Newbie Mini-[Phalla]: Alien Invasion, Mafia Victory

MrTLiciousMrTLicious Registered User regular
edited December 2012 in Critical Failures
Alien Invasion: A Newbie Mini-[Phalla]
What is Phalla?

Phallas are the Penny Arcade forum version of the party game Mafia. This is a Miniphalla, which is a lot like a Phalla, only smaller and hopefully shorter in duration. For more information, please refer to the CF Phalla Signup List, the (now defunct)CF Master Phalla Thread, the PhallaWiki, the PhalLounge, or #mafia on Slashnet.

I have stolen pieces all of this opening post from Spoit’s newbie phalla who generously sampled from a newbie phalla by Julius Caezure who in turn borrowed it from the newbie phalla run by Orange Soda and Dac Vin, who in turn borrowed from the prior newbie phalla run by Sheep Have Wool. And he also incorporated bits and pieces from the original newbie phalla run by robothero

Ground Rules

This miniphalla is for new players only! If you've played in 10 or fewer Phallas, or you're brand new, this game is for you. Why? You'll be playing with other new players, and you'll also be able to get advice from mentor/veteran Phalla players to help improve your play. This game will also be an "Open Setup" with no hidden and/or unusual roles. Please state how many phallas you have participated in I am aiming for a 20 person game, but can take fewer. If on the off chance we get more than 20 newbies to sign up, the most experienced players will be cut first, with ties giving preference to earlier signups.

The 10 game maximum will not be hard capped unless there is more than sufficient demand to get to 20 players. The purpose of the restriction is to let “real” newbies have a chance to play, but if you are in a position where you have played a couple more than 10 games, and still feel overwhelmed by the idea of phalla and feel like you would greatly benefit from a mentoring session, you may also sign up to play.

What if I'm not a newbie?

Seeing (and inferring from hearsay) how well it helped some players in Julius Caezure's and Spoit’s games, I am also going to try to use his mentoring system. In addition to in-thread posting, I am taking signups from veteran players to serve as a mentor to some lucky newbie. Vets willing to serve in this capacity, please sign up in DarkOrchid, and indicate your local time zone and peak posting hours. This will hopefully allow me to match you with players more likely to be online and active the same time as you.

Vets who cannot serve as mentors, whether for time zone constraints, work business, etc., can still participate! As in games past, I will allow veteran players to post comments in DeepSkyBlue while the game is in progress. That said, you should read the rules below about non-player posts below before making a post. Failure to follow the rules will result in you losing your chance at fabulous prizes. And will likely earn you my eternal scorn and hopefully the ridicule of others (for whatever that's worth).

In addition, I would like to run
...Fabulous prizes?

Yes! The mentor/veteran player that is voted Most Helpful by the players will win a fabulous steam game prize! In addition, the newbie voted MVP by a select group of veteran players will also receive a game prize of his/her very own!
Wow! Games! I'm a newbie to Phalla - how do I play?
  • Sign up in this thread by posting !sign up. Additionally, please indicate the number of games you have played, as well as your local time zone. This last point will allow me to hopefully coordinate you with a mentor who will be online and active around the same time as you.

  • After signups have ended, you'll receive a role PM. This PM contains information about the role you will play in the game. This PM should not be shared with another player.

  • Follow the Basic Rules:

    • The "village" consists of all players in the game. Included in the village is a small number of bad guys. Normally, the bad guys all know one another at the beginning of the game, but nobody else knows anything about anyone other than themselves.

    • Each day (normally 24-hour period) the village discusses and publicly votes for one person to be executed that night. At the same time, the bad guys choose two people to kill each night and PM the names to the narrator.

    • The good side wins if all of the bad guys die. The bad side wins if the number of good guys is less than or equal to the number of bad guys (on the assumption that at that point, they control the vote plus get their kills, so it is an inevitable win).

    • Usually, there will be one or more "special" roles among the good guys (and occasionally among the bad guys). Exactly who holds each role is only known to that person, although how many of each role exist is most often known.

