So my wife is playing Dragon of Atlantis. She loves it. It's a Facebook Free-To-Play game. She loves the fact that she can grow all kinds of different dragons and collects them but the fact that it is Free-To-Play frustrates the hell out of her. She is extremely financially conciseness and refuses to spend any money on it (thank God). But she wants to get all these different dragons and play this game and can't. I keep trying to suggest other games for her to try (like Age of Empires or something) but she wants to dragons. Stuff where you have dragons. I am tired of watching her try to play this stupid game and I swear I am going to buy her something.
It needs to simplistic. She's not much of a "gamer", only the occasional Zelda or Mario game on the Wii or fighting games (she loves those) on the Xbox. It needs to be for either Mac, 360 or Wii (we don't have Wii U yet but if there is some killer game I might consider it). I want to find her something she can play. She doesn't spend a bunch of time on it but usually an hour every few evenings when I'm at work. It shouldn't be extremely hardcore, as she doesn't really like "videogames" or "video gamers"
Can you recommend something? I have no idea anymore. I was thinking maybe Pokemon for the Wii....? Do they have that?
Something different in style, but that might also appeal is the Animal Crossing game for the Wii.
How to Train Your Dragon apprantly has a game out that is pretty much just raising dragons. It's seems VERY casual and possibly not very good but wevs.
It's still in an alpha (beta? I can't remember at this point...) but if it's something she would be interested in, I could probably get her a friends and family invite.
It's also Free to Play, but there are mechanics in the game that let you earn pretty reasonable amounts of the in game currencies for buying some things (upgrades, more space, cheap dragons). The only thing you can't really do are buy the super expensive dragons, but with enough patience I believe it's possible to breed every single non-limited time dragon in the game. Some might take dozens upon dozens of attempts, but you can do it (I think I've got 2 of everything at this point and I've never bought a single dragon, just used the gems (said in game currency) to speed things up now and then and purchase the few available upgrades).
Oh, well, apparently Forar already recommended it, but yes, seconding it!
Shit, I'm probably going to download it now. I love decorating things, probably why I'm so addicted to the newest Harvest Moon. If the wife were addicted to Farmville I'd tell you to get her a 3ds and Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
It was never produced in huge numbers, and it certainly never made it to hit status, but it was a pretty entertaining little RPG where you bred dragons to fight other dragons. Combat is all turn based, marginally more complicated then Paper-Rock-Scissors. When you beat the game it doesn't end, you just unlock two new types of dragons and just keep raising dragons to fight dragons amassing an ever growing array of dragon weapons, dragon shields, dragons and piles of money until you get sick of it.
I remember my brother playing this game. It was very much about catching and raising and such. If an overarching monster theme is not off-limits, Monster Rancher is another monster raising game. It's just that the monsters are rarely specific, so dragons may or may not be common in whatever the newest incarnation is.
@Elin If you like Harvest Moon, have you tried Rune Factory? It's Harvest Moon with the added bonus of going out and killing monsters, or taming and raising them to help on the farm. That along with fishing, farming, mini-games, and an RPG backed story, as well as cooking, forging, and alchemy make it kind of a catch-all RPG/light sim game. In the states it has the subtitle of "A fantasy Harvest Moon" and is indeed made by the Harvest Moon people. There are 3 on the DS, 2 on the Wii, and the newest one on the 3DS.
The fighting in Rune Factory gets in the way of farming and courting. The new 3DS Harvest Moon adds in the town building al la Dark Cloud, and I get a stylist and a tailor shop to play dress up.
Also: Monster Rancher is a very good monster raising/fighting thing. I'd get over the disappointment of no dragons quickly with giant chickens and yarn caterpillars.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
It is NOT about breeding dragons. What you breed is freakishly cute little cat-monkey like creatures and have them evolve their appearance as well as their behavior and intelligence over generations. I played the first one a bazillion years ago, but there's been 2 more since then. You can download most part of the third game, officially, for free - The problem is getting it to run on a modern computer. --->
The 4th one is currently in development. Dev Update ---->
Otherwise... the only thing I can think of is Pokemon. Maybe find a used cartridge that hasn't been wiped clean so that she already has the story mode out of the way and can jump in to catching and training everything that's available (including dragon-types).
I was going to suggest the same. It might not be exactly what she has in mind, but there's a pretty decent chance she'll get a kick out of it. There's also an iOS version out.
You guys are awesome and fantastic and steering us in the right direction! She is kinda excited about playing games that are "fun"...
Unfortunately the last Monster Rancher was on PS2. There was a short-lived Asian MMO a couple years back, but it's dead now.
Which sucks because I'm really jonesin' for a MR fix...
Just chiming in that there is a Monster Rancher for the DS (in English, too). It is quite the decent MR fix for someone who wants to play again. I can also suggest Dragon Seeds as an older dragon game. It was quite a good distraction between Monster Rancher games. :P
It's PS3 only though, but if you have one or access to one it's probably the best thing ever for scratching that itch.
I will mention that my wife plays the Rune Factory games and prefers them over the Harvest Moon games, because be it fighting, farming or courting, there's always something to do. She just got Rune Factory Frontier because we just got a Wii, and she really seems to be enjoying that one a bunch, though the 3D sometimes messes with her head (she's used to the top down interface of the ones for the DS). I have heard less good things about the second Wii RF game, but the first three for the DS are good, and if you start with the first and play through them sequentially, you'll (or more specifically she'll) find new systems and options with each new update.
I will also mention that there are a ton and a half of monster raising games for the iPhone and Android. In fact, Monster Rancher has one on both platforms, called, "My Monster Rancher". I have not tried it out yet, but I do know it exists.
I was going to mention this one. The shopkeeper had huge tits. Also, I liked the Evil and the, umm... What were the inorganic ones? The ones that look like that Japanese god? Anyways, them. There were also mutant Dragons. One I got once mutated into a spider with a kabuki face on its back.
Never made much sense to me when I was playing it that the dragons with a name almost like "Natural" almost all looked like steam powered robot tea pots.
But then I remember that the Evil dragons looked like assorted doors or boxes.
But that's another thread maybe, so let me stay on topic! So, if you have a PS2, seconding Monster Rancher as it is super fun. I am pretty sure it has dragons, as I distinctly remember my super awesome punching rabbit getting destroyed by a dragon in one of the higher tier tournaments.
And there are dragons, amongst other monsters.
Weren't they like coffins and stuff? The other one you unlock were the Spirit dragons. They looked like their parts were made up from different animals. Of course, there were the regular dragon types too. I never could get the hang of evolving my dragon properly before they got too old.
Welcome to my world. Between Dragonvale and Jurassic Park Builder, whenever I have a few spare minutes waiting in line or between reports I open one of them up and see what has bred/cash can be collected/deal of the day is/etc.
If you or anyone else is on IOS and wants to become gamecenter allies, I'll happily do my part to send you the gem per day players can fire over to each other.
It's not a lot, but it adds up over the weeks and months, and again, aside from buying the rare dragons (which are absurdly priced), pushing a breeding cycle up a few hours with a couple gems or buying some of the occasional items that cost them can usually be done without a lot of struggling. You can get up to 1 gem per friend per day (wooo...) and up to 5 per day from a Colosseum (available around level 10 I think? Nothing happens really, you just park a dragon in it for a day) and another 50 or so per month through a special island that has gem breeding dragons, but those are rare breeds, so they can take a while to get. Or you can get lucky and snag one on your first try.
I could also use some more gamecenter allies. Just PM me.