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[M&M 3E, IC] Issue One: Pearls in the Rough. The Beacons, LIGHT 'EM UP!

TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
edited January 2013 in Critical Failures
Welcome to Pearl City!

This will be our In-Character thread for the M&M 3rd Ed. Pearl City Campaign! Please do not post anything OOC! Follow the rules and enjoy posting!

Current Issue

Issue 1: Pearls in the Rough!

The Beacons
The Raven - Mikey CTS
Alternate Identity (Secret): Lillith Noire
Powers: Fear, Shadow
Age: Unknown

Graviton - Captain Carrot
Alternate Identity (Secret): Amanda Simmons
Powers: Gravity Control
Age: Unknown

Captain Science - spacecaptaindickjustice
Alternate Identity: Raz
Powers: Cosmic Energy Control
Age: Unknown

Champion - zekebeau
Alternate Identity: Calloway King
Powers: Brawler
Age: Unknown

Tickets- doomybear
Alternate Identity: None
Powers: Regenerating Shapeshifter
Age: N/A

Crimson Justice- jdarksun
Alternate Identity: Freddie "The Tooth" Barbaro
Powers: Magical Battlesuit
Age: Unknown

Glenn Miller - Zandracon
Alternate Identity: None
Powers: Master Nanite Thief
Age: Unknown

Talonrazor on


  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    Space saved

  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    The flashes of light are blinding. The clicking of cameras, buzz of microphones are almost too much. In front of you are the piles of reporters and throngs of citizens. After all, it isn’t everyday a superhero team is formed. Everyone wants a picture, a quote, a bit of the story that will occupy Pearl City’s mind for over an hour or so until the next bombing, celebrity scandal or reality show. Sure, you aren’t in Las Vegas or New York City or Chicago, the places where the superhero circuit is the big-time, the real deal. It ‘s Pearl City, dirty, cheap, abandoned. Not quite Detroit and not yet Atlantic City, Pearl City will be a challenge. You know about the corruption, the organized crime, the street gangs, the two-bit villains that lurk in these dark streets in the middle of the Armando Desert.

    But you made it. You are a professional superhero, finally. No more illegal moonlighting, vigilantism, hero sideshows or whatever else you did. This is it, the start of a career that could be very lucrative. What will you do? Embrace the fame, the corporate endorsements, the media circus? Get lucrative sponsorships and contracts, rise up in tthe social ladder that make up meta-human society? Or is this more of a calling for you. Are you committed to the actual ideals of heroing? Are you naive boyscoout who is too sheltered or misguided to understand the world around him? Do you know what the world really is, cynical and bitter against the evil that surrounds you? Time will tell. Much of it, Dear Reader, will depend on you. What path in this story will you take?

    So it is we find our Heros, newly minted in all their glory, standing on the steps of an otherwise unbecoming four-story building. Squat and grey, lurking in an unremarkable light commercial area, the building has a small neon sign that rests above the large double doors. The sign is brand new, freshly installed. It glows a dim green light: “CONSTABLE STATION”. Beneath it hung a banner proclaiming. “WELCOME BEACONS”. A sizable crowd gathered at the bottom of the steps, kept in check by uniforms of the GCPD and ropes. Reporters yelled and shouted as the our Heroes move up the steps into the building. A man, wearing the pin as an official of the City, waved his hands. “The official Beacon press conference will be held at a later date! Thank you all for coming, we still have to settle in our new charter constables. No questions or comments at this time!”

    The team enters the building, bright light spilling from the doors into the dusk of evening. They enter the large lobby, more of a waiting room, with chairs lining in front of a desk behind bulletproof glass. On either side of the lobby hung pictures of the previous heroes; S.A.F.E., The Lightkeepers. Inside the last Lightkeeper awaited them. War Smith smiled at the team, extending his hand to shake each one of them. Brilliant inventor, master of his powered armor and leader of the Lightkeepers, Warren had stayed behind to help get the team acquainted.

    “Welcome to Constable Station 42 or as we liked to called, the Keep. I am sure you will get your own name in time. Follow me, please.” He pushed his hand against a reader and a door on the far side of the lobby unlocked. Heading inside, he entered a large hall with a spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Doors led off in all directions. Approaching one, he stopped and turned to the team. “I am to take you inside to meet the rest of your charter staff. However, I wanted to talk with you briefly before I leave for New York.” Here he paused, choosing his words carefully.

    “This city can be very dangerous. Not just in combat or it’s villains, but in it’s politics. You must tread carefully. Threats are all around you, even in this very building. Every team assigned to this charter has failed, one way or another. SAFE attempted to bring down the casino owners in their white-collar crimes and failed after being branded destroyers of the city’s economy. We attempted to wipe out corruption in the Mayor’s Office and while we brought federal charges to a number of them, I am still convinced we did nothing but hit the fall guys.” Warren’s eyes gazed at each member in turn. “You have few friends and even those you save will conspire against you.”

    War Smith nodded at the door. “There are some allies inside here. Keller... may be a bit much but here he is your best tool to navigate these murky waters. He means well... most of the time. Deputy Marshal Soo is your best ally, his heart is in the right place. Rachel you can trust explicitly. Laura Cassidy..... be careful. Here we go, we’ve delayed too long as it is.”
    The Lightkeeper held open the door and waved you in. It was a large conference room, complete with a massive table that could easily sit a dozen on each side. Large televisions lined each wall and a massive display at the far end. On the other end of the room, near the door, sat several stations with consoles, computer screens and dozens of telephones that were color-coded.

    Inside sat a collection of people. Warren waved everyone to take a seat and turned to the Beacons. “Welcome to the Situation Room. This is a highly-secure conference center with secure lines to various agencies and charters around the globe. It’s here most of your briefings will occur. Let me introduce you to a few people you will be working with. This is Rachel James.”

    A young woman smiled at them. She was pretty, with blonde hair tied in a bun and a smart business casual dress. She screamed professionalism. “Miss James is your charter administrative assistant. She’s your corporate department rolled up into one. Miss James knows this charter inside and out. She’ll be a valuable resource to you. The man sitting next to her is Lt. Detective Phillips Cob, from Homicide Section of Pearl City Police Department. He is your local police liaison.” The large man with massive chin eyed them, not saying a word. He merely nodded slowly.

    Another man sat with them, younger and of Asian descent. He had early white hair and a large scar down the left side of his face. A metallic ball sat in place of his left eye, various circuit lines glowing green. Warren stretched out his hand to the man. “Reed Soo, Deputy Marshal of the United States Marshals Service, Charter Liaison Office. Soo will be your federal contact for all federal law enforcement agencies and will oversee most of your prisoner transfers to the federal courts and prison system. He is a full-time liaison and will work out of the building.” The young man stood and nodded at them. “I look very much forward to working with you. My time with the Lightkeepers was all too short.”
    Warren nodded to the next, a middle-aged woman perched primly on her seat. “This is Laura Cassidy, Special Agent of-”

    The woman interrupted, beaming a little too cheerly, “Special Agent of the Bureau of Regulations and Standards, National Charter Constable Administration under the Department of Meta Affairs. I am in charge of overseeing all the various meta charters in this district, to ensure you follow your government mandate and help you in whatever capacity the government can.” She smiled broadly and nodded back to Warren.