    • Each night, the narrator gives the details of who died, and normally whether they were a bad guy. Some games also include clues or outright statements if someone who died is a good special.

  • Other Rules:

    • While still living, you may not communicate regarding the game with someone who is dead.

    • You may not use any anonymous method of communication to discuss the game. Forum-based PMs, external IMs, and e-mails are allowed as long as the person you are talking to knows who you are. Setting up a Proboard can be a good idea, but inform me of the URL if you do so.

    • You may not use screencaps to "prove" anything to anyone.

    • No direct quoting, sharing, or forwarding of any kind of any PM from the host, including your initial role PM.

    • No playing madlibs with sentences in your role PM that may or may not be flavor to identify yourself.

    • No adding people to existing PM conversations. Make a new one instead.

    • Do not edit posts that contain anything that could be construed as a vote (see below about voting).

  • You might also wish to look at the Standard Special Roles, as all of these will be appearing in this game (the exact number of each depends on the number of signups, and will ultimately be clarified once signups are closed, but before the game officially begins):

    • Roles will have different names depending on the theme of the game. Listed below are the usual "generic" terms for each role. Normally, specials exercise their power by communicating with the narrator via PM. This is exactly how I will be handling things in this game.

    • Seer -- once per night can "investigate" a particular person and find out from the narrator if they are a bad guy. Variations of seers may be able to determine a good special as well, although they may be unable to distinguish them from a bad guy.

    • Vigilante (or "Vig") -- once per night can kill a person of their choosing.

    • Guardian -- once per night can protect someone from any death other than execution by the village. Whether they can protect against multiple attacks on one person in the same night is up to the narrator.

    • Masons -- a group of good guys, usually of similar size to the group of bad guys, who start the game knowing each other, and that they are all good.

  • Vote each day by posting your choice in !red. You can (optionally) retract a vote by posting in !Limegreen. This is not required, but it is a standard practice, so I'll leave it in. You must vote each day. Failure to do so twice will result in replacement, or death
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO EDIT VOTE POSTS. If you made a grammatical error or messed up your bbcode or something, deal with it. Even if you make a new vote post, you can't edit the old one. Just don't do it. Seriously. Ever.

    Each day will end at 9:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Midnight EDT, 4:00 AM GMT. Any vote or action made on or after 8:59 PM WILL NOT count. Plan for the game to start on Monday, 12/10, with the first deadline being that evening.

  • Ask questions of the moderator by posting in orange or sending me a PM.

Wow! Games! I'm a veteran Phalla player - how do I play?

Veteran players who wish to participate by offering advice do not need to sign up, only those veterans interested in serving as mentors need sign up in DarkOrchid. You may post in the thread in DeepSkyBlue while the game is in progress. I may put in a post limit if the thread becomes too spammy. Do your best to avoid making many short posts - longer, single posts keep the thread less cluttered. The rules:
  • Do NOT directly comment on the current game situation. You may offer general advice and answer questions, and you may offer commentary on previous day actions as long as it doesn't influence the current day.

    Bad: Orange Soda was evil, and Dac Vin argued for him - you should vote him out today.
    Good: Once you find a baddie, checking the vote records for previous days can be really helpful.
  • Do NOT play for the newbies. You are assisting them.
  • Unless you are assigned a mentee, please do NOT contact a newbie outside of the thread. If you have generalized advice, please feel free to post it in the game thread in DeepSkyBlue.

Failure to follow these rules results in disqualification! When in doubt, send me a PM to ask if something is OK to post. There will be ZERO tolerance of rule violations.

