[PATV] Monday, January 21, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 32: SWTOR SGR OMG

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited January 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, January 21, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 32: SWTOR SGR OMG

BioWare tries to do the right thing and the media shits all over them.

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • PugironPugiron Registered User regular
    First, they promised Same Gender Romances would be in the game in several press releases before launch, then excluded them for an entire year after launch, have include them only in the expansion, and you can only play them in the free to play game by paying for the expansion, which is also only for level 50-55 characters, so gay people only exist on that one planet after you level up to them. They will exist only on planet Hard-Cores Fabuloso.

  • WUAWUA Registered User regular
    To be fair, the SWTOR team has been a little busy watching their game spiral into the toilet to worry about SGR up until now.

  • metroidkillahmetroidkillah Local Bunman Free Country, USARegistered User regular
    Wha- no....

    I'm not a nice guy, I just play one in real life.
  • smilomaniacsmilomaniac Registered User regular
    As a member of the LGBT community and someone who's regularly annoyed at the immature and ridiculous turn that the gaming media has taken, thank you for stating what Bioware did and not spinning it as segregation.

  • Trisha LynnTrisha Lynn Registered User regular
    Is that Liefeld art I see? GET IT OFF MY SCREEN! GET IT OFF!

    -- Editor/Publisher, GeekingOutAbout.com
    -- Publisher, Saucy Goose Press
    -- On Twitter @trishalynn
  • Fixer40000Fixer40000 Registered User regular
    Since Hutts are a hermaphrodite species, technically they've had a SGR planet since Hutta at level 1.

    Have left PA forums.
    If this community believes that hating someone based soley upon their gender is acceptable and understandable, I have no interest in being a part of it.
  • TheSchaefTheSchaef Registered User regular
    Headline: Kathleen Punks Adoring Fans
    Sub-head: Fans See What She Did There

    As for Fabulos V, a "gay planet" makes perfect sense in the Star Wars Universe, where EVERY planet of note has exactly one climate or other feature. See also: Tattooine, Hoth, Endor, Kashyyk, Coruscant, Kamino, Geonosis, Mustafar.

    Star Wars is like Zelda on a galactic scale: you have the forest planet, the fire planet, the ice planet, the desert planet, and naturally, the gay planet. If anything, Naboo is a utopian paradise by virtue of having a forest AND a grassy plain AND an ocean on the same planet.

  • FalxFalx Registered User regular
    I heard gay planet and my brain somehow conjured up an image of a planet that is gay. As in the world itself.


  • The PaulThe Paul Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Keeping in mind that SWTOR was made by a team in Austin who has very little to do with Bioware's other games... I have trouble believing they weret trying to do the right thing right from square one on this. It seems more likely they initially failed to do the right thing, a significant portion of their fanbase got pissed off at them for that, and then they tried to do the right thing. The result is a product that is not exactly what fans of the game asked for.

    It's better than just sticking to their guns and being assholes about it, but isn't quite ideal.

    The Paul on
  • mowinckelmowinckel Registered User regular
    What... so Graham is not taking off his shirt???
    All of my hopes

  • TleilaxuTleilaxu Registered User regular
    Falx wrote: »
    I heard gay planet and my brain somehow conjured up an image of a planet that is gay. As in the world itself.


    My brain's conjuring up what it's relationship with Galactus might be.

  • TheSegTheSeg Alameda, CARegistered User regular
    I too would go to Fabulos V and totally rock the karaoke bar. Galatic karaoke is the best karaoke!

  • Punk RexPunk Rex Registered User regular
    I'd go to Fabulous 5, they make the best cocktails.

  • AmakeAmake Registered User regular
    Heather has two motherworlds. . .

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    It is not difficult to take a few characters and have dialogue for same-sex relationships. The "everyone is bisexual" route is not necessary, as it is pretty realistic to expect relationships to not happen because of sexualities. I'm actually wondering how much more dialogue would be required even if they did go whole-hog and made everyone bi. You're basically taking the other gender and adding voice clips to a small group of companions. The companions would be largely untouched.