    “Yes. Last but not least is your main handler and representative from the city mayor’s office, Mr. Jack Keller.”

    At this, the figure at the far end of the table sprang to his feet. “Woah, woah! Handler sounds a bit too informal! It’s Special Assistant to the Mayor and Chief Advisor to the Office of Unusual Phenomenon but in all reality I am a fucking miracle worker.” The man instantly started to pace the room, full of boundless energy. He constantly shook his hands, gesticulating with them wildly. “I am your guide, your goddamn shaman through this city. I handle all the metas in this city and ensure you stay on the goodside of everyone. Oh, I see that thought in your face, guy who looks homeless. I know what you are thinking! ‘Why do we need him?’ Well, I will answer you!

    “I am a fucking miracle worker, already stated that! Do you know who James Ring is? Do you know if his news hour show is pro- or anti- metas? Who is the best outlet to let have exclusive interviews? What gang should you go after to favor the best response from the fucking Holy Mayor himself? Do YOU know the answer!” He pointed at The Raven as he said this, even though his whirlwind speech indicated no expected response.

    “No, of course not! Your job is to continue brooding and looking like a high school goth drop-out! Oh I am sure, you probably wield the power of the atomic bomb and can cast like, dark punches or some shit. But who will guide you through the labyrinth of this city, this maze of humanity, this dark fucking jungle of a sick goddamn world? Jack Fucking Keller will! I am like your goddamn champion knight and my job is to make you all look like the best fucking superheroes in this shithole of the city, except when the Hounds are around. Then you are all second-rate.”

    He paced like a madman, throwing his arms out and rubbing his chin as he talked. The other members looked as if they had all heard it before, each one had a glazed look or tapped away on their phones. Rachel just looked bored.

    “We have a lot to do and no time at all to do it. First off, I think goth woman and four-armed Blob Man are going to need to do something with Homeless Bill. We have a goddamn press conference tomorrow with those savages and they are going to eat your fucking faces and shit out your goddamn eyes. But no worries, because you knight will slay those beasts before. Everybody needs to be ready for this shit. You are Pearl City’s shiny new toy until next week. Then no one will give a shit about you. Now, Warren has to catch a flight so let’s all say bye to War Smith! Bye bye!”

    Warren smiled, shook hands one last time and left. Keller turned, slammed his hands down on the table and looked at everyone. “Welcome to the Circus and I am the goddamned Ring Master. Now, let’s stop jerking each other off and get to the real shit. You have questions for anyone, now’s the time to get to it. Otherwise, we are going to prep for this fucking press conferences. I am going to pump each one of you full of goddamn knowledge. Welcome to Pearl Fucking City.”

    Talonrazor on
  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Standing tall and smiling broadly, Champion gives the outside press members his best side, politely informing them he’ll have more to say at the press conference and to make sure and follow the “Beacons” official twitter and Facebook page. Every click of the camera and flash of the lights was music to his ears.

    It was almost a shame to step inside away from them all. Almost, since it gave him the chance to meet War Smith himself. He knew better than to interrupt a legend, but felt uncomfortable at all the warnings. He was the Champion, punching bad guys for justice, fame, and fortune. War Smith made it sound like they’d be doing more than just knocking out punks in colourful suits, and that was never a good place for metas to go. Too easy to get misunderstood or make a mistake. Gods, the last thing he needs is to run a sting on some corrupt bankers. No flash there, the lawyers are too big, and nobody else will even understand how it affected their lives.

    “Ms. James, a pleasure to meet you,” Calloway says, smiling and simply radiating charm. “Could you tell me a bit more about you? The charter is pretty complex and I want to be sure I know exactly what I should run by you and what we need to do to keep it on track.” Also, wouldn’t mind some excuses to spend time with you, Calloway thought.

    “Of course, you and Ms. Cassidy are going to be our main sources about keeping in line and I want to know ahead of time what you need us to do to remain in the Pearl’s good graces. Ms. Cassidy, I am really looking forward to working with the department. Actually, I know one of your colleagues, John Kaizer, worked with the MMB sporting administration. I know the entertainment charters are different from the constable ones, but I look forward to working with another professional from the Meta Department. What do you think are the most important things to keep in mind to stay in good standing?”

    Turning to Keller, the charm turns colder and the words a bit sharper, “Yo, first thing you gotta do is chill. Second thing you gotta do is remember we have names. That ain’t “goth girl” that is Raven, a legacy crime fighter with more experience than any of us. That’s not a blob, that is Ticket, a smart and capable hero that I’ll be counting on to watch my back when things go pear-shaped. And Captain Science, we’re gonna need his out of the box thinking in the streets. And before you go after them, Crimson Justice, Miller, and Graviton have histories but they’re here to do the right thing and turn this city around. They are the symbols for Pearl, about second chances and the ability to still reach for the American Dream. The Mayor needs that kind of symbol if he wants the public to stay on his side. I’m willing to listen, but you better show us all some damn common courtesy.”
    King knew he probably shouldn’t go after someone with the Mayor’s office. And really, he agreed about the hobo and goth. Really, goth went out of style a long time ago, what is this the 90s? But he wanted this to be a team, and knew watching each others backs was key. He needed them if the Beacons were to have any hope of getting on the map.

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    Ticket had a vague of idea of what was in store for him when he was accepted into the charter, but the experience was completely foreign to him. His first reactions were to shield his eyes from the flashes and cameras, but he adopted a more casual demeanor quickly.

    He felt much more comfortable once he was inside, listening and nodding as War Smith introduced each person. Ticket recognized Champion easily, a testament to the former fighter's fame. He responded to his fellow superhero, "Thank you Champion, but I'm sure Mr. Keller wants to help. I am not as familiar with press conferences as you are and I could use the advice."

    Ticket tested a chair's strength and settled down in it. He introduced himself to everyone, "Hello everyone, I am Ticket. I graduated from Binghamton Meta High, class of '93, and before this charter I worked at Marshall Biotech. We're acquainted with our staff here at the Keep, so why don't we go ahead and introduce ourselves?"

    Going summer-camp-counselor was not exactly Ticket's ideal plan, but he felt it was the easiest way to go.

    what a happy day it is
  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    This was not the environment Raven was accustomed to. Flashing lights, hordes of media. She was used to working from the shadows. This was worse than facing down an enitre horde of byzanthian daemons. She drew her cloak tighter and let her hood fall further over her face - if there were going to be pictures, she might as well seem menancing. This may be a massive dog and pony show, but it was also an opportunity to establishing presence. To let the criminals and monsters see there is a new face of fear. Entering the main lobby she let her shoulders relax and cloak open, again.

    She returned Warren's handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Following her new compatriates, she began taking mental notes of the situation and faces. She returned the nod of recognition to Lt. Cob. He appeared to be a serious man. But was he a serious man who took his job seriously? Either way he didn't seem eager to make anyone's acquaintence.

    Deputy Marshall Roo had potential as an asset. "Deputy Roo, if we were to capture a powerful rogue meta, how close is the nearest facility that can contain such a threat? And what power level are they prepared to hold?"

