i cannot keep this pull list, i need to trim a few books. but which ones...
All-New X-Men
Amazing Spider-Man
Animal Man (2011-)
Captain America
Fantastic Four
Guardians of the Galaxy
Indestructible Hulk
Locke & Key Omega
Lot 13
New Avengers
Secret Avengers
Superior Spider-Man
Swamp Thing (2011-)
Thor: God of Thunder
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men: Legacy
Young Avengers
a few will naturally fall off currently/in the near future: amazing spider-man, locke & key, lot 13, secret avengers[remender](?), uncanny x-force. but, i probably should not spend as much as i have been lately on comics. ugh. goodbye deadpool, maybe hulk, uncanny avengers? fantastic four? fucking NOW, and i'll probably want to pick up the ultron series when that starts up.
Riptor's right. None of the Avengers or FF books are at risk of cancellation. Well, maybe Young Avengers. Just because it's popular on tumblr doesn't mean shit for sales.
You could drop Spider-Man to send a message to Marvel that you're tired of the way they've treated the character these last few years.
Absurdly well?
I didn't realize how horribly the property had been treated these last few years until I explained the current status quo to a friend who had gotten out of comics a few years back and was looking to potentially catch up with his favorite street-level everyman hero.
Eh? Well I mean there is OMD and Superior is questionable but Big Time, Spider Island and Ends of the Earth have all been solid editions to the mythos.
Ya it kinda stinks how all the awesome stuff between OMD and Superior is going to get the sting of their awfulness, when besides those 2 things, spidey's been pretty darn fantastic for a long time.
Yeah regardless of what Superior will or won't be, Spider-Island is one of my all time favorite Spider-Man stories. With a lot of Slott's Big Time run up there as well.
"Ride or Die?" asked Goku
"Ride or Die" confirmed Dominic Toretto, as they took off to find the Dragon Balls in hopes of reviving their friend Sonic
Yeah, Big Time started off great but I think people forget that Amazing was in an upswing with the arcs before it. I would also put Shed in there as well, really great Lizard arc.
Cat beast was a horrible idea made even worse by Morrison having the character declare himself gay for a revenge fantasy. Grant Morrison wrote a terrible Beast.
Cat beast was a horrible idea made even worse by Morrison having the character declare himself gay for a revenge fantasy. Grant Morrison wrote a terrible Beast.
And Joss Whedon along with Keiron Gillen fixed that by hooking up Beast with Agent Brand. Don't get me wrong I have no issue with Beast maybe being gay but it was handled terribly.
Wait, it's been a while since I read New X-Men but I thought Beast just claimed to be gay to fuck with somebody's head. I didn't remember it being a serious thing.
Wait, it's been a while since I read New X-Men but I thought Beast just claimed to be gay to fuck with somebody's head. I didn't remember it being a serious thing.
Correct, he did it just to mess with Trish Tilby, who was at that point only talking to him to further her career, and she proved him right by running with what he said.
Morrison wrote a good Beast who was having trouble trying to adapt to being in a more clumsy body (trying to cure the nano-sentinels but his hands can't work delicately anymore), cat Beast is no different than ape Beast which was no different than his normal whitey Beast self.
Iron Man 5 was the best issue yet and gives Gillen's little identity crisis for Tony a nice pay off. I really like his idealistic dreamer take on Stark and it seems to be what is going to drive the book forward so I am totally down for Godkiller.
Iron Man 5 was the best issue yet and gives Gillen's little identity crisis for Tony a nice pay off. I really like his idealistic dreamer take on Stark and it seems to be what is going to drive the book forward so I am totally down for Godkiller.
Land is still terrible, though.
MaratastikJust call me Mara, please!Registered Userregular
So, I've finally grabbed some hulk titles after really enjoying Planet Hulk. I read World War Hulk, Son of Banner, Fall of the Hulks and World War Hulks. I've liked it so far. Is it worth it to continue on from there (Dark Son, Chaos War, Heart of the Monster)?
Amazing Spider-Man
Animal Man (2011-)
Captain America
Fantastic Four
Guardians of the Galaxy
Indestructible Hulk
Locke & Key Omega
Lot 13
New Avengers
Secret Avengers
Superior Spider-Man
Swamp Thing (2011-)
Thor: God of Thunder
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men: Legacy
Young Avengers
a few will naturally fall off currently/in the near future: amazing spider-man, locke & key, lot 13, secret avengers[remender](?), uncanny x-force. but, i probably should not spend as much as i have been lately on comics. ugh. goodbye deadpool, maybe hulk, uncanny avengers? fantastic four? fucking NOW, and i'll probably want to pick up the ultron series when that starts up.
Both FF titles to since they're interconnected.
Shit that's like sixty a month right there
Hickman's Avengers is like the one book I would not want to missing out on
Absurdly well?
As long as you don't mean the Ultimate version.
You wouldn't be. You'd just wait six months get it all at once provably with an amazon discount.
I can hardly wait two weeks from one issue to the next
Six months would be impossible
If Superior sucks, well nothing lasts forever.
"Ride or Die" confirmed Dominic Toretto, as they took off to find the Dragon Balls in hopes of reviving their friend Sonic
Grim Hunt
Origin of the Species
hell yes please
i didn't particularly care for grim hunt
and then big time and all that started and yes, yes those are completely incredible comic books like dang that's some good spidey
Hello Ape Beast 2.0
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
Diablo 3 - ArtfulDodger#1572
Minecraft - ArtfulDodger42
this is the wrongest post I've ever seen
And Joss Whedon along with Keiron Gillen fixed that by hooking up Beast with Agent Brand. Don't get me wrong I have no issue with Beast maybe being gay but it was handled terribly.
and 95% of those looks were all awful
Correct, he did it just to mess with Trish Tilby, who was at that point only talking to him to further her career, and she proved him right by running with what he said.
Morrison wrote a good Beast who was having trouble trying to adapt to being in a more clumsy body (trying to cure the nano-sentinels but his hands can't work delicately anymore), cat Beast is no different than ape Beast which was no different than his normal whitey Beast self.
Land is still terrible, though.
This is the best Marvel comic I have ever read.
Hickman is a god.
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
Cool, thanks!