    I don't blame Bioware that much for it, as I feel like it was Lucasarts that made the call on this, but I'm with the media on this one. Mistakes have consequences, and being mocked for your "gay planet" is one of them.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I had the same thought, but it's not just the companions you'd have to rerecord. You'd have to bring in all 8 main character VAs to record their side of the relationship too. It'd cost a bomb

  • AdmiralMemoAdmiralMemo Trekkie Extraordinaire Baltimore, Maryland, USARegistered User regular
    mowinckel wrote: »
    What... so Graham is not taking off his shirt???
    All of my hopes
    Go watch this if you want to see Graham's chest.
    At 5:26, you can see the chests of Graham, Paul, James, Jer, and Tim.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Tube wrote: »
    I had the same thought, but it's not just the companions you'd have to rerecord. You'd have to bring in all 8 main character VAs to record their side of the relationship too. It'd cost a bomb
    Yeah, that is pricey, but I don't really agree with the recent trend Bioware has been taking that every romance option must go both ways. They can just make some characters straight, some gay, and maybe some bisexual characters where appropriate. I don't think anyone reasonable would object to that, and you'd have roughly the same amount of voice acting to record.

    Of course, this is Star Wars, where reason goes right out the window. There are already complaints that gay people do not exist in the Star Wars canon.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    It certainly seems like it would have been easier to just write gay characters in from the start. Personally I don't mind the method of making everyone bisexual. No fuss, no muss.

  • The PaulThe Paul Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Tube wrote: »
    It certainly seems like it would have been easier to just write gay characters in from the start...;

    Yeah, the cost would have been trivial if it had been in the plan from the very start. Record a few extra lines of dialog (a small fraction of 1% of what's been recorded for the game. Nothing, really) and build whatever gender-check-switch is in there a little differently. Fixing it costs money, but building it right the first time wouldn't have actually cost anything.

    It's one of the many unfortunate ways in which our civilization's lack of time machines continues to plague us.

    Granted Bioware Austin's shameful lack of foresight, though, even though what they're doing now kind of sucks, it probably really is the best practical solution.

    It's still true that for any new content, including same gender romantic options to begin with instead of adding them on later has a trivial cost, so they're doing that.

    Sometime way back, like shortly after the game came out, they had said something about how they would consider adding same gender romance options to new companions or existing companions when they added the next chapter of the class stories. So same thing, really. It'll be on the table at the point where it's a matter of recording a couple extra lines of dialog from a VA team that's already been assembled.

    Given the game's rocky financial situation, that could be never.

    The Paul on
  • WUAWUA Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Look man, I'll tell you what happened.

    Developer: So what about the same-gender romances?
    Boss: I'd like to have those, they're sort of a BioWare "thing" at this point.
    Developer: Yeah but EA is set on the release date and we won't even have basic stuff like an LFG tool done by then.
    Boss: Okay, fuck it, we'll patch the gay romance in after launch along with the LFG and a bunch of other shit that should have been there from the start. By then we'll be flush with success and resources.

    *Game launches, flops horribly, everyone gets fired*

    New Boss: Huh, apparently we're supposed to patch in same-gendered romances.
    New Developer: We should add them in a logical and organic way that spans the existing planets and storylines.
    New Boss: Ha, yeah right. Our dev team is three people and my office is in the lavatory between two urinals. Just cram it all onto one planet and let's get on with thinking of exploitative bullshit F2P transactions to add. Oh I know, let's charge people for hotbars.

    WUA on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I think a lot of games would like to have "flopped" as "horribly" as SWTOR did

  • The PaulThe Paul Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    WUA wrote: »
    Look man, I'll tell you what happened.

