Borderlands 2 is here! now, standing on the shoulders of giants,
Borderlands thread (sweet) SIXTEEN!
fifteen fourteen thirteen twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six five four three two one)
Four new classes:
Salvador the Gunzerker -- Dual wields guns (any guns)
Salvador's SkillsMaya the Siren -- Phaselock for crowd control, healing, damage
Maya's SkillsAxton the Soldier Guy -- Snazzy turret
Axton's Skills (Note: Do or Die is a 1 point skill, not 5.)
Zero the Loner -- Sword, sniper, sneaky
Zer0's SkillsGaige the Mechromancer -- Hulking robot summon, ponies
Gaige's Skills
How about some gameplay from PAX (August 2012)?
What else?
It's Steamworks. Very nice.
The original Vault Hunters are all be in game as NPCs, including a 'live' Lilith.
There's a dashing bad guy, Handsome Jack, who has taken over the Hyperion Corporation and built himself a moon base from which he can shoot down robot reinforcements.
Gun manufacturers are way more significant in the new game. Bandit weapons have huge magazines. When you reload a Tediore weapon you chuck it like a grenade and it explodes (the rocket launchers actually shoot a rocket). Maliwan is sexy and elemental. Vladoff weapons you can fire as fast as you can click/pull the trigger. Etc. Non-gun loot (grenades, mods, artifacts, skins, heads, etc.) is also be randomized and way more diverse than BL1. Grenades that create a mob-sucking singularity before exploding in corrosive acid and also giving transfusion health? Yes please!
Main game bank for storing items and transferring items between characters.
New currency: eridium. Can be used to buy inventory, ammo and bank upgrades on the black market.
Lots of new bad guys - mobs and bosses - including some that will evolve Pokemon style into much more dangerous forms if you don't kill them quickly.
Character skins and heads:
New element: slag! Slagged enemies are more susceptible to damage.
You can move while in Fight For Your Life mode - yay!
New end game raid boss -- Terramorphous the Invincible -- supposed to make Crawmerax look like a sea monkey.
Gearbox has committed to 4 DLC, along the lines of Knoxx in scope they say, by June of 2013. Price is $10 each (or comparable) and there is a season pass to get all 4 for $30.
And, oh yes, midgets on shields...
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
@DevoutlyApathetic has created a new metatag for coop shootings and lootings: Bazillion Guns
Gearbox knows it didn't treat you right with BL1, baby. They want a second chance: a love letter for PC players...
Oh, you want to play the game and not just tinker with the FoV slider? Steam Group Wangs Without Borders!
Want an invitation? Post a link to your steam profile (like this) in the thread.
Speaking of PC:
The illustrious @Triiipledot has begun compiling PS3 players:
Forum Name - PSN id
Triiipledot - Spicosaurus
Spicy_Rev - Spicy_RevofDC
Cincitucky - Cincitucky
Ed Gruberman - EdGruberman
Ah_pook - Ah_Pook
Rhesus Positive - RhesusPositive
beaverboy - illogical_beaver
Chuv - Chuvakie
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Stuff! Info! Things!
What does red text on guns mean? Look here.
How about unique quest rewards for those seeking to maximize their PT2.5:
List of Farmable Legendaries by weapon type (SPOILERS abound):
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Iolo, we all pitched in to buy you a Butt Stallion-riding Bonerfart for retirement, but apparently giving a bullymong a living diamond statue to throw at things was a 'bad' idea.
Origin: Viycktor
Wildlife Exploitation Preserve boss spoiler:
Steam - Minty D. Vision!
Origin/BF3 - MintyDVision
Someone else here was telling me that you can load another character from the same profile in splitscreen, but I haven't tried it myself. I had a friend who was farming the final boss in TVHM and let me tag along, took 40 or so kills of him to level up Zero to 31. Also completed a bunch of badass challenges by looting stuff.
yup, free video card was not the premiere club version with gaige
I thought that skill might be useful in tvhm but lord that sounds like a liability until they fix it.
Yep, you can split-screen power level but apparently it seems only on the PS3, for some reason it appears the 360 version doesn't allow you to load up your main profile more than once. On PS3 I just activate second pad, hit X and load my profile again (RadiosityJP) and it dumps the second player in under my profile so he can load any of my saves from it, in-game it just appears as RadiosityJP (1).
edit: like so:
Yeah it was quite annoying playing with that last night. Worst part is that healing takes quite a bit of time, and he'll wait till that enemy is full up before deploying claws.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Off to the respec place for me too then.
I love that tonal shift there with her Dad.
-DLC Season pass includes the 4 major planned DLCs at a discount, nothing more (it's not named well). I think they're planned to be campaign DLCs like the non-Moxxi BL1 DLCs.
-Premier club 'DLC' was included with every BL2 preorder. It includes Mechromancer, initial starting equipment (relic plus some starting guns), and a golden key.
-Creature Dome DLC thing was a preorder bonus from gamestop and I don't know if you can buy it separate yet or what the deal is with that.
-possibly more pre-order bonus things that I don't know about that might be released later for $$.
Pitchford has said that depending on the reception of the various types of DLCs and elements in the game, they may offer more areana/character/gun dlcs as separate DLCs (non season pass DLCs). Gaige the Mechromancer is an example of a non-story DLC (separate from season pass) and I'm guessing that there may be more characters coming in the future because players really seem to love her. I hope they'll eventually release more Moxxi-style DLC arenas that have the random rules and bosses all in one place like in BL1, but with appropriately good loot and maybe experience gains included.
Apparently the Nvidia BL2 promotion keys don't count as pre-orders and don't get the Premier Club DLC; which is a bummer for some people because they said it initially registered as a pre-order, but the DLC was retroactively removed from their account after.
Origin: Viycktor
Either way, looks like getting all the shotgun and rocket launcher challenges could take a while, what with having to get specific ones beat at level to unlock a hidden challenge.
Heck yeah.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
God I love these, and the tone shift with her dad was great. Now I have to wonder if we'll get a DLC to take down Marcy. Also sadly we know she doesn't win the science fair
I've only tried it with Torgue weapons so far, but it works fine with those.
Also it's hilarious to shoot behind a Spiderant to get crits on its thorax. (Butt)
EDIT: and that challenge thing was patched in I think.
Now THAT is how science/engineering is done in the real world... seriously. Sadly. Marcy will be CEO of her own R&D facility in no time with that type of gumption.
Gaige's dad had a tonal shift, but he's been supportive of her all along. When she was getting loud, he didn't tell her to stop, he asked her to quiet down. When she was working in her workshop he didn't go in to interfere or change things, he just offered her some encouraging cocoa. And HE didn't threaten to do something about Marcy, he just made sure Gaige was going to handle it on her own.
Origin: Viycktor
You're not so tough.
Also, it's great how you can consistently get an amazing SMG at a certain point.
Also her father is awesome.
Plus you know who her last subscriber is going to be right.
Eh, they're not that bad. One word: Varkids. Just go farm the hell out of Tundra or Caustic and you'll have them in no time.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Also, if you shoot the wing off an adult Varkid, you get the badass one, but how do you get the next stage? Can't seem to find anything more to shoot off.
Have you met my girlfriend? Autoguns wrecking face! Newsflash, turrets kill! You get a bullet, and you get a bullet, everybody gets a bullet!
And so on and so forth, throughout the entire fight.
nothing will top blasting a psycho in teh face witha shotty and hearing that
Sarcastic spoilers:
Origin: Broncbuster