    Laura Cassidy was an x-factor. She seemed excited and sincere. Sincerity was a good sign, but she worked for a department of the government that had branded Raven a vigilantee before she joined this new team. "Ms. Cassidy, I hope my former freelance status won't be an issue for our working relationship," Raven said.

    Mr. Keller immediately set her teeth on edge. He was exactly what was wrong with the meta community today. More concerned with image and approval ratings than getting the job done. Raven was not amused by this clown, particularly his comment about her appearance or the sexist undertones in his suggestion that she do something about the Captain's appearance. Champion interrupted before she could speak in her own defense. He ment well, but she was not some little girl who needed defending. "Mr. Keller, I am a professional. We can't all be as physical intimidating as the Champion here. Fear is a powerful weapon. My dress is to terrorize criminals, not to impress the media or win fashion awards. You shouldn't worry though as I won't be the face of the team. I work better from the shadows. And if you are so concerned with Captain Science's appear then isn't that your job, Mr. Keller? You are a miracle worker, aren't you?"

    "Most of you know me or rather you know my partner, the Doctor. I am the Raven. I was his... understudy in my youth," she said seeming uneager to reveal much more about herself. Adjusting her silken dark hair forward over her shoulder, she let down her hood, revealing nothing of her identity still concealed behind an eye mask. Despite the mask, it was clear to see she had a near flawless complexion and features. She pulled up a seat next to Ticket.

    Mikey CTS on
    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • spacecaptaindickjusticespacecaptaindickjustice Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    It was all a bit of a shock really. After months of living on the streets and conversing only with animals, litter, and Savage Tony, Captain Science was suddenly the centre of attention.

    "I feel just like Tom Cruuuiiiiisee!" he exclaimed to no one in particular. And part of a team of heroes too! It had been too long since he'd had real companions, although how long they would stay companions once his 'quirks' began to reveal themselves remained to be seen. Stopping for a moment outside the team's new headquarters Captain Science looked up at the boring grey building and the first thing that came to mind was, 'Could do with a lick of paint.' And after a brief discussion with Savage Tony on what the ideal colour scheme would be, he entered the building.

    Taking War Smith's extended hand, Captain Science gave his armour a quick look up and down. "That's some impressive Science you've got there boy, but if you let me tinker with it for just one Earth day I could turn you from a simple War Smith into some sort of War-Machine."

    "And Mr Soo," Captain Science continued, "I imagine I could improve the visual acuity of your implant by over 70% if you let me mess around with it for a little bit. Of course there would be a small side effect, as once you can see the gremlins, the gremlins can see you."

    Overall though, Captain Science was content to sit back and listen whilst the city officials explained their various roles and answered questions from the rest of the team. Until Mr Jack Keller went on his excitable rant that is. Captain Science was incensed. Goth drop-out? 4 armed blob man? HOMELESS BILL??? This man was descibing Captain Science and his new friends, and with so many months of having no human contact whatsoever he was loath to let any insult, no matter how slight, slide. Fixing Keller with a gaze that cannot be taught, only learnt through millenia of teetering on the edge of insanity, and with an unnervingly even tone - not unlike a possessed child in a horror film - Captain Science uttered, "Mr Keller. Jack. Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack, now if anyone is going to be doing any face eating or eye shitting around here it will be my life partner Savage Tony and I. I'd wager your face tastes like gravel and raspberries. Maybe I'll find out soon. Now if you wouldn't mind apologising to my new companions and I for your harsh words that would be splendid, and remember that we are the ones who volunteered to protect your city. And seriously, fuck those Hounds."

    "Anyway, now that's over with, I hope we can enjoy a fruitful working relationship Jack my son. And thank you Champion for your kind words of support," Captain Science said whilst holding his fist out to Champion, ready to be bumped for that devastating double burn on Keller.

    After this impressive speech Captain Science bent his neck and seemed to be listening to something in his chest, "What's that Savage Tony?"


    "You really think that's a pertinent question now?"


    "Ok, fair enough," Captain Science raised his head, "Savage Tony and I have just one burning question. Does this building have a fully equipped lab? I wish to get to Sciencing things as soon as possible."


    "Ok, ok!" Captain Science said to his pocket, exasperated, "In addition to the Sciencing, I've very nearly run out of certain...... compounds which are pretty essential to me as my daily supplements, and a lab is vital for the production of said compounds."

    With that Captain Science sat back and took a small swig from a psychedelic hip flask hidden somewhere on his person. He tried to concentrate on the serious affairs being discussed in the room as the walls melted, the ceiling exploded into hexagons, and his trousers began unraveling themselves, the loose threads contorting into the shapes of fantastical beings. The now well-kempt homeless cosmic wizard smiled broadly.

    spacecaptaindickjustice on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I left the suit on as we went inside. Yeah, it still looks a lot like it used to. I'm not War Smith, I can't just pull the helmet off and take an angle grinder to it. The grinder would break before it made a scratch. If I want to change something, I have to sit down and focus on it. Shit takes weeks to change. But it doesn't look like a grinning skull anymore, so, you know. They can deal with it.

    And it looks a hell of a lot more awesome than a scrawny guy in his thirties. You ever try to intimidate somebody when you resemble an accountant? Up hill, man. Up. Hill.

    When the door closes behind us, I dismiss the armor. It shimmers at the edges, then slowly dissolves in on itself, sorta peeling away towards my head. When it's done, all that's left is a crimson blindfold. I tug it off and shove it in the pocket of my jeans. The transformation and the blindfold are just gimmicks - I picked up the red cloth at a fabric store, and the armor goes away pretty much the instant I tell it to. But showmanship's important. Just ask the horde outside with the cameras.

    We meet War Smith, and I shake the hand of a guy I spent a couple years trying to avoid. If the dude cares that I played for the wrong team, he doesn't let it show on his face or in his handshake. Pretty classy. Don't think I'd be that much of a mitch.

    Even so, I relaxed a little bit when he left. Couldn't help it. You spend long enough trying to be a big enough badass to warrant his attention, but hoping he never shows up... well, that shit don't leave so quick.

    The rest of 'em? Mixed bag. Couple lookers, that was nice. Ain't enough coworkers of the "long legged and business skirt" variety on the other side of the fence. And, of course...

    "Heya Phil, how ya doin'? I, uh, never got a chance to apologize for the arm." Not that I would have back then. Or that I particularly regretted it; folk like him, they get hurt doin' their job. I got hurt too. Perils of bein' in that line of work. It's the folk on the sideline, the folk that don't sign up to get batted around and have buildings dropped on them. That's why I'm here, because that shit has got to stop.

    That, and it beats a jail cell. The judge throws more than a nickle your way if you set a children's hospital on fire.

    This Keller guy? He's a keeper. Comedy gold.

    I dig around in my pocket, and pull out a pack of Lucky Strikes and a cheap plastic Bic lighter. I grab a seat, prop my work boots up on the coffee table, and fire up the day's ninths cigarette. Worst thing about the armor? Can't smoke in it.

    "So, ring master - what's first, diction or etiquette?"

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Face tasted like gravel and raspberries? Raven may frighten people, that was the goal after all, but Captain Science was terrifying. And who was Tony Savage? Clearly, the Captain was a madman. How had the Altruist Kinship allowed this crazed person to even apply to a team? Someone was going to have to keep an eye on him and she had no time for babysitting.

