Round structure:
1. Setup
- Reveal upcoming exhibitions and customers
- Fill up the market (some unsold items may be discarded first)
- Get income (1 gold for 1st and 2nd player, 2 gold the rest)
2. Shopping
- Assign imp groupings. Gold can be added to groups to increase their size.
- Send groups to market or pass (stay home), starting with largest group. Ties are resolved in turn order.
3. Needs
- Place newly bought cages and addons. Pets may be moved between cages at this time. Any pet left without a cage escapes (lost)
- Draw need cards (based on revealed icons on pets).
- Assign need cards to pets facedown. Many cards can be played as a double-need card, but if so both needs must be fulfilled during evaluation.
4. Showing off
- Reveal need cards and evaluate
- Send pet(s) to exhibition (from round 2 onwards). Tally exhibition points based on needs assigned this round. First place score 8 reputation, second place 6, third place 4, last place 2 (you don't get any reputation if you have zero exhibition points)
5. Business
- Each player may sell a pet. (from round 3 onwards; one pet per customer in round 5). Determine match value with customer based on needs assigned this round. Score reputation equal to 2x match value, 3x if sold using imp on platform. Gain gold equal to pet sell value. (customer won't buy if match value is zero)
- Discard all assigned need cards. Discard down to 1 need card of each color in hand. (Potion cards are not discarded)
- Each unassigned imp either cleans 2 poop total from empty cages, or provide 1 gold.
6. Aging
- Pets grow
- Food loses freshness, discard if rotten
- Imps go home (except the ones in hospital and on selling platform)
- Pass first player marker
End of game
At the end of 5 rounds, there are 2 final exhibitions:
Business Acumen: +1 per food, +1 per artifact, +1 per potion, +0.5 points per gold, -2 per imp still on progress or main board
Pet display: +2 per pet, +1 per cage, +1 per addon, -1 per mutation, -1 per suffering, -1 per poop
Score reputation as in normal exhibitions, except if a player has negative exhibition points, he loses that many reputation. Highest reputation points win the game.
Action spaces in the market:
Get a size 3 pet (requires at least one gold in group): 1 slot
Get a size 2 pet (requires at least one gold in group): 2 slots
Get a new cage (requires at least 2 imps in group): 2 slots
Get a new addon: 1 slot
Get both artifacts: 1 slot
Get meat: 1 slot
Get vegetables: 1 slot
Get mixed food: 1 slot
Hospital: 1 slot (pick up injured imps, also draw 1 potion card)
Immigration: 1 slot (pick up imps from the progress board)
Volunteer to judge: 1 slot (+2 to your exhibition points this round)
Book selling platform: 1 slot (imps sent here do not go home until you make a sale. When you sell a pet with an imp on this platform, get more reputation points)
Evaluating needs (in this order):
Hunger: Spend one food per need. One suffering token per unfulfilled need.
Poop: Place a poop token in cage per need.
Play: One imp assigned per need. One suffering token per unfulfilled need.
Magic: Absorbed by cage Antimagic (purple number). For each unfulfilled need, gain one mutation.
Anger: Absorbed by cage Strength (red number). For each unfulfilled need, one available imp may go to the hospital (they are hurt while restraining the pet); Otherwise, the pet escapes (lost)
Disease: Add number of poop tokens in cage and assigned disease need, then subtract by 2. If the result is more than zero, gain that many suffering tokens plus 1.
A potion card can fulfill one need of any color.
If amount of suffering tokens equals pet size, the pet dies (lost)
One mutation token = -2 gold sale value. Can be negative.
Two or more mutation tokens= Pet is lost to another dimension
If a pet is lost for any reason, lose 1/10th of current reputation points.
Card distribution:
Green Deck
16 Hunger
10 Poop (+Hunger)
4 Anger (+Hunger)
2 Disease (+Hunger)
Red Deck
12 Anger
4 Play (+Anger)
3 Hunger (+Anger)
3 Poop (+Anger)
2 Disease (+Anger)
Yellow Deck
12 Play
4 Magic (+Play)
2 Hunger (+Play)
2 Poop (+Play)
4 Disease (+Play)
Purple Deck
12 Magic
4 Anger (+Magic)
4 Play (+Magic)
4 Disease (+Magic)
Books: When you get this, choose one of the displayed color. Draw one need card of that color. You may keep one extra card of that color in your hand for the rest of the game.
Imp of the month: One of your imps count as two for fulfilling needs or scooping poop.
Magic Box: Comes with one mysterious food (can be used as meat or vegetable). If empty, one of your food can be placed inside. Food inside the box never spoils.
Imp Armor: Imps wearing these can increase the Strength or Antimagic of any of your cages by one. Up to two imps can be assigned in this way. (They are not hurt)
Crystal Ball: Before drawing new need cards, you may discard up to three cards and draw the same colors that you discarded.
Long Handled Shovel: One imp can use this to scoop poop during phase 4:Showing Off, even when the cages are occupied.
