(continued from previous, part #427 in a series)
It's The Movie Thread. Not only that, it's coming up on Awards Season, my favorite part of the year, not because of the awards per se, but because that's generally when most of the year's best and most engaging films show up in our theaters, and this year is no slouch, with mega-epics like Steven Spielberg's
Lincoln and Tom Hooper's adaptation of the hit musical,
Les Miserables. Both films are filled to the gills with award-winning talent, from the directors on down.
Quick note #1: Specific conversation regarding the various awards and nomination for the holiday season go in
the Awards Season thread.
Quick note #2: Some films, if popular enough, will likely garner their own thread. Highly anticipated films, like
The Hobbit,
already have their own thread.
Quick note #3: The revelation about Star Wars going to Disney and getting new films is huge news. So huge,
it has it's own thread already, and that's where all things GFFA belong.
So, let's get talking. I'll start us off. Did you know they were remaking Clint Eastwood's
Unforgiven? Well, they are. IN JAPAN.
Chris Nolan favorite Ken Watanabe will be playing the lead role of William Munny, though something tells me they'll probably change the name.
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Le Movie Thread?
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avec fromage
I wouldn't watch it on my own but as something to watch with children it isn't bad.
Cinema avec fromage
I have a sort of love-hate relationship with coming of age movies, especially ones that take themselves so seriously. On the one hand, there are a lot of relatable moments where I'm like "Hey, that's just like my life! I remember feeling like being 16 years old is the most important thing in the world!". So it hits all the nostalgia triggers really well. On the other hand, I feel like those are the easiest triggers to hit. It seems very easy to make a movie like Perks. You got the troubled, socially awkward protagonist, the manic pixie dream girl, the first kiss, the indie soundtrack, etc. It felt very sincere, just not particularly original.
So, all told, it was well-told, well-acted, with some genuine heart, but also fairly predictable.
I thought the movie was trying to hard, over all. I mean, for a movie that appeared to be anti-racism, anti-government, anti-big-oil, anti-eating people, but pro-suicide, a lot of the themes came off a bit one-dimensional.
Also, Jim Sturgess played the lead in "21" (based on a book about an Asian team of Black Jack Players) which is up there with "The Last Airbender" for 1st prize in the Hollywood cultural white-washing competition. Then, in Cloud Atlas he plays an Asian character.
Moral of the story: Why hire an Asian actor when you got Jim Sturgess? Confusing.
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Complaints of ethnicity are not legitimate against Cloud Atlas. Halle Berry and Doona Bae both play white women, Kieth David plays a Korean.
Similarly, if you're watching the "Super future part" of that movie and *Don't* find yourself snickering to yourself about the various language foibles they apparently have (That's Tru Tru, etc) and how badly both Halle Berry and Tom Hanks handle that cadence (and how it also sounds like ye olde slaven times), slipping in and out of it depending on the scene, you probably went into this movie expecting it to be AWESOME and not really taking it with an open mind.
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
The actual themes are quite subtle and have little to do with the incidental plots of each segment.
If you want a movie that'll blow your mind and not spoon feed you it's message, check out Enter the Void.
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I . . . don't think this is an accurate statement. This movie is ankle-deep and wears its heart proudly on its sleeve.
I don't see why you're singling Sturgess out here, and I'm no fan of Sturgess. In that same vignette, Hugo Weaving, Hugh Dancy, Kieth David, Halle Berry, and Hugh Grant all played Koreans, too.
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Halle Berry also plays a male Korean doctor and an East Indian woman and a Maori. Entertainment Weekly did a feature on it, it was pretty cool.
Indeed. Any accusations of whitewashing or yellowface are patently absurd in the context of this film.
I'd watch the shit outta that.
Any idea who's the director and what else he's done?
Yeah, Yojimbo, which was remade by an Italian and based on a story by Dashiell Hammett. Whole lotta cross-cultural borrowing all up in.
Luisa Rey's story is a middle ground between these two. Stopping a nuclear meltdown is a big deal, but still forgetable in the grand scheme of things. Frobisher's story seems almost irrelevant in comparison to the others, but in a way it has a very strong influence on Luisa's. Without it Sixsmith may never have had the strength to set those events in motion. And finally Cavendish's story would seem like it would be of no relevance to anyone, and yet it is it's echo through time that plants the seeds of Sonmi's story.
In addition to exploring the many ways our lives can have meaning, there is the weird reincarnation theme. Is it literal reincarnation? If so, are the actors indications of each soul? Or in this schema, are Zachry and Meronym a reincarnation of Sonmi and Hae-Joo? Or is it just a metaphorical reincarnation, that people live not so differently from their ancestors and the same human interractions are replayed through out time? I think this is basically open to interpretation.
There are other ideas in the movie, like having the courage to face things and try for something better (the closest thing to a moral in Cavendish's story, but it's repeated in the other stories). In fact, I'd say the Cloud Atlas Sextet can kind of encampsulates the formula of the movie: the same theme repeating over and over, changing slightly.
Also what's up with that Comet tatoo thing. That hints that something even stranger is going on.
I don't disagree with you except with your assertion that these themes are subtle.
These themes are electric neon klaxons.
Crazy timing. I just grabbed the original from the library today and am going to watch it soonish.
So that makes Fistful of Dollars a Western remake of a Jidaigeki remake of a Noir film of a detective novel.
Just shows you how great of a story it is, if it can straddle across genres like that.
Dollars has the best version of this scene though, by far:
Last Man Standing... not so much.
Major spoilers:
The point is to have all actors play a bunch of different people of different ethnicity. So hiring a different actor wasn't an option.
Now, you could say that Sturgess' performance as Asian was itself objectionable, and not the fact that he had to play one, and that would be cool I guess. I dunno, haven't seen the movie.
Fairly certain Miller's Crossing is the first to do that. Tarantino is known as an "homage queen".
But then the whole movie is. Definitely worth a watch.
I can usually take quite a bit of abuse on a dumb premise but this one has stuck with me for a few years now and I just can't shake it.
I'm just saying after "21" it's sort of funny / ironic.
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
I didn't, and I actually thought the movie was pretty good--not stellar, but I would certainly buy it on BR--but I have a lot of trouble distinguishing between cadences in English as being "odd" anyway.
looking at the wiki of the plot
yeah, seems like just a bunch of Left-Behind-esque porn.
It's the backstory she was programmed with.
It's the most common book in America. Every hotel, motel has one. Most houses have a couple. Churches, schools, libraries. People give them out for free.
It's an insult to make the whole plot of the movie about the Bible being rare.
Do they ever say why it's going to be of practical use in a post-apocalyptic world, to the point where all these people are fighting over it? As far as I can tell, it's the biggest MacGuffin ever that just happens to be a Bible because BIBLE!