    ...Well, the thread trick was impressive, anyway. She looked back to Mr. Keller, "Never mind. He brought his own miracle."

    Mikey CTS on
    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Everything about this seems wrong somehow; Hounds stay out of the limelight, not least because our superiors hog it, and because lights have a way of illuminating blood, vomit, and piss. Still, I signed up for this, so I'll endure it somehow.

    I wave feebly at Mr. Smith. God, this isn't even in the same zip code as my comfort zone. He talks about the challenges we'll face and the allies we won't have, but all the time I'm wondering if I can even make it here. Is this what hero life is about, juggling the cameras and villains?

    James and Cob look like they're a little nonplussed by the group's appearance, motley crew that we are, but they'll be on our side. I hope. Soo doesn't bat an eye as we come in, and it seems he's more used to the unconventional; I have to hope he'll be working with us more than the rest. Keller and Cassidy are a different story; worried about procedure and image, not getting the job done, and not making our lives any easier either. I stay silent throughout; I may have left the Hounds, but that doesn't mean the law's convinced I don't like their style, so attention isn't something I need right now.

    Ticket introduces himself; he's not trying to pretend we'll be some sort of family, and he's even more of an outcast than the rest of us, so I guess I trust him; he's got the most to lose if this goes sour. I'm sitting next to him, and no one else speaks up after, so what the hell.

    "I'm Graviton. Finished high school last year, and ran with the Hounds for a while. We'll probably run into them sooner or later, so let me warn you: they're not to be trusted, particularly with the lives of the innocents. That said, I'm betting I'm not the only one of them who doesn't like how they do things, so keep an eye out for anyone who fits with us more than them."

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Ah, right. Introductions. Knew I forgot somethin'.

    "I'm Fred. You might know me as Crimson Justice, but only if you're a two-bit thug that's been livin' under a fuckn' rock. Odds are you saw my face on the news when the east wing of Pearl City Children's Hospital was, uh... closed for renovations. Then you'd know me as Facemelter. That's not me anymore. I don't do fire, and as long as I'm on the team, we don't hurt bystanders. Period. Don't particularly care if the bad guys get roughed up. They know the risks."

    I turn my attention the girl that just introduced herself as Graviton. "Funny story, kid. I actually applied for the Hounds. Doesn't sound like we'd have gotten along too well."

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    Ticket remained reserved. Captain Science's trick certainly surprised him, as he was sure it surprised everybody, but he would ask about it later. For now, the lab creation was more focused on the coming press conference and simply asked Keller, "Do you have anything more specific to tell us about what kind of questions to expect and who will be at the event tomorrow?"

    Ticket was still somewhat relaxed, though. He did not sleep and would have the night to prepare. He would wait for everyone to answer their questions in turn.

    what a happy day it is
  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    'We can't all be as physical intimidating as the Champion here.' thought the mighty brawler, oh yeah, she digs me. Poor thing, I'll have to let her down easy when I tell her I don't date other metas.

    Hmm, kid knows how to keep cool, good to know. And the guy in the metal suit's got some class and flash, he'll do alright. With the ex-hound as well, we got a good crew. Gonna know how to watch the crowds.


    Crap! Was trying to head off a confrontation, but damn Science that is some freaky shit. And who is savage tony? God, please don't let that be a euphimism. ...Uh-oh, he wants a bump. I don't want to support the crazy, but I don't want it to turn on me. Ugh, damage control is gonna be a pain with this one. Better not leave him hanging though.

    "That's a serious burn Captain Science, " never letting his smile waver for a moment, he raises his powerful hand and bumps, "though I hope we can avoid the face eating for the near future. Tickets' got the right idea though, indroductions are in order. If you don't watch the sports channel or read the gossip mags, I'm the Champion. Middle weight title holder in the MMB, number 5 on the Daily Oyster's 'Sexiest Meta in Pearl City,' and crime buster extrodinare. I'm looking forward to working with you all to put our team on the lips of every civilian and in the feared wispers of every villian."

    Feared wispers of every villian. That's a good one, better remember that.

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    'We can't all be as physical intimidating as the Champion here.' thought the mighty brawler, oh yeah, she digs me. Poor thing, I'll have to let her down easy when I tell her I don't date other metas.

    Hmm, kid knows how to keep cool, good to know. And the guy in the metal suit's got some class and flash, he'll do alright. With the ex-hound as well, we got a good crew. Gonna know how to watch the crowds.


    Crap! Was trying to head off a confrontation, but damn Science that is some freaky shit. And who is savage tony? God, please don't let that be a euphimism. ...Uh-oh, he wants a bump. I don't want to support the crazy, but I don't want it to turn on me. Ugh, damage control is gonna be a pain with this one. Better not leave him hanging though.

    "That's a serious burn Captain Science, " never letting his smile waver for a moment, he raises his powerful hand and bumps, "though I hope we can avoid the face eating for the near future. Tickets' got the right idea though, indroductions are in order. If you don't watch the sports channel or read the gossip mags, I'm the Champion. Middle weight title holder in the MMB, number 5 on the Daily Oyster's 'Sexiest Meta in Pearl City,' and crime buster extrodinare. I'm looking forward to working with you all to put our team on the lips of every civilian and in the feared wispers of every villian."

    Feared wispers of every villian. That's a good one, better remember that.

  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    Jack Keller suddenly grabbed his back, wincing in pain and gasping. He fall forward, breathing hard as he braced himself on the table. He gestured wildly at Rachel James, who simply regarded him as if nothing was wrong.

    "Rachel.... please.... help me. The knife..... it's piercing.... right in... my back. What.... what's that? No.... no knife?" He straightened up and tidied his suit. "Oh, my apologies. I thought I had been stabbed back there. My mistake." He looked out over the gathering. "Keep in mind that you have achieved nothing so far. Sure, you command some fantastical power. That's fine. That's dandy. My last meta I worked with, he was made up of cockroaches. No shit cockroaches.They formed together to create his body. I had to sit there and talk to fucking swarms of cockroaches. You know what that fucker did? Saved schoolchildren. An entire goddamn busload of it. So let me get this straight, until we get to the point where you are the goddamn kings and queens of Pearl City, saving the shit out of kids; you are still Homeless Bill and Goth Girl. You wanna know why? Do you think it is the asshole Keller that thinks that?"

    He paused. The room had gone silent. "No, it's those goddamn parents of the kids you are saving. It's the goddamn public. That's what they see. Why the fuck should they respect you, admire you, love you? What the shit have you done? Oh yea, you've walked around and are new and shiny but you haven't done shit yet. So if you really think are the shit, that you can make some magic tricks and do some flashes of light and we all bow down to our new saviors you have another goddamn thing coming. They will eat you and eat you alive. You think The Lich, or Garand or the Smile Syndicate or any other member of the hordes pounding on our gates is the biggest concern you have? You don't know shit. But that's why I am here. I am here to mold, to guide, to help. I am the shield against the shit that is public reality, I am the fucking harbor that is the storm of angry landlords when you knock down a fucking building. You know why? Why I do that? Why James Fucking Keller is a goddamn miracle worker for you, whom he shouldn't give a shit about?"

