That old thread died and I can't find a new one, and I always enjoy seeing what everyone is reading and recommending.
Working on Dan Whitehead's "What's A Nice Actor Like You Doing In A Movie Like This?" Pretty fun book about weird movies known actor's pop up in. Cheap on Kindle.
I recently finished up Rapture Ready! Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture by Daniel Radosh and I cannot recommend it enough. Fascinating. The author is a 31 year old secular Jew and he got a peek into the culture and wanted to see more. It's written in, what I feel, is a very fair manner. It's a little distant, a little bemused, but even with stuff he might not agree with, he just writes it down, without (too many) remarks. He let's people condemn or redeem themselves by their own words. I grew up Southern Baptist in Texas, so a ton of this is very familiar to me. At the time, I didn't think about it. I was 16, ya know? But it's been something that's been a burden on me since my early 20's, and I've recently become fascinated with the idea of Christian Culture, something that, obviously, existed, but that I never thought was anything different. Hell of a good book.
Finished up Cloud Atlas 2 days before the movie. Really wished I'd done it months before or after the movie. Their both so similar but diverge in many meaningful ways, it was difficult for me to separate the two. Both are really good, though.
Yesterday morning, I capped off Choke Hold by Christa Faust, the second in her Angel Dare series. Not quite as good as Money Shot, but that book is so goddamn great, it's hard to compare. Both are hard boiled crime thrillers starring former pornstar Angel Dare. They read FAST and are a fucking blast.
And now I'm trying to decide whether to read The Year of Living Biblically, Leviathan Wakes or the first Spatterjay book.
Also going to start Caves of Steel tonight.
Now I'm bookless at work and a slight bit more bored.
My insomnia is making it so I read entire books and then don't recollect them at all
It is something of a problem.
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
Oh man, this. So very much this.
I can stay up and read a whole book and have to spend like the next month trying to stop talking about it as I tend to memorize it all.
As a result, I am now rereading The Heroes.
Especially big books.
Your gay
how did you get it a week early?!
also i am reading Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey, it's alright. it's interesting enough and I'm going through it pretty quick.
Fyndir recommended me some books about the Genghis Khan and stuff that I plan on picking up soon. Got on a Mongol kick because of The Mongoliad.
Aww yeah
Also I really dig the Sandman Slim series. Heavy reading it is not, but it scratches a trashy itch.
Right? Wait, which one is 9?
my brother tells me there's like seven books in this series and frankly i don't see how he could get sequels out of something this weird already
Like BDSM for your mind
I'm on book 8, this series is so fucking good. Also excited about the next Dresden Files, and the final Wheel of Time book.
Oh, and I was going to make this thread a week or so ago but I didn't know if I could. I PM'd a mod but got no response so I figured I'd better wait, and now someone beat me to it!
edit: Tehol and Bugg are my new favorite characters in the Malazan books, up there with Kruppe.
Dust of Dreams is book 9.
All I have left is The Crippled God.
That's only if you don't count all the non-main series books. (Night of Knives, Return of the Crimson Guard, etc.)
Oh shit, it's actually coming out
do you mean McCullough
Dust of Dreams has like the best cliffhanger in the series
Tehol and Bugg are the best.
yes because I have the poobrain
but yeah 1776 and john adams are both excellent
I've read 'em
It isn't available on Amazon until the 13th. And I think I may be ordering the other two sandman slim books if I like how this one ends. Which signs point to yes
I can't wait for this book to be over
Larson is a pretty good writer, but has no business writing history like this
It is fucking insufferable, with occasional moments of not being insufferable and being genuinely charming and interesting
It was really good!
Also there's a Quetz online in GW2 and I need to know if it's you?!
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN