“After putting $803,436 in Obama’s re-election campaign, a media giant attempted to keep Americans from seeing the video by banning it from their sites,” stated Aaron DeHoog, the financial publisher who is unapologetic for the release of controversial footage that has gained international attention.
The video DeHoog is referring to is a stunning interview with famed economist Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.
Wiedemer, best known for correctly predicting the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States during the “Great Recession”, provides disturbing evidence in the video interview for 50 percent unemployment, a 90 percent stock market crash, and 100 percent annual inflation . . . starting as soon as 2013.
When the host of the interview expressed disbelief in Wiedemer’s claims, he calmly displayed five indisputable charts to back up his predictions
Indisputable charts! Displayed calmly!
“[The interview] was originally filmed for a private audience,” DeHoog explains. “People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it.”
The interview was only made public after people begged them to release this vital info!
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax is showing the Wiedemer interview and supplying viewers with copies of the new, updated Aftershock book including the final, unpublished chapter.
This information is so vital to the American public, philanthropist and supreme economic guru Robert Wiedemer is giving away his book for free (plus $4.95 s/h), including the final chapter that was too important to be published with the book!
The Mayans were wrong! The world doesn't end in 2012, it ends in 2013!
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
you trapped in an elevator again
also jobs thread is clearly the direction to steer this in
basically good but it has some terrible stuff in it such as: http://washingtonexaminer.com/tim-carney-how-corporate-tax-credits-got-in-the-cliff-deal/article/2517397#.UOWLv3fNqSp
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
It is bringing out all the crazy islamophobia and red scare bullshit
is pretty obviously sarcasm.
He's just making a thread about a crazy person who is trying to scam people out of money.
Current TV, Al Gore's unsuccessful bid at a news network
I'm actually pretty stoked for Al Jazeera America.
they bought Current TV
which raises many important questions
"who would pay money for current tv"
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
So, yay? I guess?
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
I'm hoping for a Middle Eastern version of The Odd Couple.
That said, the vigor and speed with which he threw Boehner under the goddamn bus over the Sandy relief vote was fucking beautiful.
I just remember listening to some conservative radio person talking about how they had struck the deal in the dead of night and Al Gorleone (as the guy kept calling Gore) sold out america for the oil money and it would be an anti american mouth piece for the obama communist regime
This was the same radio station that had commercials warning people to be on the watch for the RADICAL CHANGE obama could make that would allow him to change the law and LEGALLY HAVE A THIRD TERM
The other commercials are all work from home pyramid scams
yeah, YEAH
meaningless political football, YEAH
you GO chris christie
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
sketchyblargh / Steam! / Tumblr Prime
My current favorite bit o' craziness from that particular breed of person - do a quick Google search for "March 23rd"
I don't think I like the person but a governor who is willing to shake hands whoever he needs to or shit on whoever he needs to in order to get relief money for his state is doing at least something right I guess
Edit: er, I mean inform the forums about the impending doom you can all learn about if you buy Robert Wiedemer's book. And by buy, I mean get it for free (minus s/h and the subscriptions they conveniently sign you up for).
edit also the guy kept calling boehner a drunk and had the guy working the board play a sound effect of ice clinking in a glass every time he talked about boehner
the republican establishment has really turned on the guy
I mean "beautiful" in the same way a well-executed ad campaign is beautiful, or a tidy legal defense is beautiful. Where something is so brazenly cold and calculated (This is just part of Chris Christie's opening salvo in his inevitable 2016 campaign, because there's no better way to run for president than to run against congress) that you can't help but admire the sheer technical mastery of it.
I don't think it actually means anything, or that he's "speaking truth to power," or any of that.
well considering the current american republican party i was expecting a federal immigrant bounty hunting office and stipulation for obama to commit hara kiri so i GUESS this is okay all things considered
so how about that violence against women act, everybodyyy
I was betting on hacked account spammer.
Color me "incorrect".
There already technically is an Al Jazeera America, this just theoretically expands the network to everyone who's already getting Current.
Well, except for anyone who was getting Current on Time Warner Cable, like me.
for the record, i would like to point out that those hefty corporate exemptions were written by and insisted upon by Democrats including the White House
"the current american republican party" factors not into this
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Did they try to pass something that basically said "Yo, everybody listen the fuck up. Violence against women? Not Cool." and then someone found an inane bullshit reason to loudly object?
I thought you said a "Middle Earth version" and got all excited
I dunno about that but in Virginia the attorney general (or possibly the governor?) has approved a measure requiring abortion clinics to meet the same design standards as hospital buildings
I think it has to get reviewed by some sort of state medical body but I believe the AG has told that body to approve it or he will refuse to represent them through the AG's office
And I guess if it doesn't pass or if it does and clinics somehow manage to comply VA still has that whole rape wand thing (unless I missed them changing it)
They tried to renew a thing that had been in place since 1994, and the Senate included some passages protecting gay men, american indians, and illegal immigrants. Guess who had a problem with that.
violence is legal now
you're on notice
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Was it Obama? I hear most things are his fault.
violence against women thing
sandy relief thing
orange B just walks out of the room
is it gonna be like when roberts read the oath wrong and then obama had to be re-othed but they did it behind closed doors ON A KORAN HE ISN'T THE PRESIDENT
The extension passed in the senate easily. The house failed to take it up before the new session and I believe it expired.
I'm sure it'll get rewritten and passed again but it just goes to show how inept the house is. Much like the Sandy relief issue.
It's like you didn't even read my post!
which in a way is a self fulfilling cluster... by admitting they don't like to use it, they open it up to criticism
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
if it gets rewritten and passed then it will be passed without protections for lgbt, immigrant and native american groups