    He slammed his hands on the table and leaned close to Captain Science. "For the fucking kids, man. So you can get out there and do your thing without worrying about all these minute bullshit. So shut the fuck up and listen."

    Keller threw out his hands, rubbed his chin and sat back down. Lt. Detective Cobb stood up, looked over the group. "Nice to know we have just another group of fools. Call me when you get serious."

    Rachel James turned to Captain Science, completely and utterly unperturbed. It was plain that she had seen these events before and was utterly unphased. "To answer your question, Captain Science, this is a five-level building. Four levels above ground, one level below ground. The basement holds the main garage, with secure vehicle storage, the main mechanical workshop for vehicles or large gear and five secure holding cells. They are top of the line security. A sally port allows prisoner unloading from a ramp that connects above ground. First floor, the floor we are on, holds the public entrance and lobby. Reception is staff by my assistant, a part-time clerk. She is a college student but runs the reception desk for a few hours on certain days. We have a security company that holds the contract for phyiscal security here; Armadyne Security provies two armed guards 24/7. One sits in the lobby and the other walks around the building perimeter every so often. Of course, they are here only for basic building security. Any major threats you will handle. Also on the first floor is the Situation Room, of course, the Press Room, Administrative Section where my office is and the research library. There is also a NBC decon room that connects to a building airlock, as this entire building is NBC protected.

    "Second floor contains your labotory, Mr. Science. We have a basic science lab, a basic medical lab as well as a simple infirmary. Also is the engineering workshop and electronics lab. All the basics, nothing really that fancy but enough to upkeep whatever you have or do simple meta-human research. You can thank my National Science Foundation for that. Third and fourth floor contain living quarters; rooms with adequate accommodation, gym, recreation center, media room, kitchen and dining, so on. The roof has the helipad with a MH-60 Blackhawk donated by Sandstone County Sheriff's Office to the Lightkeepers and passed on to your team. The Team will be expected to live in this station on-call 24/7 with at least three members available per your contract, unless the team is out handling an incident."

    Deputy Marshal Soo nodded. "My office is also on the first floor, I will be handling your cases. In answer to your question, Raven, USMS has the Extraordinary Prisoner Internment and Transportation System for movement. EPITS will send a team with specialized vehicle and agents for prisoner extraction once we get federal charges on your captured villains. As most of the guys you encounter are breaking multitudes of federal laws, it will be mostly the federal system you deal with."

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Raven did her best not to roll her eyes. Captain Science's threat was way off-base but Mr. Keller's response only proved that he was a blowhard. It also inclined Raven's suspicions regarding corruption at the Mayor's office. He already expected this new team, the Beacons, to fall in line. Tempting them with rewards of fame and wealth for obedience, or ruin if they didn't tow the line. If the Office of the Mayor was responsible for the Lightbringer's downfall in Pearl City, then Raven knew the team would have to tread carefully both to complete their investigation but also to avoid their fate. Especially as a young, unestabblished team easily thrown to the media wolves. Well then, perhaps a bit of baiting in the opposite direction might reveal the Mayor's offices intentions for this team.

    "And Marshall Soo, Rachel, we will have full access to the Lightbringer's records, won't we?" Raven inquired. "We'll need to see records of their rogue's gallery, patrol canvasing, and of course any ongoing investigations."

    She watched Mr. Keller from the corner of her eye for his reaction to her request.

    Mikey CTS on
    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • spacecaptaindickjusticespacecaptaindickjustice Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    "Ok ok Mr Keller I understand what you're saying," Captain Science mumbled distractedly, his eyes unfocused as if there were something in the room that only he could see, "Very dramatic, very....Shakespearean."

    He snapped back into reality, "In any case, you are right. It's all about the kids, their parents and the rest of the people in this city; that's why we're all here. Yelling at each other seems unproductive, and the face eating will have to wait."

    Captain Science sighed inwardly. In the weeks leading up to his recruitment into the Beacons his psyche had been approaching some semblance of repair. Whereas once he would teach furiously at plants and animals alike, mistakenly thinking they could comprehend anything he said, he now taught them simply because he wanted to. When he first returned to Earth he was almost feral, eating from bins, shitting on cats, and accosting people on the streets, yelling complex mathematical formulae at them with crazy crazy eyes. Now, mere months later he was able to hold actual conversations with people. Surreal conversations, but conversations nonetheless. That seemed to have gone out of the window today, Mr Keller's somewhat abrasive personality bringing out the very worst in him. 'Maybe this will be a bit harder than I thought,' Captain Science wondered.

    The potent hallucinogens now coursing through Captain Science's veins, courtesy of his handy little hip flask, calmed him somewhat as he sat back in his chair. He smiled as a butterfly composed entirely of fractals landed delicately on his shoulder. Throughout his millions of years of being unstuck from reality, Captain Science had just one constant. The drugs. Not the whole spectrum mind, his people had discovered that mixtures of certain psychoactive and nootropic chemicals could, when imbibed, provide tremendous clarity of thought and encourage higher levels of non-linear thinking among other things. Such formulae were a part of the way of life for his now extinct people, allowing them to reach great levels of knowledge and wisdom. Also there were the powerful visual and aural hallucinations and general pleasurable vibes, the exact vibes Captain Science was experiencing now. However, Captain Science was an impossibly experienced psychonaut; holding a conversation, chasing a foe, even beating 3 foe's faces into the ground simultaneously whilst tripping was no problem at all for the cosmic shaman.

    "Miss James," he said, his vision taking a second longer than it should have to catch up with his head as Captain Science turned to speak to Rachel, "Thank you and your National Science Foundation kindly for the labs. A couple more questions if I may. First, what is the protocol when an incident occurs? Alarms? Running and screaming? Is there a chain of command or do we bolt out of the door as soon as something comes in?

    "Second, I'd imagine that since I am now 'in the public eye' it would be undesirable for me to sleep in the manner to which I am usually accustomed. By which I mean in a bin. Yes I can see how that would be problematic for us. However, there are certain things I need to get a restful sleep, being able to see the sky above me being the main one. It's not the prettiest sky I've seen, but it's the only one I've got at the moment. I would like to petition you to allow me to sleep on the roof. I'll be good I promise."

    spacecaptaindickjustice on
  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    Staying quiet throughout the conversation, occasionally looking at the screen of his phone, Miller looks as if he was about to nod off until the introductions started. He found his new team interesting, though he was unsure of how to deal with Captain Science.

    Politely clearing his throat to get people's attention, Miller starts off on his introduction. "I doubt many would know who I am, other than the authorities, but I am Glenn Miller. Guess I might've been on the news a couple of times, dunno if they ever said anything nice about me though. Sorry about the no codename thing, you can call me whatever you'd like."

    He paused as his gaze landed on Cobb, and scratched the back of his neck, trying to remember something. "I could swear I've met you somewhere before. You wouldn't happen to have a brother would you? I don't think you were there when I was arrested or anything." Miller stretched and reclined back in his chair before continuing off on his trailing thought. "Ah well, suppose it doesn't matter. Maybe we cooperated in the same case a while back... or was it that incident in Dubai?..."

    He shakes his head and smiles. "Anyways, hello, hi, and whatever other greetings I don't want to say! It's nice to have met y'all, and hope none of you ever die or try to backstab us or anything. That'd be pretty shitty!"