    Developer: So what about the same-gender romances?
    Boss: I'd like to have those, they're sort of a BioWare "thing" at this point.
    Developer: Yeah but EA is set on the release date and we won't even have basic stuff like an LFG tool done by then.
    Boss: Okay, fuck it, we'll patch the gay romance in after launch along with the LFG and a bunch of other shit that should have been there from the start. By then we'll be flush with success and resources.

    *Game launches, flops horribly, everyone gets fired*

    New Boss: Huh, apparently we're supposed to patch in same-gendered romances.
    New Developer: We should add them in a logical and organic way that spans the existing planets and storylines.
    New Boss: Ha, yeah right. Our dev team is three people and my office is in the lavatory between two urinals. Just cram it all onto one planet and let's get on with thinking of exploitative bullshit F2P transactions to add. Oh I know, let's charge people for hotbars.

    That kind of scenario can't really account for what happened. At some point early in development, before there were deadline issues etc, they either decided on no some sex romance options, or simply didn't include it because it never occurred to them.

    They would have had to get a fair ways into development without the intention of including them for the cost relative to anything else to become an issue.

    It's a pattern that appears in a lot of large projects and software in particular. The farther into development you are, the more it costs to add something that wasn't in the original plan. Same-gender romance options would have been pretty much free if they'd been planning on them to begin with.

    Now the situation is that adding them would cost a bunch of money and the game is having a hard time keeping its head above water and they have to justify that spending, etc. That's very much a situation Bioware allowed to take root, though.

    The current team seems to be responding to their current situation as well as anyone could reasonably hope, but there is some blame to be laid regarding how they ended up there.

    The Paul on
  • GilhelmiGilhelmi Registered User regular
    Its not Violent and it promotes safety.

    I Own the AR15 and am shopping for a Sniper Rifle. Because I enjoy the hitting the target from 150+meters is fulfilling.

    Also, IT IS NON-VIOLENT, Target practices.

  • SnowmanSnowman Registered User new member
    Wow, you guys really nailed this one. Collected summations of the NRA's egocentric behaviour and the media's convoluted interpretation of SGR's debut in mainstream gaming. And all while seeding my brain with tantalizing images of Graham's pale, hairy chest.

    You devils.

  • BarthedaBartheda Registered User regular
    Oh shit yeah, take it off Graham.

  • Farmer42Farmer42 Registered User regular
    @Gilhelmi That would be fine, except the NRA has regularly stated that video games are "murder simulators" that "train people how to kill." That's the very definition of target practice.

  • dadeacondadeacon Registered User new member
    @Gilhelmi you need a sniper riffe for a 150+ meters? With a AR15 ? NO you need more practice.

  • WolvenSpectreWolvenSpectre Saskatchewan, CanadaRegistered User regular
    In a "Well, Actually..." Arkham Universe is used to refer to the parallel universe that the Arkham Asylum franchise takes place. Originally it was just a reinterpretation of relatively current storylines, with its popularity, much like the character of Harley Quinn, is being turned into its own parallel universe, with multiple product properties being offered... if you believe the rumours from before they took out the domain.

  • WUAWUA Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Tube wrote: »
    I think a lot of games would like to have "flopped" as "horribly" as SWTOR did

    Yeah every new AAA+ subscription MMO hopes to shed 75% of its users and go F2P within the first year. They're really living the dream over there. Get real, this was the flop that destroyed the AAA subscription MMO as a viable concept. A miserable failure that blackened the names of all involved.

    Wait let me guess, you meant lots of games with a fraction of the development costs and expectations would have liked to have been as popular as SWTOR, right?

    WUA on
  • Black_HeartBlack_Heart Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Once in a blue moon when I am enticed to actually click on and watch Checkpoint by their link image in the hopes it MIGHT be something relevant to my gaming interests, or they may manage to present news in a humorous manner.... I am always forced to tell myself "Gee I really wish I hadn't done that." as I realize I have just wasted minutes of my time.

