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(D&D4e) The Divine Future IC Thread

FaranguFarangu I am a beardy manWith a beardy planRegistered User regular
Evolution. The process of transforming oneself, over time, into a new form. A better form. Nature accomplishes this well enough for some creatures, but for others, the process does not happen fast enough. They wish to better themselves, and not in 200 years, not even in 20. They wish to be better now. And they prayed to their gods for this blessing. And their gods listened.

The gods began to speak with these people. They began to fill their minds with divine knowledge, inspiration, courage. It wasn't long before these people began to apply their knowledge given to them. To craft wondrous buildings, to fuse arcane and divine power together to fuel any creations they could dream up. They began to train themselves rigorously, physically and mentally, so that they could continue to prove to their gods that this investment was worthwhile. Despite having every technical and physical advantage to all of their neighbors, they did not expand, crushing all before them. They retained their borders, and focused their attention inwards, towards themselves. Before long, their lands were the envy of all who had heard of them. Flocks of people came to attempt to become one with these strange, fantastic people. And after those with impure hearts were weeded out, they were admitted. Over the course of generations, these people evolved into their peak physical and mental condition. All that was needed now was a name for themselves. They looked towards the sky, saw the streams of light come down from the heavens and reflecting off of their towering monuments to the gods that had blessed them so, and all thought as one.

They were the Luminous.

A naturally peaceful people, often with all the peaceful time needed for self-improvement, which is why it was so strange to see, one day, a robed and hooded figure, wearing the colors of the city's clergy, rushing towards Central Administration...

The Party:

henri.pngHenri Felwynne - An elf that mixes or fixes himself (and any who will pay him) some zesty potions and inventions. Played by Leper.

sharryo.pngSharry Manthunder - Who you need stabbed? Sharry will do it, as long as he gets money he can throw away at the tables. Played by Nabob.

rahger.pngRahger Stoneforger - A dwarf metalworker. So, you know, a dwarf who thinks outside the box. Played by Slayer of Dreams.

krivtoken.pngKriv - A dragonborn that walks around telling everybody that they are nothing more than dirt from the earth. HUGE hit at parties. Played by DevoutlyApathetic.

ivyw.pngIvy Starleaf - A pixie who wants to know everything so she can satiate her compulsive need to know all things. Played by Mr_Rose.

The region:

The rules:
#1 - Story takes precedence over gameplay mechanics.
#2 - I will keep track of all XP, and will inform you when we hit level marks.
#3 - OOC chat is either Gray or goes in the OOC thread.
#4 - AT LEAST one post per day, weekends optional (but preferred).
Battle posts must have: Movements in coordinates from the grid I will give you, COLORED attacks(At-Will in Green, Encounter in Red, Dailies in Gray, Status and lasting effects in orange), damage rolls in red, and finish each post with the name of the next combatant in Lime. Orokos or Mythweavers are fine for dice rolls. We'll be using block initiative: If there are a bunch of you scheduled to go before the next monster, those of you in that block can take your turns in whichever order you like.

For now, the Luminous PCs will post a bit, but before too long (I promise), the setting will move so that the Aronian PCs can get in on the fun. Kriv, Rahger, you can start yourselves anywhere in the city you like, you'll know when you are needed, so feel free to RP a bit.



  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    Don't mind me; just making sure I can find this thread again…

    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    "Durned useless piece o' scrap," the dwarf rumbled as he examined his latest masterpiece, a large name plate engraved with the council member's name that had requisitioned it last week. Lifting his goggles up to his forehead, he leaned close to get a better look at one edge with his good eye, still muttering about inferior metals. The dwarf hadn't been able to use pure silver and gold to craft it due to the nature of it being handled constantly, having the chance of having the piece warp from even the slightest pressures.

    Rahger grinned and grabbed his small chisel and a tiny hammer from his tool belt and laid the edge of the chisel on the name plate and gave it a light tap, just one, with the hammer. He leaned in again and nodded, having fixed the tiny bur that he had spotted. Finally as satisfied as he knew he was going to get with it, he replaced his tools and packed his gear up. "I still dun' understand why ya can't just be leavin' it alone, it ain't like it's a ferret or somethin' that ya gotta be pettin' all tha time."