Player List:
  1. Iron Weasel – 3 games
  2. OminousLozenge, Conspiracy Theorist (Villager)Abducted
  3. Invictus – 1 game
  4. Gizzy, Conspiracy Theorist (Villager)Abducted
  5. Mikey CTS - 4 games
  6. Stilts - 0 games
  7. Shen, US Army (Vigilante)Vote
  8. Duke 2.0 - 1 game
  9. Snowglobe - 0 games
  10. Lord_Asmodeus - 0 games
  11. ASimPerson - 2 games
  12. macallan, Mad Scientist (Guard)Abducted
  13. fedaykin666, Conspiracy Theorist (Villager)Vote
  14. CesareB - 7 games
  15. Anialos, Conspiracy Theorist (Villager)Abducted

  1. kime
  2. TheRoadVirus
  3. romanqwerty
  4. Kilnaga
  5. Infidel
  6. Shalmelo
  7. Egos
  8. I needed a name to post.
  9. Langly
  10. Alegis
  11. Cythraul
  12. enlightenedbum
  13. SLyM
  14. Baidol

Day 0
Day 1
Day 2

MrTLicious on


  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    Huh, I've been in more than 10 but I don't think I'm exactly a font of Phalla wisdom. I'll hold off to see how signups go.

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    tee hee hee ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    edited December 2012
    I am willing to try and help someone, if so needed!
    Time zone: CST
    Peak time: 7am-Midnight

    If I am deemed to not be enough of a veteran, I'm fine with that too :D

    Erin The Red on
  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Dillon! You son of a bitch!Registered User regular
    I will be the first newbie to Sign Up

    Matev's Star Wars Phalla is only the third game I've ever played online.
    Time Zone: EST
    Online Times: 8AM - 4PM (Intermittent), 9-11PM

    Currently Playing:
    The Division, Warframe (XB1)
    GT: Tanith 6227
  • romanqwertyromanqwerty Registered User regular
    I'll assist

    I'm Australian so I'll teach you how to survive a menagerie of dangerous creatures and also how to sleep through vote close.

  • Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    edited December 2012
    I'll assist

    I'm Australian so I'll teach you how to survive a menagerie of dangerous creatures and also how to sleep through vote close.

    "Make sure to tie yourself to the bed, lest you fall off the planet while you sleep!"

    Erin The Red on
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Oh right, eastern time. And I guess probably "all day" for activity :P ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    I'm in!
    Matev's current mini is my second phalla ever.

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    Hell, can't edit posts from my phone.

    Time Zone is EST.
    On throughout the day depending on work and most weeknights until 12.

    Sometimes I have ideas for things.
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    Sounds like fun.
    The Manda'phalla currently going on is my first online mafia experience.

    EDIT: EST, online time: sporadic, commonly quite a lot, but sometimes not that much. My schedule is such that I can't say too much more.

    Invictus on
    Generalísimo de Fuerzas Armadas de la República Argentina
  • GizzyGizzy i am a cat PhoenixRegistered User regular

    Played in 5 I think.
    Central time zone.

    Switch Animal Crossing Friend Code: SW-5107-9276-1030
    Island Name: Felinefine
  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    I'm on my fourth, so I'm in

    Getting on during the weekend is difficult but I carry a smartphone I can use to bookmark and check the page every couple hours. Est time zone.

    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • KilnagaKilnaga Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    ill help

    Timezone: EST
    Active Times: 4pm-8am

    Kilnaga on
    "The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time."
    - Terence McKenna
  • mi-go huntermi-go hunter Once again I'm back in the lab. Cleaning my knives, ready for stabs.Registered User regular
  • MrTLiciousMrTLicious Registered User regular
    For Veterans:

    If you would specifically like to be the mafia mentor, send me a PM. I will randomly draw from those interested.

  • LucedesLucedes Registered User regular
    i'd totally sign up to give advice

    but my advice is frequently awful, and people should not follow it :D

  • Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    Lucedes wrote: »
    i'd totally sign up to give advice

    but my advice is frequently awful, and people should not follow it :D

    All will listen to the wisdom of Lady Rainicorn

  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    Hi can I play?

  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    I will mentor but not the mafia (again).

    Apparently I was too scary as the mafia mentor last time!

  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    drunken authority figure, reporting for duty (hunger games all up ins)

    I'm Best Coast time, typically online approximately 9-5, 8-11 pacific.

    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    I have a mentor-bot script written so my timezone is irrelevant.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I should sign up to mentor so that I can inadvertently train people wrong. That way my playing will not seem as wrong by comparison.

