The newest game in the Splinter Cell franchise! Not out until August, but some new information has been popping up.
First, we have
this article on Kotaku about how much torture is in the game. This is, of course, because of the discussion surrounding the E3 gameplay demo, where you torture the shit out of someone. Which you did in the last one. And in like Black Ops 1, but I guess this one made people angry this time?
BTW, here's the video.
Oh, yeah. And Sam is voiced by someone else that isn't drunken, old-ass Michael Ironside.
Look, Ironside is cool, ok? But motherfucker is OLD as balls now, and sounds like a shade of his former self. I'm ok with rebooting the voice, just think of it as a a new Bond every so often.
And now we also have some video and information from Adam Sessler.
Personally? I think it looks cool. I am not a Splinter Cell devotee, though. I dig the games and have played them all, but I'm not a super stealth ninja or anything. I just like playing "panther" style, as described in that Sessler video. And I don't give two shits about story line or continuity. Just let me slit some throats and hide in darkness and turn on nightvision and I'm cool. I even liked, but didn't love, Conviction. The Mark and Execute, while too often a crutch, looked bad as shit, and I think that's important: looking like a total badass.
Also it was basically 24 The Game, but not terrible.
What I'm saying is, I'm bummed they've moved away from the Conviction style of gameplay everything. I loved everything about Conviction. There, said it. It was the best game I played that year.
I don't care what anyone says. You are wrong.
Mark and Execute is babby mode and rebooting Sam Fisher to look like a twenty eight year old Jason Bourne ripoff flies completely against the core theme that the series spent a decade building - Sam Fisher as an aging superspy who is forced to somehow hold it together to save the world because no one else can.
Blacklist is just another example of a franchise being dumbed down in order to appeal to a wider audience, because third person action games are hot sellers these days.
I'm a newbie when it comes to SC but I hope this Ghost Recon's Stockade but ten times better. Stockade was wicked but we lost all the players in two months.
@Medium Dave I remembered you made this thread when I went back to the Remember Me (just a coincidence) thread. I'm losing interest in RM.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Bullshit. Mark/Execute turned the game from a tedious stealth game with clumsy mechanics into a fun stealth game where every encounter is a puzzle. The joy was in finding the correct ways to solve it perfectly, using the minimum ammo without setting off any alarms, then doing it again faster, and then maybe finding the ways to break it all while looking awesome.
I love Chaos Theory as much as any fifth freedom loving American, but the game played for shit.
You know, like the unfun don't get spotted at all or you fail stuff.
A while ago they showed the 'perfectionist' difficulty for old-school players.
I need to find the right video.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
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"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Spies Vs Mercs was badass, glad they're bringing it back.
Turns out that even the most amazing, well-trained shooters in the world aren't computer-perfect shots, and in any semi-realistic setting, kicking open a doorway to try and get the drop on 3-4 armed and ready guys with as many shots from a pistol would get you fucked up. Sam Fisher even says as much in one of the ACTUAL Splinter Cell games, stating that doorways are just about the worst places to attack from, yet the new stuff is just like "fuck it, whatever, people want action, not common sense".
Folks like me liked the Splinter Cell games because they had meaty dose of reality that only yielded to game tenets when necessary. Get discovered and have to face off against a half-dozen opponents and you were fucked, because you weren't Hollywood-action-amazing and able to do utterly stupid and impossible shit. The gameplay was about being careful and deliberate, not running around like Bourne on cocaine with ultra-X-ray vision and little need for thought or planning. You were a well-trained human being, not a ridiculous cliche of the modern action-espionage variety.
I'm 100% unhappy that Ubisoft basically shat all over the franchise in order to turn it into something very watered-down and generic instead of just making a separate IP for that. I also don't mind that people like the newer Splinter Cell stuff, but yeah, you've got no ground to say that the new stuff is plain "better" than the old stuff. It isn't even the same franchise, regardless of whatever name they put on it, and as far as Splinter Cell games go, the new stuff is shitty. They may be otherwise-decent games, but they're ass for games that have the name "Splinter Cell" on the cover. The original Splinter Cell games had you doing stuff an actual person could do, rather than having you do stuff another over-done, over-dramatic, over-amped, and obviously-a-video-game-character could do.