    The dwarf grabbed one of his magically enchanted bags that suspended its contents in the center of it without letting it touch the bag's material and set it beside the name plate. He looked around for a second, then grumbled and walked across his shop to his large collection of tool boxes mounted on the wall and began digging through them. With a grunt, he lifted the tool he was looking for and stomped back across the floor to the waiting piece and grabbed it up in the set of tongs with a similar enchantment, allowing him to grab items without the fear of the tongs damaging them. He lowered the name plate into the bag and replaced the tongs back into the toolbox, then made his way out of his shop to make his delivery.

    Making his way down the street, the dwarf gave his customary double bang on the door of Bob's rival smithy shop and heard the usual roar from inside in reply. Now in a less surly mood, the dwarf grinned and kept going down the road towards the Central Admin building to drop off the piece. While he didn't think that he needed the fresh air, having been stuck in his shop for the last three weeks, Rahger did feel that he needed to stretch his legs a bit. The mile walk would also let him get some alone time in with his thoughts.

    Finally reaching the building's steps, Rahger started up the stairs but slowed about halfway up when he noticed the people coming and going looking over at something. He looked where they were looking and narrowed his eyes when he saw the robed figure rushing towards the building. "Now wha' in tha world.."

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Kriv inspected the dented breastplate grimly. His expression hardened as he realized he would need help to mend the ancient armor. He could ask Brother Thanton to invoke the Lady’s aid, but his price would be another lecture about Kriv’s eccentricities. The thought of souring the excellent bout he just had with Stephen was enough to move him to speak.


    He began to collect the various pieces of the armor and make them fast into a bundle. He would be without it for a number of days but the memories were worth it. Stephen had knocked him down! A smile spread on Kriv’s lips. A great blow! It had been clever to sneak past his guard yet powerful enough to dent the steel plate. He had thought such a feat beyond his oath brother and was glad to be proven wrong. Stephen would do the order proud, except…

    He had hesitated. As Kriv lay stunned on the floor Stephen had hesitated. He should have pressed! How else would Kriv learn to defend himself in such a position? Stephen had hesitated long enough that Kriv had his feet under him and from then the victor was never in doubt. Pain gave Kriv strength as anger took his mercy and he had driven Stephen across the courtyard. The poor lad hadn’t managed to mount any kind of offensive against his rage. A scowl darkened the dragonborns face.

    “That was unseemly.”

    Kriv buckled on his sword and looked at the bundle of armor. He tightened a strap here, adjusted the lay of some mail there. He swung the bundle over his shoulder.

    “At least you will get to know the touch of a tempering fire.”

    Kriv exited into the street, alone among the crowd.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    The robed figure disappeared into the citadel. No more than 10 minutes had passed before the gleaming face of High Ligate Goetz appeared over the nearest wall. The slight reverberation of his voice confirmed that this image was appearing in more than one location.

    "Good day to you all. We ask for forgiveness for disturbing your evening, but we fear we have discovered a threat to our civilization, our way of life. At this point, we are issuing a call to arms. Any of the citizenry that wish to aid their civilization, please report to The Spire. Please be advised, though; this request will be fraught with peril. We thank you for your time."

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    "Pah, figures. Stick mah head out and right into it." Rahger shook his head and trundled up the stairs, taking his time since he knew he'd be mistaken for a volunteer, though not really regretting that happening. It had been too long since he'd felt the rush of adrenaline of doing something dangerous for a good cause. Smithing was dangerous, but when you had been doing it for the better part of a hundred years, you tended to know what was going to happen with each strike of a hammer or flick of a chisel. He could craft explosions of steam as if he were a mage using no more than a bucket of water and his hammer.

    This would be different, though. The "peril", as the floating head called it, wouldn't be getting a burn on the hand but most likely the complete loss of a hand, if he was lucky. The dwarf didn't put much stock in fate, but he knew a calling when he heard it, so he continued inside and made his way to one of the reception desks just beyond the entrance.

