[EAST] Philadelphia Cheese Steak Meat-Up
See what I did there?
Anyhow, I live in Upstate NY, and have always wanted to get a Philadelphia Cheese Steak my idea was that a bunch of us all meet up at one of the dozens of restaurants that serve the Cheese Steak (Phillie Natives, Chime in with suggestions!) and then motorcade up I-95 to Boston.
Questions, Comments, Ideas?
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
(damnit, now I wanna go to Pats for lunch, but it's too far from work
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
But then I went to Tommy DiNic's in the Market, had a pork sandwich with Broccoli Rabe and Longhot peppers and forgot all about cheesesteaks. Om nom nom...
Twitter: @APacManSays
You're referring to the Redding Terminal Market (http://www.readingterminalmarket.org/). It's across town from pretty much all the places being argued about for cheesesteaks (across from the convention center, right by Chinatown), but yes, I agree, DiNic's has one of the best sandwiches you'll ever eat (and it's freakin huge!). Also, don't forget the sharp provolone.
And bonus, if you're somehow still hungry, go over to the Amish market also in the terminal and get an Apple Dumpling (think like an amazingly flaky and delicious apply pie, in a ball shape).
What was the place?
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
But if you're coming to Philly and want a genuine, pure, Philadelphia style cheese steak, you gotta go someplace that puts, y'know, real cheese on it. Not whiz.
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I believe the Philadelphia Steak & Hogie.