Hi dont know if this is the right place to post but i was wondering if anyone can help me
Im looking for a old arcade game i used to play in the early 90s. I cant for the life of me remember the name
But it was beatem up style game where you could play as 4 different characters that where all animals.
I remember there was a monkey a cow a pig and not sure about last one but they all had different weapons E.g the Cow had a pitchfork i think
and i think the monkey had shurikans.
Anyway the game had graphics similiar to Tmnt 2 but it wasnt a pure sidescrolling game Cause i remember in the first level you side scrolled a bit then you would
just jump up a massive pyramid like object with tonnes of different lvls to the pyramid fighting guys as you went and once you got to the top the first boss
would be a dude that used lightning if i remember correctly.
I realise my information is very vague and dont really expect results but if anyone knows of something that sounds like this please let me know
as ive been looking for this game for over 8 yrs and gone through 6000 mame roms at least searching.
No... That was a rabbit, 4-armed duck and a human dressed as a ape (cartoon tie-in game as well).
You don't happen to remember which company made it did you? A logo? Might help narrow it down.
Boss platform _____
thats the layout in a nutshell pyramid was more pyramidy and there where more lvls but it was like Double dragon style i guess smaller chars then tmnt but you
had built in weapons not weapons that dropped offa enemies. Also it was a side scroller but from what i can remember nothing was stopping you from
just running past all the enemies and jumping up the pyramid without killing them unlike DD that stopped you and you couldnt proceed till you got the weird
Michael jackson glove with the thumbs up.
I realise im being super vague its just yeh from when i was like 6 a good 25 yrs ago