    "'Ere fer tha call ta arms, and I gots a delivery too." He thumped the bag onto the counter and stared at the person behind the desk as if they had their head on upside down.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    The eladrin sitting behind the desk stares quizzically at the bag for just a second, then resumes her work. "I will handle that. If you are here to serve your land, proceed through the door to my left."

  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    A brief aside: I know the timing is horrible, but I will be out of town for a week starting Sunday. I should be able to keep this updated nights, though.

  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    " for your time."

    The crowd erupts into a thousand different versions of the same conversation. A question is on every lip, uncertainty is in every voice, a glimmer of new born fear in every eye. Kriv stands stunned and silent in the sea of his fellow Luminous until he finally realizes what this means.

    "The Lady of Fate guides us!"

    Kriv's eruption of joyous surprise and awe silences the crowd around him. Too late he realizes he had taken no care to moderate his voice and his powerful bass with such an inappropriate emotion had drawn the attention of everyone. He pauses, his face frozen as he tries to think of a way to fix the awkward situation he's caused, when he realizes the best part: He doesn't have to fix it.

    "I will answer the call."

    Kriv strides forward to escape the lingering stares provoked by his unguarded mouth. The crowd, mercifully, makes a path for him so he is not endlessly excusing himself. He hardens himself and moves purposefully to take advantage of this for the short time it lasts but it continues for much too long. Even his voice couldn't carry this far, then why were they still making way for him? Looking on the crowd with doubt he finally knows that he was wrong. They weren't being merciful, allowing him a quick escape. They were being respectful, honoring him for his choice of service.

    Kriv further hurried his step, even more uncertain how to handle this and knowing the only thing he could do was screw it up.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    As the dragonborn enters The Spire, he sees a small stream of people going into a large assembly hall. Assuming they are here for the same reason as he, he follows them, and mills around with the others, waiting for instruction.

    Before too long, a small hole opens in the ceiling, from which a small ball of blue light emerges. As the ball circles the room, the same booming voice returns.

    "Citizens, we thank you for volunteering for this duty. Our familiar here will briefly scan you, and determine whether you will be an asset to this mission. If it shines its light on you, you have been chosen. If not, you are dismissed, with our thanks."

    Over the course of 20 minutes, the volunteers slowly filter out of the room, until only Rahger and Kriv remain.

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    When the orb passed over him and hovered for a moment, then brightened and covered Rahger with light, he grumbled and held his hand up to shield his eyes. After a second of this, he pulled his goggles down over his eyes and looked around the room as the others filtered out, leaving just himself and a dragonborn. With a satisfied harumph, the dwarf walked over to stand beside the only other volunteer to make it through the screening and extended his hand towards him.

    "Looks like we're stuck in it, eh boy? Mah name's Rahger Stoneforger, best metalsmith in the city."

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    When it is clear the light process would take some time Kriv begins to don the armor he's carried all this way. Meticulously checking and double checking all the varied straps and buckles. When the light shines on him he barely deigns to notice, confident that he would be illuminated.

    "Looks like we're stuck in it, eh boy? Mah name's Rahger Stoneforger, best metalsmith in the city."

    Placing the helmet on his head Kriv turns to address Rahger.

    "Yes, you are. I have work for you. Not now."

    Kriv looks around the room, trying to discern what to do next. After a moment he pauses, then takes the dwarves hand.

    "I am Kriv."

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    After the introductions are made, a small section of the nearby wall slides back to reveal Ligate Goetz walking towards you. Tall for a half-elf, he moved more with the grace of his fey origin, although his frame bore the stockiness of the humans. He approaches you, and bows.

    "Good day, my friends. I have a matter most urgent and...unusual to discuss with you. I confess, I find myself almost unsure of where to begin. Best at the start, I suppose."

    He begins pacing back and forth.

    "As I'm sure you're aware of, the Gods descended from on high to impart these gifts with us...but not all of them. There were more than a few that objected, none more than Asmodeus. But their objections were overruled, much to our benefit. Ever since then, they have seethed at their words falling on deaf ears...but now it seems they have acted upon that pent up anger. This morning, our Brother-Historians alerted us that our Scrolls of History have started..."

