Resources for Starting a New Business?
So, I'm in a position where I'm in the early stages of starting a new business. I have expertise in the field, but of course no MBA for all the new tasks one has when you take the next step up and are on top. I have never written a business plan. Would anyone be able to recommend some good websites and/or books? I've not found anything yet that really seems intuitive or helpful via raw Google searches (aside from the advice that yes, you need a business plan).
Since it will inevitably come up, I'm opening a bar, it's with a friend who has already opened a successful bar, but we need to have a ducks nice and tidy because securing a loan is a likely need.
Oh freddled gruntbuggly...thy micturations are to me/ As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee
Good luck!
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