Hey gang!
I've been playing Pathfinder for a few weeks - first P&P experience. I just had my 6th "IRL" session yesterday, but on Saturday I actually got to DM on roll20.net for a small group from an online gaming community I'm part of. I'm running them through the Pathfinder Beginner's Box. They made it about three quarters through the dungeon when we had to call it a night and I already have ideas where they'll be going from here. I need some help though.
Specifically, I'm looking for a card game that can ideally be played with dice and (this is the important part) I can determine the winner of while the players think they have a fighting chance and don't feel cheated.
So, basically... Do you remember the card game scene from Ocean's Eleven? Let me refresh your memory:
In my game, the guy sitting between Clooney and Pitt will be a PC joining the group as a new fourth member after the Beginner's dungeon. I'll let him in on the joke as player knowledge, so he'll encourage the others to play. Pitt and Clooney will be NPCs and the three players on the other side of the table are the group. My idea is to re-create the conditions of the scene as closely as possible: The Pitt NPC teaching the game to the players, stepping out for a moment (not in the youtube clip), let the Clooney NPC join, get Pitt back in and have him call out Clooney's "bluff" but letting him win with a great hand.
Is that possible in any way? Do you have other ideas to make this fun/make sense?
Just some more details: The scene is supposed to introduce the players to those two NPCs because they'll be closely working with them. Also the PCs will get (most) of their money back after the card game.
Aaaand if you have any other tips for a first-time-DM, let me hear them.