    He pauses to search for how to continue.

    "...They have started to become blank. The words within simply disappearing. As if our history is changing. After studying the problem for a short while, the brothers discovered that the scrolls were changing all the way back to the Reunification War." The last words he speaks while staring into your eyes, as if those words alone should alert you to their significance.

    History > 15:
    The Reunification War is the catalyst for what eventually became your society. The land was split between two major factions, one led by the Kingdom of Anglova, the other by the Empire of Laonce. After a long, bloody war, the Laoncians emerged victorious, and it was not long after hostilities ceased that the Gods came down from on high, creating society as you know it.

  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Puzzled, Kriv offers no comment to this portentous statement.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Rahger closed his eyes and thought for a moment, recalling the different lessons he was taught as he was raised. He thought over the information that the Ligate had just told them and when it clicked, his eyes snapped open in disbelief.

    "The gods are takin' it away from us? All o' it?"

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    After the Ligate takes the time to explain to Kriv what the Reunification War was Kriv may now read what was in the spoiler, he turns to the dwarf. "That seems the most likely hypothesis, yes. By altering key events, they can prevent our society from forming, and shape this world how they will. Our gods have told us through our commune that they cannot reverse the damage that will be done. In fact, in that time, none of the gods took too direct a role. They did not say, however, that the situation was hopeless."

    His face hardens as he speaks.

    "The gods have told us that they can send a small group back to the time the disturbances are taking place, in the hopes that they can find how the evil ones are planning to alter our future, and put a stop to it. What say you; are you willing to travel across time to save everything you have ever known?"

  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Looking up at the dragonborn's immediate answer to the question, the dwarf's good eye harded into the resolve of one having lived a life of faith and was shown that the gates to his eternal rest were just within reach if only he lifted his hands. Rahger turned back to face the half-elf with a grin.

    "Aye, ya can count me in! I'll be durned if ah be sittin' around on me arse while tha damned ones be messin' wit' mah past! Me and me own worked hard for all we got, and they ain't gonna be takin' it wit'out a fight!"

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    The half elf smiled at the rapidity of the responses. "Very good. Follow me."

    He begins to lead you through the door he entered by, and up a spiral staircase, talking as he goes. "Unfortunately, we have no idea which of the gods are behind this, or how they intend to alter the timestream. The best we can do is to send you back to the furthest point we have been seeing scroll text disappear, which looks to be around 300 years ago, although we cannot be sure."

    As he finishes this sentence, you emerge from the staircase into a small room, packed with arcane devices of which their uses would be foreign to you. Occupying the center of the room are five white, hollow circles glowing in the floor, lined in a row, with a grumpy looking gnome standing in front of them, his robes marking him as a member of the group of Historians. His look turns indignant when he sees you enter.

    "Just two? That's it?!?"

    Goetz ignores the outburst, and turns back to you. "This device, along with the assistance of our beloved ones-on-high, will send you back to the last uncorrupted place and time. We will be able to maintain a psychic link between you two and our foremost Historian, Brother Ignatius here." He gestures towards the gnome, who leaps forward when his name is mentioned.

    "Now listen, and listen close," he says to you. "This link takes a great toll on our psions. We can only maintain it for a matter of minutes at best. You must - and that's in very large print, MUST - find out where you were transported to, and when. Once I have that, I can start trying to figure out what they're up to."

    After Ignatius's briefing, Goetz looks back to you. "Do you have any questions?"

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    "Not a question really, but ah'll be needin' mah gear from mah shop. It's in tha chest under mah front counter, packed into a travelin' bag, if ya jus' wanna send fer it." The dwarf nodded and then glanced over at Kriv, giving him a light elbow in the hip. "Ya said ya wanted me ta do somethin' fer ya? It got somethin' ta do wit' tha dent in yer chest?"

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    "Yes. Do we have...time?" Kriv spends a moment pondering if you can be late while time traveling.

