Well, today I was in Zellers (canadian store) for some reason. I found myself bored, so I sauntered over to the electronic department. While perusing the games, I came across a flyer for an amazing deal: 2 Wii games for $40! I was shocked, thinking that they had made a mistake. I asked the front desk person, who confirmed it's legitimacy.
I subsequently bought both Warioware and Sonic for a grand total of $42 canadian.
Tell of your crazy awesome deal experiences!
I also wanted to mention that the new MSRP for Red Steel is now $30. So if anyone was 'on the fence' about it, $30 may be a fair price for picking it up (this is USA).
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I mean... er... competition is great.
It's crazy: buying those games sans deal would have cost over $120 canadian. The only annoying factor was that the game had to previously go for $59.99 (Canadian). At that Zellers, SSX was there, but at $64.99. The only other two games worth getting that I didn't already have were Sonic and Wario.
It's not a port.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I'll take that as a "It's still fifty bucks," then. Oh well.
people aren't having very good luck price matching with this too.
And by win I mean of course $80 dollars saved.
I have 549 Rock Band Drum and 305 Pro Drum FC's