Hey guys!
I just wanted to post this to announce that TheSwarm, a gaming company, finally made it to the Penny Arcade Forums! For those of you who don't know, TheSwarm is a Texas Based gaming company with currently two LPs: Borderlands 2, and Destroy All Humans: Path of Furon. We also have a Batman Halloween special and many Halo Achievement guides! If you would like to subscribe to our youtube or have any questions, check us out here:
P.S. We have a HUGE series announcement Christmas Day!
TheSwarm is a Texas- based gaming company that centers itself around having fun and having a sense of community. We do Let's Plays, Fight eachother, and do some Achievement Guides now and then. Currently, we have Borderlands 2 and Destroy All Humans: Path of Furon in our Let's Play Catalog, and we're about to kick off a Halo Series! If you would like to learn more, check us out on YouTube at:
TheSwarm will remain: incorrect.
TheSwarm will get TychoCelchuuu's views: Probably not.