    "This is confusing."

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    Goetz looks slightly ponderous. "...I agree, it is a confusing situation. I don't see the harm in taking some time to prepare your gear for your trip. I would not delay for too long, however."

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Rahger claps his hands and grins up at Kriv, "Perfect! Ah'll only take a minute anyway. Now bend down here so ah can reach ya."

    After Kriv obliges and kneels for the dwarf, Rahger pulls a small hammer from his tool belt and a set of small metal pins which he presses and holds against the largest part of the dent on the chest piece. With his other hand, he lowers his goggles over his eyes and then lowers his head, his grip on his hammer tightening until the leather glove crackles from the strain of his muscles squeezing against it.

    A sound like gravel being moved around in a bucket rattles out of the dwarf's mouth, a prayer in the language of the primal stones his race was born from to his patron god, Moradin, to grant him the strength and energy needed to repair and restore his new found ally's damaged armor. The grinding rocky prayer continues for several moments with Rahger's lips being the only movement that can be seen from the dwarf. As the seconds pass into a minute, he lifts his hammer as though he is standing at his forge, preparing to shape a piece of metal into whatever he desires.

    Finally, the dwarf's head snaps up and he stares directly at the spot beside his hand where some of the metal pins are peeking out and finishes his prayer with a loud exaltation to Moradin. He brought his hammer crashing into the pins on the breastplate with a quiet "tink" that sounded vastly out of place after the finale of the prayer.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    Goetz looked on at the proceedings. "Is...that all you require?"

  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Still staring hard at his hammer and it's lack of interaction with the metal pins, Rahger stayed silent for a few more moments before saying one final word in that gravely language then stood up straight and replaced his hammer on his belt and tucked the pins into a pocket. "Ah'll just have ta fix it tha normal way then. Duncha be worryin', it'll be just as strong as it used ta be, just gonna take longer than ah thought."

    Why hadn't Moradin answered his prayer? the dwarf pondered to himself. He knew that the god had heard him, just as he knew that Moradin heard all of the dwarves' prayers. There was a reason that Rahger didn't know, and he was determined to live up to the expectations that every dwarf knew in his rocky heart: Moradin didn't sit well with those that couldn't do things the hard way when required to. After another moment, he had his reason. Moradin was telling him that this wouldn't be easy, this quest that was laid before him now. Rahger wouldn't be able to rely on any kind of divine intervention and would have to put his trust in himself and the dragonborn before him.

    Rahger straightened up and looked at the others in the room. "Ah'll grab mah gear and be back. Dun be leavin' wit'out me!" And with that, he rocketed out of the building to grab his gear and get back.

    Slayer of Dreams on
    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    Goetz looks to the door as Rahger returns. "Now, please let us get underway. Brother Ignatius?"

    The gnome spins into action. "Right. Now, you two, over this way. Stand right here, and please don't move. This is difficult enough without you mucking it up by twitching. As soon as you find out any details about your location or time, just think my name, then the relevant information. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Now take a breath. I believe this will be quite disorienting..."

    As the gnome speaks those final words, his voice seems to stretch into nothing, and the world seems to dissolve into light. After what seems like an eternity, the two of you open your eyes to a brilliantly blue sky, more so than any you recall seeing for quite some time. You feel as if you were laying on an uneven dirt road. And as you look up, you see a series of faces peering down at you...

    It's time to get the rest of the party in on this. @Leper, @Nabob, @Mr_Rose, feel free to post a little blurb about your activities in this small coastal town the party has found themselves in (of which I will divulge the name shortly), of which it can include seeing the two characters materialize in the dirt.

  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    "Look," proclaimed the diminutive figure flitting about the captain's head "it's simple; I'm trying to get to arronas, you're going there, right? So if you could see your way clear to finding a corner I could kip in, I'd be most grateful. What d'you say? No? Well, maybe I could magic up a following wind or something, how's that? Well?" The look on the man's face was not encouraging, especially when it changed to shocked astonishment… "What? Hey! Listen!"