    38thDoE on steam
  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    Lucedes wrote: »
    i'd totally sign up to give advice

    but my advice is frequently awful, and people should not follow it :D

    The Art of Lucejitsu

    I'll mentor some poor sap into paranoia if you need it.

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    MrTLicious wrote: »
    For Veterans:

    If you would specifically like to be the mafia mentor, send me a PM. I will randomly draw from those interested.

    Infidel's Mafia Advice
    Spoit wrote: »
    Infidel's mafiadvice:
    First task of masoned groups: Proboards

    Looks like it was a huge success, but for edification of all since some people have troubles:

    To properly secure a proboards, you need to do only two things. Both are on the admin Customize Your Forum / General Settings screen.

    Limited Registration: Yes
    Guests Must Login: Yes

    This makes accounts admin-approved only, and protects all visibility of boards, posts, member names etc.

    Do not screw with the visibility/passwords of individual boards, as it is totally unnecessary and just usually makes it a pain to unlock after the game. :rotate:

    Read more:
    How To Act:

    The most important thing to establish personally is your style. Be consistent. I recommend not being known for one extreme, because it is hardest to keep that up despite your role.

    As an example, I am known for being a shady motherfucker even when I'm a confirmed village network head. People are like "man, I have to trust him, but I don't fucking like it." They always talk about the inevitable backstab, that may or may not be coming.

    That is important. It means that I can act in such ways and actually be mafia leading the village around. It means in general that whenever I'm role X, it doesn't change my playstyle, and therefore it makes it a lot harder for people to determine my role. This may seem like a bad thing, but it is in your best interests long term.

    You don't want to be jumping at the chance to be "obviously" villager in a game when you are, because the impact on the game is often minimal. In a close game this might make the difference, but often times it just means you'll get mafia killed or they will leave you alone because thanks buddy you just narrowed our pool of targets for actual special hunting. And then when your next game comes and you are mafia, your playstyle is drastically different and you get fingered, and that is not going to win you games in the long run compared to the maybe-advantage-probably-not of being an easily spotted vanilla.

    tl;dr consistency, find something and stick with it, so make sure it's something that you can stick with no matter the role that game.

    Read more:
    Just as a note, I am not really reading the game thread, so that my advice will be general and based on what is discussed on the proboards.

    Day 1 voting:

    A tactic of poisoning the voting records by voting for each other on day 1 is a solid tactic. It has won games. It is also known by many now though due to its success, and so it is often looked for. It can still be done, but you must evaluate the situation and blatantness of it.

    For example, a newer player can get away with it easier since they are more likely to be overlooked because they "are too new for advanced tactics." Smarter players may realize that hey, the mafia are all networked so someone could have shared it and intentionally be exploiting that sentiment, but it still is more in your favour.

    The reason that sentiment works btw is simply because it still does. Some newbies act out of expected norms, but statistically there is very clear lines between newbie mafia and veteran mafia moves and players will work with these assumptions, so the mafia must too.

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    Always keep in mind that what the village knows, the mafia knows.

    Try to figure out what the village would do based on that, and coordinate your kills accordingly.

    Eliminating choices is the most reliable method for choosing kills. Fish in a barrel tactic.

    Read more:
    Sometimes they do! Either way, going after the unknown mason before they can get guarded is the right move, and worth a shot.

    With a confirmed villager, you have the specials hooking up now. The guard might be on the mason, it might not. He has done his job and isn't that valuable now. Guard might be on the seer or such now.

    Your mission is to list the players, eliminate suspected vanillas (because many helpfully make it rather clear one way or another by the way they play) and choose from the short list, looking for the guard and hoping to hit unguarded specials secondary. Watch for posts that hint at some kind of network connections. Look at what is not said.

    With regards to an early start on a mafia vote, there is opportunity. Not only will having one of you hopping on right now confuse their search in future days, making the bandwagon seem uncontested will make people feel uneasy. If those placeholders are just vanillas sheeping along, the network will grow uneasy because they don't know they are vanilla, but we do.

    Sometimes the best way to avert a bandwagon is to not fight it.