    Miller continues to recline in his chair while giving an occasional glance at his phone.

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    Raven narrowed her eyes at Glen. She would have to keep a sharp eye on him.

    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Nothing nice said about him? I know what that's like.

    "Gotta have some sort of nickname, kid. What is it that you do?"

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    "When the names leaked I did a little background on y'all, see where we'd mesh with skills. So I know Miller is a master of subtley and stealth. From what I heard, you can break yourself down to pieces and slip into just about any room. Been doing a bit of robin hooding lately too. Is that about right Glen?"

  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    "Hah, I wouldn't dream of calling myself a Robin Hood. Sure, I might've liberated certain things from less than savory folks, but that's small beans."

    Miller begins to examine the ceiling and scratch his nose as he throws a question at Keller. "So, how exactly do you plan on marketing us to the public? Seems like we have quite a few former guys here who didn't run the straight and narrow. Do you want apologetic heroes looking to reform, a team of anti-heroes working on the edge of the law, a bunch of crazy idiots that will do anything to save people? What the hell should we do? I might've worked in business before but I've never given a thought to working in marketing."

    "Also guess we should figure out how to handle that press conference thing tomorrow."

  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    Soo adjusted in his seat as if in pain but nodded at The Raven. “Of course. The Lightkeepers have turned over the charter completely to you and all the investigations are still open that they have files on.” Keller seemed nonplussed, simply staring off at the corner of the room deep in thought.

    Rachel spread out her hands. “The station is equipped with a mainframe that is your central database and information system. You’ll find information there. You will also all be issued special cards that are linked to this system as well. The cards will be DNA-imprinted and communicate to the station. They will allow you access to the building, files, communications, etc. If an alert comes through, requested by some government agency or reported by the City’s public safety dispatch center, it will tone you out here at the station as well as on your cards. Most alerts come from PCPD, casino security, etc. You can, of course, conduct your own patrols if you wish as well.”

    As the questions died down and Glenn Miller spoke, Keller snapped his head to the man. “Finally, someone who understands our plight. Ok, listen up. Tomorrow you will be in the greatest fight you face in the PC; the media. Here’s what we need to do.....”
    The Next Day

    The Press Room in the station was a larger rectangular room just off of the public lobby. A small podium at the far end sat on a slightly elevated stage. Some chairs sat on the stage behind the podium. The rest of the room was filled with several dozen chairs and space in the back for television cameras. A secure door next to the stage led to the secure interior of the building, across the room several doors opened into the lobby. Today, the room was filled.

    It was The Beacons first press conference and most of the outlets turned up. Reporters gathered together waiting patiently as the heroes filled the stage. Keller stepped forward, thanked press briefly for attending and announced that they would take a limited amount of questions. Lt. Cobbs and Marshall Soo stood on either side, ready to field questions as well. The room was buzzing with muted voices and sweltering hot. At least in the room the heroes could not see or hear the incessant chanting of anti-meta and anti-supers outside who demanded equality and civil rights against the “meta master race”.

    Keller started with a question by Kimberly Brewer of Journal of the Den, an independent street magazine that tended to be more pro-meta. Keller said he wanted to start off the conference on a more positive note.”This is a question for the entire team,” the young woman asked with a charming smile, ”but how many of you are single and do you plan to be involved with Pearl’s society? Most notable, the nightlife?”

    As soon as the question was answered, Keller moved on. “Jason Snate, Channel 2 Action News. Are any of you concerned that your presence here will escalate the criminal war that is currently embroiling our entertainment industry?” Keller flashed a look that meant caution.

    The next question was also a hard pitch. “James Ring of Channel 5, GNN. This is for The Champion. You have a number of former villains or failed Hounds such as Graviton in your team. Does this mean that the Kinship would not assign more experienced or venerated members to a charter plagued with problems? Is this a shift in the NCCA’s plans?”

    A thin, bald man raised his hand and grabbed attention. The heroes recognized him from Keller's media profile briefing as Eddie Mato, Assistant Editor of the online newspaper Weekly Standard. "I have a question for The Raven. I see one of your teammates is a lab-created creature the team is calling Tickets. Are you worried about the safety of Pearl City with an untested creation around civilians? What is your reaction to Dr. Falker, the professor of criminology at Sandstone University, declaring that fielding something like that may constitute an illegal use of force against suspects; a position recently mirrored by Mistress Shade of the Devil's Hounds during an interview?"

    An older female reporter spoke next. “Trisha Nakazoka, Voice of the Pearl. This is for the Crimson Justice. What has been the reaction of the community about your hire as former criminal now working as a peace officer? Glenn Miller also has a history with the law. Do you think this is fair in relations to felons not being allowed to work public safety positions or pass criminal background checks? Why the favoritism?” Keller sucked in air and stepped slightly closer to the podium to take over if possible. He had warned them all about these types of questions, something that can be easily twisted into bad PR.

    Yet another jumped up after the team answered. "John Hernadez, editor of Devil's Daily blog. Captain Science, there have been some rumors and comments on your mental health. Some critics are calling for a full certificate of mental stability. Should you undergo psychiatric examination and if not, why?"

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Raven found herself taken aback by Kimberly's question. All the buzzing activity and flashing cameras were a distraction, but the hood she had made sure to put back up before coming out was helping. And this question... Well, the closest she had even gotten to kissing a boy was punching some thug in the mouth. She never went to regular school, spent hours of the day training her mystic arts. It wasn't that she didn't want to, far from it, but now boys were this foreign thing she didn't understand and was a little afraid of. That didn't stop her from daydreaming, of course. Okay, girl, be cool be cool be cool... , she thought to herself with a sigh. You can't let them know Lilly, only the Raven. Only the Raven...

    "I don't do dating," she responded to Kimberly in a low growl to the microphone.

    Raven found Jason's question much less unnerving. A question about actual heroing... this she could handle. "There already exists another team, I think you know, with a less than reputable reputation," Raven replied. "If they're already involved, I don't see how the presence of the Beacons could further cause escalations to a situation already at the boiling point. Rest assured, though, the Beacons first priority is and always will be public safety."

    Woo! Nailed it, Raven congratulated herself. Game face, dammit, game face!

    Raven narrowed her eyes at Eddie, "First, Ticket is a person. Denying his basic humanity by referring to him as a creation degrades both him and this team. Secondly, this is only my first meeting with Tickets. With time and training we'll develop a team dynamic of which I'm sure Ticket will be a valuable part. Third, Ticket is far from untested as he performed security for a biotech firm before signing up for the Beacons. As for Mistress Shade's comments, I don't see how a she has any room to speak on the subject given her own team's needless brutality. I suspect Mistress Shade is attempting to deflect attention from her Hound's shortcomings by scapgoating Ticket, due to his unusual appearance that might unnerve some. It's a disgusting tact and she should be ashamed."

    Raven sank back in her seat and let her shadowed hood hide the impish smirk playing across her lips. Booyah!

    Okay. She had played her part well, now if the rest of the team could keep it together as well as she had...