    Ivy had been trying, with limited success (i.e. none whatsoever), to secure passage north from this town for the better part of a week now, but either the captains were going the wrong way or, as it seemed the case with this latest one, unsympathetic to her need to not spend any money. That said, what happened next was most unexpected… after all, who would think to 'expect' people to start falling out of holes in reality on any given day? Especially when they were trying to get something else done….

    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • NabobNabob Registered User regular
    The ferry finally arrived at the docks, after a very long couple of days, filled with hurling over the railings, and trying not to hurl below decks. Manthunder had always hated boats, but he also knew that putting a body of water between you and your gambling debts was one of the best ways to make said debts go away. Work had been scarce where Manthunder was coming from, and scarce work leads to defaulting on debts... and defaulting on debts leads to finding a new place to call home. Manthunder hurriedly disembarked, thankful to have solid land beneath his feet once again. He rushed down the docks, paying no mind to the man arguing with a butterfly. He was headed to the local authorities, planning to pick up a few bounties so he could afford a bed in this new town. As he started down the dirt road to town his quick reflexes were all that saved him from being crushed by a huge Dragonborn falling out of thin air.

    3DS Friend Code: 3325-2367-6821
  • LeperLeper Registered User regular
    Things had gone badly. Quite badly. As Henri stepped onto the docks from the boat, he couldn't help but consider the circumstances of his flight from home. A workshop destroyed, years of relationships with family and friends dashed, and while he had quietly managed to pull some of his belongings from the smoking ruins, all he could truly call his own was what he carried with him.

    Perhaps it's time to start a new journal, he thought. Maybe more like a book. Something with a dramatic opening...

    'Dr. Henri Felwynne: physician; alchemist. While searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all beings share, an accidental overdose of magical energies alters his body chemistry. And now when Henri grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs. The creature he becomes is driven by rage and wanted for a murder he didn't commit. Henri Felwynne is believed to be dead by those that were once closest to him, and he must let them think that he is dead, until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him.'

    No is going to read that. It sounds ludicrous--well beyond credibility.

    So lost in thought is Henri, that he both misses the equally incredible arrival of the pair and winds up running directly into the half-orc who's jumped into his path. "Pardon me," he manages to murmur before he finally notices the pair on the ground. "Erm... are you two gentlemen all right?"

    If my role play is hindered by rolling to play, then I'd prefer the rolls play right, instead of steam-rolling play-night.
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    Giving up on making sense of the captain's gibbering about holes in the sky, Ivy turned to look at what he was pointing at and, upon seeing the crowd, immediately became more curious and flitted over as fast as her wings could carry her, wondering what was going on with two people on the floor but no-one calling for assistance…

    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • NabobNabob Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Manthunder shot an angry glare at the elf who just ran into him. "Watch yer step elf. We've got some weird weather today."

    He turned to look at the two men lying on the ground, "You two idiots muck up a teleportation spell?"
    Arcana Check: 1d20 17
    Perception Check: 1d20+9 25

    I'm still newish to D&D and non-combat stuff is where I'm weakest, so I'm not sure exactly how to do skill checks. I figured arcana to see if I could tell anything about the spell that dropped them, and perception to see if I notice anything in general about them? Feel free to yell at me if I'm doing things dumb :)

    Nabob on
    3DS Friend Code: 3325-2367-6821
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Heaving himself to feet, Kriv glares around the assembled onlookers. After an initial survey he shifts to place himself between the half orc and his recumbent dwarven companion. Assessing the onlookers for the second time his gaze settles on the elf bedecked with chemical compounds.

    "Where is this?"


    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    "Moradin's beard! Me 'ead!" Rahger clamped both hands over his temples and groaned loudly. The ringing had to stop, if it didn't, he'd have to start killing someone! It was driving him insane. He rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face into the dirt to try and get it to stop, and it slowly relented, allowing him to start to focus on the fact that he was still alive. One more rumbling groan and he could finally think properly again, and he quickly took stock of what condition he was in. Face down, in the dirt, it felt like he still had all his gear, there were voices around him, and he decided he needed to get up and take a look around. Kriv's voice behind him finished his thoughts for him and he slammed his hands to the ground and lifted himself up slowly. Giving his head a vicious shake and sending a plume of dust into the air around him, Rahger looked around at the group of people gathered and gave himself a quick pat to brush off any lingering dirt.