    Read more:
    The real seer probably contacted the mason.

    Even if they haven't yet, if you epic reveal to the thread instead of going to the mason, they will know you're a liar, because the seer wouldn't do that.

    Likely the real seer will be in touch with them, and you will just be more suspicious and be giving up a mafia. Since it is no longer public, the mafia will not gain the knowledge of who the real seer is, as it will be mediated through the mason.

    The way mafia usually loses is by cracking under pressure. You want their doubts from the lack of any real info on the bandwagon to make them change their minds. People get uneasy and jumpy and change, given that this isn't happening at the end of the day.

    Taya's situation is only as bad as you make it.

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    MrT, just think of the voting records.

    You want to wait long enough that the actual villagers move off due to feeling uneasy about the wagon. If you move before them, they will be less inclined to change, which puts the wagon at more risk, because you can still change after them. People who change off at that point where looking back it appears to be "the right time" to save them will be under scrutiny if the target eventually dies mafia.

    Read more:
    Also, a general mafia tip.

    Learn when to shut up.

    Never say more than you need to, and never tell unnecessary lies.

    It's really the secret to lying and misdirection in general and it applies here obviously.

    With regards to the wagon, your vote swing is your vote swing. That you can control.

    What you cannot fully control is the villagers votes. The control you can exercise on them is what I am talking about, which is seeding their doubts and letting them make their own moves off.

    Which is a waiting game.

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    Everything you do is suspicious!

    If you're the last, you're probably not the one saving her then? If you were mafia, leaving it on her even though she was safe would be "good mafia tactic" and maybe followed up that way.

    People get "caught" for all the right and wrong reasons.

    Therefore the point is to always exercise a delicate touch unless the situation demands more. Manipulate by not being blatant. Say less, accomplish more. You don't want your excessive actions and words from the first couple days bringing down the entire mafia end game.

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    Keep in mind that the mason knows that both the guard and the mafia targeted him, and that everyone has a name so the seer would need to reveal that info to even have a chance of causing doubts.

    An obviously false seer reveal does nothing but condemn someone.

    Read more:
    Getting into the network is overrated, and should be impossible without any thralls or fun mechanics.

    Focus should be on killing the network.

    Read more:
    The guard day 1 has no knowledge of who is special or not, so his target is a wash.

    You can already see the pressure starting to work against the mafia here. Relax. Think about the situation.

    It is 4 mafia vs 4 specials. Both groups know who each other are, and don't know who the other 4 are, but know they're hiding in a pool of equal size for both.

    Tools: They have a kill and a seer and a guard, you have two kills. The vote is up for grabs, but let's consider it a village kill assuming 100% seer accuracy.

    Equal sides and information, two kills each, war of attrition.

    What wins this fight is accuracy.

    So look at your targets, primary focus is the guard, but you want to hit specials if not the guard. Anytime you kill a villager, you reduce the pool of unknowns, which is better at hiding the mafia at this point so that is a bad thing for you.

    You need to out-accuracy the network, so it is time for analysis, not gambits, and for keeping them guessing. Keep them in the dark as long as possible, if they can't tell the mafia from the vanillas then you're at worst on equal footing.

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    Carefully watch how the mason talks about the vote later.

    If the wagon seems to be turning onto a special, most likely he will try to avert it without coming out and saying it. Kill that person hard, hopefully with the wagon turning on another non-mafia, but don't fight it.

    Also, watch the village right now. Delaying your action while a mafia is on the line and letting them stew is just giving all sorts of delicious confusion when they try to analyse the day if/when Taya dies. You have villagers coming to the defense of Taya simply because the wagon seems too straightforward, so even if Taya is seered this is actually good as they think they're catching other mafia with their ploy right now. And if she's not seered, you're better off

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    Good things come to those who wait~

    Be careful with your votes as day closes. You want to ideally avoid having a mafia voted out, but revealing others is way worse than allowing one to die and confuse the followup. Having a vote on the wagon for a mafia that you never switch off but was very threatening is a great thing to have under your belt.