    Black_Heart on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    WUA wrote: »
    Tube wrote: »
    I think a lot of games would like to have "flopped" as "horribly" as SWTOR did

    Yeah every new AAA+ subscription MMO hopes to shed 75% of its users and go F2P within the first year. They're really living the dream over there. Get real, this was the flop that destroyed the AAA subscription MMO as a viable concept. A miserable failure that blackened the names of all involved.

    Wait let me guess, you meant lots of games with a fraction of the development costs and expectations would have liked to have been as popular as SWTOR, right?

    Ok angry internet dude! Selling 2 million+ full price boxes is a flop! You sure showed me! I'll be over here now, talking to other people!

  • zeteraizeterai Registered User new member
    2 million boxes, knowing that the company gets less than full price, on a game that cost hundreds of millions and is quite possibly one of the most expensive MMOs ever created is a flop, yes. A single shot game selling two million would be excellent, an MMO selling 2 million then having 1.5M of those leave in a couple months is a failure.

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    GUY-den not GAY-den. BAKA GAIJIN!111 (GUY-Jin, not GAY-Jin.)

    RE: Ninja Gaiden

  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    A few points.

    1. SWTOR was developed by a new Bioware Austin studio, but the Bioware founders were heavily involved. This was their baby. So it wasn't like Bioware leadership was somehow different, or they had different values. Bioware tries to be inclusive with all players.

    2. Bioware doesn't just remove gender checks in romances. They write each romance to be unique and hopefully meaningful. If an NPC can be romanced by either a man or a woman, those two romances are written as two separate romances with unique dialogue/blocking/animations for each.

    3. Bioware romances also change with alignment. So if you're dark side and aggressive, the romance plays out different.

    4. For the 8 core classes, there was a male and female voice actor. So they're have to bring back the 16 primary voice actors, as well as tons and tons of actors for the companions and NPCs.

    5. Bioware never once promised this would happen before launch.

    6. It is possible (though this is speculation) that Bioware couldn't simply add SGR into the game without LucasArt's permission given that LucasArts is the publisher. This was actually a point of heated debate (that everyone seems to forget) of whether or not homosexuality exists in Star Wars. One Bioware community manager actually wrote a scathing post that they didn't believe homosexuality did exist in Star Wars, and was pretty offended that some might thing it did. LucasArts may have debated on this issue internally for a while to see how it might affect the brand.

    7. Bioware decided close to launch that they would add the feature, but it would be post-launch.

    8. Subscription rates fell off quickly. The game didn't make the money it was supposed to be. There were massive lay-offs. Features got pushed back. This was just one of many post-launch features that came later than expected.

    9. The media did try to paint Bioware as the villain when they're probably the most LGBT-friendly developer on the planet.

  • UndeadpoolUndeadpool Registered User regular

  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    The game supposedly cost $200+ million to develop.

    They sell 2 million copies at $60, but the publisher is only seeing about $40 of that. The developer even less, but we're talking about the publisher's budget.

    So they made $80 million in retail back on a $200+ million budget. Then they get subscriptions each month, but they're paying to maintain servers, support staff, etc. And they're paying developers to add new features and content, so the budget continues to rise at the same time as subscription revenue comes in.

    The reason it was called a flop was because there were layoffs. No one externally knows how much money the game really made or lost, but we know it was bad enough to lay people off and make a panic move to shift to F2P.

    FWIW, I really enjoy the game and renewed my subscription yesterday after not playing for a few months.

  • Ori KleinOri Klein Registered User regular
    Yeah, Graham, be a man. Show us that fluffy chest.

  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    Anglicized pronunciations of Japanese words are notoriously bad. We don't emphasize each syllable equally. Even the word itself Japan is a horrible bastardization of their actual name, Nippon.

  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    @WolvenSpectre - The rumors are that the next Arkham game is a prequel in the Silver Age that will loop in a good chunk of the characters from the DC Universe. Even if the maps don't scale past the size of Arkham City, they want you to see the next iteration as larger in scope.

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