Whip of Obedience: Gain +0.5 exhibition points each round, except for end of game scoring.
How this works
I am looking for four players to participate. The game is not that difficult, but there are a lot of nuances that are hard to summarize, so please read the rules linked above! I will provide player aids and cheat sheets, and will answer any rules questions.
The other one I'm considering is "Last round's turn order is from lowest reputation to highest".
I agree the rules are a handful, but they're written in a way that makes it fun to read!
Here's the setup for the first round, let's see if pictures can entice more people to play:
Just a daunting task.
I loved the game of dungeon lords getting trounced by Tmojy we played two years ago, I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but getting the right number of people and not playing chaos in the old world seemed impossible. This also sounds awesome.
Hopefully we can get 3 more. Resort to @ harassment if you need to.
Also theres always something about trying to read how to play a game online without having the pieces in front of me that make things tough to learn. Like my brain cant grasp what it cant see.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Progress board start of round 1:
Each player's current cage status (with semi-realistic poop):
Each player starts with 6 imps and 2 gold, before income:
I've also cleaned up the summary in the OP to be more informative and keep the terminology constant.
Just need one more player, then we're good to go!
I've been kicking the idea around for nearly a year myself
Determination of turn order, based on order of signups: 1d100=32, 1d100=100, 1d100=9, 1d100=27
Sir Fabulous will be first player for round 1, followed by 38thDoe, Cerberus, and blahmcblah.
Now while I prepare your initial hand, go ahead and claim colors and/or shop names.[/color]
Well, that last dungeon master didn't last long. You decide you've had it being a lowly minion, and it's time to open a new line of business. How about selling petz? That's all the rage these days among dungeon lords, and you can even - gasp - earn money in the process! And it's probably safe, too.. just look at the itty bitty creatures in the pen, surely they won't be any trouble at all to raise. Right? Well, better bring some imps along as backup, just in case.
Progress board:
+2 points per pet you own, -1 point per mutation token on all your pets
Round 3 customer: Lich Lord
+3 points per color of Disease needs assigned, +1 point per Anger
-1 point per Hunger, -1 point per suffering
Main board:
Drago (size 3, carnivore)
Baby Golem (size 2, omnivore)
Wormie (size 2, herbivore)
Bubl the fish (size 2, omnivore)
3 Strength / 0 Antimagic
1 Strength / 1 Antimagic / 1 Play
0 Strength / 1 Antimagic / 2 Play
+1 Meat
+1 Play
Food available:
Meat stand: 2 meat
Mixed food stand: 1 meat, 1 vegetable
Vegetable stand: 2 vegetable
Crystal Ball (before drawing new need cards, you may discard up to three cards and draw the same colors that you discarded.)
Whip of Obedience (+0.5 to exhibition points per round)
Player boards:
Sir Fabulous and 38thDoe receives 1 gold.
Cerberus and blahmcblah receives 2 gold.
Everyone PM me your imp groupings! Also need your color preference. (red's already taken)
Anger (+Magic)
Do you pick one, does it cover both etc? Just need that bit explaining for me if you dont mind.
Thanks 38thDoe
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Imp Groupings:
Impy and Son's Magickal Extravaganza
1 imp + 2 gold
2 imps
1 imp + 1 gold
1 imp
1 imp
Gary's Pokemon Shack
1 imp + 1 gold
2 imps
1 imp
1 imp
1 imp
Hades Three Headed Dogz Store
2 imp + 1 gold
2 imps
2 imps
Blah's Baby Bestiary
2 imps + 2 gold
2 imps + 1 gold
2 imps + 1 gold
Order of play:
blahmcblah (group size 4)
Sir Fabulous (group size 3)
Cerberus (group size 3)
blahmcblah (group size 3)
blahmcblah (group size 3)
Sir Fabulous (group size 2)
38thDoe (group size 2)
Cerberus (group size 2)
Sir Fabulous (group size 2)
38thDoe (group size 2)
Cerberus (group size 2)
Sir Fabulous (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
Sir Fabulous (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
(Sir Fabulous, you did not specify what to do with your last 2 imps, so I assume they are split into groups of 1).
Starting from @blahmcblah, every player either sends their group to a market space or pass (keep them home). Follow the order stated above
As the order of play is pretty irregular, it would be appreciated if you @ the player after you as a courtesy reminder.
@Sir Fabulous
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@blahmcblah x2
Take Bubl and the middle cage.
Remaining action spaces:
Meat stand
Vegetable stand
Mixed food stand
Volunteer to judge (no point going here this turn)
Book selling platform
Round 1, Shopping Phase continued
Order of play:
Sir Fabulous (group size 2)
38thDoe (group size 2)
Cerberus (group size 2)
Sir Fabulous (group size 2)
38thDoe (group size 2)
Cerberus (group size 2)
Sir Fabulous (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
Sir Fabulous (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
38thDoe (group size 1)
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@Sir Fabulous
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