Was inspired to start a thread after reading the following story:
Tongue is firmly in cheek with regards to the thread title, but I've been thinking about making a thread like this for a little while, and never really found the right launching point.
To clear the air, I am not a policeman, nor do I have anyone in my family/circle of friends that is in law enforcement, however I can't help but feel a little sympathetic to some of the plights of the individuals in law enforcement. I often view the police force in the same light as a parent. Ideally they are there to save us from ourselves. To ensure our safety, and to aid in the dispensing of justice. When things get serious and out of hand, the police are called. They are needed in people's most dire moments. It's high stress. And because of the responsibility they take on, they are understandably held to a higher standard.
That being said, the individuals in these positions don't always "make the grade". You have those who abuse their power, who are corrupt. You have those who are lethargic and/or don't care. And you have those who are just plain careless. There do need to be checks and balances to make sure that those individuals are not allowed into such positions, or are expelled from them.
These individuals are afforded certain privileges as a part of the job, but I shudder to think of all the bullshit they have to put up with, potentially on a daily basis. In keeping with my parent analogy from before, at the end of the day they are human: They make mistakes, and there are "bad cops" and "good cops" just like there are bad parents and good parents.
We all like to bash the cops when they go too far, and take advantage of the "additional power" or "privileges" they wield. Or when there's corruption. And we know that when they do, certain alliterating individuals will call them out on it in this sub-forum.
That being said, why don't we discuss the profession of law enforcement, and maybe not focus on the officers who go too far, but at the profession as a whole. Advantages of being in law enforcement, disadvantages, and what those involved might do to improve their image and effectiveness.
Fuckwits. They're probably the same people that harp on about "my tax dollars" and "my lazy neighbor is on welfare and doesn't work".