    It may be cold but it's all about winning. This is known as "throwing someone under the bus." Smarter players will acknowledge that their demise is for the best. This applies to other situations, see: day 1 mason vote.

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    No, what he does is just lay low and stop posting probably.

    Network targets X and mafia Y sheeps easily.

    1) When X dies, Y is less suspicious.
    2) When Y dies, X is less suspicious.
    3) Neither die, and we all eat cake.

    There isn't much rational course for the village to suspect one or the other based on learning your roles.

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    To be explicit, the way you are asking questions screams that you actually have knowledge.

    They know you're not in the network, and they know vanillas have no knowledge likely, so that makes you mafia.

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    Things are looking fairly good now with the guard gone. If you can dodge the vote, the vig will probably be accurate. 4 deaths, 6 left alive, 2 mafia. How accurate they'll be depends a lot on who the seer targeted along the way, which is hard to say.

    You need to hit the vig tonight, and not hit anyone unconfirmed.

    Read more:
    Getting inactive killed and killing the vote winner?

    Real sloppy way to lose a game so I hope people learn from this: Pay attention and play the game.

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    B:L's Village Advice
    to even that out a bit

    Spoit wrote: »
    B:L and Wandering Hero:
    B:L July 25
    Hi, and welcome to DIE

    *ahem* I mean, I see you're a villager! Congrats on not being evil :D

    Given that you succeeded very well in the recent phalla, you're probably a good target for the mafia. I hope the guard is smart enough to realize that you're one of the high priority targets.

    What this does though is give you more impetus to act. As a villager you can take risks that a special shouldn't, such as soft networking or even pressuring others for info, through PMs of course you don't want to draw too much suspicion publicly, as phalla players are a suspicious and paranoid lot.

    A lot of folks think Day 1 is random, but Day 1 is ripe for Data Mining. Something I like to do when I play phalla is to chart connections and relationships, and draw a hypothesis from them, then alter the data and conclusions day to day as the results come in to whittle away at the scenario and reveal the truth of who is mafia on your suspicions list.

    Of course, experience really helps in drawing these conclusions. For instance, noticing someone playing oddly would put them higher on the suspicion list. Some players are averse to voting for their own when mafia, while others love to do that day 1. It's these little observable quirks that can determine the fate of a game.

    But that may just be me, I'm more of an intuition and deduction player rather than a hard vote analysis one. Figure out what you're better at and play to your strengths.

    Just be sure to remember what you know, or should know: what roles are available (1 Vig, 1 guard, 1 seer, 2 masons vs 4 mafia with 2 kills a day), and the order of operations.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Good luck, and remember: B:L is Never Evil.

    Wandering Hero July 25
    Oh man, good post. I can't really help the experience bit, though I am getting more used to the players. Luckily that doesn't matter this game.

    I agree with you about vote analysis. I like drawing conclusions based on the way people act and the motivations behind them. As well as knowing their suspicions and hunches (especially if they aren't true).

    Whereas the vote is a bit more deliberate. You usually justify it really well to yourself and consider the defenses if it is used against you.

    That's just me, though.

    Ok, so some questions.

    My hardest part i've found about phalla is networking. Just pming people out of the blue seems like a big risk sometimes and I'm usually so skeptical towards people to the point where I don't see enough proof of villager to justify the risk.

    I've never really examined Day 1 because it has never seemed useful. I'll work on it this phalla, though.

    B:L July 25
    Day 1 is usually hard to analyze, but not impossible. What I usually keep an eye out for are bandwagon turners (people who try to steer what appears to be an early bandwagon somewhere else), RNG voters (ugh, lazy villagers and mafia) and assorted banter. Again, the latter comes down to experience, but you can learn how people associate with others so you can notice when they're acting different from the norm.

    It's risky to soft network, sure, but you're a villager thus it would be less of a liability to you. What I mean though by soft networking isn't revealing all your secrets to each other, but rather try to discuss suspicions privately to see what others are thinking. Folks are actually more likely to reveal what their suspicions are privately rather than publicly, out of paranoia from appearing suspicious. Their suspicion list can also help you determine their allegiance, as mafia usually try to steer people away from their own members and it'll be more data to cross reference in later days.

