who is your favorite homestuck character?
trick question because it is sollux fucking captor
look at that guy, his eyes are two different colors and he has two sets of horns what the fuck even
oh thats not enough for you well fuck off let me give you some more reasons why sollux is great reason number one
dude is fucking psychic he hears the screams of the dead but he still manages to be a hacker extraordinaire lets see you juggle that sort of mad responsibility
not to mention telekinesis i mean shit moving things with your mind and hes not even fat because i sure as fuck would be if i didnt have to get up to grab my soda
at the snap of his fingers he can PUT BEES TO SLEEP dont you wish you could do that?
fuck bees
get honey
wait no dont get the honey that is mind honey and it is bad NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EAT THE MIND HONEY
see that shit the dude shoots red and blue lasers out of his eyes hes like cyclops but not a lame dickbag
speaking of cyclops look at this dudes lusus
thats a dual headed cyclops. a bicyclops that is better than just a single headed cyclops FUCK like you even need to be told that goddamn
but lets get down to the real shit. sollux is awesome because without him the trolls wouldnt even have sgrub which means the trolls would have never created the human universe and there would be no sburb and WE WOULD NEVER EXIST yeah sollux translated the ancient code found by aradia in some creepy ghost ruins and made it into a game for his friends to play that is some crazy s
oh yeah aradia that is basically his girlfriend shes a bit spooky at first but thats okay
damn though sollux is pretty lucky cause shes a cool lady
sollux gets all the ladies though lowblood highblood he doesnt discriminate thats just what sort of great guy he is
sollux is also responsible for setting up the network of troll computers so the trolls could talk to the humans which seems like a bad idea at first but it ends up being pretty necessary for everyone to progress
his reasons are his own
GA: Then Why Are You Doing This
GA: Setting Up These Stations For Us
TA: two get you all off my bulge about iit.
TA: but ii wont troll any of them per2onally no way.
TA: kiind of juveniile.
TA: but you guys go knock your 2elve2 out ok.
TA: 2ee the menu up top?
TA: fiiddle around wiith that tiil you open the viiewport.
GA: I Did Fiddle With It
GA: To No Avail
TA: iif you cant fiigure 2hiit out by fuckiing around you dont belong near computer2.
TA: kiind of liike wiith regii2tered 2ex offender2 and 2chool2.
TA: iif you move two a new town you have two go up two your neiighbor2 door and warn them about how 2tupiid you are.
TA: and giive them a chance two hiide all theiir iinnocent technology.
TA: and vandaliize your hou2e.
but hes still a nice guy and helps out anyway
are you still not convinced that sollux is a cool guy? well check this
dude sacrifices himself to propel the troll meteor to the green sun with all his power who else would do that
no one
and he only half dies what the fuck is up with that? i still dont know
but like hes not even fucking done he still helps push the meteor toward the new session like a boss
what else could you ask for in a guy there now fuck off
read about him here:
also acceptable:
sollux is okay
same thing
wait wrong troll
barf out loud
what the FUCK
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but she's in the OP so all is well
you killed speed
it was
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op somewhat redeemed but still p awful
no i didn't mean to
mostly good work
all the best characters wear glasses,
sollux wears the best glasses,
therefore sollux is awesome
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also stop being in this thread you're going to get spoiled
and I don't even care how homestuck is basically impossible to spoil on account of making no god damn sense, i like the idea of you being as fresh as possible to every new thing
Autoresponders sayin hi
Bro I gotta give the fans what they want
And what they want is me
I'm sure I'll still be finding them years from now.
The 'Karkat isn't angry, he's crabby' thing still gets me. That's a fucking zodiac pun hidden in his PERSONALITY.
I've only read PS once and never thought about it that much. What's it mean?