Multiplayer seems a lot closer to the Chaos Theory/Pandora Tomorrow MP, though, which were fuckawesome. Looks like it edges too close to more of the Bourne action bullshit, but a lot of that trailer was still VERY reminiscent of exactly how I remember the old, awesome MP. Could be something EXTREMELY worthwhile though, complaints about the franchise notwithstanding.
EDIT: And as a long-time fan of the franchise, I'm A-OK with Ironsides not being the VA, provided they aren't trying to keep going with same continuity. Keep Fisher as a character, reboot the whole thing, and ignore the old games. Trying to keep Old Guy Fisher AND ditching Ironsides would just be dumb, because Fisher would be 56 years old and in no physical shape to be jumping off of ledges and attacking trained killers half his age. If they're going to have a thinly-veiled Bourne-type character, he should at least be the right age, instead of the older Fisher who was deliberately set as old for the role because he wasn't Hollywood-spy.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
2 vs 2 hack and a 5 vs 5 TDM. The latter has that Conquest/Stockade vibe from Future Soldier. Ubi Montreal seems to be doing the MP this time.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
They have different but somewhat similar jobs, and they do them very well.
Conviction was sure as hell a better sequel than fucking Max Payne 3.
Instead, they went the shitty route and ruined one IP so they could cannibalize it to sell another under the same name. Now they've got a Splinter Cell that isn't Splinter Cell and will have the wrong VA for Fisher out of the proper Splinter Cell continuity, which is also dumb.
If they'd had brains, they would've had the new IP from the start and just had new characters instead of shooting the Splinter Cell series in the head and going through its pockets for the easiest stuff they could scavenge. Would've been better all-round, because then they wouldn't have needed to keep Fisher around and wouldn't have pissed off anybody for making a completely different game with a completely different character, then slapping Splinter Cell on the front and calling the guy Fisher.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Second best moment was watching a spy grab a teammate as he ran through a doorway, then the spy turned my buddy towards me to use as a shield. Scoped in, zeroed in on the spy, and shot him in the face over my buddy's shoulder, saving his life and putting the spy down with a headshot. Whole thing happened in about three seconds.
Definitely a wholly unique experience I've yet to see the equal of. As much complete distaste as I have for the current direction of the Splinter Cell series, I could see considering picking this new one up if it has an asymmetrical MP as good as Chaos Theory/Pandora Tomorrow
Buddy system.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
2vs2 and 8vs8 are in.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Also, it looks like spies can get more aggressive with shit like knives, and spy aggressiveness was a major balance issue in both PT and CT.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
This one has more gameplay footage. I don't that the melee kills are so dramatic.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Because...they really needed that.
Sounds to me like they were saying 4v4, not 8v8? Or did I miss another thing?
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
This brings back a lot of memories. Never played it on PC though. Is there still a community?
Look, Spies vs Mercs was awesome, but it was damn hard to survive as a Spy. It was equally as hard to keep aware of the Spies as a Merc. Now we've got Spies who run'n'gun all over the map, jumping down and meleeing two guys from the front "stealthily". Only the Mercs seem rougly ok, though that's hard to judge from few minutes of footage.
Steam ID: 76561198021298113
Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird
Pretty sure multi. and campaign have had different stories. In fact, I don't even think classic spies vs. mercs even really had a story.
Guessing you never played PT and CT multi.?
In the mall level, mercs were tying to release some chemical weapon, and spies were trying to disarm it. A mall actually makes a lot of sense in the SC universe.
as for SvM, the best part of it was that your mic works on proximity as well as your team channel, so you could sneak up on Mercs and whisper "surprise" just before snapping their necks