    It is also nice to have someone to bounce ideas between back and forth. Communication is the key to phalla, and sharing ideas like this can help you focus your thoughts. The way I like to penetrate lies and deception is through the details. It requires very nuanced tactics but basically it's much harder to keep a lie running than an honest relation. If it seems harder and harder to elicit a response from someone you're contacting, chances are they're hiding something. If instead they're very forthcoming with information and suspicions but they're kinda second guessing themselves or otherwise streaming their thoughts, they're likely honestly posting their ideas instead of presenting a scripted and structured deception.

    It's all in the details.

    Wandering Hero July 25
    That last paragraph i've caught on to. I became a lot easier in the Loxley phalla to identify the mafia when I had already sent a pm to just about everyone and knew where they were pointing their suspicions.

    Ok so more on soft networking. I'm going to try and do it this phalla a bit earlier. So should I just try and send some feelers out at whoever I begin to suspect is a villager? How should I pick and choose targets and when is a good time to start contacting people?
    My player is deeeaaaad

    And it's the stupid vigs' fault. One should pay attention to which players are more valuable when they're alive, such as Wandering Hero. He was an incredible asset in a recent previous phalla, thus the vig should have reasoned that the mafia would see him as a threat and as such would have been a likely mafia target.

    Vigging good players out of grudges is a quick way to screw your own team.

    Read more:

    Egos on
  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    Egos wrote: »
    Lucedes wrote: »
    i'd totally sign up to give advice

    but my advice is frequently awful, and people should not follow it :D

    The Art of Lucejitsu

    I'll mentor some poor sap into paranoia if you need it.

    Here's just a taste of what Egos's apprentice can expect:

    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    are we allowed to give intentionally terrible advice to see if they realize

    pacific, typically anywhere from 5-11

  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    You got one of those advice sections for SK/Neutrals?

    Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
    Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
    3ds: 3282-2248-0453
  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    i don't think there was an SK/neutral in the last newbie phalla

  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    here's the guide to playing survival neutral:

    -tell everyone you're a survival neutral and ask to be left alone

    you win

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    shalmelo wrote: »
    Egos wrote: »
    Lucedes wrote: »
    i'd totally sign up to give advice

    but my advice is frequently awful, and people should not follow it :D

    The Art of Lucejitsu

    I'll mentor some poor sap into paranoia if you need it.

    Here's just a taste of what Egos's apprentice can expect:


  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    here's the guide to playing survival neutral:

    -tell everyone you're a survival neutral and ask to be left alone

    you win
    i.e. be @langly

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    here's the guide to playing survival neutral:

    -tell everyone you're a survival neutral and ask to be left alone

    you win

    Also don't over analyze in public . I think is applies regardless. If you make it known you are a neutral people will leave you alone. Mafia will come after you if you act the helpful villager.
    It's best to make safe moves in public.

    If your goal seems too easy or you seem too powerful, you may want to consider someone is hunting you also. Familiarity with the host (sadly) and the source material (if available) helps.

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    Wow, that's the most coherent sentences I think I've ever seen B:L write... ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    kime wrote: »
    Wow, that's the most coherent sentences I think I've ever seen B:L write...

    Wait you're no longer blind!? IT'S A CHRISTMAS AVATAR MIRACLE

    10mvrci.png click for Anime chat
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    sign up

    east coast, active during morning, office hours and late at night.

    Langly on
  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    CST btw

  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    Im becoming convinced that @egos is actually a robot.

  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    In case there are yuropians, sure. UTC+1 (CET), peak around 22:00 - 23:00 my time.

    I must warn any possible mentees that my training rituals include ancient delicious potions

  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    I think I'm right under 10, not sure. I will probably hang around with blue advice because no way do i know enough to be a mentor.

    Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
    Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
    3ds: 3282-2248-0453
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    !sign up

    I have played in 0 phallas.

    I'm on Mountain Time (-7 GMT, +1 PST). My work schedule varies, but I'm typically active in the morning and early afternoon.

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