    He started to say something, but decided to let Kriv handle the talking, he seemed to have things under control so far.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    Nabob - That's pretty much the way to go about that; if you want to make a skill check, just say what in general you're checking (what you put up for reasoning is just fine), and I'll say what skill would be required if you don't know, and then just link the roll like you did.

    Manthunder -
    As to what type of spell it was, you have little idea. You can tell it isn't really arcane in nature, though, but more of a divine origin.

    As to the people that fell out of the sky, you are puzzled. They seem reserved, and more polite than you would expect a person from your cultures to be.

    Before the dragonborn's question was answered, a commotion begins to be heard in the rear of the crowd. After some hustle and bustle, a group of humans emerges. They are only marginally better dressed then the rabble around them, and one of them has a semi-polished piece of brass on his breast that you can only assume passes for a badge of authority around here. Wherever here is.

    He looks at the two laying on the ground, and the others crowding around them. He speaks in a guttural slur.

    "What's goin' on 'ere, then?"

  • LeperLeper Registered User regular
    "Watch yourself," replies the elf with equal indignation. I said 'pardon me,' and HE jumped into MY path! ...I think.

    With the half-orc answered, he turns his attention to the dragonborn's question. "You, sir, are in the town of [INSERT TOWN NAME HERE], a coastal port that, erm..." Henri pauses for a moment, suddenly realizing that he hadn't nearly as interested in where he was going as he had been on getting away from where he'd been. He's more than a bit embarrassed by his lack of knowledge about his surroundings, but it apparently isn't stopping him from finishing his thought. "Is a... coastal town with a well-deserved reputation for being a coastal town, as it is, in fact, a town on the coast."

    If my role play is hindered by rolling to play, then I'd prefer the rolls play right, instead of steam-rolling play-night.
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    The constable looks at you lot oddly. "You'd best come with me. Th' Duke of Liogo tol' me to bring any folk wot seemed strange to 'im.". He seems to think that name dropping will impress you.

    An aside: tonight is a late night for me, so don't expect many replies.

  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    Not particularly impressed that the bottom rung of a hierarchy managed to receive an order from the top rung and still slightly miffed by the sailor who wouldn't, interjected "hey, if you want strange folk, you wanna try that guy over there talking about holes in the sky, not these two. They probably just tripped on something, right?" she continued, cocking an eyebrow towards the two newcomers.

    Bluff the guard: 1d20+9 23

    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Kriv scowls while thinking "Brother Ignatius, Duchy of Liogo."

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • NabobNabob Registered User regular
    Manthunder had nothing but contempt for law enforcement, but he had learned long ago that it's best not to resist, at least when there are witnesses, especially since most of his jobs came from local authorities. Even so, he felt he had to offer up some snide comments, just so everyone would know he wasn't happy with the situation.
    "Is it the Duke's policy to round up every new arrival off the docks? 'Cause all I see here is a group of innocent travelers being harassed by thug with a coin pinned to his shirt." He said, staring down the leader of the would-be officers

    3DS Friend Code: 3325-2367-6821
  • Slayer of DreamsSlayer of Dreams Registered User regular
    Rahger rubbed the back of his head and gave the constable a glare that suggested he'd rather do anything else than follow him. He concentrated on thinking, "Ignatius, Liogo" while the rest of the group talked down the lawman. This would give them a few moments to get any further information from their future informants, plus give Rahger another couple of moments to get his thoughts in order about a plan of action. He didn't want to become an outlaw immediately after getting here, as that would hinder their progress more than having to talk their way out of a jail cell. He kept silent, however, and just crossed his arms over his chest.

    Steam: Slayer of Dreams / BladeCruiser / (EHJ)BooletProof
    R*SC: BladeCruiser
    Check out my GTAV-PC custom race tracks inspired by real life racing circuits!
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