    Mikey CTS on
    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • spacecaptaindickjusticespacecaptaindickjustice Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Captain Science would have to keep this short and sweet. This press conference was the teams big unveiling to the public and there was no use ruining their virgin reputations with his unique brand of cosmic ramblings.

    First, he deftly ignored Miss Brewer's question. That was territory he dare not enter for the time being.

    "Mr Hernandez," Captain Science began, choosing his words carefully, "If there had been any serious doubts about my mental health, I would not be at this press conference answering your questions. I would not be a part of this team at all. My first and only duty as a Beacon is to protect the people of this city however, and if those same people would have me undertake such examinations to prove myself then I'm sure that there are steps that can be taken toward that goal."

    He shot a sidelong look at Keller, obviously hoping for some sort of PR spinning input on the matter.

    "Thankyou," Captain Science said, stepping back from the podium, "That's all from me."

    spacecaptaindickjustice on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I had the armor on, of course. It doesn't have a loudspeaker system, and I was warned against using mental communication during the conference, so I had to raise my voice a bit and my words came out a little muffled. Nobody seemed to notice or mind; cost of doing business with us suit-types, I guess.

    The first question was loaded, and I loved it. "Look, Kim, I enjoy a beer as much as the next guy. But we're not here to drink and dance. I'm sure we'll be participating in a number of community outreach programs, so if you want to volunteer your time and help some kids or pick up some trash, that's probably your best chance at meeting a few of us." Apart from The Champion, who I assumed would be handing out autographs with every answered question.

    Now, that wasn't exactly an honest answer, as I'm a regular at bar dark enough that nobody really sees my face. But it'd do.

    On to number two. "Mr. Snate, I gotta echo my teammate's position here: our first priority is public safety. We're gonna do everything we can to draw down the violence, not amp it up."

    I got a chance to chill for a bit after that, let the other metas take some heat. The goth chick seemed to hold up OK - good for her.

    Back on my feet for the last one. "Uh - Trish? - I think I'd call reaction 'mixed'. A lot of people don't want to forgive me, and that's fine, because I can't forget the harm I've caused. But this is a chance to right some wrongs, and I'm gonna do everything I can to prove that it was the right call.

    "I think you're kinda lookin' at this job the wrong way if you're comparing what we do to walkin' a beat. There aren't very many people with as much public scrutiny as metas. For me, this is kinda like... I dunno, work release? Folk like me are workin' ta overcome our debt to society. It's just, uh. Sorta televised. Checks and balances, right?"

    What the fuck, 'checks and balances'? When did I turn into a sixth grade civics teacher?

  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    "Failed Hound? Excuse me? I chose to leave, after it became clear that I could not work with the Hounds in good conscience. And as for Shade condemning Tickets, I'd far rather have him at my back than her. That goes for every member of this team: I may not know them very well yet, but anyone who'd volunteer to protect the city from thugs and villains with cameras flashing at them every day, that's someone I'll gladly stand beside."

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    Ticket spoke for himself, "Thank you for the support, team. I am a citizen of Pearl City, and I was given a chance to work and live like anyone else. I'm grateful for that chance, and this charter is my opportunity to give back."

    Short and simple, Ticket whispered back to the rest of the team, "We may have some, er, disagreements with the Hounds, but I don't think we want to make them enemies on day one."

    what a happy day it is
  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Kimberly Brewer of Journal of the Den”but how many of you are single and do you plan to be involved with Pearl’s society? Most notable, the nightlife?”

    "Ah Ms. Brewer, you know me. Still single, surprising as that may be. And I don't plan on giving up on my usual haunt, the Electric Oyster. After all, how can we protect a city that we do not even know? We need to be out there, not just knocking felons into jail cells, but rubbing elbows with the citizenry. We need to be part of the culture, the life that makes this city grand. I've lived here all my life, and I'm here to say the glow of the Big Pearl has not diminished, and it when the hard working men and women of this city finally get a chance to relax and let their hair down, that is when you can really see the best this down has to offer. Course, the night life isn't everything. We'll be putting in our time with the community both as protectors and benefactors. Community outreach, charity work. As you may well know, I've donated 50% of each purse that I won in the MMB to Pearl City community building organizations, and will continue to provide support to this city anyway that I can. We are not just crime fighters, we are the sons and daughters of Pearl, and will do all in our power to making it a shining beacon for the rest of the country and the world.

    “Jason Snate, Channel 2 Action News, Are any of you concerned that your presence here will escalate the criminal war that is currently embroiling our entertainment industry?

    "It is our highest priority to protect the citizenry of this city. Whether it be capturing a robber, rescuing trapped people in a burning building, or taking a bullet for a councilman, we are willing to do all in our power to make this a safer and stronger community."

    “James Ring of Channel 5, GNN, You have a number of former villains or failed Hounds such as Graviton in your team. Does this mean that the Kinship would not assign more experienced or venerated members to a charter plagued with problems? Is this a shift in the NCCA’s plans?”

    "As Graviton rightly points out, she is no failed hound. She simply found the organization was not the right fit for her, so she went out and found an organization that would be able to meet her high standards and morals. I don't care what industry you're in, the only way to describe that kind of action is maturity. She is here as a first choice, to do what she could not in the Hounds, and I can assure you all her only desire is to protect the citizens of this fine city. As for my other teammates, I thing the right word is "rehabilitated criminals." I know for a fact Crimson Justice has paid his debt and done everything in his power to earn his position on this team. More than any of us, I am confident that Crimson Justice will put this city and the lives of its people above his own, and I will not for a minute doubt his commitment. Our city has gone through dark times, but it has always fought back and striven toward glory. Pearl City, the United States, has always believed in the ability to start again and become better than before. To ignore these basic tenants, to not be willing to extend the gift of redemption to citizens who have clearly offered themselves in service to the masses, would be a shameful act indeed.

    I also find it strange you overlook the Raven, who has spent years assisting the Doctor, one of the greatest mystical heroes in the country. Her breadth of experience in defeating the forces of evil are not to be overlooked, and will be an incredible resource for us all. Yet, if we only had old hands on the team, we'd hardly be able to adapt to the constantly changing situation on the ground. That is why our team has a number of young, dedicated members willing to give their all to protect the fine citizens of this city. This is no shift in policy, as the new generation must always work to take its place among the established. And we will not waste this opportunity, vowing instead to place all of our effort and strength into this endeavor."

  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    As the press clicked cameras and scribbled notes, a portly balding man raised his hand. He nodded to Lt. Cobbs. "Detective, Steven Mark of Guardian Times. Can you tell us what PCPD's agenda will be for The Beacons and what priorities you want to see them go after first?" The police officer nodded and stepped forward. "It is always Pearl City Police Department's policy that our highest priority is the pursuit and capture of dangerous vigilantes and unregistered metas acting outside of a charter. The city is plagued by assaults from vigilante criminals such as Tracer Bullet or Silent Scream. They must not be allowed to continue terrorizing citizens of this city who have not had due process under the law. PCPD will expect, as it has of all chartered teams in this city, to work closely with The Beacons on the capture and prosecution of these rogue chaotic elements. The only true justice is that found in our legal, lawful courts." The detective stepped back again without looking at the team.

