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[EAST] Philadelphia Cheese Steak Meat-Up

TJBrady22TJBrady22 Registered User regular
See what I did there?
Anyhow, I live in Upstate NY, and have always wanted to get a Philadelphia Cheese Steak my idea was that a bunch of us all meet up at one of the dozens of restaurants that serve the Cheese Steak (Phillie Natives, Chime in with suggestions!) and then motorcade up I-95 to Boston.

Questions, Comments, Ideas?


  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    You are gonna either hit up Pat's or Gino's. Those are the two most famous. Either is fine though.

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  • Little Miss RachelLittle Miss Rachel Geek Chick Before Geek Was Chic Idahoan ExileRegistered User regular
    This idea makes me wish very muchly that I was going to PAX East.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    Pat's and Gino's are the most famous, but if you're looking for a great cheesesteak, hit up Jim's or Tony Luke's.


  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Jim's are too dry. Your best bet is to get a Pat's and a Gino's (right across the street from each other), split the 2 with someone else (so you each get half of each) and then decide for yourself which is better. Tony Luke's is very good, but across town from the other 2. If you're looking to try the most and get a good idea of a real cheesesteak, go to Pats/Gino's.

    (damnit, now I wanna go to Pats for lunch, but it's too far from work :( )

  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    I would get steaks as a meetup, but I can't do it the day before PAX. Also I would eat anywhere, because they are all so good (but my favorite is Jim's).

  • MalaMala CeciltuckyRegistered User regular
    The answer to the "Pat's or Gino's" question is: Which ever has the shorter line :) Personally, I prefer Tony Luke's. Although I do have to ask, you sure about driving a couple of hours DOWN to Philly then back UP to Boston? Don't get me wrong, it would be awesome to start a PAX trip off with a cheesesteak.

  • SnazzyGentSnazzyGent Registered User regular
    Sorry all, but he correct answer to this query is Chink's in Northeast Philadelphia. Touriststeaks are great, but do yourself a favor and go straight for the real thing.

  • LedaXILedaXI Chicago, ILRegistered User regular
    Tonelli's. Hands down. It's not a trip to Philly without stopping there.

  • ShirakShirak Registered User regular
    I was in Philly back in September and had both Pats and Genos. Not much difference except that one of them had a thicker cut of meat and was slighly tastier. Forgot which as neither really impressed me.

    But then I went to Tommy DiNic's in the Market, had a pork sandwich with Broccoli Rabe and Longhot peppers and forgot all about cheesesteaks. Om nom nom...

  • APacManAPacMan Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    My favorite is Jims, you can head upstairs aftergrabbing your cheesesteak for some seating. Almost no-one does so you can look down on the silly geese standing and eating.

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  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Shirak wrote: »
    Shirak wrote: »
    I was in Philly back in September and had both Pats and Genos. Not much difference except that one of them had a thicker cut of meat and was slighly tastier. Forgot which as neither really impressed me.

    But then I went to Tommy DiNic's in the Market, had a pork sandwich with Broccoli Rabe and Longhot peppers and forgot all about cheesesteaks. Om nom nom...

    You're referring to the Redding Terminal Market ( It's across town from pretty much all the places being argued about for cheesesteaks (across from the convention center, right by Chinatown), but yes, I agree, DiNic's has one of the best sandwiches you'll ever eat (and it's freakin huge!). Also, don't forget the sharp provolone.

    And bonus, if you're somehow still hungry, go over to the Amish market also in the terminal and get an Apple Dumpling (think like an amazingly flaky and delicious apply pie, in a ball shape).

  • luckynala323luckynala323 Registered User regular
    As a Philly Native we found in Faneuil Hall a place that made a damn good Philly cheese steak. (Its been a few years since we had it though) you might want to consider meeting up maybe at Conn. border heading up to Boston then hit the hall as soon as you get into town. I'm sure one of these fine Philly PAXers could bring you one for the trip from home!

  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    As a Philly Native we found in Faneuil Hall a place that made a damn good Philly cheese steak. (Its been a few years since we had it though) you might want to consider meeting up maybe at Conn. border heading up to Boston then hit the hall as soon as you get into town. I'm sure one of these fine Philly PAXers could bring you one for the trip from home!

    What was the place?

  • GrimRupertGrimRupert Registered User regular
    I can't believe I seriously see people suggesting Pat's or Geno's as an ideal cheese steak. That's a tourist location. Those things are all glitz (especially Geno's). There are so many better cheese steaks in Philly. I've heard good things about Jim's, but I'll see what other places I can muster up for suggestion.

    But if you're coming to Philly and want a genuine, pure, Philadelphia style cheese steak, you gotta go someplace that puts, y'know, real cheese on it. Not whiz.

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  • luckynala323luckynala323 Registered User regular
    As a Philly Native we found in Faneuil Hall a place that made a damn good Philly cheese steak. (Its been a few years since we had it though) you might want to consider meeting up maybe at Conn. border heading up to Boston then hit the hall as soon as you get into town. I'm sure one of these fine Philly PAXers could bring you one for the trip from home!

    What was the place?

    I believe the Philadelphia Steak & Hogie.

  • JollyGingerJollyGinger Registered User new member
    the only place there i know of that is good is the philadelphia steak & hogie. I prefer the mac and cheese in a bread bowl place that is like right next to it that serves seafood mac and cheese and buffalo chicken :)

  • SnazzyGentSnazzyGent Registered User regular
    I'm also a fan Wit or Witout, a relative newcomer to the cheesesteak realm. They have a few locations now in and around Northeast Philly.

  • dartbowendartbowen Registered User new member
    My advice steer clear from chickie&Pete's they are the evil empire of Philly cheese steaks. They over charge the food, treat their employees sub par and the quality is not all that great.

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