So public speaking is a major part of my career. For years I've noticed something that I'd like to understand: it seems as though in conversation, there are times when my mind grabs the wrong word, it might be somewhat related (plate becomes napkin related in location) (words can sound similar etc).
Don't know if its related, but I often grab the wrong key with full confidence I'm looking at the right one.
Just wondering if anyone has any insight on what I might be noticing and what I can do to strengthen the right connections in my mind.
I am not ancient by any means, but I started to notice when I hit my late 20's that the wrong word happened more often and not only that, but my memory was getting worse. Those things are definitely still the case, but I have noticed that the more time I spend actively engaged in something, the less it tends to happen. It doesn't seem to matter what that something is: reading, gaming, a class, whatever, as long as it involves quick identification. "Actively engaged" seem to be the key words there, so sleeping or mind-wandering through a class gained me nothing.. in fact for me, it tended to make things worse.
I don't think you really have a speech disorder though. I think the word you're looking for might be "aphasia," specifically "semantic paraphasia." That is substituting a closely related word for the word you actually mean to say, but I really think everyone does that to at least some degree once in a while. The key thing is unlikely to be related to the speech thing but IS yet another sign that maybe you're just doing that slow aging humans do. If it's not disrupting your life at all, I really wouldn't worry about it. Just try to keep your mind active.
Also you mention that public speaking is a big part of your career, do this slipups of words happen when you are speaking publicly? or when you are under some sort of stress, or does it happen when just speaking casually? Because if it happens under some stress, it could just be a matter of keeping your head cool. Diferent people will use diferent methods to keep their head cool, breathing excersices, meditation-mantras.