    James Ring stood back up and shouted out a question as James Keller moved to close the conference. "Just one minute, Mr. Keller. I would like to address the issues that The Raven and The Champion brought up. You have declared the Devil's Hounds to be one of your priorities in dismantling. Why do you feel that focusing on another legal chartered team is more important than criminals and does this mean you will not cooperate with your fellow superheroes? What are the legal ramifications of this statement?"

    Like a flash, Keller was in front of them, at the podium. "No such statement was made, The Beacons were not speaking at the current Hounds team structure and are of course looking forward to working closely with their companion constables. That's all the statements we have at this time, thank you."

    The press room exploded with questions, microphones, reporters trying to yell over one other. Keller herded the team through the door to the interior of the station. Once inside, he resembled a balloon about to pop, sputtering and fuming. Before he could form words, Rachel approached them quickly and showed an iPad 13. "Problem at The Great Duchess Casino & Resort. It's one of the older casinos, part of the first wave of stately resorts that opened up on The Grand Avenue. It's about fifteen minutes driving time from here, but traffic is pretty thick outside. It started as your press conference began. Heavily armed men are inside the casino, a firefight is ongoing. Reports are mixed, initial police units are reporting possible gang warfare. Police had hit heavy response and just put out a 10-91." She looked at James and held the iPad to show video from a Casino webcam. Flashes of gunfire, smoke, flames and explosions were inside the lobby. "10-91 is charter assistance required. The Great Duchess is in your territory."

    Rachel hugged the iPad, looking over the team. "Your first cry for help, superheroes. I think The Beacons have been lit..."

  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    Leaving the press room, Champion murmurs under his breath, "How'd I get labeled a hound hater, just justifying a job switch. And no slow clap for my redemption speech? Psst." Somehow, even complaining, he never lets the cool or smile leave his face until he is certain the cameras are far away.

    "Beacons, roll out!" Hmm gonna need to work on the catch phrase. "Rachel, do we have a chopper ready and what is ETA to the Duchess?"

  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    Miller grins as he answers Kimberly Brewer's question, "In my line of work- er, former line of work, it was best to try not to bone your business partners. Take that any way you'd like. I see no reason to change that policy any time soon, plus the secret identity thing with me is... you know. Regarding Pearl's nightlife, I'll still be at the usual places you'd find me at, hello to all you folks over there, told you guys I'd find a job!"

    "It looks like my teammates have covered your question pretty well Mr. Snate. And regarding my dark and troubled past, I suppose I have made mistakes, but that's simply part of being a person, I guess. Even if you may have had a blinding hatred of someone, they may be able to surprise you one way or another, some day..."

    He shrugs and turns to lock eyes with Eddie Mato. "Mr. Mato, I find your question quite troubling. I hope that you are not suggesting that a fellow sapient being, who has friends and family that care for him is nothing more than an unthinking hunk of biomass to do experiments on. That would certainly be an interesting viewpoint."

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    As he was sure many of his teammates agreed, Ticket was glad to leave the press conference. He was a bit concerned about the first impression they were making, but it was something they would work on. Hopefully, he thought, this casino robbery might be a chance for some good publicity, although he could not help but feel somewhat suspicious of the timing.

    "They're requesting charter help? Already?" Ticket repeated to himself. He turned to Lt. Cobbs, "Looks like we're going, lieutenant. Please let them know we're on our way, and we would appreciate updates regarding the situation."

    He waited to hear whether the chopper was ready.

    what a happy day it is
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    "The Duchess isn't far, I can be there in sixty seconds." Would give me a chance to show off the golden streak effect I added to the hop. Made me look like a crimson comet with a golden tail. Like I said, need to make an impression. "Nearly immediate response, with the rest of the team following a few minutes later. Sound like a plan?"

  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    I shrug. "I'm not quite as fast as CJ here, but I'm betting I can get there faster flying than with everyone hopping into the 'copter and then lifting off." I turn to him. "Let's go. We can figure out our approach on the way, since it looks like there's no time to lose."

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    "We haven't trained together yet, Raven interrupted. "I can pilot the copter for the rest of us. Crimson, Graviton, since your response time is quicker can you handle crowd control until we arrive? We won't be far behind and having the civilians already cleared will make our jobs easier. What do you guys think?"

    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • spacecaptaindickjusticespacecaptaindickjustice Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    "Aha, villainry!" Captain Science cackled maniacally, "They shall taste the strange and painful flavours of my mighty Science!"

    The madness clouding his eyes faded as Captain Science said, a lot more sanely, "I guess that means we should get to the chopper. I call shotgun!"

    Captain Science started with a skip towards the stairs that would lead him up to the helipad, humming Ride of the Valkyries very loudly and off-key as he went.

    "'Tis time to cease with the puny words," he yelled as he leaped up the stairs, "And commence with the dispensation of violent, Sciencey justice!"

    spacecaptaindickjustice on
  • ZandraconZandracon Registered User regular
    Miller nods at Raven's suggestion, and follows the man skipping up the stairs. "So, how're we handling going in that building when we get there? Drop in silently and flank 'em while CJ and Graviton have their attention? Or should we go for a flashier entrance?"

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    "Sixty seconds, hm?" Ticket turned to Crimson Justice, "I think I'll go with you. It sounds like you leap better than me. Care to give me a lift? Don't worry, I'm not a hassle to carry."

    Ticket shrunk down to just over a foot in height and beckoned for the battlesuited hero to pick him up, "Ready to go?"

    what a happy day it is
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    "That's..." What, weird? I'm a goddamn Power Ranger. "...handy?" I pick up the, uh... Ticket stub? Heh. He looks like a cross between those old GI Joe figures and Goro. Kinda creepy, but all sorts of useful. I beckon the gravity girl to follow, and start to head outside. "Here's the deal. The Duchess is a Russian mob front, but those guys are on the downward spiral. The Smilers probably picked now to push their way in, or... well, it could be a rival casino syndicate. We got our own home-grown white collar criminal groups here in Pearl City.

    "Now the tactical choice - if we come down out front, it'll be between the cops and the Russians on the front door. Middle of a shootout. Might save some cops if we do that, but we'd have to muscle our way in. Or I can try to put us down in an open-air garden at the casino's midpoint. It'd be behind enemy lines, so to speak - might get us to the real fight quicker. Take a minute to think it over, we should be there by then."

    I make sure Ticket has a good hold and isn't going to fall off, then give a toothy grin to Graviton. She can't see it through the helmet, but maybe she'll get the idea. "Time to go to work, kid." I kick off, and it looks like somebody launched a firework. Will need to dial that back a bit. There's making an entrance, and then there's gaudy.

    jdarksun on
  • zekebeauzekebeau Registered User regular
    As the chopper riders rush to the vehicle, Champion turns to his companions. "Looks like we're gonna need to wing it a bit , 5 bucks says those three won't be satisfied with crowd control. I'm always a fan of flashy though, and the good Captain and Miller here can be dropped into the casino center to take out the crooks faster or surround the ones our speedy friends will already be playing with. Seems Raven and I are the only ones who need the copter to actually land."

    The smile growing even wider, clearly more genuine, "And Captain, if you want shotgun, you'll have to beat me to it." A sudden rush and a blur, and the Champion is already at the black government helicopter in seconds. 16 MPH might not be flashy, but it is still fun to surpise people with it.

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