor}
DLC release date:November 2012
4.Mass Effect 3 War Assets Cinematics DLC: free DLC
DLC release date:not yet known{December- Christmas gift}
Mass Effect 3 From Ashes DLC{new price 320 MS/BioWare Points } {December}
Mass Effect 3 Take Earth back DLC: free DLC{{deleted}-Luna{Moon} -deleted
5.Mass Effect 3 Light DLC{DLC name may change}{Luminous Sky}:800 MS/BioWare
Activate mass relay and discover uncharted corners of the
Milky Way.
Etamis race{inactive reaper ME2 -testing crucible by Etamis}
DLC release date:January 29
6.Mass Effect 3 Rebirth DLC:free DLC{required all DLC}- required Leviathan DLC,Guardian DLC,Luminous Sky DLC{Omega DLC probably not required}
Ending ME3 will not change.I learned about this yesterday sorry
DLC focuses on a secret project of Illusive Man and his past
Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC release date: October 16
DLC release date:February 2013{premiere in March} This is the last DLC
New Mass Effect is actually the name "Phantom"{deleted name}
Mass Effect:Expansion {yes this is sequel}
i think its suppose to be the priority earth mission just expanded and enhanced for a much better final battle. they have those party member speech files i posted in the last thread already out too...
Oooh, I see where you're looking now. I hadn't read that list very closely.
Hmm..Well, I can think of a few reasons that would require all the other DLC, if true; maybe it's a post-ending thing? For a SP DLC that's the only real reason I can think of that it'd require the rest, as their SP DLC's for ME2 and, well, at least with Leviathan, have been pretty segregated from the main game proper, and other DLC's.
If that's the case, yay
EDIT: If this new MP DLC is indeed the last, it would make sense the way they're staggering the release of classes. I'll be more than happy with the content they've put out for MP, even if this is the last. They supported MP way better than any of us could have expected or hoped for. A++ content there, for many of us it's provided more gametime and entertainment than the SP game; for something many people thought would be a complete afterthought.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
That list was made after the Retaliation name had been leaked by OTS.
Also notice how it says confirmed after "Multi DLC and last."
It's never been confirmed that Retaliation is the last DLC. Yes, it might very well be, but it's not been confirmed.
And there's just too many DLCs in there that sound like wishfull thinking rather than leaks.
Except this leak doesn't follow the standard of having descriptions written well enough to sound official, it's been declared fake unlike other leaks which Bioware never commented on and the "leaker" has no history.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
yeah i just read that.
all up in the air now.
still, leviathan does have 5 unused citidel maps in its game files... very well could be fake, I have no idea; but your latter statement isn't correct. Priestly and/or others at bioware have consistently said virtually every 'leak' so far has been untrue or fake. I mean, they've straight up lied about it. I'm not saying that like they're being sinister, but they have gone out of their way to say they're false; not 'no comment' or just ignoring it, straight up saying nope, and then they turn out to be true.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
I'm a regular both here and on the BSN and I don't recall a single instance where rumors by either Derptemp on reddit or by OTS on the BSN have been called fake.
If there's a (supposed) leak, I know about it. And what made the past leaks (the true ones anyways) believable is that the Devs never commented on them. They only call fakes out when they're really fake. Otherwise they don't comment since the hype is helping their MP community.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
Their teleport bugging into the consoles was one of the ways it worked.
I need to get the <20m thing for the weekend. Thinking I might try it solo? How feasible would a bronze kroguard on glacier be to do it in under 20? Maybe with a piranha instead of reegar for range.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
we can burn consumables for this one, so blasting through a solo bronze in under 20 should be pretty easy
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
But you're right, I totally forgot about the consumable thing, I can blow a few missiles to speed it up toward the end.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
I can also help on Origin but only on Team Dubstep
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Wii U - 'Nocero'
XBox ID - therealmasume
PS4 ID - realmasume